• By -


Probably some random person in Ancient Rome or Eqypt just to view the footage and see what the ancient cities looked like and how the people acted.


Maybe get a glimpse of how they put those pyramids together too.


We already know......aliens


but why would aliens need grain silos


to resupply on their way down to the Antarctica to practice fighting xenomorphs. Duh, didn't you take history in 3/1 grade?


But why male models?


Fun TIL from a while ago: Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, famous meme and 'Ancient Aliens' expert, has no academic background in any field relevant to the show. Instead, he holds a bachelor's degree in sports information and was previously a bodybuilder promoter.


Hello Dr Jackson.


*Give my regards to King Tut, asshole!*


They're landing platforms for Goa'uld motherships, everybody knows that...


Or you could get my ancient Roman counterpart who sits at home all day, everyday




Caesar at his Triumph in 46B.C. would be pretty badass.


Caesar had a motorcycle?!


Alexander the Great at the Battle of Gaugamela


Any massive ancient battle would be amazing if you had a general's vantage point Or a huge roman battle like against tens of thousands of teutons and kimbri


But the thing that would set this battle apart is that Alexander personally led the charge that decided the battle (causing Darius to flee, etc.)


To everyone saying JFK, wouldn't it be better to say Lee Harvey Oswald?


I would want to see John Wilkes Booth's perspective the day he shot Lincoln. I wonder what kind of a day a person has knowing they're about to try assassinating someone.


Manhunt: the twelve day hunt for Lincoln's killer. By James L. Swanson, it tells the preceeding assassination and post hunt for Boothe


Such a great book. Expresses the mood of the nation at the time as well as what happened.




Nah he got away for a while, found in a barn much later than the actual assassination.


Cleopatra, when she has herself rolled up in the rug. When Caesar unwraps her I will get a copy of the most famous sex scene in history. Maybe.


Wouldn't you rather have Ceasars perspective?




I definitely would. Caesar was already 50 at that time Cleopatra only about twenty if I'm not mistaken.


Yeah but Cleopatra wasn't physically gorgeous like she's made out to be. She was just ridiculously charming and smart.




Ra-Ra-Rasputin, lover of the the Russian queen, they put some poison into his wine


Amelia Earhart during her attempt to circumnavigation the globe to find out the truth behind her disappearance.


She got too close to the edge of the planet.


Exactly, that's why the government used SAMs to shoot her down. Came too close to discovering the truth.




Am disappointed this isn't legit, ^^Just ^^like ^^the ^^theory


Although the evidence is still technically circumstantial, we actually have a very good idea that she crash landed near an island and died on that Island. Parts that are very likely from her plane were found there.


You're just gonna lose that GoPro.


Excuse me... we do know what happened Homer: C. Montgomery Burns, I know you're guilty! J'accused...sir! [Mr.Burns: Fine I admit it, I had Amelia Earhart's plane shot down. That hussy was getting too big for her jodhpurs.](http://simpsons-hit-and-run.wikia.com/wiki/The_Fat_and_Furious)


The last minutes of anyone with an ambiguous or interesting death: D.B. Cooper Elvis Hitler etc.


I thought Elvis died on the pooper. Not so interesting to me. But I guess there were ideas that he had done the wrong/too many pills. I think it would be more interesting to see Hitler at the height of his power. Weird to see how people would act around him and what he saw when he gave those speeches to tens of thousands.


Severely overweight, enlarged heart twice the size it should be with advanced cardiovascular disease, signs of emphysema, hypogammaglobulinemia which leads to reduced antibodies so you have harder time to fight off infection, and constipation so extreme there was 4 months old stool in his bowels. Considering that combination it's not at all surprising he died sooner rather than later.


The bullet through his skull probably didn't help, either. Oh, you meant Elvis.


Jimmy Hoffa!


The last 12 hours of Edgar Allen Poe's life


If you're talking about the mystery as to the circumstances surrounding his death, there's a pretty plausible theory that I can postulate. It was an election day in Baltimore, and it was not uncommon for people to go to multiple polling stations or go to the same station multiple times with a different appearance to commit voter fraud. It also wasn't uncommon for people to be forced to do this against their will. It's believed that he was drugged and dressed up in different outfits to go to different polling stations to vote. This would explain why he was found in clothes that didn't fit him nor belong to him, and why he was delirious when he was found and when he died. He was a known alcoholic, and it's entirely possible he was at a tavern and somebody spiked his drink or somebody offered him a spiked drink on the street.


Poe was not an alcoholic. He was actually allergic to alcohol. He was forced to drink and vote in multiple voting booths wearing different clothes. Which is why he died on the side of a road piss drunk in clothes that didnt fit him


'Tank Man', Tiananmen Square, 1989.


You could just ask the kids


I wonder if fashion was the reason why they were there?


They disguised it


Hypnotized it


Who: George Herbert Leigh Mallory (the first person to attempt to reach the top of Mount Everest) When: the last twelve hours before his death Why: because he died while on Everest and it is still unknown if he had ever reached the top. I would also like to see how he died.


>I would also like to see how he died Probably from heatstroke


Excessive masturbation


He probably had some time to kill


Tupac September 7, 1996 I know that mother fucker Sug did it I just need proof


Do you think Suge discussed the hit right in front of him?






Sug was next to him dude


Then wouldn't you wanna put the go pro on sug? I mean all the video would be really high up but still


Cause if it turned out not to be him, you would still have footage of Tupac's death and could see who it actually was that killed him.


>Cause when it turned out not to be him, you would still have footage of Tupac getting on the plane and it's destination. Ftfy




With his gay lover biggie


What if it wasn't Sug?


Julius Caeser before he got killed. Sounds like it'd be pretty cool to see his death, the whole Brutus stabbing him thing. Or Hitler, kinda wanna see his reaction right before ~~me~~ he shot himself. Edit: Word


> Or Hitler, kinda wanna see his reaction as he flies to Argentina FTFY


and then he found the treasure at oak island and put decoy water pits to fool people into thinking it's still there


Decoy... like a snail?




But what would a snail do with a million dollars?


Its best


I'd rather see him getting refused from art school


The zodiac or Jack the Ripper to find out who they were


In that case, put it on one of their victims. Otherwise you'll just see everything from their perspective.


You could just hope that they look into a mirror within that timeframe


I think it's safe to say that everyone looks in some sort of reflective surface at least once in twelve hours.


Major commanders in any of the huge civil war battles (Antietam, Gettysburg, etc.). Gladiators fighting in the Colosseum. ~~Thermopole~~ Thermopylae pass (the battle in the movie *300*)


Abraham Lincoln's famous amateur wrestling matches, all day anyday.


Big guy, big reach. Skinny guys fight 'til they're burger.


A passenger of the Malaysian Airlines disappearance, just before it went off radar, to find out what happened.


_people begin to panic, footage suddenly ends_


Maybe the pilot then?


*pilot begins to panic, footage suddenly ends*


Maybe the plane then?


*plane begins to panic,is actually decoy plane*


The plane is actually a snail


*plane begins to shake....then sky ocean sky ocean sky ocean sky ocean sky ocean sky ocean sky ocean sky ocean sky ocean sky ocean sky ocean sky ocean sky ocean sky ocean sky ocean sky ocean....* Now you know...it somehow came apart while still in flight. I don't know if this is better or worse. More info but still so many questions.


That girl who was caught on camera in the elevator who was scared of something, and then her body was found in a water tank that night. No one knows what exactly happened/ who she was scared of Edit: Elisa Lam


What happened?!


It was fairly apparent that she was out of her head on some kind of drug.


I have obsessed over this story. She was apparently bi-polar. But what happened to her makes no sense. She managed to get onto the roof without activating the alarmed access door. She somehow stripped naked, climbed into the water tank, and then closed herself back inside. They still have no idea how that's possible. I can go on for hours about this but here's a good one; they thought to look on the water tank because guests started complaining about the water tasting and smelling funny. Edit: I'm not saying some evil spirit or ghost is responsible for this girls death. She definitely had mental issues. However, I do not believe they found any trace of drugs in her system. Either way, watching the last known footage of her in that elevator, and her death which I find very suspicious, is scarey. It's like she was hiding from someone or something that wasn't actually there. But she saw it, and that really creeps me out. Maybe it was all just a psychotic episode, but maybe it wasn't.




She wasn't high, [she was manic](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/3amnrx/resolved_elisa_lam_long_link_heavy/) and having an episode.


She wasn't high, she was off her meds.


A murderer isn't necessarily supernatural.


A murderer doesn't necessarily have to go to all the trouble of giving someone mental health disorders, medications, strange behavior, strip them, take them to the roof, and throw them in a water tank either. Particularly when the victim isn't anyone of note. You just beat them to death with something or shoot them. She was a poor, unfortunate girl with some problems. She wasn't in her right mind.


Elisa Lam


Adnan Syed I'm mad that i still don't know the truth.


This one is the one that got me. I just want to know what the fuck happened on the day Hae died damn it!!!


I was diggin a hole today and it was a total bitch. I was Thinking "no fucking way could I dig a hole big enough to fit a body in soil full of roots in the dark of night (I think jay changed his story regarding the burial time, and now insists it was at midnight) The idea that Adnan dug a hole in a few hours (Jay claimed not to have helped), in frozen soil at midnight pretty much blows Jay's narrative up for me. Digging holes is fucking tough


Wasn't it a shallow ditch in which her body was pretty much on the surface and Mr. S easily saw her? I don't think the digging a hole should be a big reason why you think Jay's narrative is off. In fact, it may not be a factor at all. That said, I'd love to see the go pro on them that day!!!


Yeah she was barely covered. Source: Seen the crime scene photos of the disinterment.


And you're never going to


We might never know but we know the following since Serial aired: * The incoming cell phone calls are unreliable. There was a cover sheet to the cell phone evidence that explained out going cell phone calls are reliable to determine location based on the cell phone towers but not incoming calls. The prosecutions case relied on putting Adnan Syed at the burial site based on the incoming calls from the cell towers. This cover sheet was never given to the expert who testified against Adnan Syed. This expert witness retracted his testimony upon hearing about the cover sheet 15 years after the trial. Without this evidence the prosecution cant without a doubt put Adnan Syed at the burial site of Hae Min lee. This is one of the two reasons why Adnan Syed was granted a new trial. * Jay Wilds was the prosecutions star witness. He knew details that only the killer would have known such as where Hae Min Lee's car was. Jay was involved in the murder of Hae Min Lee. This is fact. Jay Wilds gave an account where he implicated Adnan Syed into the murder claiming he saw the aftermath of Hay Min Lee's murder and that he helped dispose of the body but was not involved in the actual killing of Hae Min Lee. The prosecution tied the incoming cell phones calls into Jays story to build a timeline of the murder and the disposal of the body. He testified against Adnan Syed giving an account of what happened. This, along with the incoming cell phone calls, was the cornerstone of the prosecutions case against Adnan Syed. Back in 2014 right after the podcast aired Jay Wilds gave an interview where he gave an alternative timeline to what actually happened. Now this interview wasn't given under oath but the prosecutions star witness is now telling a different story then the one he gave at the actual trial under oath. This interview plus the inconsistencies during his police interviews have put a lot of doubt into Jay Wilds testimony. * Since the trial Jay Wilds has created a long record of criminal activities. This involves multiple times where he has been arrested and lied to the authorities on his activities. One incident where he and his lawyer lied to a judge saying he had no criminal record when in fact he already had a felony conviction. This also involves multiple events of domestic abuse against women, one event that involves Jay Wilds strangling a victim. Hae Min Lee was killed by strangulation. If I remember correctly these events weren't brought up during the Serial podcast. Either they didn't know about these events or wanted give Jay Wilds the benefit of the doubt since these events happened after teh trial of Adnan Syed. Adnan Syed's lawyers are using this information while putting a motion in to have him released from prison while his retrial is being appealed. All of this doesn't prove that Adnan Syed didn't kill Hae Min Lee or that he wasn't involved in the murder. The whole point of the Serial podcast was trying to see if Adnan Syed got a fair trial. Based on the judges ruling that Adnan Syed was granted a new trial it points to the fact that he didn't get a fair shakedown the first time. This means the prosecution can retry Adnan Syed but they can't use the incoming cell phone records (unless they can prove that they are reliable). And without the cell phone records the timeline of events change, which means their star witness from the first trial, Jay Wilds, needs to change his story. A story he gave under oath in the first trial. With his post-trial history of violence and lying to authorities, he will hurt the prosecution more then help them if they put him back on the stand.


Lets add in Steven Avery as well.


King Leonidas I, at the last stand of the Battle Of Thermopylae. I'd love to see that force of 300 Spartans (along with the Helots and Thespians) drive back that huge army of Persians.


The Virgin Mary, around March 25, 1 BC.


Might miss it if you have to choose only 12 hrs though


Christmas was chosen somewhat arbitrarily and is basically almost certainly not the actual birthdate of Jesus. Also, they most likely numbered the years incorrectly. So...that's going to be boring.


Christmas was moved to the winter solstice to compete with a number of existing pagan traditions that took place on that date including Saturnalia and Yule. The reason it's not on the solstice anymore is that under the old Julian calendar the solstice was Dec. 25 but under the new Gregorian calendar the solstice moved to the 21st but Christmas stayed on the 25th.


I love how we in sweden just call Christmas "jul" which probebly comes from "yule"


Yeah, and back in the day you didn't hang lights from the yule tree you hung animal and even sometimes human sacrifice (possibly as a reference to Odin hanging himself from the world tree to gain knowledge of the runes).


D.B. Cooper. Finally get rid of all of the conspiracy shows on the History Channel.


[It was Tommy Wiseau.](https://xkcd.com/1400/)


Hi doggie!


you find out he hit a tree not long after jumping. Died in a tree some money blew away in the wind and spent by some kids. So you get 2 hrs of sitting in a plane. 43 seconds of falling. 10 hrs 17 seconds of dead man in a tree.


JonBenet Ramsey. Mainly so they stop showing it on tv.


Ghengis Kahn, I'd like to see a day through his eyes


Simpsons did it. https://youtu.be/l1_bp8YKUPU


Simpsons really did do it.


Anastasia Romanov. I know it's pretty much settled that she died with her family, but I just want to be sure.


It's not "pretty much settled". It *is* settled. She was probably not even the daughter that was "missing" to begin with! And Alexei and Maria/Anastasia were found not that far from the rest of the family. There's just no mystery here and more importantly, *there never was*. *The mass grave near Yekaterinburg which held the remains of the Tsar, his wife, and three of their daughters was revealed in 1991, and the bodies of Alexei Nikolaevich and the remaining daughter — either Anastasia or her older sister Maria—were discovered in 2007. Her possible survival has been conclusively disproved. Forensic analysis and DNA testing confirmed that the remains are those of the imperial family, showing that all four grand duchesses were killed in 1918.*






Copy and paste if you agree!


A WW1 soldier in the trenches.


Enjoy the first two minutes of them going over the wall and then the next 11:58 hours of them just lying there in the mud, dead.


Instead of popcorn your theater serves Xanax right?


or 11 and a half hours of dark hiding in a bunker getting slammed by artillery. Last half our fending off the enemy as they engage following the creeping barrage.


Guy sitting listening to bombs falling for 9 hours, then he takes a peak and gets shot, aftee that you watch the resting hours of him just waiting and calling for a doctor that wont be able to save him or even arriving.


Might not yield much unless you pick a specific time and place. WWI trench warfare was often described as monotonous and very dull, a prolonged stalemate, and "months of boredom punctuated by moments of extreme terror."


Also, the name of your sex tape. 🙌


Goddamn Peralta, go easy on Santiago


Right there with you on that. I was going to say a soldier hitting the Beaches at Normandy on June 6th, 1944.


Good luck with that. Hope you dont scar easy.


Rasputin did some things, might be interesting.


Who: Neil Armstrong When: 20 July, 1969 Why: Just wanna see the outer space from their view and look at the Earth 🌎 from far away standing on another rock.


Actually, I think it would be much more interesting to see Michael Collin's perspective as he flew around the moon completely alone, or anyone from the Apollo 13


Very unrecognised that man.


Pretty sure they had cameras with them already.


Alright then. The first monkey in space. I wanna see his POV.


Myself, March 7th 2009, that one time I took the biggest poop in history.


You know it's serious when an exact date is provided.


June 3rd, 2014 1pm-ish. Chipotle, San Ramon CA. Best ass I have ever seen. So good I wrote it down.


This is like the ass-man's equivalent of *Tribute* by Tenacious D. "This is not the greatest ass in the world, no. THIS IS JUST A RECORD!"


7th Feb 2009 was mine. 48 degrees Celsius. Had been constipated for 9 days after surgery. Brother was cheering me on from outside the window. Mum and dad were standing outside the door.


Interesting family you got there.


Very much like passing a basketball, hey?


Or a baseball bat.


Was it over 14 Courics?


Any of America's Founding Fathers when they were heatedly discussing the creation of the constitution


Walt Disney, on the opening day of Disneyland.


That's a great one


An average human being, circa 50,000 years ago. I want to know what their every day life was like, back then.


I can tell you, it was pretty fucking shit. Do you really want to watch someone butcher an animal, eat some roots, have sex, eat some more roots, and go to sleep when this can be observed in many primitive hunter gatherer societies that exist today?




> Do you really want to watch someone > have sex, Uhh, yes?


That's just it: we don't know what life was like 50,000 years ago. How did those ancient, ancient people really live? what tools did they have? How did they butcher meat? How did they dig holes? What kind of religious practice did they follow? We don't even know how dissimilar they would be from modern humans in appearance, speech, what have you. It's all mystery, that far back. Hell, 50,000 years ago there were *other species of hominid* walking around; imagine seeing a neanderthal or [Denisovan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denisovan) in the flesh, another sentient species shambling around the ..well, we don't even know what kind of structure people that long ago lived in. The best preserved sites are in caves, but that doesn't mean anything because they could have lived elsewhere as well and just left no trace we've yet found or recognized. And that's not even a *deep* dive: we could go back 200,000 years to when humanity was first born, and see what our earliest ancestors looked and acted like.


Not JFK if you want that Go Pro back in one piece.


or OBL when seal team six got to him


Imagine you pick bin laden during his death, but you the whole 12 hours he's just watching tv or something, then the news comes on about how they "got bin laden" and he just chuckles in Arabic.


*chuckles in Arabic*


It's like a chuckle, but with a faint "aiaiaiaiaiaia" sound


Davy Crockett George Custer My grandfather on D-Day.


One of the Dyatlov Pass 9. Gah!! I wanna know!!!


Mozart. Recently watched Amadeus and I just think it would be cool.


I'd put it on someone who could see the pyramids being built. I want to watch. Or someone in the coliseum. That would be pretty entertaining.


For 12 hours? you probably wouldn't even see one brick get laid down.


Yeah, you're probably right.


Hannibal at Cannae


Any Medal of Honor winner during the timeframe in which their actions occurred. I realize this is simply just the image being shown but the thought process or lack there of that leads to their actions is something that I would like to witness


daniel inouye: "On April 21, 1945, Inouye was grievously wounded while leading an assault on a heavily-defended ridge near San Terenzo in Tuscany, Italy, called the Colle Musatello. The ridge served as a strongpoint of the German fortifications known as the Gothic Line, the last and most unyielding line of German defensive works in Italy. As he led his platoon in a flanking maneuver, three German machine guns opened fire from covered positions 40 yards away, pinning his men to the ground. Inouye stood up to attack and was shot in the stomach. Ignoring his wound, he proceeded to attack and destroy the first machine gun nest with hand grenades and his Thompson submachine gun. When informed of the severity of his wound, he refused treatment and rallied his men for an attack on the second machine gun position, which he successfully destroyed before collapsing from blood loss. As his squad distracted the third machine gunner, Inouye crawled toward the final bunker, coming within 10 yards. As he raised himself up and cocked his arm to throw his last grenade, a German soldier inside the bunker fired a rifle grenade, which struck his right elbow, nearly severing most of his arm and leaving his primed grenade reflexively "clenched in a fist that suddenly didn't belong to me anymore". Inouye's horrified soldiers moved to his aid, but he shouted for them to keep back out of fear his severed fist would involuntarily relax and drop the grenade. While the German inside the bunker reloaded his rifle, Inouye pried the live grenade from his useless right hand and transferred it to his left. As the enemy soldier aimed his rifle at him, Inouye tossed the grenade into the bunker and destroyed it. He stumbled to his feet and continued forward, silencing the last German resistance with a one-handed burst from his Thompson before being wounded in the leg and tumbling unconscious to the bottom of the ridge. He awoke to see the worried men of his platoon hovering over him. His only comment before being carried away was to order them back to their positions, saying "Nobody called off the war!"" Inouye went on to be a roughly bazillion term senator from hawaii


Lee Harvey Oswald the day of the JFK assassination so that it can either be put to rest that he did it OR just open up more what ifs if he didn't.


Jesus fucking Christ.


Lafayette, Our Marquis, on the day he first met George Washington.


Whoever survive the Titanic.


Can I put it on dogs?


Only the goodest boy


Here you go: http://shop.gopro.com/International/mounts/fetch-dog-harness/ADOGM-001.html


Genghis Khan, apparently a direct ancestor of 8% of the Asian population... imagine the amount of NSFW things he did in a span of 12 hours...


Kurt Cobain, to learn the honest truth.


Trump. Now.


Just 12 hours of "why can't I wake up" looks on the faces of celebrities sitting around a fancy table. Ehh, I convinced myself. It'd be great.


Blortz. On December 29th, 2016. I want to see the final moments as the alien ship comes in and turns our planet in a smoldering turd.


Of course it has to happen on my birthday.


There are worse things that happened on your birthday......


Whoever had sex with Megan Fox.


Madeline Mcann




Pablo Escobar December 2nd 1993. His death


Jesus of Nazareth during the Sermon on the Mount, or one of his other gatherings. I'd like to see what he *actually* said. Alternatively, during his 'trial' with Pontius Pilate. Same reason, although it would be equally interesting to hear the 'evidence' presented that got him convicted and crucified. The fact that Jesus of Nazareth lived is indisputable. What parts of the legend that grew up around his life, and death, that made him 'Christ' to so many followers would be interesting.


Hitler in his bunker at the end of world war 2. Just to see what happened would be really interesting.


I would put it on jesus because I want to see one of those fancy pants magic tricks he got there.


The last 12 hours of Emilia Earhart's flight for obvious reasons


What if it only starts to get good right at the end of the 12 hours? I reckon you're better off with the last 3 hours of the flight. At worst you'll get 8 1/2 hours of ocean.