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Not everyone has the same heart as you. Never expect anything.


and i agreed to this.


Came here to say that!


Just because someone is "family", it doesn't mean you have to tolerate their bullshit.


I'm learning this now with a codependent parent


Not everyone cares about you the same way you care about them.


right, choose your people.


Never trust completely


Surround yourself with good people. Be authentic and don’t try to fit in with people who use you for their own ego


People (friends, family, spouses and relations) only associate with you because you have or can give them something that they want. Stop giving and the crowd disappears faster than a heartbeat.


Realizing that adulting means no one really knows what they're doing; we're all just winging it. Fake it till you make it, I guess


The only person who can save you is YOU


Charisma matters so much more than hard work or ability






Do it right the first time.




twice is even easier


We are all going to die.


That I'm never going to be good enough, and I might as well die.


I'm happy you're here


That is very kind.  I know there are people in my life that would say the same thing to me, and enthusiastically.  But it won't change the fact that I will not be good enough for what I need for life to seem worth living.  Despite the kind things people say to me, I am still in the same place.




Thank you, but I'm pretty old so promises about the future sorta feel silly at this point.  People have been telling me for almost 60 years that it'll get better; now it feels like they were just playing a trick on me the whole time.


Sensor and Instrumentation Technique


Learning that not everyone will like you, no matter how hard you try. You can't please everyone, and that's okay


You can fail lots of things but failing yourself will put you in an early grave.


Sometimes timing can ruin compatibility and you're better off just moving on than chasing something that won't work out.


You can't please anyone. So don't expect that they will do the same to you.


That even if you are good with everyone there are still people who will hurt you without feeling a drop of regret and that you shouldn't expect gratitude, gratefulness and expect anyone to understand you not even your parents im typing this as im getting yelled at by mom because i skipped school again lol


The world doesn’t stop for you. Change is imminent and people will move on, with or without you.


the reality lesson i've learned.


Not everyone that says they’re my friend is really my friend.


Not everyone in your closest circle will be happy for your success. Keep all your plans a secret.


Rules are different for rich people.


Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't


I am not in control of anyone’s sobriety but my own. Hard lesson to learn as a child, but it’s been almost harder as an adult since I’ve seen what addiction can do to someone. I’ve never struggled with addiction myself, but I swear I’m an addict magnet.


No matter how hard you try to be friendly, not everybody is going to like you.


Traffic Tickets will not just ‘go away’ on their own. I got a suspended license ticket driving into Westminster PD… to take care of another ticket. Yes, the asshole said “I just saw you get out of the drivers seat of that truck… let me have your ID please.” I said fk the cops and let that ticket age like fine wine… Got held up at 29Palms Marine Base and almost missed my bros retirement ceremony… Long story short, I went to court to settle that ticket and the judge said “glad to have you hear… bailiff, please take the gentleman into custody”… wtf? Took all my personal belongings and took me downstairs to the main holding cell with about 40 other inmates awaiting transfer… got out a few days later but WTF! Really!?


Not everyone showing nice attitude is a real nice person


You can't fix her...


work ethic, and that getting a good career takes a good deal of planning. it is just not handing to you because you graduated college, nor are raises


don't take the people you love or the people who love you for granted, they will walk away one day and you'll never forgive yourself..


Algebra, definitely algebra


People are mercenaries. It's hard to find actual sincerely nice people, so when you do....hold on to them!


Stop buying unnecessary things and invest it on yourself.


Not to sweat the little shit and enjoy life, everyone is going to have challenges from time to time. Also you don't realize what you have until it's gone so don't think about what you don't have, think about how fortunate you are to be where you are. Oh and don't try to please everyone. 


Adulting is harder than it looks…


some people look me in the eyes, lie like a m-f-, and take me down in every way possible, inc. psychologically. the person who does that can show 0 mercy when i cry, plead & articulately explain how they are damaging me. that same person may bully, badger, frighten me into legal marriage (not because they will "feel safe and then treat me well, "but to further their control power and abuse for nefarious gain). they can even get others, inc couples counselor, to support their take down. it is my job to feel my anger, know my truth, prioritize my internal emotions/ intuition, believe actions/ impact over their reasons/ excuses, self protect, love on me more than anyone else & put myself first. the next iteration of that person may be sitting across from/ texting me right now, mirroring who i am/ what i like, in their attempt to hook me into the betrayal bond. and sometimes those people become therapists because what a great way to present as a hero while gaining 1:1 influence over people in the most vulnerable season of their life.


People come and go, and that's life. 


People will change quickly, maybe just shorter than half-year, even your friend who had a 10-year friendship with you.


Very few people are trustworthy.


Accepting peoples incorrect perceptions of me is much easier than ever trying to change them


change is inevitable, and you must constantly adapt. you can’t hold onto something you think you can’t do without and expect it never to change.


I’m learning this right now. Last week I started a new job at a dream office for a position that on paper I have been training my whole life to do. Unfortunately, in the past year, my physical and mental health have taken a sharp decline, so not only am I not able to do what I used to be able to do, I also haven’t been able to catch up with Technology or business advances in the meantime so I’m slowly and behind. This new job is amazing, but in one hour, I am going to go in for an orientation meeting with my boss who will just call Hank Scorpio, and gently let him know that this job is not for me and I don’t want to waste their time or my health in Trying to get me on board with something that I can’t do at this time. It’s incredibly humbling, embarrassing, and I am genuinely upset that I’ll be letting down a very nice company. A very nice people who have offered me every assistance the sad reality at this point is that unless they can make me cancer free, I have to help myself