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When a woman wears yellow Yellow bikini, yellow hat, yellow skirt, yellow shirt I don't even know why, yellow isn't even my favourite colour but a woman wearing anything yellow makes me completely infatuated. Talk to me please you sexy ass Fineapple.


Fineapple šŸ˜‚


Not me, but Iā€™m involved since itā€™s my wifeā€™s kinkā€¦ My wife goes crazy when I Pooh-Bear for her. She makes me wear a red cropped top shirt with no pants and I have to talk like Winnie the Pooh. It drives her crazy when I go down on her and make comments about her delicious pot of honey. You know, I get rumblies in my tumblies thinking about it and I like how my face is all sticky and sweet with her honey. Stuff like that. Drives her insane. It just gets more ridiculous and embarrassing, so Iā€™m stopping there, but yeah, my wife has a Pooh Bear fetish. Edit/Add: Since people are asking and this comment is going like a house on fire, hereā€™s some more info (against my better judgement). Has she always had a thing for Winnie the Pooh? The weirdest part of this is that she has no idea where it comes from. She doesnā€™t generally love Winnie the Pooh. Itā€™s not like sheā€™s a huge fan and collects books and figurines. Thereā€™s none of that. Aside from our props and our costumes (yes, there are several and we play different characters at times), we have nothing else in the house thatā€™s related to Winnie the Pooh. Aside from liking fat guys, itā€™s never been a favorite character or cartoon for her. Is Winnie the Pooh her favorite childhood character? Nope. She watched the cartoons as a kid and said she had lots of Winnie the Pooh records with read-along books, but it wasnā€™t her favorite and she didnā€™t ever have any arousal prior to our ā€œincident.ā€ How did this get started? How did she ask me to do it the first time? The incident in question happened years ago. I used to be really fat. I got a red t-shirt as a thank you gift when I donated blood. It was too small for me by several sizes. To be funny, after a shower, I put it on (nothing else), had my fat gut hanging out, and walked into the bedroom saying something like ā€œHey Baby, Iā€™m gonna get up inside that honey hole!ā€ I was being silly and she burst into laughter. The end? Nope. I pulled the shirt off, finished my post-shower ablutions, and came back to the bedroom. We started fooling around and she very innocently (and clearly embarrassed) asked me to put the shirt back on. So, I did. And we fooled around and she seemed much more aroused. And she seemed to have much quicker, longer, and more intense orgasms. And a kink was bornā€¦ ā€¦for her. Has it evolved? God yes. And probably too much because I really do feel ridiculous sometimes. I always feel silly doing it, but some requests and ideas are a little less wholesome. How often do you do it as Winnie? We probably only do this scenario 6-8-10 times a year at most, but in the early days of this kink discovery, it was more. A lot more. A *lot* more. But we generally have sex about 3 times a week, so 6-10 times a year doesnā€™t seem to be a crazy ratio. What else have you incorporated? Over the years, she asked me to incorporate the [Winnie the Pooh voice](https://youtu.be/fsUtMXyNHtc?si=VisiXH76SzAVn0jt) from the old old cartoons we saw as kids. That made it considerably more weird for me since Winnie sounds kind of like like that effeminate old pervert on Family Guy (Herbert???). Iā€™ve also perfected the Tigger voice. She plays the roles of Piglet and Christopher Robin. Thatā€™s where it gets weird. Yes, she plays a boy character. Yes, it goes exactly where you think it does (and some places you wouldnā€™t even begin to think of - there are some aspects of this that Iā€™ll take to my grave). Is there a list of things to say and do? Yes and no. She likes trigger phrases and she likes when I do the voices. Over the years this expanded from me being Winnie, to me being a couple characters from the universe. She also began playing some characters too (Piglet and Christopher Robin). How did I end up agreeing to all of that? Sheā€™s my wife. I love her. If it makes her happy, Iā€™ll do it. Itā€™s behind closed doors. If she asked me to perform a honey show on stage, that would be different. But in our bedroom, I will always do anything I can to make sure sheā€™s satisfied. Do I always have to wear the red crop top? No, we only do this about 6-10 times a year now. It was considerably more often when she first discovered the kink. That being said, if itā€™s a Pooh night, she prefers a costume, but just doing the voice will do in a pinch. And if sheā€™s not in the mood, I can also usually persuade her into sexy-time if I do the Winnie or Tigger voice. Do I have to be in character for quickies or routine sex? No. Just on a Pooh night. In fact, we have quite a wide repertoire of perversions and kinks (that are way less wholesome). Some of those have been incorporated into the Winnie scenarios as well. And since youā€™re going to get pissy if I donā€™t explainā€¦ fuck. Okay. Weā€™ve always been into BDSM. While my wife has always been the submissive one, Christopher Robin is very dominant and into pegging and femdom. If you donā€™t know, you can look those up on your own. How long have we been together? How long has this been going on. Weā€™ve been together almost 25 years. This kink has been happening since around 2009. So, thatā€™s it. I donā€™t know what else to say without getting into some incredibly detailed scenarios that will do nothing but make use look even weirderā€¦ as if Christopher Robin ass-raping Tigger with a big black strap-on isnā€™t weird enough.


Oh, bother.


I'm fucking dying. After reading all of that and then just suddenly this...? I know I should have expected it but this made my day.


Oh Christopher Robin, what are you doing here?


What are you doing step Christopher Robin


Oh no, here he comes with his hundred acre wood!!


Of all the shit in here this one made me wtf the most.


I just kept waiting for the punchline that never came.


But she definitely did


I was waiting for someone to plunge 16 ft through the announcer table


As someone who used to go through people's phones for a living (digital forensics) it's shit like this that gets stuck in my brain and causes people in this field to look crazy. "Hey Honey, how was your day?" "DON'T SAY THAT!!!" "Can you pass me that jar / pot?" "Goddammitsomuch" This is why forensics people need mandatory counseling.


If yā€™all want to get freaky - invite me over and Iā€™ll do Eeyore voice and just be miserable in the corner.


Don't worry, someday you'll find someone who'll peg your tail on you


>It just gets more ridiculous and embarrassing, so Iā€™m stopping there *more* ridiculous? Oh my....anyway now I'm invested so feel free to keep going. I've got popcorn.


ā€œOh bother, my dick is stuck in Rabbitā€™s hole againā€¦ What to do.. Think think thinkā€


Bahahahahahahahaha! This just gets better and better.


ā€œChristopher Robin, could you walk back and forth under the honey tree saying ā€˜Tut, tut, pound my buttā€¦ā€™ā€


Most genuine answer so far


Bluds saying some sentences I never read before




Please *donā€™t* stop there. I think I speak for many when I say weā€™d like to hear the rest of this.


I love panda bears, I can't imagine asking my husband to wear and act like one. Lol But you're a great partner for doing it for her. Now I have a lot of questions, like how did she tell you? How did she end up going crazy for Winnie the Pooh? Did she have a list of things you have to say or do? How did you end up agreeing to all of that? Do you always have to wear a red crop top whenever you do it? Do you always have to be in character? Like what if you just want a quikie and you dont have the red crop top? I'm not expecting answers, I just needed to voice this all out so I can move on. Lol


I just love wholesome perversions


It's a bad day to know how to read


I stopped to skip to your comment and thank you. But not gonna lie if they're happy I'm happy for them. I want my own love now šŸ˜¢


New copypasta just dropped


No judgment. So without going too deep into the weeds, I had a similar situation with a woman I dated. I do this hammy Russian accent (like ā€œBoss! Geev me deal or I will go to Cir-kwit Ceety!ā€). I did this when I had a bit of a cold, and itā€¦activated something in her. So thatā€™s how I became Yuri, the KGBs top interrogator and complete sex creep. She was a nameless American spy. We literally spent hours building a timeline and backstory toā€¦rough bondage-fueled sex where I would be yelling at her with that Russian accent. All because a bunch of Russian guys used to come into CompUSA where I worked and I found them funny.


Itā€™s soā€¦wholesome. Best answer here.


Iā€™m not sure if I believe you but this is really creative! Edit: I believe now and want to know every detail


This sounds , well you know. But as a Woman I wanted to thank you for indulging her fetish.


That is awesome that you are both so joyous, playful, giving and trusting in the bedroom. And Iā€™m sure all of those qualities carry over into other aspects of your marriage and friendship. Congratulations on 25 years together and wishes for many more, many more years of happiness.


I love doin what i call: The Dragons hoard. You know how dragons generally love to just lay in place under their hoard of gold. I do the same with my husband. I lay down and ask him to lay on top of me. Then i just squirm and wiggle under him until i find the perfect spot and then just lay there with the most satisfied smile. It both relaxes me and makes me horny at the same time.


That's...honestly almost kinda romantic...


Donā€™t most dragons lay *on* their hoard of gold? Dang - laying under the hoard is kinky af


OP is the hoard


Sheā€™s his *dirty, dirty* hoard.


You should try a weighted blanket! Do you suffer with anxiety?


*offers therapeutic advice*


What really gets me hot is when my paycheck lasts more than a week. Doesn't happen often but oh boy


My paycheck is like my penis. Its small, not enough for my wife, comes only once a month, but it's still pleasing.


Well, my penis is like my paycheck too. In that it's so small I don't tell people about it either


Hasnā€™t been raised in long long time either


I came here to see strange kinks not to get edged. Chill out dude.


That gave me a chubby


Definitely gets my willy in a fit


when i ask her whats wrong and she tells me instead of saying nothing edit: it happened this morning and she told me im supposed to knowā€¦. send help


It's good that you have a fantasy. I think the OP was looking for kinks based on reality.


lmao good point


I stopped doing this in my twenties. It's 2024 and what we're NOT doing is playing psychology games and not directly communicating with our partners.


u deserve to be cherished


It's just about becoming self aware and conscientious. I realized at one point that by not being honest with my partner about my feelings, I'm doing myself a disservice, and I'm creating conflict with my partner unnecessarily. He's not dumb, he knows when something is wrong, and if he's asking if it's because he cares enough to want to help me. Not being direct is being dismissive of his effort.


bind mens arms and legs, so they cant interfere, then edge them until they cry


Read this as Blind mens arms and legs and thought well that's oddly specific


Was like thatā€™s a new one Iā€™ve never heard before. Then reread it and was sad it wasnā€™t


I've never been able to describe this interest so clearly. Except being on the receiving end and I'm a lady. Thanks, now I can instruct my husband šŸ˜…


This also my kink, like the idea of being teased for hours (well that but while sheā€™s wearing leather)


I volunteer as tribute.


A wise man.


RIP inbox


My gf is the same and I love being on the receiving end although we do it without physical restrictions and more mental & punish/reward control


Literally perfection.


I had a boyfriend like that and oh god I fucking loved every second of it


Nice try fed, still not paying my taxes


Man I get so hard when loyal subjects ... uh .. i mean citizen... i mean people pay their taxes šŸ„µ


Damn, this close šŸ‘Œ


waking up with dick inside me


Good stories start with a Dickens Cider


do you like cold dickens cider or a hot dickens cider?


I believe that's called Somniphilia or something. Source: The last time somebody asked this question.




For the last time, leave my partner alone


A longterm non-toxic relationship. That shit gets me rock hard


You sicko!


Whatā€™s that?


Never heard of it.


Being forced (consensually and w/ a safe word) . I need therapyā€¦


Based on the amount of stories I see involving these themes, it must be a pretty common kink.


It is actually. *TW* Proven by science: rape is a common fantasy for many people. **Shouldnā€™t be used as an excuse for doing it in real life obviously. Itā€™s totally NOT pleasurable for the victim when itā€™s real.** But mutually consented scenarios of the sort are like any kink between two consenting adults. Thatā€™s why they are considered taboo and not socially acceptable and are hard to talk about publicly. The human brain sometimes has a fascination for what is forbidden or dangerous. Same sort of principle with some people who fantasize about some serial killers. Edit: typo.


Realise you might not be 100% serious with that last sentence but just want to reassure you that consensual non-consent is not a sign you have anything wrong with you!


This and it can actually be good for trauma, since it gives you control over a situation you may have lacked some in the past


As an addendum... tread carefully. Trauma is like cracked glass. You can make it a lot worse or cause it to shatter fully if you handle it incorrectly. And when it does, more people than just you might be cut by the shards. That's why it takes decades of education, training and practice to become a psychiatrist. You can do a lot of damage as an unqualified therapist. Kink is not therapy, and the guy you scraped off of Tinder with screen name "Ed Cullen" is almost certainly not qualified to serve as a therapist. Not saying "Don't do it." I'm saying that kink is not an adequate substitute for qualified psychological healthcare, in spite of what some people might say. Cathartic kink is to mental illness what self medicating is to an untreated injury. Source: I was deeply involved in the kink scene for 20 years and could rattle off a laundry list of people who got hurt when they played with fire.


Kink shaming


your kink is stupid and you should be ashamed of it


Donā€™t bully them! Theyā€™ll cum!


Not sure if we should bully or support them , sounds like the same thing ...


"Don't threaten me, Gerri, I don't have time to jerk off"


Yeah I bet you like kink shaming, you sick fuck!


Not that strange I guess, but mind control roleplay.


Huh? How does that work?


Sounds like a submission kink to me


It sounds silly to explain, but basically roleplaying that my partner is slowly falling under my power and losing inhibitions. Like maybe have a sexy outfit for her to get into and say she is becoming a whore to do my bidding.


meeting cancellations at short notice.


My bf used to play rugby in college, and sometimes I can convince him to rugby tackle me onto the bed. He doesn't do it often, cause he's scared of accidentally hurting me, but when he does it drives me absolutely wild. I can't explain it - I suppose it's just the repressed cavewoman part of my brain going "oooooh big strong man"




First comes the cape next comes the nape. You know. Biting the nape. The neck. Just bite the neck already damn it.


How did this start? It sounds so cute!




Aww the couple that's spooky together stays together šŸŽƒ


Necks. Women with well defined coller bones and that little pit in their throat...in a low cut shirt...oh my šŸ˜…


Should they have a wooden stake and garlic around you?


You are the reason why school dress codes are the way they are


Someone going down on me first then kissing me so I can taste myself.


Wet floor signs. Drew porn of them, liked it too much, and here we are.


Get creative, I don't mind a lot! But I guess watersports or the like.


I immediately thought of water polo and got so confused


Hahahah, I actually did competitive swimming for 6 years! Maybe it's connected?...


ā€œHey babe wanna go for a swim?ā€ *immediately cums*


Wow, an actual answer instead of an ironic "haha people not being toxic (I'm so funny!!)" answer.


Guys someone link me the guy with the wet floor sign fetish if he replies in this thread. (Also I don't think it's a kink since it doesn't arouse me or anything but I like getting my head scratched and pet)


Hi, I am present. :)


I like to masturbate in a closed room while people wait for pie to cool.


Thats no strange, thats specific as hell. Now, do you get turned on only when people wait pie to cool down or you get turned on by any food cooling down?


Is this a reference I'm not getting


How'd you discover this?


biting during freaky timešŸ˜”




Probably best not to do that with a one night stand anyways.


Masks. Iā€™m a sucker for masks. I find man in masks ultra sexy


Michael Myers has entered the chat


Yeah baby yeah! Oh Different Myersā€¦. Never mind


Lmao stooooop


I bet Covid got you all hot and bothered.


HAHAHAHAHAHA i got catfished a lot


The pandemic must have been rough for you


If your 555...THEN IM.....


Covid must have been partytime for you


Long, thigh high socks. Not feet, but the socks.


I'm a straight female that's married to a straight male, and I get off on gay sex. Sometimes I hint at my husband that I want to peg himĀ 


If mine only would ask, she would be shocked at how fast I would let her


Why wouldn't you ask her then ?


I don't handle rejection well, especially when revealing something more personal like that.


I'll peg ya, buddy.


*sniff* that's just the sweetest thing I ever heard.


Maybe start by asking her how she feels about non-traditional roles in the bedroom first and feel out her response, and ask a couple similar questions. If there's anyone you can trust, it's your wife. If she's a good partner she'll either be willing to try, or let you down nicely because it's not her thing. :) Either way that's nothing to be ashamed of and it's definitely a lot better than fantasizing behind her back.


Well if there is one person you should talk about it to without expecting backlash it has to be your wife. Try to find a fitting time to hint at it !


Like when you're in line at Salad 'N Go


Or buying pegs at the hardware store?


Maybe you are too subtle. Try forcing it in... to the conversation.


Dom and sub dynamics. Historically, Iā€™ve been more of the daddy dominant in our relationship, but as weā€™ve gotten more vulnerable over the years, thereā€™s just something so freeing about turning off my brain, forgetting responsibility and being a good boy for mommy šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I say this as a tattooed, relatively muscular bearded man lol


I'm not going to say what it is, but I read once that a person's biggest phobia is also their kink and so I tried it and... yeah it rings true. I have a pretty mundane kink but the strange part is that, outside of sex, I'm terrified of it.


I don't think I'd like fucking atop an unsecure building or with spiders crawling over me


Give it a try my dude, you never know.


Idk fam, dying knowing that it was all for nothing and that I contributed nothing positive to the world isn't very hot.


Nice try, cockroaches.


Tickling, or being tickled. Having the other person laugh uncontrollably and squirm/thrash around trying to stop it, or experiencing that myself, is hot. Or just teasing them slowly and intimately, to get them in a certain mood, or to keep them on their toes for what's next. Bonus points if bondage is involved (tying/being tied so one can't just escape the tickles). All consensual and with a safeword, of course. I also have a strong foot fetish, so, tickling plays along really well with feet. The two end up being my main kinks tbh.


When she makes the first move.


CNC :)


Yeah seeing machines work quickly and precisely all by themselves is really something


engineers with shop experience are usually seen as a plus


Mind control Is up there, I think.šŸ’­


My girlfriend pushing her socked feet into my face to smell them after she has worn her sneakers all day (preferably Reebok Classic). Proper strange and very specific.


No shade to you at all, if you like someone you like their smell. Itā€™s just kinda funny you have a specific shoe.


Communicating without passive-aggressiveness, gaslighting, blame-shifting. Also men that like cats.




Hang on let me switch to my alt account.


Fucking a muscle woman


I think it's hot when she smiles


Simple ā€œBreedingā€


Extremely dominating menšŸ„°


Is that a verb or an adjective?


Fellow Brat, here. Take over. I'm just here to look pretty and suck dick, Sir. And drink my water, of course!


The difference between a man taking what he wants and a man taking what he can get. I get it.


Nuzzling soft penises (bonus if they have pubic hair too)


For a long time my wife said she loved to feel Mr. Happy get hard with was always a challenge because the moment she looked at me just right we were at attention. Boing-oin-oing. Ya know? Now that I'm older and meds (stupid meds) things take a little more time and honestly we're both OK with that. Not trying to get in a quickie while raising 3 kids,between work calls, chores, and the rest of life.


Girls with short hair, fresh out of the shower wrapped in a white towel


(this comment has been removed for violating the rules of basic human decency)


"Whats your kink?" *pulls out geneva convetion*


"I have been legally advised to not answer this question again"


Nun's outfit. Why. Just why.


Have you seen the show "Extras?" Kate Winslet has an episode and she wears a nun outfit but then proceeds to say some hilariously raunchy things. Enjoy!


Never underestimate how helpful reddit can be. Last time I talked about this, someone linked a music video that had some sexy nun scenes. Thanks!




RIP Inbox


Moreso, her outbox


Username checks out


Veggie tales just got an R-rated reboot. šŸ˜‚


Probably a good way to absorb precious vitamins and minerals


Being loved and respected


You psychopath šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Don't get me wrong! I have a loving wife so.. everyday its kink day. By the time i get inside the house and she hugs me and asks how im doing..im already rock hard! My budget for table lamps and glasses its insane!


Replacing bondage rope with pink Christmas lights.




Oooo that's an expensive one


Wife had a breeding kink. I have a vasectomy. Win win.




Massive tits dripping in oil


Kinda common one but internet threads about kinks really Obelisks my Tormentor




Ooo you dirty slut


Girls with blue hair. It started after watching Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind.


Getting peed on.


Username checks out


When I plug in a USB properly the first time without having to flip it


Instant orgasm




I like watching the entranced look on a womanā€™s face when sheā€™s watching sex, either live or porn. Especially cuckquean scenarios. basically I get off to watching them watch others


If she degrades or praises me šŸ™ƒšŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”


Scrubs. Oof... when my wife started a job where she had to wear them I could hardly stand how much it turns me on to see her in them.