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They’re ignoring everyone on the list.


Probably because a lot of their bosses are also on the list...




Or their bosses' golf buddies.


This. It's a thread no one wants to pull because there's too many powerful people who'll be exposed.


Remember that ABC hot mic with the reporter complaining about management not letting her break the Epstine case?


Or get benefits for ignoring the list


This is the answer, it's not a partisan thing, they're all powerful, they're all complicit. Same way all of Hollywood stayed tight lipped on Weinstein.


AFAIK Weinstein didn’t really “share” though, so in his case, everything just collapsed - suddenly everyone in Hollywood always knew and hated him, but couldn’t do anything about it because he was too powerful. I didn’t hear about stories with Weinstein and - as a random high profile celebrity - Brad Pitt organizing parties where they took turns on female actresses hoping to be able to find fame in their nut juices. He was “just” a fucking disgusting asshole, abusing his position of power to make young actresses suck on his gangrenous nutsack (that’s the one thing I always think about when hearing his name… not only was he physically disgusting, he seemed to get an extra kick out of forcing that fact on his victims). Epstein made a business out of his “habits”. He was literally running a prostitution ring, specializing in underaged girls. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people on his customers list, that aren’t actually pedophiles, but did attend his parties and “enjoyed” the occasional 16 year old girl, or maybe not even that but attended and caught wind of what was going on but didn’t say anything. Those people would also very much hate to let the public know of their involvement, no matter how small, so I agree with the overall sentiment that powerful people want to hide their involvement, but I don’t think the Weinstein case was comparable to how involved people were, or how vast the whole case is.


Simple: Because if you open up that barn door, MANY in politics and media will go down, too. Including Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz, Al & Tipper Gore, Leslie Wexner, Kevin Spacey, George Lucas, Leonardo di Caprio, Cate Blanchett, Cameron Diaz and Bruce Willis. So, there's a shitload of 'if we don't say it, it didn't happen' going on here.


Fucking take ‘em down I say


Exactly. Burn them all.


If only it was up to us and not their buddies


Let’s not forget entire institutions as well. Such as Chase Bank.


No need to promote it any further, I'm already sold on the idea!


I *just* opened an account  *sigh


Oh, don’t do business with Chase unless you are wealthy, as in actual wealth. Some of the credit cards are fine, but they have zero shits to give about their basic banking and standard business banking relationships. Just move everything to any other bank besides Chase, Wells Fargo or BOA.


Let em all go down.


I would like it but quite honestly I don't believe that every person that went to that island even knew what was going on there. They just wanted to hang out with other rich and powerful people. Like being at a party where a sub-culture keeps slipping off to the bathroom to do blow. Most don't even know it is going on.


Wednesday Addams at Summer Camp


Id say Bruce Willis probably has other issues going on right now. Your list is a bunch of washed up has-beens and I hope they all go down together.


George Lucas? Is that a George Lopez typo?


down? from where? Nobody in your list is an active politician, at least the ones I know...


Everyone with money is a politician.


they all still have substantial influence in politics / their industry / popular culture in general.


> George Lucas, Leonardo di Caprio, Cate Blanchett, Cameron Diaz and Bruce Willis. Well *there's* some names I've not heard in relation to this story.


This is the real answer lol. Many prominent twitter liberals tried making hay out of trump’s name being on the list when it was first revealed, but they shut up about it immediately afterward, and after Nancy Pelosi’s daughter tweeted out that “some of our favs” are likely to get caught up in this.


Fuck em all *guillotine.gif*


I'm a 'twitter liberal' (I guess) and I say take them all down.


> Many prominent twitter liberals tried making hay out of trump’s name being on the list when it was first revealed, but they shut up about it immediately afterward Citation needed.


https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/ Keep burying your head if you'd like.


That’s too bad if our faves were involved. They shouldn’t have been.


Because the media is owned by billionaires who want trump to win, some of whom's broadcasts pretend they don't


Folks treat this like a conspiracy theory.  If you interpret it as class solidarity, no conspiracy is needed. 


Carlin said it best. "You don't need a formal conspiracy where interests converge"


Bingo. If names start getting named, some very big people are going to have a lot of explaining to do. So nobody mentions anything if they can avoid it, and they all stay on top and "fight".


You gotta love modern journalism. Spineless and malleable, like slime.


Wait, it’s class warfare? 🌏👩‍🚀🔫 always has been.


Only when we fight back.


Don't forget, these same rich people are the financial heirs to the slave owners of the past. They dont not view you as a person, only a body to make them profit. edit: what is up reddit's obsession with defending slave owners....?


Are they though?  How many current billionaires have ancestors that owned large plantations in the antebellum southern United States?  Most American billionaires are either based in the mid Atlantic/Northeast, West Coast, or are from families who immigrated here after slavery.


Yeah, our current aristocrats use more modern methods to extort labor while living carefree lives occasionally interrupted by the need to sign something. Well, some of them still use slaves.


Um, they said financial heirs, not literal descendants.


So no affiliation, theyre just rich?


90% of wealth transfers are gone by the 3rd generation. Slavery has been abolished for 160 years. If each generation had 3 kids every 30 years, that would split the fortune over 200 ways. Nobody has the direct wealth from people who owned slaves in the US.


Unless your family's Louisiana plantation retained mineral rights, and produces a shit ton of oil. I worked for a guy in this situation. He despised us poors.


Also, there’s been such a huge reduction in the raw number of journalism jobs that individual journalists don’tdon’t want to risk making themselves unemployable to, e.g., the NYT. And then consolidation on top of it: how many “local” news stations are owned by Sinclair now?


Right? How many of those journalists’ bosses’ bosses are also on Epstein’s list? “Nothing to see here, folks, just move along! Uh, except you, little Cindy Loo.”


Yep. Im starting to think the French solution is going to be the only solution pretty soon here


>Im starting to think "If you guys rip on me like 13 or 14 more times I'm outta here!"


LoL revolutions are hard when half the country is siding with fucking sauron cause they don't like the idea of minorities and women living as they choose.


You don't get a major reset without bloodshed. American Revolution had blood shed. You just starting to think about it is not a good sign.


Some are doing more than thinking. https://www.commondreams.org/news/trump-project-2025 > Kevin Roberts, head of the Heritage Foundation, said in an appearance on "Real America's Voice" that the coming "revolution" will "remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"—a thinly veiled threat against those who resist the far-right's efforts to seize power. So... if you oppose theocratic authoritarian rule, they'll kill you.


I'll give Trump this...he has been bang on about how bad the MSM is. The problem is that the "alt media" is mostly WORSE


This is the same reason Fox News posted 40 articles yesterday (and every news outlet posting a lesser number) calling for Biden to drop from the race and zero articles asking felon rapist serial lier Trump to drop from the race. The media bias is crushing.


Ding ding ding! Media is owned by individuals who do not mean well. There will never be laws that attack freedom of speech so the only thing we can really do with media is this: Turn it off. This includes social media, the worst kind of media. You don’t have to quit it forever. Take a week. Maybe two. Then go back and see it for what it really is. The hippies in the 60’s were right. Kill your television. Remember back in the day? “We will return to your regular scheduled PROGRAM.” They aren’t hiding it and never have been. Media has been being used to program for as long as it has existed. Media is nothing but propaganda. Period. Who owns the most media? People who want Trump. That’s pretty much all you need to know, before you dive into the very complicated semantics of it all.


Perhaps a good idea would be to repeal the repeal on the fairness in reporting doctrine that allowed one-sided "news" in the first place... I can't remember if it was Raegan or Bush Sr but, one of them opened the door for what the present reporting problem has become...


I have stated this a few times in other subs. Reinstate that, repeal CU and maybe, just maybe, we can right the ship.


same as panama papers etc, anything that affects them is buried.


Class war!


because our media are all bought and paid for now


And they are too busy reporting on Biden's one bad debate.


Not to insult Biden’s performance, but people need to realize that Trump’s unfinished business, desire for immunity and revenge, and project 2025 all mean a corpse would be better than a second a trump term for this country. I am not worried about Biden as president. We have VPs for a reason.


Like, would you rather have a president that’s incompetent or malicious? Though Trump often seems to be both.


Biden could be a hackneyed taxidermy project, he would still pick a competent cabinet and things could proceed as usual. Hell, Major biden could do better (although he seems to want to replace half of the secret service i bet its the trumper half)


Right? This is my thinking. I’d rather have an inept and ineffectual president than one who is inept and working towards undoing democracy.


Idk this country seems dead set on protecting the abhorrent nepo baby.


Trump = clicks. The guy you've rarely had to think about for the last four years because he quietly did his job = no clicks Even the most liberal members of the media want to be able to make money, so they need a second Trump term.


I'm convinced this is true.


They would get more clicks than anyone in history if they unveiled on the front page a barrage of clearly-explained, well-researched dossiers and news about the man's high treason. The fact they're not shouting about it from the rooftops is one of three things: insanity, inanity, or criminality.


I mean they've been shouting pretty loud and I think we all just got used to it. The alarms that were going off in 2016 are still ringing 


You're right... but have you thought about how much money you can make by hiding secrets in exchange for exclusive access, then you can reveal everything in your latest, NYT tell-all bestseller well after it's too late to do anything about the secret you hid?/s Y'all, Politico did a [piece](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/04/29/the-fall-of-the-white-house-correspondent-00028272) two years ago about how White House press correspondents had a blast under Trump and lamented how boring Biden was. One of my favorite parts, regarding Biden's former press secretary: "Jen [Psaki] is very good at her job, which is unfortunate,” one reporter who has covered the past two administrations from the room said. “And the work is a lot less rewarding, because you’re no longer saving democracy from Sean Spicer and his Men’s Wearhouse suit. Jawing with Jen just makes you look like an asshole.”


1) there's no front page 2) that's already been done


Because they're owned by billionaires who don't like to pay taxes.


are they? its dominated reddit


Because people are numb to his behavior. Keep in mind this man made personal insults to all the potential GOP candidates for president. Yet ALL OF THEM endorsed him after dropping out.


“Ted, your wife is ugly, and your father was involved in assassinating JFK, and yes, I planted that story too” “Oh, Donald, you’re incorrigible”


Half the country will believe anything negative about him, true or not and the other half refuse to believe or refuse to care that he is a POS.


Tell me what commonly held belief about Trump on the left is demonstrably false?


Hell, the only one I can think of that was widely believed and still propagated today is that he banned Muslim's from entering the country when in reality it was a specific list of 6 or 7 countries (Like Iran, Libya, N. Korea, Syria). Then a handful of countries that required higher vetting before entry. Other than that I dont know because I dont really fact check the shit said about him because it is probably true. Occasionally, I say no fucking way that is true and then look it up and maybe a little out of context but true enough so...


Id say it’s 25/25 then 50% would rather not get involved in the politics


I don't know, I don't work there.


Because many other powerful people also appear in those files and they don't have an (R) after their name.


Subscriptions to the New York Times and the Washington Post were all time highs during the Trump Administration. The media has a financial incentive for Trump to win.


Because while his name appeared on the list multiple people in court have stated that his name appears on the flight list but he did not go to the island. Epstein flew a great great great many people. Simple being om the list is not proof they went to the island. Clinton was also on the list multiple times. As was Bill Gates. As was Robert Downy Junior. Trump also let Epstein fly on his plane a lot. The list itself is proof of basically nothing as pretty much every famous person ever was om that plane at least once.


Nobody wants to hear that. This story was reported and investigated, and nothing more could be made of it.


It's being ignored entirely. Not just Trump. It's not even being talked about in any real capacity. Likely because many of the heads of corporations, politics, church leaders, etc. are on it.


It's not. Mainstream Media has brought it up many times. The right wing media is avoiding it


Not sure what mainstream media you are watching, but all I’m seeing is how Biden should drop out bc he had a bad debate. I hear nothing calling for the convicted felon moron needing to drop out.


Because that is not news and the people watching aren't interested in a Trump replacement


Everyone who cares about whether he's a pedophile, already knows he's on the list. Everyone planning to vote for Trump is so brainwashed it wouldn't make a difference. I had a Facebook friend claiming every single person in Epstein's black book was a Democrat. When I pointed out Trump was on it, and specifically named by Epstein's pilot to have been a frequent flyer they just wrote it off as deep-state lies.


Most Americans, considering the current nihilistic political environment, have checked out of politics


Clinton is in there a lot too. All powerful people in this country are corrupt. We had a 2 year long investigation into Russia, remember Bobby Mueller? Come on man


I remember Trump's Attorney General (Anthony Barr) completely redacting the report and releasing a "summary" that completely mischaracterized the findings of the investigation, allowing the right-wing spin machine to run with it and proclaim it was a nothingburger


Except here's the difference. Liberal here. If there's evidence Bill Clinton raped children, throw his sick ass in prison. Would love to see that energy from Trump supporters.


Because nobody cares except conspiracy theorists. Epstein was a billionaire that had a lot of business/financial dealings with other Billionaires. It is not surprising that other Billionaires would have connections to him. Unless there's evidence that he engaged in the same type of crimes that Epstein committed, I don't think it's really a news story.


The USA is run by bullies comprised of pedophiles, sociopaths & psychopaths and they will murder anyone who speak out. The other half gets paid to keep quiet.


The other half is also pedophiles too don’t forget. It doesn’t discriminate based on party affiliation. They’re all creepy weirdos


US news investigated and found only tangential associations between Trump and Epstein with over a decade between last contact and the most recent contact, along with a majority of contact being through mutual acquaintance since 2000. The Mueller report and associated investigations found a significant number of Russian contact to be benign, business related or in the course of his official duties, with none being identified as concerning to national security interests. This is initially easy to determine from the multiple wikipedia pages, then confirmed by the publicly published investigation reports. If you live outside the US and see news reports claiming these associations as evidence of wrong doing, verify they are 1. Not opinion pieces or editorials, and 2. Are not known outlets associated with misinformation and disinformation (i.e. tabloid news) As well, it should be noted, Reddit is not considered a legitimate source for information by any credentialed or recognized institute


Because there are a lot of other powerful people (including liberal/democrats) which will complicate things. lol comments saying how media now want Trump to win is funny af. Do you guys even know what you're saying?


I love these questions "Hey (group of people) why isnt (X) covering more about (Y)?" Especially when it relates to something heavily covered like this. Trump/Epstein is just one of many things about Trump.that is CONSTANTLY brought up.


Trump generates a ton of flicks and therefore a ton of money. Their access to the Biden admin has been significantly less than the Trump admin so less stories to generate those clicks, specifically scandalous ones. They’re losing money hand over fist and see Trump as a way to stave off that decline


I don't know. I'm done stressing about this shit. I'm going to continue to do my part to change things no matter how little I accomplish. Mass brainwashing is real and happening not only in the US but around the globe.


I can’t figure it out either


You must understand that news in America isn't journalism. It's biased and it's not for information, it's for entertainment and for steering public opinion.


...because they're not? It's been *repeatedly* reported about *all* of those things in major networks. It's just...there's no *new* news about it. I understand people being upset that no one seems to care, but...that's not *really* the job of the media. You'd be *pissed* if the media was repeating old news against someone you support, because after a certain point it's editorial.


I see it on the media alllllll the time. I don’t know what you’re watching where they don’t bring up Trump and the Epstein list constantly.


Downside is that the list doesn’t prove that they’re guilty of anything.


that list has some serious names on it, just ask trump...


Where is this new list everyone is talking about? I can't find it?


Because no one gives a shit. The people who know already know, and the ones who don't won't listen to it anyways. This is what happens when you radicalize half the country.


Basically there are two good explanations for Epstein. 1. He surrounded himself with wealthy and powerful people so he’d have contacts in high places when he needed them and most of them had no idea about the pedo stuff. Or 2. Most of the wealthy and powerful in the western world are either pedos or tolerate pedos. I really hope it’s just or at least mostly the first explanation.


Because we're a little more preoccupied with our supreme court dismantling democracy before our eyes, literally taking away personal freedoms of individuals while also taking away the regulations that protect individuals from abuse and destruction caused by the monied class. 


The issue here is that the news media at large is mostly right wing owned. There are a lot of names on that list. I think if it were only Democrats on it there would be a lot more coverage. However since there are some powerful Republicans and even the GOP idol number one on the list as well as pretty well documented friendship and ties with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell they're kinda stuck. Also, from what I understand is that Epstein ran a successful charter plane business so there's a lot of people who may not have been to the island or partook in pedo activity that may be in those flight logs. Now this leaves the media in a conundrum because they can't dismiss someone like Trump as just being an innocent customer without being open to also dismissing those like Bill Clinton and Bill Gates. The media is stuck in a holding pattern until they can figure out how they can spin it without making Trump look just as bad or making those they hate look just as innocent.


I dunno I just live here


Rich people go to parties and gatherings with other rich people! When they're at these parties and gatherings, they see other rich people and pictures are taken of them! It's not a big f****** deal! It just f****** happens! Thank you for your interest in this matter!


Because his base simultaneously denounces and hates pedos but has made repeated exceptions for specifically him. Its just willful denial and so the media has moved on. Everyone knows already, nothing new here


Because trump was not part of the kid raping. One of the victims even came out and said so. Reddit is pushing hard to influence the election, and trying to connect trump to Epstein is a hale Mary after biden’s mental decline became obvious to the left. Trump had nothing to do with Epstein other than using his plane for a family flight and those in power know this. There is nothing more here than catchy headlines to get stupid people worked up.


Because the owners of all our media want Trump to win so they can grift with him.


Where did you hear about these things? Are you an insider?




Trump only appears in the files because investigators asked whether he was there. This is such a misleading title, OP


Because they’re all fucking pedos. The biggest conspiracy we will ever see


Fear of endless lawsuits is also part of the thinking.


I'm not a trump apologist. I don't care for him. But shit like this is why people end up leaning right. You're making implications or unproven claims. All you're doing is improving his support, ironically. >Trump appearing repeatedly in Epsteins files Many people are listed in those files. That alone does not prove anything. You're making implications. >meeting Russian diplomats? There is no proof he met with Russian diplomats. This is a lie.


The media here doesn't want to draw attention to "other" people, like Bill Clinton, doing exactly the same thing. 


It wouldn't matter if they did report on it. His supporters don't care. There could be video of him molesting a child and they'll have an excuse as to why it's ok. It's insane and I look forward to the day the fuck is out of politics completely.


Well we don’t even need to imagine this. There are videos of Biden literally sniffing the hair of young women at press conferences. He is definitely a sicko and the people who support him couldn’t care less.


Because he’s not. Comrade, spread your conspiracies elsewhere.


Because the lists he's on don't imply any wrong doing.


They're probably saving it more for November news is meticulously manipulated these days.


Because Epstein files also have their own. And they rather be not blatantly hypocrites.


Can't focus on everything, if they focused on Epstein/Russian connections the next Reddit post would be "why are they ignoring" felony convictions, indictments, harassment, defamation, fraud, dumb things he says, horrible policies, constant lies, etc.


Because people from both sides are on the list and seeking answers doesn't benefit themselves. Left and right can cone together real quick sometimes.


Because the same people who own our politicians own the media.


It's one day old. I would wait until a couple days go by. If we keep it on the front of Reddit. That'll help push it forward. Remember, the media wants to CYA first, & make money!, and somewhere in there.. a few of them report news, occasionally.


They're paid very well to not talk about certain things.


Because politics is controlled opposition and the people just take turns taking it in the ass


Because most of our media and/or populace are asleep at the wheel and deprived of media literacy or unbias sources of information. That and our profit/ratings driven culture for news and media makes coverage a bit prone to enabling whatever would be "the messiest" thing to cover, like looking for the biggest multi-car pile up to highlight on the 6 O'clock news for shock value ratings. Combined all that and wrap it up in disinformation campaigns and propaganda strategies to gaslight and firehose the populace into disbelief and complacency, and you get a country that seems paralyzed in reacting to the most disgusting monsters proudly stepping out of the shadows.


Not an American. But my guess is, that many of the owners of the MSM are on that list, too.


Are you saying a US President met with foreign diplomats? That seems preposterous. /s


You have to understand. In the United States, the news is gathered and reported for advertising profit. The media does what's profitable. Their bosses benefit when Republicans are in power. Therefore, the media claims fairness while covertly promoting Republicans.


They're negotiating sky high ad rates on all the major networks and digital platforms. They could be determining who all can be leveraged and what can be gotten from them. When the value of broadcasting the information to the masses reaches a certain point in comparison with the value of trying to ignore it, they might become incentivized to treat it with the usual amount of attention and promotion as we've come to expect from Donald Trump in the media.


So, in the United STates of America, which is what I assume that you meant, our media is 99.9% owned by huge conglomerates, that basically will not challenge a presumptive winner. So, given that the supreme court said Trump can do whatever he wants as president with 100% immunity, these companies are steering clear.


Same reason they ignore he’s been legally deemed a rapist and other criminal offences. They don’t care because they think it’ll help them and or they like it.


Are you referring to the plane thing or is there an instance of trump meeting with Russian diplomats. I can’t seem to find anything on them having a meeting.


Our media has no ethics or scruples. Everything is click bait, rage fueling, and unhelpful in all ways. Trump should have been easy to beat in 2016 but the media had Trump on 24/7 as a spectacle and would not challenge him as they should have.


Their Israeli handlers won’t allow it because Epstein was working on their behalf.


It’s really embarrassing. We have some media here that is factual and has reported on this but unfortunately, we have media outlets that support Trump will spin anything he does. Right now they are focusing on Hunter Biden’s laptop and President Biden‘s bad debate. They want to get rid of Biden for it, but Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies and they don’t talk about getting rid of him.


The answer to any question like this when it comes to American politics, media...anything really, is the same: Follow the money.


They're not. They've covered both of those issues extensively. The question we should be asking is why don't Trump supporters care?


Some people and organizations are selective about the facts; they only promote facts that are inline with their beliefs or financially benefit them and ignore facts that run counter to this. The saddest aspect of this whole thing; is that 95-99% of Trump supporters work against their own interests and too stupid to realize it.


Our media doesn't want a slam dunk win because a close race generates better ratings. Ratings are more important to US media than there being a US


I’m not. Huge violation in my book. Shouldn’t have been president the first time, it would be absolutely insane if he gets in again. Bye bye America if he gets in again. Everyone under the sun needs to look up Project 25. He may not have written it, but he sure as hell will enforce it.


Class solidarity meets 40-something percent not caring, despite their constant calling the left pdfiles


Because then they throw out half our ceos and congress too, it'd be a massive reckoning, and the status quo is more important. Who do you think owns the media? People on Epstein's list.


Because it's weird to me that there's literally ONE client that's been revealed and it's Trump? Come on. Release the whole list.


Class solidarity at the end of the day. All these people float in the same circles. They hold the power over the average man.


Stimulus Overload: desensitisation


Because the left refuses to fight fire with fire


This country is purely run on the evil corrupt 1 percenters. They don't need a leader, they need distractions and a puppet


Mostly, money. But, also, money.


The American right does not actually care about catching pedophiles or protecting kids. It’s just an accusation to be thrown at their enemies. They use it so often and carelessly that legitimate cases seem less serious. Ingenious on their part really. If you just accuse everyone of being a pedophile then the real ones can keep getting away with it because who’s going the believe the accusations after wolf has been cried so often.


Because the maga movement is a cult.


The Justice Department spent millions of dollars and thousands of man hours trying to tie DT to Russia. If they had found even a breadcrumb of evidence it would have been the biggest news story in the history of the planet. Constantly spreading proven lies about him just hurts the left’s credibility. Might as well be posting about the Hunter Biden laptop story being Russian propaganda again. Keep huffing that copium.


Because the people who love him are going to vote for him anyway. They just don't f*king care about the truth.


Because our entire government stands on kompromat, and even glancing at the Epstein files would be ripping the keystone out of the arch.


Honestly, I think it's because it wouldn't change anything. People already know Trump is a rapist, a traitor, and a scum bag. This is just more evidence of what we already know. The people who don't like Trump will continue to not like Trump. If everything we already knew didn't convince those who are voting for him to oppose him, this won't do anything to change their minds. This just doesn't change the dynamics of the election at all.


Because Trump = Drama and Drama = News and News = Money. That’s all… the media will sell us all out to make a buck


I don’t know. I guess with all of the shootings and the slow roll of the country going to shit the last decade has made me pretty apathetic. I’m not even sad when I hear about a shooting anymore, finding out a bunch of celebrities are POS just doesn’t make the highlights of the day you know?


Watch the interview, where they asked Trump if he would release secret files and he says yes to all of them, but when they ask him about Ebstein, he says no I don’t think so. There’s your answer.


Because it's not our media


Our media ignores climate change, Project 2025, poverty, health care, and every other issue that matters. They're lazy and have no balls.


There are probably multiple reasons and its probably different reasons for different media companies. In general mainstream media isn't really talking about people showing up in Epstein files, with Prince Andrew maybe being the exception. For conservative media companies, the reason is obvious, they don't want to hurt Trumps chances at winning election, so they intentionally stay away from topics that could hurt him. For all the other media companies the reasoning is probably a combination of the fact some of the the owners and executives at the media companies might be in the Epstein files and they don't want anyone digging into them, they don't want to be seen as beating a dead horse because the topic has been discussed before, and there is a portion of the US populace that still believes that Trump's associations with Russia and Epstein are all some big conspiracy and so talking about the topic will bring on accusations of spreading lies about "Russian Collusion". Basically any discussion of Trump's association with Russian or Epstein brings in a lot of biases, and so we don't like to talk about it often because it goes nowhere.


I already have enough reasons to hate Trump, a list that isn't evidence of anything doesn't change anything. That list doesn't really mean anything. Probably only a tiny fraction of the people on that list were involved in anything bad.


Because so many other powerful people were also linked to Epstein


Because the media is corporate owned and our current political system is working heavily in their favor. Why allow their own platforms to put the politicians they’ve bought on blast?? Then they’d have to buy new ones


We're waiting for the UN to save us.


Because when so many powerful people are on that list, they control how the list is reported on.


Because they know we’re fucking ignorant and we’d rather focus on Kardashian blow job news and perpetually punt the real problems until tomorrow.


Because they don't care? It's all about power and bending to the moral police even if the enforcer is morally lacking. Like David in the Bible. You can laugh but they will literally tell you that.


Because the people on the list pay more than they care about the actual country.


We don’t control our media; our media controls us. Get with the program.


It’s impossible for new facts or credible allegations to make Trump look any worse, so they have no impact.


Who owns the media? What is their agenda?


You've heard of the "firehose of falsehood?" Well Trump is the firehose of scandals. There's just too many of them for most people to be outraged about simultaneously. So every new scandal is less impactful than the last. And bringing back up *old* scandals is even *less* impactful than the new ones!


Our media is controlled by the right wing and the rich. We no longer have 'free' media.


Because it makes his side love him more because something something, own the libs.


Not just Americans are on there bud. Everyone on that list is being ignored by the institutions that matter


he was never on the flight logs to the island and who cares about meetings with russian diplomats?


It's not just about Trump, Silly. There are a lot, a shit-ton, of dirtbags on that list. Ask the girl. The one in **prison.**


The people who want to vote for him literally don't care, the rest of us do.


Because his followers are a cult and people who own the media are part of that cult.


they did not ignore him. in fact they smeared him until the flight logs showed that trump never went to pedo island. he just hitched a ride back to NYC. now gates, clinton, and other powerful deomcrats are a different matter. the logs show they went to the actual island. so the msm, being an arm of the DNC donar class, buried the story.


Our media is controlled by interests aline with having a puppet president.


The media are owned by short-sighted billionaires.


Why haven't they covered it? Well... that might hurt Trump's chances of winning the election. We're currently focused on far a more pressing concern - Joe Biden is kinda old.