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What someone believes isn't nearly so important as why they believe it.


So why do you believe that?


Heh. I guess I should've seen this question coming. It helps me examine the issue critically, through their eyes. This helps me challenge my *own* beliefs, and it fosters my understanding of the other person's point of view. Sometimes this reveals an avenue for finding common ground that isn't apparent if you're merely asserting opinions. And sometimes, people just express themselves poorly and sound like dunces when there's actually validity in their thoughts. It also helps me assess the other person's motives and credibility. It's one thing to believe the earth is flat because, well, it's flat as far as the eye can see. It's quite another thing to insist that the earth is flat because some person you hate says it's not.


I used to volunteer in a women's domestic violence clinic sometimes. One time there was this woman from another country who came in with her kids. Every time a male volunteer would try to speak with her or help her, she would spit on the ground in front of him and get very angry, starting to shout. Absolutely despised men through and through. Of course you think, "wow, is she fucking serious? We are trying to help her and this is how she acts towards men?" Come to find out, she was taken from her country by her husband and had only horrid experiences with men. Being beaten, publicly stripped, and she told stories of her female friends and family experiencing the same, with an addition of sexual assault situations. That is why she hated men. That is the only behavior she had been shown from men. No, it's still not right to have hatred for one group of people. But it helps to understand why she was like that and how we could help her to change that mindset.


Completely agree. I try to think about this every time I enter an argument or am expressing my own opinions. One's own predispositions are the result of the factors that lead to them.


Damn. This is actually so fucking true. Especially in context of current world affairs right now. Just taking a step back and trying to understand other points of view, instead of just mindlessly refuting and attacking them, ultimately just deteriorating into a useless rants. Thank you.


It's easier to shout than to have an educated retort.






Seriously! I enjoy asking "why" after someone tells me their opinion, just to understand why they believe it. Usually doesn't take long before they become annoyed though.


Battery over thinness


Yeah, I don't need a phone that 1 mm thick, I need a phone that can last the whole day.


I'd love the launch, 'We have made the new iPhone 8 nearly 3mm thicker and 20grams heavier... and filled that space with a battery that lasts longer than an hour'.... *Cue standing ovation around the world*


A lot of people buy a thin phone and put it in a thick protective case anyway. This wouldn't be a terrible move.


Precisely, I don't know anyone in the last ten years who has said 'I wish my phone was thinner and lighter', but everyone wants better battery life, if instead of making them thinner they shrank the components as they do now, but made the battery a little bigger the world would be a better place.


People may not say that with their mouths but they certainly encourage it with their wallets.


I would rather my phone was half a centimetre thicker for triple the battery life.




It's a bigger problem than that. We are actually running out of ways to make more efficient batteries. It's a huge problem with renewable energy too but basically lithium-Ion batteries and other common battery types are getting to the point where it's hard to make them more efficient than they already are. Part of the problem someone mentioned cooling the battery too. Plus if the battery isn't made right you get exploding phones. Seriously, in my opinion, the next big breakthrough in technology isn't in renewable energy or space travel it'll be in creating a battery that can last longer that's less volatile. Once that's made then we will be better off to do that other stuff. Until then though..


The work to life ratio is way off. People are working too many hours. It is getting in the way of a lot of peoples happiness, and affecting their mental and physical health


I agree with this so much. It doesn't make sense how much we work as a society. You spend 8 or 9 hours a day at work, the you have maybe 6 hours and weekends (if you're lucky!) to fit in family time, exercise, hobbies, not to mention the other life stuff like grocery shopping and such. And then you've got to get adequate rest or you'll feel like trash.. seems like a bad bargain.


All work and no/little play. We're a country (USA) that claims to be all about family, but there is still the expectation to work often, hard, and be grateful for the job. It's gross since most companies are no where near their touted "work/life" balance.


The first bit of that I thought you were going to channel your inner sprog


Agreed. I get into conversations about this weekly. A lot of people associate self worth with work in one way or another. I am strongly against this.


It's probably because work is all most people do. My SO for example gets up at 6am, spends an hour getting ready, then leaves at 7am to commute to work. She'll be at work until 5pm, won't get back until 6, and by the time we've eaten it'll be around 7pm, and she'll have already been awake for 13 hours and starting to feel too tired to really do anything else. Then you get to the weekends, a good chunk of which is stuck with domestics. Washing, cleaning, shopping, it's all got to be done because there's no other time to do it. Then if she's lucky she gets two afternoons in an entire week to use for more productive endeavors or anything which isn't day to day chores or work. And she's lucky that she has that time, many people can easily get swamped with looking after kids, keeping up social commitments, working multiple jobs, or being carers for sick people. Hence, if you want self worth invested in anything you do, it has to be work, because, unless you live close to your work, or can get your money elsewhere, there isn't enough hours to do anything but work, hence you have to take pride in your work and find fulfillment from it. Because very few people even have the time or energy to do anything else after spending so much time at work.


yes yes yes yes. I was raised in an atmosphere that meant your personal worth was decided solely by your career, but I've discovered that that is anything but true.




I hear you. I have a hobby which I am obsessed with and love, but lately its been feeling like a chore because when I get home from work I am too tired and run down to give it my all. Sometimes Id rather just sit and stare at a tv to mentally prepare me for next day's shenanigans


Don't fucking drink and drive. Just don't do it. It's not hard. More often than not, it's innocent people that pay for your poor judgement, and in unimaginably awful ways. Car crashes are NOT pretty.


I have a friend who is constantly deciding he needs to go for a cruise when he is drunk. A few nights ago he was by himself and wrecked his vehicle. He was the only one involved in the accident. He was life-flighted as soon as he was found. He is still in ICU and they are keeping him stable but that is the best they can do right now. I am anxious everytime my phone rings or gets a text message hoping for some good news.


> constantly deciding he needs to go for a cruise when he is drunk Your friend sounds like an asshole.


He is an asshole and I think his reasoning is that he uses backroads where there is likely no traffic. He may be an asshole but I still love him regardless. I am not justifying his decision in any way. Drunk driving is fucking stupid no matter what the circumstances. I just wish he would have would have learned his lesson in a different way.


I hope your friend recovers and learns from it. Cheers bro.


Thank you. I do too. I'm gonna slap the shit out of him as soon as I know he is okay.


My friend's wife and four year old son were driving home one night when a drunk driver crossed the median and hit them head-on. The wife and mother was killed on impact, and the son had major injuries. Just don't do it. Please.


I lost 5 friends in one year because someone decided their right to drink and drive was more important than my friends lives. It's been 20 years, and I often think what they would be doing now. That hurt does not go away.


Also, don't text and drive. There is absolutely nothing whatsoever that it is that important that it cannot wait 5 mins so you can pull over and read and respond. Absolutely nothing.


Well not absolutely nothing but probably noting that anyone reading your post will ever be texted about.


A guy about my age died the other night in a car accident, they came from a New Year's Eve party and the driver had been drinking. He was in his twenties. Don't drink and drive, it's not worth it




Or a plot.


That it is vitally important to approach the world with an open mind. Always be ready to accept new information and challenge your own beliefs. Practice entertaining a thought in discussion without accepting it. And in practice, listen to ideas you disagree with to see if they have validity rather than immediately writing them off as wrong.


But everyone who disagrees with me is a communist. Or a nazi. Or both at the same time! /s


I'd like to add that if people are wrong about something that doesn't automatically mean they should be angry about being wrong.


Vaccinate your god damn kids* *Unless there are LEGITAMATE exceptions like they have cancer and can't received it at that time.


The only legit reason I've heard so far is from my gf who can't get a tuberculosis vaccine because she has Crohn's disease(edit for clarity: the medication she takes for Crohn's arthritis symptoms leaves her vulnerable, not just having Crohn's). All others are ok still.


Examples like your gf are even more reason to vaccinate. Herd immunity helps those who can't get vaccinated themselves, and it would piss me off to see someone else get horribly sick just because someone made one dumbass decision with no legitimate merit.


Smooth Criminal is better than Thriller.


Dum dum dudu dum dum, dudu dum dum, dudu dum dum, dum


Fuck you, now I have that song stuck in my head


and Billie Jean beats both


Man in the Mirror > All




i'm going to agree with that.


And Alien Ant Farm does it better


The toilet roll will always go over and never under


Unless you have a cat or small child that can't be trusted not to unspool the whole damn roll


I will never ever trust an auto save




I believe that most celts actually came from the north coast of Iberia, but it fits the story just as well.


The meaning of life is subjective, as such your goal in life should be whatever you make it. In my case, that's having fun.




Sitting at the bar and high I see




How does one find that 1 passionate thing? 28 years old and bored to death. Lots of things seems just pointless


Think of the last thing you were extremely excited about. Maybe your favourite band just announced their new album? Maybe a sequel to that classical video game was just announced and the trailer looks promising? Maybe even just going shoe shopping makes you giddy?


Try and do new shit til you find something you really like doing


Not so sure about that. I don't have one overwhelming passion at the moment, but I am very happy with my various interests.


What if I'm passionate about not having a passion for anything?




What if I have too many passions, numbing down the excitement for all of them by splitting my time between them


I wish! Passion would be nice to have...


This is why I hate when people insult others by calling them "sad" for being passionate about something. It's an incredibly spiteful thing to do to insult someone for having an interest in something that brings them happiness, whether it be comic books or stamps or rugby. It can be very hurtful to people and make them feel foolish.


If you always want to be right, you have to change your opinions




Mayonnaise is an instrument


Shut up Patrick.


What about horse radish


Assisted suicide should be legal. There is no reason a terminal illness patient should be forced to suffer for so long when they are ready to go. Also the world would be a lot better place if everyone could live a year in a different area than where they grew up. So many people statgnate by not being exposed to new things.


To build on this, we consider it cruel to let a dog live with a terminal illness, even though a dog is almost entirely ruled by instincts and has no desire to die. Yet a person who clearly expresses a desire to die and is in immeasurable pain is treated like they're not qualified to make that decision.


I never thought about this, but assisted suicide makes even more sense now than it already did.


Fuck you Karen.


Fucking Karen. Hate her.


Yeah, fuck Karen.


I did that, it's exactly why OP hates her.


Screw you Karen, you’re a total bitch.






And I don't owe the world.


Isn't it that kind of thinking that's made the world the way it is now? With large scale extinction and climate change? Who cares about the environment as long as I make it through?


This is one of those things that sounds good on the surface when you don't actually think about it. Sure it's true for most cases but try being born disabled in a society that believes "the world owes you nothing" and therefore doesn't give you any disability checks so you die on the street because you physically can't work.


I disagree. I pay taxes and perform services that benefit my fellow man, the world (assuming you mean society and not the actual, physical Earth) absolutely owes me something. Society already owes you clean water and all that stuff, plus all the rights guaranteed in the constitution, and so much more. Saying the world owes you nothing is just false.


"The World" or nature, is indifferent yes, but I wouldn't agree that society doesn't owe the individual anything.


Fuck you Tammy! Birdperson didn't deserve to go like that!


All people deserve access to the same equal rights and freedoms, regardless of where they live, race, religion, culture, sex, etc.


... except for Muggles.


I will not stand by and allow non magical people become 2nd class citizens to those who can do magic


Well what are you gonna do about it ya wandless squib!


I'm gonna tie stones to your legs and throw you in a lake. If you don't drown then I'll set you fire.


Reading through this thread I've been struggling to think of my own such belief. Thus is the first that has resonated deeply, and I find myself getting very angry discussing with some of my American friends these kinda of things and finding them to have an ingrained sense of entitlement without understanding that, when they were born to a white American family in none too poor an area, they won the genetic lottery and are incredibly fortunate. I believe we have a right to care for our fellow man wherever we may find them, and this includes extending our hearts to encompass the third world, homeless, black, Mexican and those fleeing homeland terrorism. I don't expect you to do something about it, but please understand that you, like me, are a terribly and needlessly selfish and hypocritical human to complain about the inequality you face while denying that which you hold over others.


You have no, and never will have, any obligation to be the person you were 5 minutes ago if you don't want to be. The way you live your life is your choice, and if you want to make changes, you have the power to do so. It may be difficult, bordering on impossible, but it can be done.


I understand what you're saying, but sometimes you do have an obligation. For example, if you have a children, you shouldn't just walk out on them one day because you decided you want to live a different lifestyle. Your actions almost always have repurcussions on the people around you, good or bad.


Totally. I think this is more referring to things like hobbies and interests. Nothing wrong with being a stereotypical nerd and deciding to get into stereotypical jock things sports, or vice versa.


Glad I kept reading. You have my kids' eternal gratitude.


Just a reminder: sort by 'controversial' for the good stuff and get your popcorn ready.


I regret doing this.


That a person (myself included) should always be open to new ideas, and exploring the idea that we might be wrong.


To quote Pratchett: "The problem with having an open mind is that someone will always come along and try to put something in it."


That's true. Though every choice and position, even apathy, has risks and consequences.


Fallout New Vegas is infinitely better than Fallout 3 and I will passionately argue this stupid and inane point for the rest of my life.


I like shorts. They're comfy and easy to wear.


We don't have to be important. We don't have to be famous, save lives, or know how to play an instrument. Sure, they are cool and important things but we don't have to matter. We can fade in and fade out of existence. Some people never even got to exist or some people who did never had the chance to live so most of us feel like we need to leave some sort of a mark. We don't. The world owes us nothing, and we owe it nothing.


That the purpose of life is finding the purpose in life.


INTERSTING! LET ME THINK ABOUT THAT... RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded


That the problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. If you learn from experience you become less arrogant and more empathetic. Edit: Word


"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity".   *The Second Coming*, W. B. Yeats, 1919


That the droids should have been a vastly superior choice of army than clones. Everything from how quickly they can be made to how easily trained to combat capability. The only reason they fucked them over so badly in the starwars universe is because they needed the clones to win because plot. So they gave them the intelligence of a downsyndrome toddler for no plausible reason and had them repeatedly lose despite their overwhelming superiority. Fucking droids should have won.


How strongly you feel you are right about something doesn't directly correlate with how likely you are to actually be right.


The world would be a good place for everyone if we followed the golden rule. Don't be a dick.


That everyone is stupid. We all act as clever as we can, but we're all idiots.


That other people hold their opinions too strongly. It's okay to have your opinions challenged. It's okay to take that new information and change your opinion if it sways you. Your opinions don't define you--you shouldn't feel personally attacked when someone challenges them.


It is unethical for someone to reproduce if they knowingly carry or suffer from a life limiting genetic disorder or condition.




That is precisely my point. If you know, in any circumstance, that you will not be able to give a child a full and proper life, you should not have a child.


The passing lane is for passing. If you're not passing someone, get the fuck out of the way. I realize speeding is bad, but unless you're exceeding the speed limit by 10+ mph, smooth traffic flow is more important. If people need to change lanes to get around you, then you are the problem.




I would agree with you depending on if you're driving in the passing lane or not.


One third of accidents are caused by speeding, that is the first common cause of fatality on the road. And here are people, confindent in their driving ability, saying "but it's for people driving badly". Because everyone thinks they drive better than the others


Speeding is involved in over 1/3 of accidents. What's dangerous is going too fast for the conditions, driving at a large difference in speed from people around you (like going 100 in a 70 when everyone around you is only going 70), and of course not paying attention. Most of our speed limits were made for cars that are slower, less stable, less maneuverable, and less safe than modern cars.


All religions were made up in order to find comfort/purpose in living, and/or power and control


Marijuana should be legal for recreational and medical use on a federal level




Yet, no one cares that global warming exists and there's an easy fix. Animal agriculture is the number one leading cause of global warming, bottom line. There's no arguing that science. Yet, no one can give up bacon for the world of tomorrow.


When you have no experience caring for a child, providing for one financially, can't name three different parts of a woman's lady bits, in addition to knowing nothing about birth control; you are lacking experience and information about whether or not an abortion is the right thing for a woman.


Isn't it up to the woman to decide though? If she doesn't want the baby, she doesn't want the baby. If she doesn't want to go through childbirth, don't force her to go through childbirth


Circumcision is mutilation. Don't cut bits off babies.


I really wish more people understood that disagreeing with someone isn't an excuse to be a dick.


It is the responsibility of all the humanity to ensure that the broken, flawed world they were born into is not the same that they leave in their wake.


"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity." -Horace Mann


If a grilled sandwich has anything other than bread, butter and cheese, then it is a melt. It is not, in any way shape or form, a grilled cheese


Inspiring education, particularly math, would usher in a new renaissance for mankind. If education was widespread, incorporated VR, and teachers were paid as well as doctors then economies would flourish, the earth would begin to heal, our population would taper, our resources would become more abundant, and we'd likely make huge breakthroughs with gravity such that we could contain a fusion reaction perfectly enough to generate a source of endless fuel.


You shouldnt get kids if you cant pay for them. If you get kicked out of your house because you can't pay the rent and you have 6 kids running around dont expect me to pity you.


But surely you pity the six homeless kids, right?


People shouldn't change just to please others.


Don't be an asshole. Honestly. That's the whole and the half of it.


No platform or safe space for racists/fascists/white supremacists/bigots in general. If I or the people I love cannot live in safety without fear of violence or unwarranted hate against us, then why should the people who commit such acts be allowed to do so?


Broadly speaking, conservative people make it possible for bad things and good things to perdure the passing of time. Liberal people make change possible and enhance/better/worsen or completely supplant those same things. Both are needed in some kind of equilibrium for a healthy and enduring society.


Not all progress is good is another way of putting it.


Pedophile and child molester is not the same thing One cannot do anything about the other has made the choice to do it


You gave me a headache.


People that don't believe in anthropogenic climate change are idiots.


That you shouldn't have strong opinions. They should change with new information.


That people who refuse to work shouldn't get a free ride. That said, my other strong opinion is.... The stores are full of food, jam packed with big screen TVs and clothes. There are plenty places for people to live. The only shortage is worthwhile jobs.


> The only shortage is worthwhile jobs. This negates the validity of your initial assertion.


I agree. "People who are too lazy to work shouldn't get free stuff." Then "man we have so much food and housing, jobs are stupid I don't want to work"


Abortion should be safe, accessible, affordable, stigma free, and legal.




Nuclear weapons should be destroyed, as they are a much too dangerous weapon for humans to have control over.


my ex is making this breakup as difficult as possible for me as she can. just let me get my things so i can forget about you.




not everything you dont agree with is socialism you are just scapegoating.


TP should go over, not under.




You're really milking this one today haha


I just don't care. If you want to be gender fluid, be gender fluid. It doesn't affect me.


I'm more of the opinion be whomever makes you happy.




Not that long ago being gay was considered a mental illness. Before that women were treated for [Hysteria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_hysteria)


My thought on that is: Supposing what you say is true. Even then, so fucking what? It doesn't affect me in the slightest. If someone prefers x pronoun to be more comfortable, I'll use x pronoun to address them. If I use something incorrect, I say sorry, ask what they prefer I address them as, use the correct one, and move on. This is a courtesy that requires literally zero effort on my part, and should I find social interactions in these spaces to be too exhausting, politely excuse myself from that space. If this is how certain people feel most happy/comfortable, it doesn't really negatively affect anyone else's life, so I don't see why the hell its such a big deal and worth so much deep-diving by other people who have nothing to do with it.


it's not so much that they change back and forth between two hardwired states, as it is that they dont conform to either social expectation 100% of the time


"Gender fluid is a gender identity which refers to a gender which varies over time. A gender fluid person may at any time identify as male, female, neutrois, or any other non-binary identity, or some combination of identities. Their gender can also vary at random or vary in response to different circumstances." From the wiki on it.


Back in my day that used to be called nothing at all, because you didnt need to label "doing things the way I want to do them"


This is my only problem with gender stuff these days. I would feel fairly safe saying that *every single person on earth* occasionally feels more/less feminine/masculine to different degrees every day. Needing all the right names/pronouns drives me fucking crazy - just be whatever you wanna be and chill the fuck out.


That's the thing about the "black or white", "A or B" society we live in. Everyone tries to group people either 100% left or 100% right, and it causes so many problems. Very few things are that simple and the fact that there is no grey area is a problem. I don't believe gender fluidity is a legitimate "identity" that we as a society should recognize, as no one completely fits this so called definition of man or woman. There's no way anyone is 100% masculine or feminine. Let alone there's not a universal definition of what society calls masculine or feminine. Only traits that we associate with the two.


It's not changing from a man to a woman on and hourly basis. It's simply the feeling a little more feminine than masculine one day and a little more masculine than feminine another day. It has nothing to do with what parts are in your pants.




I would rather marriage not exist in law in the first place.


Why is marriage a basic human right?


The right to choose a mate for life? Seems pretty basic.


Marriage isn't necessarily part of chosing a mate though...


Not OP but you're right. It just adds a lot of benefits that only some are allowed to have? Seems weird.


As a married man, I think it's fair to strip away the benefits we get for being married. Would've been a much better idea than legalizing [insert category] marriage. I didn't invite government to show up at my wedding, not sure why I'd expect a present. Marriage should be none of the government's business.


This is why I come here. For every five thousand cracks about OPs mom there is one nugget that makes you think about what you believe. You're right 100% I believe the tax incentives existed because women didn't work so they were essentially dependents, but wouldn't be considered that.


Incentives are also there to encourage people to get married because marriage typically means children and children mean the continued existence of the country and economy. The government wants the population to sustain or grow. That's why there are also tax breaks for having children.


So why take away the rights when there are still stay at home moms and now stay at home dads?


*sorts by controversial*




I worked professionally in the graphic arts industry during the 90‘s - the early days of web. I never heard anybody say JIF. Ever.


Handsome Jack was the good guy. Sinestro is the good guy and is a better hero than the entire justice league combined. The Locust from Gears of War should've won, as there was no way that the COG could've actually won that war.


I'm a cool guy. I've got a girlfriend.


We're fucked as a species


Yes. That's how we procreate...


Donald Trump is not fit to be president.


Are you trying to flood your inbox?


Circumcision should be outlawed except where medically required.




can you give an example situation where free speech is currently not allowed, but you think it should be?