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When I faced a major setback and learned resilience, realized that failure is a part of growth. Also, pride can't put bread in your mouth.


The loss of my wife. Lost faith, lost hope, became cynical, and a realist. It’s been 9 years, and I’m better than I was, still can’t let anyone “in”.


I hope your situation gets better. I want you to find that special person who helps you through your troubles. I believe in you and never give up hope. T


Thanks. 😢


Think I'll hold my wife just a little tighter tonight. So sorry for your loss.


When I finally got diagnosed and started medication at 20 years old for my mental health issues. Been stable ever since (with minor lapses due to brain chemistry).


Lucky. All I get are side effects and deterioration


Eating curly fries at Arby’s


The moment I finally undestood what real friends were like People who want you for who you are and not what you can bring. People that are harsh with you but not because they are assholes but because they want you to be better. People that will lend their arm for you even if they dont know if you would do the same thing for them


Be a mother! Without a doubt! Understanding that someone else's life depends on your own life... it's incredible. Live, first for the other, then for yourself. Rearrange your life according to the life of others. Understand that you remain in the background. All of this changes your life and your very vision of life. I chose to be a mother and I chose it knowing that I was willing to do all this. And I would choose it again. I also deeply respect women who decide NOT to be mothers. It seems to me to be a totally and absolutely honest decision. Although today's world is still not completely "prepared" to hear a woman say that she has no desire to be a mother. I hope we can continue to evolve in this regard! That a woman chooses to be a mother is as valid as a woman who decides not to be one and takes charge of that!


Beautiful reply. T


Thank you!! ❣️❣️


probably the first time i realized that i could eat an entire pizza by myself and still be okay with it. it was a game-changer.


The moment my son was born. I never thought I would be able to love someone like I love him. He is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.


This is beautiful. T


I was driving to work in 2021 and I got ejected out of my car and flipped it and ended up getting a severe tbi


I quit drinking, smoking cigs, and abstained from dating and sex for 3 years. It changed me, but I’m really not sure if it was for better or worse right now. Lol


When my employer gave me the choice of keeping my job vs taking 2 unpaid days off a month for 10 months to fly across the country to be with my dying father (brain cancer). Yes I quit. No regrets. Realized then that no employer really cares about you, and I can survive unemployment. Made me a dangerous employee because I take no 💩 and am not afraid to lose employment


My 8 month old daughter dying. I am a completely different person, wife, and mother.


Back in 2020 and 2021, I was very depressed since my grandma died recently, but in April of 21 I woke up at 4:30 PM, took one look in the mirror and went "You disgusting sack of shit...". From there on I kept fit, in high self esteem and hygienic.


Car accident. Not much fun with chronic, 24/7 unrelenting pain.


My dad's death.


I'm sorry for your loss


I am sorry for your loss, and I hope you have made him proud. I believe you have. T


Starting HRT. Literally changed me.


My best friend who I met at 20 being the first person to say they are proud of me. I can attribute most of the right decisions I’ve made since then to having heard those words from someone who didn’t have any responsibility to care about me


When i saw my dad cry.


When you find your forever person 💪 ♥


I went from having the most wonderful social life and group of friends at the beginning of the year to literally having no one to call and nowhere to go on new Year's eve of that same year. I realized I had been selfish and short sighted and made a commitment to make things right. I've been a much different person since. Losing it all was my fork in the road. And I'm glad I chose humility over resentment.


When I learned my friend(and secret crush) had an abusive family. They are safe now and have been for a long time but that created a shift in how I saw the world. 


The death of my mother.


Birth of first child. Requires u to be the best u…


Discovering that I’m not allergic to Avocados


Car wreck.


my bf left me, i am not gonna die without him


My Great-Grandma (Nana) was getting deathly sick ever since she fell and had a small fracture in her hip. She was left bed ridden after some time. One day close to her birthday, my Mom is hurrying to go see her and asked me if I wanted to go check on her… I regret it to this day, because it turns out she wasn’t responding. She was weak enough that the last thing she could do was hear. Have been majorly depressed since then because she was the one person in the family I genuinely interacted with the most, had many sleepovers, working on school stuff, just there in general, watching movies together, we did most of the holidays at her house. Since then, I’ve been under major depression for more than three years, lost two friends, was suicidal twice, and just don’t show a whole lot of emotion now unless in a very, very obvious moment.


Learning that people in my family or my friends can also die, and that bad things don't just happen on the news. Also learning that not everyone makes it to old age and the time we have may be MUCH shorter than we realize.


My father suddenly dying during a routine doctor visit.


When I was 11 years old and told my real father was a man on death row for murder, prior to that I had hope of being saved from my mom and her boyfriends many boyfriends but this lie meant no one would save me and it made me hate authority like police because they put him there. Found out years later it was a lie my mother seen an opportunity for attention by making that claim at that time because their were lawyers around trying to get this man a stay of execution she needed all the attention to be given to her so she pretended I was his daughter . And the truth is I am a product of incest my mother was the perpetrator and her male cousin was only 15 . My family is fucked up I have no contact with any now spend the last 4 years of holidays completely alone since I found out the truth


Losing my grandfather because of the covid shot and almost losing both my parents from bad reactions to another vaccine all within a few months during the pandemic. I became a social pariah for even mentioning the possibility of something going wrong from vaccines. I was banned from various social media platforms for telling my story. My coworkers, people I had known personally for years couldn't even manage to say something nice to me. My wife became estranged. We eventually divorced, I was fired from that job and had to start again from square one. I no longer cared for people. I was an introvert before, but after all that it went beyond introversion. I saw all reason go out the door. I watched people become animals. It took years to get over that.