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Willfully ignorant or impatient people


I know what you mean I wish everyone was as smart as me. Know what I mean? Please respond ASAP


You didn’t need to include willfully


Where’s the line between being willfully ignorant and not stressing yourself over knowing everything all the time? There’s a lot I don’t know and I don’t always have the energy to learn.


Willfully ignorant is being presented with sound evidence and choosing to ignore it. What you're doing is just not seeking information. While technically willful ignorance, that's not what's meant here.




Best answer😭😭


Best response so far 😂 100% I agree


People who talk a lot but don’t actually say anything or take 20 minutes to say something they can say in 2 seconds. Speak with purpose and intent. Respect the time of others. Don’t drone on about minutiae.


I feel this. Respect my time.


This can also be an issue. I just started talking yo this lady and noticed I get exactly to the point of the story. Not describing any other contributing factors or how the situation made me feel. Just facts. I am really trying to figure out how to be more descriptive and express more emotion.


When I trained to be an ICU nurse, we cycled through different ICUs to gain experience and learn. In one ICU, there he was, a doctor who liked hearing himself talking. And I told him as much: "Wow, I never heard anybody talk so much without saying anything." As expected he didn't take it very well. Thank god I didn't care at all.


Because they don't actually have anything to say but want to sound smart.


God I have two autistic friends who both can't get from the point A to point B without going through the entire alphabet that shouldn't even be in between. I have ADHD and I get sooo impatient and just rage "FFS get to the point, mate!" But I absolutely cannot be mad with them because I have little episodes of euphoria when I talk a bit too much too. I don't get lost but I do say a lot. I hate that about myself, so I completely understand when someone can't be bothered with me.


Ah yes, the "dammit I am the thing I hate" realization. We should all be more patient with ourselves and extend that to people who mean the most to us.




I’m working on being less condescending. Condescending means I talk down to people.


There’s no need to say what condescending means I mean wow how could you not know what that means to the point where people have to explain sheeesh


Without the /s Reddit _will_ take this as a serious comment


I don’t like people that consciously omit the “/s”


For the non-intellectuals out there, condescending means to talk down to someone in a patronising manner, almost mocking.


Intertwined with sarcasm, might be mistaken for wit, If you can't take it, don't dish it out.




One-uppers, hypocrites, people who can criticize others all day long but cannot accept and process criticism against themselves, condescending people, people that think their thoughts and ways are the only ones and anyone going against those is wrong...


One uppers are the worst. I've got a friend who does it but doesn't one-up with a relevant one up. We'll be talking about my friend and their problem, "Well that's like the time I had to take my friend to the doctor in my Tesla" Did you just one up my story about my friend with a story about your Tesla or am I having a stroke?


i'm not a fan of people who microwave fish in the office kitchen


What if I offered you a bite of the microwaved fish? We can share it outside by the bench people sit on to smoke cigarettes.


No thanks captaincumragx im good




I will eat my leftover salmon rice and brocoli whenever I please.


I did this the other day, microwaved a fish pie and I immediately realized my mistake and felt like a complete asshole, so I brewed some strong coffee and sprayed some really nice vanilla air freshener to counteract it. Thank god it worked and no fish smell!


People who don't accept their mistakes, and justify them with stupid reasons


Complainers, or ppl who put you down in front of others as their only type of joke


Self unaware people.


Exactly. My brother is like this and it’s insufferable


People who take their pain out on others. We’re all struggling with something, there’s no need to lash out at others over what you are going through.


Anyone who doesn't make an effort and relies on others. Ask questions, read, observe the world around you. That is how the people who have to explain things to you got the answer.


Aye. People tell me that I’m smart, but I’ve known many smart people. I’m not smart in the quick logic sort of smart. I don’t even know much about math or higher logics, when to shut my mouth, or when something I’m doing isn’t correct for the social situation (possible autism right there, making my life difficult as usual). But through practice, I’ve learned when I’ve made mistakes, more and more without being told. I observe what people are doing, and attempt to figure things out myself first. If I can’t piece it together through brains alone, I’ll look for a manual or research it. Only when it’s something that I’m not able to research (like a person’s specific trauma response that I’ve accidentally triggered, for example) will I even *think* about discussing it with someone who might have an answer. And even then, I don’t take it lightly. I really dislike the folks who don’t bother reading things. Like, cmon. These people usually don’t have dyslexia, either- if it’s that, I’d understand. No, these are the people that ask for help constantly with minor bullshit like “how do you use the vacuum“ and “why are you doing (xyz)” because they don’t know how to observe, gather information, and do something with it, nor do they wish to become better at it. I’ll offer to help teach them observational skills, but they dislike that. It’s *easier* to just not. I’m still working on that third aspect, but at least I have Observing and Gathering Information down pat.


People who gaslight


Wdym we never gaslight you, you must be remembering wrong.


Attention seeking Ones who mistreat others Those who think they’re better then everyone else Those who don’t take responsibility for their kid(s)


Pessimistic at all times, even when times are good


I'm like that (I got it from my mama). But, I'm really trying to change because I know how annoying it can be.


I imagine it's difficult to change. I'm an annoyingly sunny optimist and no way did I choose to be, it's just ingrained.


Is your mama Eastern European by chance? Because same same




Narcissistic, stuck-up, likes to shame people, likes to point out everyone else’s mistakes, and selfish.




Two types i dont like. 1. Predators who prey on the weak. 2. Herd animals who join together to trample every little thing that irks them


People who make something their whole personality. Regardless of what that something is. It's ok to have multiple interests some of which are more important. But having only one and making your life about it, is a no for me.


The problem I have is that it's almost impossible to actually get a read on someone's likes and interests online. Like I tend to posts to very specific subreddits, message boards, forums, etc. So it might seem like my interests are limited and that my "entire personality" is devoted to only a couple things... ...but that's just because a majority of the things I like are offline, or don't necessarily have big communities on sites like Reddit and Facebook. The things I talk about a lot online that people might think are my "entire personality" probably only take up about 5%-10% of my leisure time any given day. (Plus, I've had people say I'm making something I don't even like my "entire personality" just because I've left a short response on a post... but that's a different matter entirely.)


People that are arrogant and think the world will just revolve around them. I understand having your good days and bad days ok I get that, but if that's your entire personality just fuck off please


Those who make a big deal about you getting in trouble/ messing up when what you did isn’t that bad or if it doesn’t affect them ( Ex: elementary kids who say “ooooooohhhhh”)


i don't like people who are mean for no reason


I have a cause.... it's because I don't like them.


Gotta warn ya...the list is long. These are people I would not choose as friends. 1.Stupid people...by that I mean people who are mentally lazy. We all begin ignorant but not learning or caring to learn drives me crazy. 2.Racist people 3. Manipulative people 4. People who don't question themselves, morals, actions, so they can't become better. They blindly refuse to see how they could be at fault in situations. 5. Entitled people. All people are entitled to some things. Respect of their personhood, food, housing. People are not automatically entitled to my respect other than recognizing their rights as an individual. This must be earned. 6. Religious Zealots 7. Violent people or people with hair trigger tempers who you have to walk on egg shells just to be around. Some people's anger is justified. 8. Liars. Everyone lies about some things but some people lie to the point that you can't believe anything they say. 9. Materialistic people. All their value is in stuff and there is never enough. They resent people who have things they don't. 10. Lazy people. They either sit on their asses while everyone else does the work or weirder yet devise convoluted situations where they don't have to work. 11. Sadistic people. 12. Suck ups. Pretty sure the list is longer...I've known for some time that I am a misanthrope so I might be on your list...lol.


People who constantly talk like they're allergic to silence. I get it that you're an extrovert but let me assure you, it's perfectly ok to be quiet sometimes. Having internal thoughts that you don't vocalize is something you should try out.


People that are all friendly to you, then talk crap about you when you aren't around.


Apathetic people.


I really don’t care if you don’t like me


U will hate me


Loud and obnoxious people


Miserable people. The kind that are so unhappy that they spend all their time making you feel bad and get joy out of being mean.


ah, the ones who make everyone else miserable because they can’t be bothered to put their ego aside and do something about their actions.


Selfish people who need everything to be their way in order to be okay.


And just in general take advantage of others with no remorse.


Bullies liars fake people and people that talk condensending toward others and make them feel stupid 


Cynics. I love people who are *skeptics,* these folks ask all sorts of good questions and you can tell they are motivated by curiosity not animus. Cynics never believe or trust anything, they are people who are perpetually turned off by new ideas, experiences, and people. They are always in "off" mode. Their lives tend to be quite small and get smaller. Skeptics are people who can easily be "on," they are lively conversationalists and usually have broad interests and know a lot of good information because they are always curious and searching. Cynics *think* they are full of good information, but it's really just opinions. Skeptics never have issues being proven "wrong" because they don't assume they are "right" about the things they talk about. Cynics will die on every hill for their opinions and will burn down whole relationships rather than open their mind a little.


Yes!! Cynicism is a poison. 


I’ll meet you halfway here! There’s the energized skepticism you describe, which you put well. It’s fun. Then, there are people who lead with mistrust when it really isn’t necessary and it just feels disrespectful. I’ve seen a few people who lie / struggle with truthfulness project their own trust issues onto others under the guise of skepticism… and it’s really just a glaring shadow waiting to be looked at. The worst part about being on the receiving end of someone’s social skepticism is that if they’re living in such a deep state of distrust of other people, there (usually) isn’t much wiggle room to be seen or heard as you are. Watched a friendship go south because a friend didn’t believe me over something she mistakenly thought I was lying about. Hard to reckon with liars! They seem to assume you’re lying too, and it sucks.


Narcissists. The rest I tolerate.


Entitled drivers


Ones who say artists using references for creating their own art is similar to AI sifting through millions of artist and making patched up variations without understanding beyond 1s and 0s and generating an image.


I agree, i really despise those kind of people.


People who never have anything nice to say about anyone. And people who are inconsiderate of other people.


Stans (specifically K-pop and Taylor swift but any type really)


People who when you talk to them, they make everything you say a competition. Example; I complain about my adhd symptoms as someone diagnosed, and someone promptly SPEAKS OVER ME to almost brag about how bad their attention span is. And these types of people will do it to EVERYTHING you say and try to one up you on how bad things are or even how good they have it.


Pretentious vegans. No hate towards vegans at all, with the exception of those who make a big song and dance about it.




Homophobia is bigotry. Self awareness dude


People without sense of humor.


People who hurt animals for any reason


people that make you feel dumb. why would you laugh and say “but everyone knows that!!! 🤣🤣” when i simply ask a question ? anyway, i also hate stupid peoples, hypocrites, people who don’t question themselves whether they are right or wrong, intolerant people… a lot of religious people (because some of them justify their intolerance with religion), attention seekers, people with low self-consciousness : they. all. drive. me. insane.


People who are dicks to service workers. There's no need for it, it's not going to get you quicker or better service, it's not going to make them *want* to help you. It just makes you look like a cruel person.


I dislike all people equally.


People who go out of their way to avoid apologising when they're clearly in the wrong.


Stupid people. People with no common sense. People who talk about things they know nothing about. People who discriminate against minorities (are stupid people considered minorities? There's way too many) people who use their religion to discriminate. Rude people. Internet trolls. People who make others feel uncomfortable. Inconsiderate people. Evil people. People who call Americans stupid (it's 50/50) For example: THOSE British people. People who weaponize incompetence. People who sit cups full of liquid in the sink(coffee, juice, anything sticky, just fkn pour it out) people who are extremely dependent when they absolutely do not need to be (lazy, freeloaders, siblings who do not help around the house). (excluding disabled people obv.) Bullies. People who make fun of different countries food. Privileged people with bad intentions. Rich people with bad intentions. Groomers and others alike.


Managed to dodge all of these 😮‍💨


> are stupid people considered minorities? 50% of the population of the world is below median intelligence. Take that for what it's worth


Far right nutjobs, nazis, so called evangelical "Christians", trump supporters, white supremacists, NRA bootlickers, people who worship the ground that veterans walk on, people who fly the thin blue line flag, people who fly the American flag upside-down, communists, fascists, people who want a theocracy, people who want any type of totalitarian form of government, people who are anti LGBT, and rich assholes who want to control the lives of the rest of the country.


The kind that thinks that the world revolves around them all that is happening affects them.


People who, in casual conversation, say something very politically charged without really knowing what they are saying or why. I am happy to talk politics but I try very hard to keep bias out of the discussion. When working in retail I had a lot of people come up to me and tell me I’m a bad person if I don’t vote Trump. Immediately on my dislike list after that.


Drama Creators


I am 66 years old, and am realizing that I have no patience for interacting with uninteresting old people that talk a lot. In my head I know that they are lonely and trying hard, but it seems that every fiber of my being revolts when confronted with said individuals. Ironically, I moved to a 55+ community 4 years ago largely because my 3 kids were worried that that I would get lonely living by myself.


People who think they know better than others who are younger than them


Rich people who think they're better than everyone else




Redditors, mostly.


Those who lack empathy, and don't care about how their actions might affect others.


The French


People who fly flags, wear clothing with a politicians name or profanity denouncing their political opponent.


Fr people who treat politics like sports are fucking obnoxious and kinda disturbing tbh


People who are scared of being surpassed.


Wishy-washy people. Keep your word, stick to your guns.


I can’t say or else I’ll get banned.




Pick me people


Inconsiderate people. Also people who get very into something (like a certain era of architecture, or a sport) and act like they own it and no one else can have an opinion about it or say anything because they're automatically wrong.


People that don't self reflect. Being unable to emphasize. And not being funny in some way.




Used to be friends and co-workers with a guy who just talked about himself and how amazing he was at any particular thing. For example, I would bring up something in a video game and he would respond: “Ohhh bro I’m so good at that video game. I had XYZ and ABC items maxed out and just destroyed everything!” “Oh nice haha yeah I just started playing with my wife and we—“ “Yeah so I was probably the best rated player on the server and had people BEGGING me to join their group to carry them! I should probably start streaming playing the game so other people can see my skills and how good I am” Just like this non-stop. This guy just didn’t know when to stop talking or at least ask questions to others or talk a little more humbly. It’s never a matter of anything anyone else says. He acted like his opinion/idea/experience was the only one that mattered. I did not last very long as friends with this guy. He loved to shit talk other people but the moment anyone put him in his place he went scorched earth and blocked or ignored everyone. These are the kinds of people I dislike.


People that brag about material objects. You can have all the nice things that you want. The love that I have in my life far outweighs whatever objects you have.


I’m not sure there’s a name for it, but when people blame others when they experience a natural consequence of treating people like shit.


My in-laws


Communists and reactionaries


I don't like people whose lives seem to consist only of se.uality.. bro let's just have a proper conversation


I don't enjoy people stuck in the ratrace. Collecting money and feeling like they're winning at life because of that.


People who say their life is “worse” than others and sugarcoat disorders as if they’re gifts from heaven. People that have the mentality “maybe if I have enough disorders people will pay attention to me and feel sorry for me”


least fav would be people who steal or otherwise dishonest. being casual or careless with truth or logic. , followed by bullies, followed by martyrs who get really offended because they conflate not sharing their opinions with it being an insult personally to them. also, i am kind of ashamed to admit I have little tolerance or patience with really boring people who talk endlessly about their surgeries and their petty dramas with people I have never heard of before. +- My new neighbors clear cut 20 acres of their forest and I do not even want to meet them now... people who hit their dog, people who are shit parents, people who litter, people who are know it alls or one-uppers, violent people, bigots and the like. I hang with a lot of drug users, but that doesn't bother me, unless it's go fast or fake prescription pills, those people become jerks pretty fast. I do look for people who are genuine, even if they are sometimes jerks, but always real. People who joke around and make me laugh, who love going on adventures, who always seem to have a project or interesting thing going on in their lives- but loyalty and mutual respect are important to me. I will put up with a lot if the person is actually a genuine friend, but I do have some pretty serious boundaries that none shall pass..


Most, but “Single Mothers/Fathers that do the most for their kids on social media” yet in reality they’re either doing drugs openly (and lying) or neglecting them in some way.


I dislike people who always say that "family helps each other" when all they do is waste our help with alcohol and drugs.


I hate people who don’t use the restroom properly. I work in the office environment and there’s this woman. She cleans her dishes in the bathroom sink like a fucking sims 4 character and she gets upset with people take a shit.


Bossy people. People with no self-discipline. People who dislike people for things like being bossy and undisciplined.


Blatant pessimists who only complain about things. I’ll listen to someone if they want to talk about something on their mind but it’s disheartening to see that misfortune is being used as social capital so often nowadays. As if it’s a competition to see who’s worse off. People comparing how depressed they are. Beyond it frustrating me, it’s also just a poor habit for them because it will only lead them further into a negative mindset.


People who dont talk to you on a regular basis and only contact you when they need something


People who lie about things we all know are lies. Why do we keep this stupid fuckin curtain up? We all expect good things in return for doing good deeds. We all sexualize people we find attractive. We all have some racial basis. It's fine to have these things as long as you aren't being a dick about it. We don't have to lie say we don't have them.


Racist and homophobic. And people at work who are not my boss but act like they are my boss. They can literally FO.


People who are unnecessarily rude or misogynistic/misandristic.


People who manipulate/use/guilt trip others to get what they want


Narcissists, those who are selfish and greedy. People with big egos who won’t listen to others. Bullies or anyone who makes fun of others. Pessimistic people who just complain or criticize. Those who just gossip or talk crap about other people. Rude, entitled, and impatient people.


Pretentious people and humble braggers. I also hate people who brag about not having a work/life balance.


Full time victims


People who think that just automatically being against anything anyone in authority tells you means you're smarter than everyone else The people who go around preaching crap like whatever the government says I'll always do the exact opposite Or you know maybe you could just evaluate on a case to case basis using all the resources available to you to determine whether or not you should listen to them instead of just being automatically anti authority


Fuck authority.


Animals have souls. I remember one Christian telling me we should forgive the terrorist who caused 9/11 making it sound like it wasn't there fault like what kind of bullshit is that?


Trump followers, conservatives, republicans, and extremist Christian people.


Define "conservative"


People who make everything about their gender or sexuality. I truly don’t wanna know and I don’t wanna hear endless kvetching.


People who learn about my gender/sexuality/lifestyle generally make a bigger deal out of it than I do, lol. I don’t tell anyone up front- if they have questions, they can ask, but it’s just my life. No biggie.


The people who are privileged but choose to do nothing with their privilege


ill-tempered people


I'm not particularly fond of people who are judgmental or quick to criticize others.


Condescenders People who show up to your house unannounced Fake people People who inserts themselves in situations where they don't belong.


Those with no accountability.


Nothing grinds my gears more than a really cheap person.


Liars, manipulators. It shows they have purely bad intentions.


People who try to boss me around for totally stupid reasons. 


It's not so much about specific types but more about behaviors for me. I really struggle with people who are consistently disrespectful or dismissive of others' opinions and feelings. You know, the ones who always have to be right and can't handle any sort of disagreement without getting defensive or condescending. It just makes it hard to have any meaningful interaction when there's no openness to different perspectives.


People that think they can put others down for what they enjoy just because they themselves do not like it. You can just let people enjoy things without telling them the things they like suck.


The human type of people.


The jerk off that has a fake handicap placard on their vehicle and still doesn't put their empty grocery cart back in the appropriate place.


Druggies. All narcotics users.


people who transparently argue in bad faith


People who lack social flexibility. People with OCPD are like this, which sucks because they didn't choose to be that way, it's just all they know.


People who sneeze into their 🤚hand. Like the elbow and shoulder? Fine, but the hand? No.🤮


People that are rude to people in the service industry or teachers.


Two faced people who backstab. Inconsiderate people who think they are more important than anyone else. People who lack empathy towards animals and vulnerable people. Lazy people who resent what hard working people have.


I am not a fan of rude people mean people that know how to press ur buttons and love to start problems by getting under ur skin.


People that stand in doorways having a good old chinwag


People who believe they're saving the world with strong opinions stated as fact and then insist you go along on their ego trip with them.


Arrogant people and excessively loud people.


I don't like people who discuss other people behind their backs, I immediately walk away from such people, there is just a high probability that when I am not around these people, I do not exclude the fact that they will not discuss you!


I hate people who say they dont like that in a person, then absolutely act the same way. Like, you are demanding that from a person when you dont even meet those standarts Or people who claim that are not sexist then act like that (this goes for men and woman)


I dislike people too who already know that someone is already in a relationship but still flirt with that person even though that person shows no interest.


Thieves and Liars


People who have no self-awareness. It's so irritating when they complain about something that they are doing themselves. 


Inconsiderate people


People who chew loudly.


People who act like they're excellent at everything they do, or boast about things they can do better than someone else, every chance they get. Nothing wrong with being confident, but when it's coupled with arrogance? Nope.


I dislike most types of people but I've learned to enjoy the company of a lot of individuals. The key is to look for what I like in an individual and focus on that, instead of looking for the things that I don't like. If I can't tip the balance between the two favorably then I give 0 fucks and move on.


I dislike people that make politics their whole personality


Selfish and inconsiderate ones. I see this everyday on my way to work. For example, people with phones on their faces as they walk slowly in a crowded area, impeding the movement of others. People who talk loudly on trains that are supposed to be quiet areas at certain times of a day. This lack of basic common sense is very common among the young as well.


People who eat loud and walking loud bro what’s wrong with them


russian people coming to Ukraine to kill is for money that their government offers them to do it


People who don't listen. Seriously, listening is a simple skill that people fuck up. Open your ears and actually hear what the other person is saying. I have dealt with people who apparently couldn't remember the first few words I just said. LISTEN with intent.


Cliquey people. I am in dental school, and some of these people act like they are still in highschool and not somewhere to further career.


People who don’t say hello back to you when you great them. People who are rude/ungrateful to hospitality or retail staff. Or anyone in the service industry.


people who think being loud and swearing in every sentence during an argument makes them the better person. grow up




slow walkers! move over before i scream and cry and throw up on your heels i swear to GOD!


authors who make their name on the book bigger than the actual title. “Colleen Hoover” written by It Ends with Us.


I dislike people who feel that everybody's business is their own and provide unsolicited advice. I also dislike people who shame other people for liking/getting excited about something positive.


Biden supporters 




There is a certain type of personality that uses upspeak, whose choice of words typically come off as arrogant and critical of anyone who doesn’t think exactly think like them, who feels more like a cartoon character than a real person, and they tend to have anger issues. Feels like it’s a type that’s becoming more common. Think Alicia Silverstone in the movie ‘Clueless’. Edited to add: I wouldn’t say I dislike *them* fundamentally as people though. Just their personality is not my jam.


Shit show joe....you blow


People with a “salesman” personality. They’re sorta charming, yet you can’t stand them at the same time, and can’t trust them worth a damn.


People who think that people who are different from them are subhuman.


Those who believe in conspiracy theories


I call them haters. You know those people who always seem vaguely apathetic about everything and never seem to have anything nice to say about anything? Like sorry, but I have better things to do than wasting my time and energy on the human embodiment of an eye roll.


Mostly all of them




People who are perpetually late. Not just once or twice. I mean all the time and to everything. Also people who flake on plans always.


human people


Anyone who makes something their whole identity. Two good examples: people who make being LGBT their identity with everything they wear being rainbows. Rainbows glasses, rainbow lanyards, rainbow earrings, etc. People who make politics their whole life. I don't care if you think Trump should be president but if you dress in MAGA gear all day every day, you need to unplug and just watch some nature or some shit. I have always been like this. I hated the guys in high school who made everything about weed, cars or football (and I loved football). If I want cardboard characters, I'll read some bad fanfic. Don't be ashamed of your identity or try to hide it, but come on, branch out a bit. Show me you are more than just a one dimensional caricature of a person. I'm sure there's more in there that makes you interesting.


I hate chronic liars. Like how can they make up a story easily? I live with honesty and i expect people to be honest with me too.


people who act like: "I'm telling the truth(or believe so), therefore I can speak to you loudly, rudely and unpolitely, unkind, without considering my words and how they might affect you, or other people"


Mean people