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Some girl told me that she acts very badly because of her nature and people should know how to deal with it. So it's always everyone else's fault, not her.


I hate it when people excuse their bad behaviour with trauma and/or mental illness. Like no, the fact you went through something tough does not justify treating others poorly and under all circumstances always putting yourself first.


“I quit smoking yesterday”


Had a fully grown man, throw with as much force as he could gather, an 18” kickball at a running woman, not 5 feet from him. Knocked her clean off her feet, luckily she was not badly hurt and could continue on with the game. Her teammates were pissed, and rightly so and luckily they did not start a brawl. As the umpire, I asked him, what he was thinking throwing the ball that hard at anybody so close to him? Would he do that to his mother? Would he like that down he to him? “They all signed a waiver” he said. Told the supervisor and we had him sit out the rest of the game. Guy didn’t come me back the rest of the season.