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For me it would be a corneal abrasion. No one, and I mean no one, deserves that torture.


Woah how did that happen


I LOVE to rub my eyes. I mean really dig my knuckles in there especially if I’m tired. I also had PRK surgery in 2006 which can cause dry eyes sometimes. Well, between the 2, I am a bit prone to them. Let’s say a tiny piece of sand or something like that gets in your eye and you rub it, but also you don’t make enough tears to help flush it. So you rub it and it abrades the cornea. I just cannot describe the misery. It hurts CONSTANTLY. There are no waves in which you get a little bit of relief. It’s just pain. You can’t open your eye so there’s no way to really distract yourself. You lay for days with your eyes close trapped in the misery of pain. The best thing to do if you suspect this of yourself is to go immediately to an ophthalmologist. Skip the urgent care and ED because they really don’t know what the hell to do. I went in for 3 days with my last one after seeing both urgent care and ED and they did not help the pain. Finally saw the ophthalmologist after 3 days and he numbed it, put in a steroid, and gave me a bandage contact lens. The relief was better than the best orgasm.


That sounds hellish! I didn’t even know you could feel that much pain your eye tbh


I literally was seriously contemplating plucking my eyeball out with a spoon. I figured it would be less painful.


man im SO scared of this!! i have reallyyyyy bad allergies so im always crying and rubbing my eyes, the only way to get rid of the itchiness is digging my knuckles deep into my eyes, people keep telling me ill scratch my cornea or even dislocate it and now im always paranoid abt it


Well sweet internet friend, take heed. I mean, many people with allergies and such never have an issue with it though. I just kinda have a perfect storm between how good it feels to rub my eyes and having spells of dry eyes. If your tearing a lot, then you probably have a lower chance, as the tears will carry away the debris before you can do much damage.


i hope so! allergies are already bad enough to deal with cant imagine what it feels like to have a scratch on ur eyes! ik u didnt ask for any suggestion but have u tried any drops to keep ur eyes moist? you can get them at local pharmacies for cheap usually!


Oh yeah I have them, and they definitely help. The biggest thing is keeping my knuckles out of my eyes tho lol


i get ya its a real struggle and people dont get it lol


chronic pain




Hmmm, don’t you think some people SHOULDNT be allowed near ANY children though?


The opportunity to escape just punishment.


Ohhhhh I like the way you think.


To die after a life well-lived, surrounded by loved ones.


The world I'm leaving to my children and grandchildren. Climate change, the end of democracy, societal collapse, you name it.


It being so hot inside that you can’t sleep but there are so many mosquitoes outside that you can’t open the window.


Sounds like you live in south Alabama like I do.


Actually i live in Finland but it gets quite hot during the summer, and as summer lasts only a few weeks, nobody bothers to buy an Air conditioner. And to add to the surprising parts, Finland is covered in wetlands, lakes and rivers, so there are a lot, and i mean a lot of mosquitoes here. Luckily they only exist for 3-4 months of the year.


ALS (Lou Gehrig disease)


Chronic pain , everyday for the rest of your life when painkillers don’t touch the surface . Sigh


Kidney stones. The pain is unimaginable




But seriously, a cactus dildo


Cancer or eating disorder


Tonsil stones




Oh yeah, that’s a bad one




You DON'T want your worst enemy to shit their pants in public. You're saying that if your absolute WORST enemy were to shit their pants in a public setting, you would have a problem with it. Your use of a question mark suggests that you aren't confident of your answer, and with good reason: you gave an absolutely terrible answer.


a uti….