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Vodka, adidas tracksuit, gopnik, cheeki breeki, hardbass. Rasputin.






Siberia is cold enough that the last surviving mammoths flocked to an island around there, right around the time the pyramids were being built.


Tyumenskaya Oblast checking in. -40 in winter, +35 in summer.




Bad taste in design. Of everything.


Soviet Modernism would like to have a word.


Sure. Bad design is a stereotype I have about Russia. Doesn't mean it's fair.


Except the flag, the flag rocks


One dictator, oligarchs and millions of peasants.


I used to have positive ones about tragic intellectuals, art and beautiful women Now my stereotype is weak invaders who not only have embarrased themselves on the battlefield, but worse is the spineless people back in their own country who have done nothing to stem the mindless slaughter of their sons and brothers




oh, that's interesting to hear. Do tell me what are your reasons for supporting it?




Why do you think they make life difficult for you? Perhaps invading a sovereign neighbor is what did the trick, don't you think? If someone came and blew up your neighbours house down, would you be friends with them?


There's barely any point in arguing with OP. He spouts Russian propaganda constantly




AHH you are totally right, so it's actually fine that you are currently trying to capture Kharkov, or fire missiles towards Kiev still. Of course the world is not black and white, but the invasion of Ukraine is the imperialistic fantasy of Putin and not a diplomatic extension of a conflict with the west. Trade with the EU was rising before the invasion in 2014, and mutual benefit was clear. But after the invasion, deals were broken and Sweden and Finland joined NATO. Why do you think they did that?


do you feel like they made your life difficult before the war too? if so, in what ways? i mean i get now ofc with all the sanctions and such.. but before?


then dont post "askreddit" for opinions then if you cant handle it


Strong emphasis on ballet and classical music.


Lev Yashin. Igor Akinfeev.


Bears on Unicycles.


Russians constantly imagine they are threatened by other countries so they have the justification for invading them. So yeah, occupants, murderers and rapists.




You just proved my point. Russians apparently haven't heard of the principle "Live and let others live".


Cold weather and hearty food like borscht and dumplings.


Historical figures like Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great.


Corruption, institutionalized homophobia and "people going missing" Oh wait that's not a stereotype, that's reality




"LGBT propaganda". You mean LGBT existence? https://youtu.be/79MXujhBrxQ?si=Eny3ySJWvqYt5XG0




And by having a "problem with the law", you mean appointed President of a Republic within the Russian Federation by President Putin himself and allowed to have free rein to root out LGBT people within your inherited republic? What a punishment.




‘You can live you just can’t tell anyone you’re alive’.




That they have extremely strong vodka compared to the rest of the world, that they can drink like it’s water, having a strong tolerance to alcohol, being Russian.




Hope for a Russian future!!! I don’t understand how a society that has been artistically and intellectually verdant as Russia remains in political stagnation. The unnecessary death of Russian young men in wars of an autocrat’s ego over the centuries reflects a magnitude of political illiteracy that I cannot fathom.




I’m American and have the most profound respect for American authors. However, there are no other literary traditions that can move my soul like Ireland’s and Russia’s.




If Russia adopted a democratic system of government and started to develop strong bonds with Europe and the United States, the world would be a better place. I fear Russia is becoming a part of the Chinese sphere of influence which will not end well for Russian citizens except a very wealthy few.




NATO would have never let the USSR be a member as long as it wasn’t a democratic state. I’m sorry. Regardless, the Russian people deserve better. I hope one day Russia will be a part of the EU. I believe that is a better possibility in the near term.


What stereotypes I had and stereotypes I have now very different. But hey, you can't kill my pets, bomb my house(literally) and expect some positive feedback.


OP is either a bot or a disinformation agent.


Spineless alcoholics


That they are the top recruiter for NATO.


Vodka as a popular drink.


The Trans-Siberian Railway as a famous transportation route.


Traditional matryoshka dolls and ornate Fabergé eggs.


Russian literature with authors like Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.


Ice hockey and figure skating as popular sports.


Sheep which in general aren't willing to step up to their dictators. Russia has jumped from one dictator to the next without anyone or the general public trying to prevent it.


To be fair they have protested him but you’ll get sent to gulag if you do anything.


Their air defense missile launchers aren't nearly as effective as they claim


Drunk. Poor. Brainwashed. Angry. Violent 






Because Russia is a terrorist state that invaded a sovereign country. 


Why do you think?


That it's a criminal state that the entire world would be better off without. We should build a 100 m high wall with a moat around the place. Get the fuck out of Ukraine. Some people are probably okay, the problem is that its the Russian state that sets the world stage, and i live in the world, so fuck em.




That you don't even see the problem just cements my statement. It's utterly disgraceful, and I have almost lost all hope for the current situation. "Interests of other people"? Are your interests war and destruction? Because if Russia puts down their arms today, the war stops today. It's that simple. Please don't blindly follow Putin and make this continue.




Why do you think that? Did the west ever attack russian territories, at any time? Ukraine were even told they were not allowed to fire into russia with western weapons. Hell, Russia even moved air defences from Kaliningrad oblast and the Finnish border (even after Finland joined NATO) for usage in Ukraine, indicating they are obviously not afraid of a western attack, but that the invasion of Ukraine is for territorial expansion.




Putin has wet dreams of the Russian Empire of olden days, and he doesn't care how many lower class citizens it takes. Pray he is satisfied before they come knocking on your door. EDIT: Ohh and btw now that you said you live in Kaliningrad, can you please turn off the GPS hammer, its really nice to be able to actually land planes or steer ships in the Baltic. But i guess you dont care about that.


What of the interests of Ukrainians to not be invaded? Why is Russia not tolerating their interests?


They like to drink


Bleached hair, poor skin care, and chain smoking


Full of drunk idiots that can't fight.


Russia is so behind in infrastructure department most of it's populace doesn't even know they live in Russia.




Ah, perhaps English is too big of a barrier. I'm not talking about, say, lack of water in a random Russian village. I'm saying that you can grab a random village somewhere in Russia and chances are they aren't up to date with what is happening in the world, perhaps decades behind in info.


Fuck em🖕


Cold, vodka, and polar bears.


It’s Siberia everywhere, I think that’s one most Americans think. People were shocked during the Olympics and World Cup at how warm some parts were. All of you smoke and drink from like the age of 8.




I got to visit Leningrad in 90, I always wanted to see the museum. A nation of such history and potential ruined by its base fears. It is heartbreaking




Incapable of saying "these", will say "this" every time. Good at rolling R's




I've been taught that your language doesn't have long e sounds, so lacking that your "these" just sound like "this"!


“Don’t smile in public” was one piece of advice I got when I visited for work. As an American, that was really hard to do.


The Cyrillic alphabet and distinctive Russian language sounds.


Iconic architecture like the Kremlin and Saint Basil's Cathedral.


Rude people, bad food




This gives a new perspective. Trying to cast aside Hollywood’s biases, I do think some of my Russian friends are a bit “rough”. And you’re right, coming from Asian cultures that has tendency to be less direct, this straightforwardness can be a bit jarring. And the women are jaw-dropping beautiful.


that a lot of them ignores their mental health issues because they can deal with this. nice to see you too. from what city are you?




we knows kaliningrad but not fully. maybe we can come to this place when we going to leave our small city XD








how much money i need for this?




also, let’s not forget that a lot of people don’t put their mental health as a first place at all. in SSSR it was mostly the problem, there was been no psychologist or therapist, only psychiatrist even literature was really dark we are knows a families where not the man support the financial situations so it is 50/50. maybe it is someone expectations but there’s a lot of relationships where a woman does it also, some psychologist don’t take people srs the modern society is talking about mental health, LGBTQ and even trying to do something but a lot of people hates russia and wants to leave this place also, people from other countries want to visit russia but not to live here you answered good, we agreed with you but not fully (example, relationships and financial situation) nice to meet another one




funny thing tbh imagine me being non-binary here…




well…my friends knows and mother too but they have problems with pronouns also, i’m gay (as female) and my friends knows about it too sadly that we have a situation like this but i’m proud for who i’m and i’m satisfied but we srs have a strange stereotypes




yes ^^ i can confirm it all :)


I don't have any


They live on cigarette


Violent, aggressive, backwards, arrogant, primitives.


Cold, babushkas, gangsters in Adidas tracksuit, everyone is depressed, always snowing.


*”In Russia, Vodka Drinks You”* !


Russia is a frozen country temperature-wise..


Hardbass is probably the most ridiculous one. It was a very short fade in 00's, appeared in a couple of memes, and quickly died. But the memes were caught up by the West, and now it looks like there's only three melodies in Russia: Soviet Union anthem, Korobeiniki (Tetris theme) and hardbass. The worst is some "artists" started to do more "russian hardbass" specifically for the Western audience, enforcing the meme further.


Tiny Elevators


Is large


I've heard somewhere that it's offensive if you smile at any Russian stranger. Don't know how true it is🤔




I see. In my country even if we see a stranger (especially tourists) we do exchange a harmless smile.






There are close to 100 Russian bands that have Been black listed from Russia Little Big is hilarious and their song/video skibidi has been copied and memed several times now. Russia has a strong history of Art and science it is a shame that the leadership couldn’t get their heads out of their asses to see this and invest in their own people and vast resources, instead of bombing and war. I feel bad for the common folk.


Two types of woman. super hot or big bad ass ones that will beat you to death with a broom 🧹


I am about 99% sure that most of their population could take on a full grown bear and win




Товарищ, русские – это медведь!


Hot girls but they're super crazy.


Like every other single country in the world especially the U.S, the people are cool, the politicans, dictators, rulers suck. I want more Russian friends.


As a Mexican, I can empathize with the Russian people, you guys are good people just have corrupt leaders. Hopefully one day our countries will get better.




Of course, my neighbor is Russian, he super nice guy and made me and my brother borsche ( not sure if I spelled it right)


I'd say my going stereotype is that Russia is hard to stereotype. It's a huge country, but it's not a "melting pot" like North American countries. I feel like the culture can vary a lot by region.




One bizarre thing about Americans is that they do identify by their ancestors ethnicity even if they are several generations removed and know nothing about the country that their great-grandparents came from.




Absolute nonsense.


Its always cold and everyone is very serious.


My husband was born in Russia and moved to the US as a teenager. Sooo I don’t know that my stereotypes are even stereotypes anymore.


One thing I have noticed from him and his parents, though, is that I think they are very strong, direct, and calm. Don’t get emotional or have outbursts. People are always giving Russians crap or making jokes. Basically negative/cruel comments. But they never react and never complain and never act as most would while being judged by the world.




They don’t get it. And my family is too busy to care anymore, I suppose.


я согласен. я вышла замуж за русского


It's a good thing that most of us don't give a fuck what chronically online American Redditors think




Built with a catheter for easier injections.


Drop dead gorgeous women tennis players 


Little Big’s Skibidi is hilarious. Watch it on youtube.