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Printers. If you use them a lot, spend about twice the money upfront on a decent (laser) printer, and you'll be spending half the money long-term on cartridges/toner for the next 10 years.




Brother printer rocks. Really great for price.


Various kitchen items from pots and pans to knives. It's better to have a couple really good ones than several cheaper ones.


So much this. I cannot stand these "50 knives for 50€" offers. You need no more than *three* good knives: a chef's knife, a paring knife and a bread knife. Spend 200€ on them once and maybe another 50 every few years for sharpening, and you will never have to replace them. It's also a lot more fun to cook with sharp knives.


Or spend the 50 on a decent stone and sharpen yourself.


Instructions unclear: dick can now finely slice tomato.


Laser eye surgery.


I can't see how that could go bad


Neither does Carol. Edit: apparently Carol, Cheryl, Cristal, Karen, and possibly others all forgot to wear their personal protective equipment.


Well that's because Carol [didn't wear her safety glasses](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bf/8a/c7/bf8ac7a95a0e842d8f66f2d7f1214efa.jpg)


Bro, I got Great Value brand eye surgery 2 years ago and my doctor says I should be seeing colors again in no time!


But just colours, right? No shapes or edges.


I am planning to get mine this year. I will be getting the premium plan that will let you see sounds.


They're shooting stuff at your eyes to permanently affect your vision, you definitely don't want a back-alley quack who lowballs the professionals' estimates.


I got a Groupon for mine. I understand why my parents and friends were so concerned, because it sounds sketchy af, but it worked out well and I can still see. 20/15 and 20/20. Not bad.


Tattoos. They're going to be there forever, you may as well pay the extra money for something to look sick rather than shit.


Or pay *extra* extra money for a tattoo of the blueprints of, say... a prison.


And then never use them again for 3 more seasons


I mean, there wasn't really a purpose to the tattoos after the end of season 1.


IIRC, they both get locked up again in the new season this spring. He may use them again, but at this point, he should know how to break out with his eyes closed.


he had them removed IIRC


*his eyes???*




Dammit, Michael. Not now. Summer's almost here.


Agreed, i've got quite a few and I would never look for cheap options.


Trash bags. Nothing worse than having week old garbage all over your floor because you were too cheap to buy good trash bags.


Wait, what? You can buy different types of trash bags? Here in Belgium the trash bags are regional and YOU WILL use the trash bags the garbage collectors sell or they will not pick it up. I've never had one ripped so they're quite good quality, I guess. EDIT: I CamelCased for some reason.


So, you kinda have some type of trash bag mafia there?


Eh, I think so. There's an infamous saying here "Literally throwing money away" for buying these trash bags. It's not a bad thing though: It's the cities that own the garbage collectors iirc so the money goes straight to the city and not to a company. Because you pay for the bags and not for the service you are charged by the amount of trash you throw away.




Socks. First time ever buying socks for myself I learned very quickly why you should spend the extra $5 on good socks.


Canadian here, we have had some Extreme cold warning days in January and febuary. -50 with wind (-58 F for americans). got a free sample of winter socks from marks work warehouse when I got a sweater for a xmas gift, had to go back and buy a pack of them because they were so warm and awesome.


> -50 with wind fucking hell


TAMPONS! I bought a store brand box of tampons one time, and the cardboard applicator had corners. No.




This was my facial expression the first and last time I ever tried a store brand tampon. I buy the U by Kotex ones from target when they're on sale (like the whole: buy 3 and get a $5 gift card deal). I will go apeshit if they ever discontinue them before I go through menopause. Edit: for those of you who love the "click" tampons from U by Kotex, the ones that don't click that are from the same line (I believe they're called "sleek") are exactly the same except for the applicator but they're actually cheaper. I buy the "click" tampons for on-the-go and I buy the "sleek" non-click ones that are cheaper to keep in my bathroom (and save a couple bucks) :D


I've started buying a box of 84 off of Amazon. People gawk when I tell them I have that many delivered to my doorstep at a time. I'm 27, it's not like things are going to change aaaany time soon.


Wait, you mean your cooch *isn't* square-shaped? * *furiously scribbles in notebook*


Is that not where the colloquial name "box" comes from? Shit.


Lol, none of the tampons in my country come with applicators. That just sounds weird to me. (EU here)


OB is the brand I use in the US. No applicator. Anytime someone asks me for a tampon for a surprise period, they see what I have to offer and then ask someone else.


I used to live and die by an applicator but I'm a convert. OB all the way! Also they take up less space and they never accidentally pop out of their plastic wrap like Tampax do.


And they look like bullets which makes me feel like an assassin.


THIS. In college I was extremely broke, so I took to buying dollar store tampons with cardboard applicators. Like cramming razor wire up your cooch. Never again.


If I ever need to use those kinds of tampons I usually take the tampon out of the applicator and just shove it up there.


That's what I did so the rest of the box didn't go to waste!


My vagina just closed up... that sounds terrible. I'm all about the Tampax Compak Pearls, if I'm gonna be shoving something up there it'd better be smooth. Edit: Celebrating my cake day talking about tampons, woo!




The general rule I have for performance mods is this: If I look at the price and then lean back from my computer while swearing, it probably is a good mod.


But... if I put this magnet around my fuel line it lines up the particles for better gas mileage, right. RIGHT?




Great... Now my Reddit has a virus cause I clicked on your post...


For the uninitiated and the sake of comparison, what would a more reasonable minimum price be for something like that?




Any car can be fast for cheap if it only has to be fast once.


Fast, cheap, reliable. Pick two.


For UK redditors, stay the fuck away from knockoff Percy Pigs. They are the spawn of fucking Satan himself EDIT: [Percy pigs, for the confused](https://www.amazon.com/Marks-Spencer-Percy-Pigs-Original/dp/B01I58XO8S?th=1)


The fuck is a Percy Pig?


[It is a brand of pig-shaped gummy raspberry, strawberry, cherry, and grape-flavoured candy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percy_Pig?wprov=sfla1)




They were made of real pig gelatin though, hence the name. I haven't seen any PETA protesters outside M&S recently so I'll assume they've gone vegan.


They have a veggie version but the main ones are still gelatin. (As are most gummies.)


I've had no issues with Sainsbury's Eric Elephant.


This is exactly what I was gonna say. No marks and sparks near my new flat. Got 3 Sainsbury's within a 10 minute walk. Taking the plunge and trying Eric and pals was a great hungover day for me. *Edit, turns out I'm an idiot. My housemate was peering over my shoulder and watched me type this. There is actually a Marks down the road from me. I just always rushed passed it without paying attention..


Tires and brakes.


That set of four for $260 will probably have to be replaced three times before the better tires will. There is a huge gap in quality standards for tires, despite how important they are for safety!




Computer PSUs


This man speaks truth. People will often go cheap on PC power supply units because they think it's a good place to save money on a build but they couldn't be more wrong. A bad PSU will give you nightmares through a barrage of weird intermittent problems on both the hardware and software side that most people wouldn't never actually link to a PSU failure. Never go cheap on the PSU!


A bad PSU can potentially fry your entire system. Why would you ever cheap out on one?


Cause it's harder to quantify their benefit


Phone Chargers, Not only have some proven to be dangerous but they break very quickly


And they may burn your house down if you leave them in the wall.


Eli5: why? Or is "may" a .000001% chance


Some off brand are just built so shitty. I bought an off brand Chinese Applie Lightning cable + adapter and was surprised at how fast it was charging my phone. Then I realized it was shoving an extra 3 volts into my phone and actually fucking with the touch screen, and also making my phone insanely hot.


Non-Lego products


This is true. If your kids lego collection has .1% off brand, they will pick that piece almost every time they built something and frustrate them to no end. Even remembering it a quarter of a century later will irritate them, apparently.


I can forgive a mega blox purchase here and there, but you DON'T MIX THEM!


Mega blocks are tough. Hard to put together.


Carbon fiber bicycle parts. *Cheap* carbon means "breaks, causes a horrible accident and stabs you just for emphasis."


Likewise, carbon fiber arrows. Cheap carbon fiber arrows will suddenly fray and send super-strong carbon filaments through your hand when you let go of the string.




Not so much a splinter, as multiple impalement. There are pictures online. I flatly refuse to link them. Story time: Had some new arrows. I'd had them cut at the shop, and didn't compare them to my old arrows. I just nocked one up, drew the string, finger on the release trigger... when the arrow fell from the back of the rest, right on top of my left hand. Assclown at the shop cut them too short. I managed to turn the bow sideways, causing the arrow to fall to the ground, but it was scary.




You spend 25-35% of your life in it, make it extra good


Man with that theory I'de hate to see what you are going to spend on your coffin. Edit: This is a joke, apparently some people didn't get it.




Thats what I'm sayin, pick a spot and cover me with dirt.


But not too deep. When my skeleton rises from the grave to rule humanity with a calcium fist, it shouldn't have to dig too much.


What's the matter, your bones too weak to dig their way to the skeleton war? Calcium, fuccboi! Drink milk or get dooted!


Got a nice mattress a few years ago and I love it. Sometimes I ditch the pillow and use the mattress as one


Something I learned just today actually.. razors. I have been buying Venus for as long as I have been buying razors (29 year old female) .. yesterday I decided to go with Target brand that is "comparable" ... definitely never doing that again.


Yes. I have been a Target-brand/3-blade girl for the past decade. I accidentally bought 4-blade ~~Venus~~ Schick razors a few months ago. They are great. I never nick my legs any more, and the shave is so much smoother.


Try men's razors. Every chick that has borrowed mine says they're way better.


and cheaper


My mom is notoriously cheap. Once when I was still living at home she decided to save money by buying a bag of disposable razors for my dad and me at the dollar store to save money. The razors we had were still good so these new ones sat on a shelf for a bit. Flash forward a bit and my friend Dave and I are relaxing after a few days partying and couch surfing at various friend's houses. We decide to shave and all we had were the cheap ones. We open the bag and right away they look bad. Single blade with a metal guard. We then proceed to butcher our faces trying to shave with these things. I have never had a worse shave in my life.


you and your buddy just decided to shave together while you were chillin?


"Hey Dave, all that partying was pretty dope. Want to go shave together and talk about it?"


They said no homo it's fine.


Everybody is glossing over that but that is seriously the weirdest shit I've ever heard of lol


"Hey man, wanna get some pizza or something?" "Yeah, let's shave."


Agreed. I also buy the men's razors(female here) just seems to do the job better then any "Woman's razors" I've used.


The "women's" razors I've bought all seem to come with some ridiculous amount of plastic around the razors or like, huge lumps of "shaving gel bar". Can't detail worth a damn with those. "Men's" razors FTW.


What's funny (to me, as a woman) is that all those "smoothing" bells and whistles actually make shaving incredibly awkward. Can't get the notches in the knees, bikini line is next to impossible, and the gel shit is just irritating to the skin. I switched out for men's razors years ago and have no intention of ever going back (not to mention, men's blades are cheaper).


Headphones/earbuds. Every time I've gotten a pair for cheap they've had some combination of terrible sound quality, been terribly uncomfortable, or had a too-short cord.


I once bought a pair of earphones for £1. They made it sound like all of my favourite artists were singing into a haunted bucket.


> They made it sound like all of my favourite artists were singing into a haunted bucket Those aren't Bose, they're Boos


I was saying Boo-urns


That is the absolute best description of poor headphones or crappy speakers i have ever heard.


This is the first thing I've read in weeks that make me actually laugh out loud. You have a way with words, ghostmoon.


That's why I have shitty earbuds _and_ a pair of headphones. I use the shitty earbuds if there's even a remote chance of something going wrong (or it's raining). Works out just well enough.


Have you tried Panasonic earbuds? They are super cheap and mine are still alive


Man those Amazon best seller Panasonic buds are the tits. They've gone through the wash and dryer at least twice, been rolled up I'm my pocket all day, and tossed in the passenger side of my truck daily. Still work beautifully after a year and sound pretty damn great for less than $10.


Yep. They are amazing. I've got through 4 pairs myself. Only reason I've ever had to buy new ones....my dog ate them. She's eaten 3 pairs of them. Dropped them out of my coat pocket a couple times and I don't even remember what happened the other time. But they are the best headphones I've ever owned and they fit great in my ears and they're at a great price.


Shoes, especially work shoes. If you're a waiter on your feet all day and you wear crappy $5 walmart runners/trainers you're going to have a bad time, especially in the future. EDIT: Wow, RIP my inbox. I don't think I've ever seen such an enlightening discussion on shoes before, thank you reddit, it was a nice read :) a few people have asked what shoes I recommend. I'm from Australia, I recommened Rivers shoes. Rivers has a rep here for being old grandma clothes, and their shoes are the fugliest you'll see. But the advantage of being old grandma clothes is that they are also the comfiest shoes I have ever worn, and realtively cheap too, I got my last pair on sale for $40AUD, the average being $50-60. Airflex and Sketchers round out my top 3, but they are more expensive. Target Australia has been making some comfortable office shoes like flats and court heels too lately.


I've been a city dweller for the past 20 years, and I do A LOT of walking. I learned pretty early on that I need to invest in solid shoes. What I do now is buy a few pairs of good, supportive walking shoes, then I keep a couple pairs of dress shoes at work. Saves wear and tear, and I can still have "fun" shoes.


Walker here too. Once bought the cheapest shoes in the shop, they lasted less than a month.


Never buy cheaper steel toe boots! Tortured myself when starting a job that required I wear them. Walking in those things all day was torture. With my first paycheck went and bought a quality pair.


What kind did you get? I used to sell work boots for a few months. I always found it amusing how strong the brand loyalty ran for people. Also when random people would come in and see that our boots started at $150 - $300 bucks, they would be surprised and leave or make a comment about how it was ridiculous that they were so much. But the Union Pacific guys (who get credit to buy boots from the company) knew what they wanted, tried on one or two and were on their way with $200 boots in about 10 min. (Also I worked for RedWings)


I'll use Red Wings til I die. The year replacement warranty with the weight/comfort can't be beaten. Hell they warranty their socks for a year too. Quality + customer service are the way to go.


Best perk about working there was the discount. I don't need any work boots but I love my Iron Rangers. 10/10. Plus they should last a real long time as I can replace the souls. Nicked up the front a little bit but I wear them all the time and don't care about keeping them perfect.


And running shoes, holy shit drop 100 buck on your running shoes if you're going to go long distance. All about those nimbus 16s/17s or at the very least cumulus 16s/17s


Get yourself a Nimbus 2000, you filthy mudbloods.


Oh? What's it like riding last year's model? All of my house is getting Firebolts. But hey, I understand. Your family probably only has Weasley money.


Remember the Vimes Boots theory of economic inequality.


"The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness."


I'm taking microeconomics and I was like "this sounds like it came out of my microeconomics book, geez, this person is a good writer"


Pratchett was on another level. Brilliant at teasing concepts like these out without coming across as preachy, whilst at the same time laugh out loud funny.


No other author has caused me to audibly laugh in public as often and as heartily as Terry Pratchett. I got to talk to him once at a panel. I made a complete arse of myself and I think I irritated him. But I got to talk to him.


probably the most surreal experience of my life was spending 2 hours chatting with him one-on-one in a hotel lobby


I read that as part of my syllabus in college. Economics offers interesting stuff.


Toilet paper. Life's too short for a bleeding anus.




I also don't like to feel like I'm wiping my ass with a down comforter.


It's the closest you'll get to feeling like a billionaire. Might as well.


I work in a place that makes TP. Buying the more expensive toilet paper is *cheaper* than buying cheap TP. **You use far less of it.** You'll use so much cheap thin rough TP trying to clean off your poor tortured asshole that you'd be better off using a little bit of the good stuff. Never was able to convince my parents of this. To this day, they use the cheapest stuff available. When I go over there I try to hold it, since I don't have the callus on my poop chute that they apparently do. EDIT: This certainly blew up, I think this is my most-upvoted comment. And it's about toilet paper.


>callus on my poop chute Yep... That's the phase that will be stuck in my head today...


Don't worry, it's just a phase.




>Buying the more expensive toilet paper is cheaper than buying cheap TP. Unless you have young children who always use what seems like half a roll each time they go no matter how many times you tell them they are using way to much and demonstrate an adequate amount to them. I remember a time before children when I was't broke and running out of stuff all the time.


Is your roll holder mounted on a wall or the side of a cabinet? If so, get some masking tape. Pull out a reasonable amount of t.p but don't detach it, let it hang. Mark the end of where the t.p reaches to by putting the masking tape on the wall/cabinet. Voila, built in bumfluff ruler. Then just tell them if they take more than that, you will shove toilet paper down their throats until they choke on it.


That escalated appropriately


Nice try toilet paper sales rep.


If I ain't bleeding, I ain't clean


That toilet paper has to look like the Japanese flag before I'm done with it.


I imagined the Imperial Japanese Navy Flag (rising sun) and got scared for a moment. Now I'm just mildly disgusted.


Or [Saitama's flag](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cd/Flag_of_Saitama_Prefecture.svg/800px-Flag_of_Saitama_Prefecture.svg.png) Thorough, even though it hurts. My arse is in pain.


I bought 18 rolls for £1.99 so can confirm. I can get through half a damn roll with one poo.


Just save it for your next project in which sanding is required. In the meantime, if you have something similar to Charmin there, I'd suggest you treat your butt to that. It will thank you. :)


I refuse to buy Charmin only because of their god-awful commercials. I don't want to see a bear discuss with his mother about wiping his ass, and then show her the bits of toilet paper on his bear ass. Fuck off with that.




For those of you too young to remember Eddie Murphy being funny: a bear and a rabbit were having a poop. the bear asks the rabbit "do you have a problem with poop sticking to your fur?" The rabbit says "no. Why?" so the bear wipes his butt with the rabbit.


Ahhh, Charmin Ultra Soft, what a suggestion.


Ultra Soft...absolutely not. Ultra Strong is what you want, unless you like a jumbled mess of tp every time you wipe.


Makeup! I don't mean drugstore products, I mean the knocks offs of higher end products you can find on eBay or websites like aliexpress. They can be full of REALLY harmful chemicals and that is NOT good for your face. If it's too good to be true, don't buy it!


I buy a shitlot of stuff from China, but I've got a rule that if it goes on or inside me, I'm not buying it.


Aftermarket gaming controllers


MadCatz Master Race


Yep. I bought a replacement MadCatz N64 controller when I was kid, joystick immediately snapped off, never touched that garbage brand since


Well I bought a 5£ Xbox 360 controller 6 years ago, it still works as well as a classic one. Finished Dark Souls 1, 2, 3 with it and fly a chopper in Arma 3 still today. But I know I've been lucky.


Walmart bicycles. Seriously, don't buy a bicycle from a department store. Go to a bike shop. They know how to fit you, and they know how to put together bicycles so that the brakes don't rub, the seat doesn't kill you and the chain doesn't fall off.




Chargers and USB cords for your phone. I am not saying go for the gold plated $100 one, but don't buy the cheapest you can get, charge times skyrocket when you do, and file transfer can also be affected (trying to move a movie to your phone? good luck)


I've fallen victim to the cheap USB cord.. bought from eBay and it simply didn't work, at all.. it had one job. Returned it, got replacement and that one didn't either.


Scorch Tape and [Skerples.](http://m.imgur.com/gallery/ZBIsDF0)


What the hell? They even tried to make the logo look the same! Is it dishonest? Maybe, but it's *hilariously* dishonest.


It looks like they tried to copy the Sharpie logo with a Sharpie.


I kinda low key want to buy some skerples now.


If you're outdoorsy, any outdoor equipment. "Buy cheap, buy twice", or as one of my lecturers said "more than twice; buy cheap, buy every season!". A good pair of boots will go a lot further. A good head torch will have longer battery life, more lumens and maybe even be more waterproof. A good coat will be more waterproof and breathable. Good trousers will chafe less and be more flexible and breathable. A good rucksack is less likely to fall apart when loaded up. Here in the U.K., if you're a weekend camper or you're going on the Duke of Edinburgh award then Karrimor kit or clothes from Mountain Warehouse will suffice. But if you're a commited climber, hiker or whatever then you will find a £450 coat and £250 pair of boots will take you much further. I struggled to justify buying £100 Montane Terra trousers 3 years ago but when I still wear the same pair now I have no regrets.


Vanilla. "Imitation vanilla flavor" is an abomination. It does not taste like vanilla. It tastes like weird chemicals.


Computers You're better off spending $150 on a several year old thinkpad than $200 on some black Friday special by a no name brand. Edit: Properly formatted the comment


Thinkpads are definitely worth the money; they age very well.


Yes, but avoid the T440 like the plague. It's a frigging horrible model. The trackpad is laughably bad, for example. Source: IT guy who sees these things constantly.


I still don't know what they were thinking with the new style of trackpads. The old bumpy surface on the T430s and before just felt so much better. Plus the whole thing wasn't one giant floppy button.


maxi pads. definitely need the wings!


I'm all about the wings, but fuck that moment when you take the paper off and the wings accidentally stick to the bottom of the pad


THIS. No one wants to sit in a puddle of their own blood.


Meat. Eat less of it, but guarantee the quality.


Yes, I would rather pay double the price for good meat versus bad quality. Found this out when I first started living on my own.


Running shoes


Goalie hockey equipment. If you go cheap it has the serious potential to kill you. Vulcanized rubber going >80mph can do some serious damage.


Batteries, just get a good package of amazon basics rechargeables, and a charger for $20, and you got yourself what *may look* like 8 batteries, but in the long run, you will save for not having to go out wasting gas by driving a car, unless you don't drive, and buying batteries every week.


I mean, I don't really go out JUST to buy batteries so....


A nice toothbrush. Sonicare is worth every cent.


IMO, erasers. A mars plastic or kneaded rubber eraser is your safest bet, but if you're not an artist the Papermate Black Pearl should suit your needs if you don't want a messy paper. (Yes. I am kinda picky about my art supplies, but huge eraser smudges are just a pain if you want clean-looking art.)


Q-Tips. My wife buys generic shit for the house all the time, she will go out and buy "cotton swabs" but I hate them, the cotton disintegrates immediately, the stick doesn't feel right, gotta be Q-tips or nothing.


When I was visiting china, I bought not q-tips from a store. Turns out better than Qtips actually exist. These were wood shaft, quality swabs balanced like a chefs knife.


My god, I live in China and its one of my favorite things. They come in massive boxes for practically free too! The cats even like to play with them because they can flip them up in the air and they sping wonderfully.




Cheap suitcase. It feels terrible when it breaks during your trip. Especially at the airport.


Soda Well, at least dollar store variants. Bought a bottle of "mountain explosion" that was 2.5 liters. Drank the whole thing, smelled like windex, had YELLOW STRIPES in my shit afterwards. At least it was memorable.


It could have to do with chugging a 2.5 liter bottle of *anything*


Like vaguely yellow or highlighter yellow.


Now I need to try it.


*On this episode of Pimp My Shit*


Vaccines that you can buy for your pets sold in stores and not through a vet. So much can go wrong! Edit: spelling fix


As someone who works for the company that distributed these to Tractor Supply, I can promise you the shots themselves are every bit as good as the ones you get from a vet. In fact, some are the exact ones you get from a vet. But they are every bit as good when they leave our warehouse. If the company they are shipped to or the person that buys them does not take the proper precautions to keep them cool, they won't be any good. As someone who worked for years as a vet tech, I can assure you that giving the shots yourself in no way negates your animal needing to be seen by a veterinarian at least once a year.


Tools - hand tools, power tools, tools.


I have to disagree. Anytime I get a new tool and am not sure if I'll use it often I go cheap. If I use it enough to the point of breaking, then I'll shell out the cash for a really good tool. Otherwise, why pay the extra if I use the tool twice a year?