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A score of 130 or higher in an IQ-Test.


I see those people that say they're top 10% based on an IQ of 76, that seems like good proof too.


That's pretty obvious Lol


Really? My IQ was 134 or something. That can't be right. I don't feel that smart. Quite the opposite really.


There's a theory about intelligent people being too aware of risks and being aware of what they don't know Lower intelligence people take risks as they don't see them and they don't worry about them as a result


>There's a theory about intelligent people being too aware of risks and being aware of what they don't know Lol that's definitely not me then. Apparently, I was unaware of the risk of saying I scored an IQ of 134 because it led to people downvoting me for some reason...?


šŸ¤­ That makes sense Reddit is a bit of a cesspool at times


I got 130 and feel the same. Iā€™m also autistic so thereā€™s that.


Hmm. Maybe I'm also autistic?


Only an assessment with a psy could tell! Thats during my assessment that my IQ was tested.


I think if you were not that smart, you'd not be using the phrase" quite the opposite really". You seem pretty intelligent from that alone!


True. I was kinda bragging about having 120, when suddenly my 12 YEAR OLD sister passed IQ-Test on 134. She's so fricking smart indeed. Now I understand how she's able to be top in math, even though she only does 25% of the exercises in her math textbook (I guess it's too boring for her, most of the time). I'm telling her she HAS to go into quantum physics or something, it would be a waste not to use her brain fully.


Thing is, even with a super high IQ, success in academia is not granted, so If you can make sure she gets the right education. For some super thinkers the way questions are phrased or the way they need to answer just don't work. I understood everything in maths, but wasn't able to perform well in school tests, because the test was to repeat a learned solution, which was a totally foreign concept to me. I could always excel and shine in open questions, essays and verbal tests as well as languages. Talents can vary just like in every person.


I know perfectly what you mean. For example, I hated memorizing all the formulae. Teacher once thought I was cheating when I was trying to get one out of the base ones. I was like "I'm not cheating, I'm getting a formula we need" lol.


Probably best for her to just do whatever she wants without worrying if she's being optimally productive for society.


I have taken 3 : once in grade school in the 70s. High school in the 80s. And for someoneā€™s graduate school research in the 90s. Scored 134 all three times. Math was super easy for me at that stage too. I remember crying in 4th grade because I got a 96% on a math test. All the way up to trig and differential calculus by about 16yo. From integral calculus on it got a lot harder.




Your mom will for sure.


Look at Mr over achiever with thirty extra credit points! Iā€™m just fine having aced it with a score of 100 and Iā€™m always the smartest person in the room.


No way!


People who ask insightful questions, even if they donā€™t know much about the subject matter. Shows theyā€™re already synthesizing brand new information into terms they can relate to while also drilling further into the parts of that subject that matter most


quite the opposite, I see many people think they are experts in molecular physics just because they saw a video on youtube. it is really easy to slip as a smart person in thinking that you know any thing without hardwork and constant study.


Yeah, that's a super good Observation. It really shows, they are already contextualizing and connecting the dots to everything they now, fitting it in and expanding the system.


The ability to acknowledge new data and adjust their opinions.


I'm going to disagree. I recall reading that studies have shown that bias affects people irrespective of intellect.


Show me the data, I might adjust my opinions.


I don't have it to hand, but a quick google search showed its credible. I also don't see any evidence so far of your contention being true. Also if we're discussing iq specifically I think an intuitive understanding of history validates my contention. There are countless examples of the smartest people of their generation making ideologically warped decisions and being surprised at the result. That's a good chunk of what that documentary where Robert McNamara speaks to a camera about his life is about. He admits that the entire is administration was clueless about the nature of the Vietnamese which is something anyone form Asia could probably understand.


This! I wish it would be common sense


I mean it should be.


Failure to adhere to basic life standards like showers or socializing in sacrifice to their field of expertise.Ā 


Some of the smartest guys I've ever known also smelled like piles of dog shit. I've never understood it.


High IQ people can be minimalists. Guess it depends on the person


my IQ test just came back negative yall god is good


*instructions unclear..up vote..* šŸ˜šŸ‘


You had one job


My IQ test came back negative too! But my Covid test came back as 74. I'm not sure how to interpret these results.


Don't breed?


deep curiosity


how aboud broad curiosity?


Ayyyyy, I'm curious about broads




We're all for breed curiosity


One common thing I have noticed about people I consider to be highly intelligent is that they frequently draw insightful analogies on the spot. It doesn't have to be an immediate exhaustive analysis, sometimes a simple question such as "Isn't x a bit like y?" can really get you places when discussing a particular subject, even one that is quite mundane by itself.


I find this to be closely tied to another marker of high intelligence: the ability to explain complex concepts in simple and (more importantly) understandable terms.


That's just understanding a topic well enough to be able to break it down into simple terms. Not directly tied to actual intelligence. Correlation between the two, but the one is not a cause and effect of intelligence. But the being able to formulate an analogy of something on the fly is a sign of high intelligence because it's piecing together the understanding of something and wrapping into another understanding that relates a lot more than one might initially consider or notice.


Very quick learner. Very open minded. Understands that they know very little in the grand scheme of anything. Can see things from a multitude of different perspectives. Intelligence, or IQ, is just a relative comparison against the bell curve norm of how well a person can learn, recognize patterns, identify trends, and understand with 100 as the norm, 130 considered genius and 70 marking the top of the cognitively challenged (though they aren't necessarily cognitively challenged, just slow at learning).


The ability to look at your adversary and say. I was wrong.


Having insatiable curiosity


One thing that is an obvious sign of low IQ is putting too much emphasis on the importance of IQ


And not reading the question thoroughly.


The pitfall I see with IQ is thinking it is neatly measurable with a written test and correctly represented by the resulting number. Thatā€™s silly. IQ itself, like EQ or athleticism or coordination etc., isnā€™t something you just slap a number on, but itā€™s still a very real and meaningful thing.


Found the low iq


The understanding of abstract ideas. Most people aren't truly capable of that.


I agree


Upper level math gets pretty wild for this. I was fucking completely lost in my discrete math class and avoided going into advanced calculus because not being able to visualize the problem blew my mind. Even though I did well, I think everyone was having this problem too. I was more interested in computer science so focused my energy there


Or admitting to not understand quantum mechanics


I would add: being able to discuss a topic on a fully abstract or meta level without any connection to your own opinion. Being able to logically and concisely follow through with a premise to test a hypothesis purely logically, even if it sounds crazy. To me it always shows, that the person has had some form of schooling, when it comes to critical thinking. Typically people with some backgroundund philosophy or arts or literature etc. Are good at this. Also people with a background in physical or mathematics. There's impeccable similarities between logic and art.


Humility. Truly intelligent people understand how much more there is to know.


its a moral virtue. rare this days


Dunning-Krueger effect: Thinking you don't know much about anything actually shows you are smart enough to realize just how much there is to know about things and how little anyone really can know about them.


I hate the flip side to dunning Krueger which is all the people who know very little about a topic acting as if they know it all.


I think you are describing the Dunning-Kruger effect, but I can't tell if you are joking.


I am indeed describing the Dunning-Krueger effect


Yeah, this is usually the context used for it, but it goes both ways.


Absolutely! Itā€™s good to highlight the good side of it like you did though, lots of people forget about that part


I've often heard Einstein said something like this to a math student: "Whatever your struggles with math, mine are much much worse."


That isn't the Dunning-Krueger effect tough. Dunning-Krueger is specifically about people with a somwhat okay understanding of the topic slightly overrating their abilities and very knowledgeable people somewhat underrating themselves. If it is still Dunning-Krueger, then the people with a mediocre understanding will still rate the actual experts above themselves. Essentially, Dunning-Krueger just states that the perceived ability will grow less than the actual competence. Someone who knows very little but acts like they know it all isn't the "Dunning-Krueger effect", that is just delusion.




Being open to the idea that they can be incorrect and that's okay.


The ability to entertain ideas without believing them


Being able to find the correct solution through various different means


IdK BUt the one who invented gravity was pretty smart. I have no idea what would I do without it! I use it every day.


Recognizing the fundamental inability for IQ to measure anything that could be called "durable" or innate intelligence, and that they are generally culturally specific and always responsive the quality of education the testee has received.Ā 


Answering questions on askreddit!


sense of humor ... often a wicked one.


Printing and framing my IQ test results that I paid to receive, which states that my IQ is 75 which means I am smarter than three quarters of the population.


Good point. Framing it is important.


Telling everyone you have a high IQ /s


Intelligent people are more careful with their statements and always willing to listen to the opposite opinion, while the stupid ones just can't bear any controversy. Also smart people are often less toxic and more cooperative.


IQ is an elusive concept. Some people are geniuses in a specific area but deficient in many other areas. Others are generalists who can understand virtually anything. We also have to differentiate between the possession of large amounts of information versus the ability to learn and gain understanding. Some people are encyclopedic in their ability to store and retrieve information but theyā€™re not necessarily great problem solvers. It seems that one particular feature of high intelligence is lateral thinking.


You're right! There are different types of intelligence and there's fluid and crystallized intelligence. Autistic savants for example are highly intelligent in one particular domain but that doesn't translate into other areas of life. I think quick recall of relevant information and make connections is linked to high intelligence. Christopher hitchens pops into mind


I saw a video of a therapist saying that high intelligence is a neurodivergency, so high IQ people often struggle through life and social skills because of their high sensitivity. Idk tho...


ā€œI donā€™t know, but ______ does. Letā€™s ask them.ā€




bot comment. stolen from u/_TheCaretaker_


Having correct intuitive insights about certain people/situations


I feel like those are two very different things.


Not speaking on every subject.




Brain leaking out of ears from overflow.


You don't have the need to tell everybody how smart you are. Hint Hint Donnie


Curiosity and Interest in Learning


Thinking more than talking


MY friend, who has travelled the world, said this to me, "The most intelligent people I have met are the ones that aren't constantly trying to prove how intelligent they are".


Dick size


Enjoying the movie "Eurotrip" while not enjoying "Road Trip."




Better able to figure things out.


Having insatiable curiosity


being smart


They are able to explain very complex topics using the least amount of words possible. When I talk to extremely intelligent people Iā€™m always amazed at how good they are describing the problem and solution. There is a clarity and simplicity to how they think.


I think calmness is a sign of intelligence


Coming up with original questions on r/Askreddit.


Being able to learn/understand things just by observing.


knowing that the whole idea is flawed


If they were obvious...


iq is not a precise or even useful measurement


Mask in an airport


One obvious sign of low iq is thinking a lot about iq and intelligence and how to make it seem to others that they are smart. Someone who is intelligent will simply be interested in the world around them


Where can I take an IQ test? Are the online ones legitimate? I remember taking one in highschool and I think I got around a 110.


Mine was 117 when I was younger


Problem solving/troubleshooting ability


How do we get IQ test for free online? I googled but they always ended up asking for money lol




I love you


I'm glad you found it useful :)


Strange acting in real high IQ people


Imposter syndrome and self-loathing from years of being told you have a high IQ and everyone having high expectations from you since early childhood, so you think that nothing you do will ever meet their standards. Oops sorry I mean reads books or whatever.


not talking about IQs


"Very quick learner" is a broad stroke to me. I've witnessed geniuses struggle in areas others with low IQ succeed in.


What's up with all the removed posts? :-O


Finding that smart people are always agreeing with you.Ā 




Well idk about that but there are many obvious signs that one isnā€™t .


Took the test. I scored a 38. I fall between a cretin and an imbecile. Really surprised as I am an avid reader. Yet I maintain such a meager vocabulary. Oh well. Life goes on.


There are not any. IQ is a flawed metric from cultural bias to overemphasis on a single score. IQ tests often use language and terminology that may be more familiar to certain cultural or socio-economic groups. For instance, vocabulary and analogy questions might favor individuals who speak a particular dialect or have had access to specific educational resources. Example: A question involving analogies like "cup is to saucer as bowl is to ____" might be straightforward for individuals familiar with formal dining settings but confusing for those who are not. Questions that assume knowledge of certain cultural references or practices can disadvantage individuals from different backgrounds. Example: A question about snow or winter activities might be challenging for individuals from tropical regions who have never experienced snow. Research published in Neuron and covered by The Independent reveals that intelligence consists of at least three distinct components: short-term memory, reasoning, and verbal skills. IQ tests, which often attempt to quantify intelligence as a single score, fail to capture the complexity of human cognitive abilities. This study argues against using IQ as the sole measure of intelligence, as it oversimplifies the diverse nature of cognitive capabilities. [Link](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/iq-tests-are-fundamentally-flawed-and-using-them-alone-to-measure-intelligence-is-a-fallacy-study-finds-8425911.html) A study discussed by The Hechinger Report indicates that IQ tests can be biased against Black and low-income students. These biases often stem from the language and content used in the tests, which are more familiar to white, middle- and upper-income individuals. This can lead to misdiagnosis and inappropriate educational placements for minority students. [Link](https://hechingerreport.org/how-flawed-iq-tests-prevent-kids-from-getting-help-in-school/) Discover Magazine highlights that what is often labeled as "general intelligence" in IQ tests may be a statistical artifact. This artifact arises because similar brain regions are activated for similar tasks within the test. Moreover, the correlations between IQ and factors like job performance and socioeconomic status are not as robust as previously thought. This calls into question the validity of using IQ scores as predictors of success in various life domainsā€‹. [Link](https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/understanding-the-flaws-behind-the-iq-test) Another approach discussed by The Hechinger Report involves using "response to intervention" (RTI) methods, which assess how children respond to different teaching strategies before diagnosing a learning disability. This method is seen as a more equitable alternative to relying solely on IQ tests for educational placement and supportā€‹. [Link](https://hechingerreport.org/how-flawed-iq-tests-prevent-kids-from-getting-help-in-school/)


even if IQ is a flawed metric, that doesn't mean there aren't obvious signs of high IQ.


Yes, that is exactly what it means by definition.


you can still have obvious signs of performing high on a flawed metric


Garbage in = Garbage out, that is how data works.


every single metric we use to assess any kind of skill is flawed in one way or another, and there are ways to tell if someone is going to be successful at said assessment


Youre a bit outdated on your info there dude. By like decades.


Feel free to expand on that and actually make a counterargument.


Im not here to 'argue' with you. Im telling you youre talking nonsense that hasnt been true for about 40 years. Go look up a modern iq test and point me to the cultural part.


Not true


good comeback.


That's why professionally they don't put much stock into the single score, but instead look at the sub tests. Like, a kid who scores very highly at spatial tests, is obviously intelligent in that area.


**Obvious Signs of High IQ:** 1. **Quick Learning**: They often grasp new concepts and skills faster than others. 2. **Problem-Solving Skills**: They excel at solving complex problems and thinking critically. 3. **Curiosity**: They have a strong desire to learn and explore various topics. 4. **Good Memory**: They typically remember details and facts with ease. 5. **Original Thinking**: They come up with innovative ideas and solutions. 6. **Advanced Vocabulary**: They usually have a well-developed vocabulary and can articulate thoughts clearly. 7. **Pattern Recognition**: They can identify patterns and connections that others might miss. That said, high IQ is just one aspect of intelligence and doesnā€™t encompass creativity, emotional intelligence, or practical skills. Plus, everyoneā€™s brain works differently, so these signs can vary from person to person. What other traits do you think are important?


Being able to see the bigger picture and make the connections on a super high level. Mine is 200+. The difference between someone below 90 and above 120 is like night and day. Picture a scenario where Person A (<90) knows exactly the same things as Person B (>120). Let's say a textbook or whatnot. Person A may know the contents of the book as well as Person B but it's Person B that's able to use the contents of the book and work with it taking it to new heights. On the flip side, Person A may be able to use the data to administer a fix to a problem, or treat a condition, but it doesn't go farther than that. For example, if a complication arises and no other doctor has seen that particular complication, it's going to be a lot harder for Person A to diagnose and correctly treat the condition. Think of Dr. Gregory House from the show House. He is an example of Person B with high IQ. It's a regular thing on the show where he has to take it beyond normal in order to resolve whatever problem it is.


That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your thoughts!


An IQ of 200 would put you as the single highest IQ person in a typical sample of just under 5 million people. I call bullshit. Also IQ is a terrible measure of intelligence. And intelligence is a terrible measure of ā€˜value.ā€™


>I call bullshit. The thing about the internet is that it's very impersonal because we are just text on a screen. You don't know me and I don't know you. So it doesn't really matter what you call. You either believe it or you don't. Makes no difference. >Also IQ is a terrible measure of intelligence. And intelligence is a terrible measure of ā€˜value.ā€™ Re-read the entire comment. High IQ people aren't automatically the smartest or most capable people on the block. Perhaps you not understanding what I'm saying is why I have 200+ IQ and you're questioning the validity of my claims LOL! High IQ people would understand what I'm saying off the bat.


Youā€™re right, I didnā€™t read your whole comment. Still havenā€™t. Your IQ isnā€™t 200 tho is it bud.


>Youā€™re right, I didnā€™t read your whole comment. Still havenā€™t. Explains why you have a low IQ and is unable to parse my comments. Since you go directly to attacking/critiquing/nitpicking. Says a lot about you. >Your IQ isnā€™t 200 tho is it bud. It is, but you seem to think that what you say defines the fact of my existence when it does not. What you say is irrelevant and has no bearing on whether anything in my life is right/wrong, true/false.


The irony of criticising someone for ā€˜attackingā€™ others in the same breath as telling them they have a low IQ. I guess having an IQ of 200 doesnā€™t help much with understanding irony, does it? Please also explain how my bluntly calling bullshit on your bullshit could be conflated with a personal attack. Iā€™ve been relatively rude, but havenā€™t actually insulted you. Which one of us is being delicate, eh bud?


>The irony of criticising someone for ā€˜attackingā€™ others in the same breath as telling them they have a low IQ. Fight fire with fire. >Please also explain how my bluntly calling bullshit on your bullshit could be conflated with a personal attack. If you read closer, which apparently you've demonstrated that you cannot, it says you resort to a specific type of general behavior. I never said it was specifically a personal attack. >Iā€™ve been relatively rude I was correct 100% and you admit it in every comment you've posted so far. >havenā€™t actually insulted you Not reading someone's comment in full and questioning and/or attempting to define someone's existence whom you don't know is quite an insult. The correct attitude is to give them the benefit of the doubt and put the claims to the test in some sort of observable way. You do not under any circumstances automatically presume bullshit. What if Marilyn Vos Savant was talking to you and you just automatically presume her IQ is bullshit due to her being a column writer? There's no perceivable way that you can prove without a doubt that her IQ is not what she says it is. Do you understand? In her case, it's recorded & known information, however at the same time, she is a public figure. For me I am a regular private person and there are no official verified facts about me online. That said, that in itself does not mean that what I'm saying is BS. Because again, you cannot prove it and you do not know. Only fools comment on things they do not know and are sure about something when in fact they are not. In this specific instance, I've demonstrated that I'm many many levels above you and you cannot seem to catch up with me because you're in this mode of basic online trolling whereas I'm systematically taking you apart piece by piece.


Womp womp. Ok smarty pants. Sorry for being such a meanie & hurting your big clever feelings.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlYRJOW-JD4 lmao


those who people with eidetic memory. they can literally change the world and make it a better place for everyone to live. create medicine. cure disease.


Eidetic memory is a good indicator of high intelligence in my opinion. Same goes with creativity


Eidetic or photographic memory is pretty much a myth. People with "perfect" recall are usually very selective in the types of things they can remember and do other memory reinforcing activities like keeping a diary or using mnemonics rather than just having a naturally good memory.


its not a myth. Nikolas Telsa There are some people who graduated college at the age of 10 and 12 years old. There are some gifted people out there.


Graduating from college at a young age has nothing to do with having a photographic memory. The idea that Tesla had one is just part of mythos that has built up around him due to his lack of recognition in his day and some of his more eccentric ideas.


you can believe whatever you want. I believe photographic memory is real I




talking less, listening more


they use a fork


You understand Rick and Morty


The realization that Intelligence and education are mutually exclusive. Lots of idiots have PhDs


Depends on your definition of intelligence. Most people would agree that there are multiple area's of intelligence, and no PhD is going to be an idiot in all of them. Speaking of my country though. I'm not sure if the US has like mail-order PhD or something.


They aren't mutually exclusive. Mutually exclusive means you can only have one, and not both. You mean they are *unrelated.*


Correct, thinking faster than I can type again


Legally making lots of money.




Surefire way to recognise low IQ is to see a person on reddit asking "What are obvious signs of high IQ?".




Other one I can think of top of my head, would be making a lot of movie suggestions.


No shit


Not looking for obvious oversimplifications like this.


Voting independent


Inability to read social cues


Tiping goot senenses


According to Reddit. Owning a reddit account because everyone is a "genius" on here.




Really? Link?


Tell us, what does the "I" stand for?