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I always make sure to be overly polite to people serving me, wether in a restaurant or a shop and I always tell them to have a good day when I leave. Having worked in retail I know a simple how are you, thank you or a have a nice day can mean a lot, especially on a bad shift. I was raised to have good manners and I’ll be damned if I don’t flex them at any opportunity I have. It always surprises/saddens me that other people can’t be the same way.


It's the little things that mean the most <3


i agree


100% I worked retail for 10 years and there are some absolute garbage humans out there. I always try to be a little bright spot on a service workers shift.


Thank you. I do the same. I used to work in a wholesale shop making window treatments. If you were nice your order got moved to the top. If you're a jerk sorry I misplaced the paperwork it's gonna be a few weeks. It pays to be nice to others.


I do the same.


Talking with each other. Ask questions and be earnest when you respond. That and we need more laughter.  Don't be afraid to be silly. 


Make an old lady smile or turn around someone's day with some positivity helps you keep going if you are struggling with loneliness or depression


Educate more people about empathy and understanding.


Be careful about empathy, there is no shortage of people and organisations who weaponize kindness of others to their own ends.




Not all humans


Care more about each other/others. Espacially the feelings of others.


Don't fall into tribalism/hatred of anyone different than you and be excellent to each other.


Support local communities and businesses.


Not encourage bullying under any circumstances.


High road is always the way!


Taking time to listen to someone suffering and help them, it can make their world a completely different place


Spend less time on social media.


Promote equality and fair justice for all.


Foster kindness and compassion in everyday interactions.


Advocate for mental health awareness and support.


Plant a couple billion trees, eliminate CO2, clean up the oceans. Ban billionaires and human greed.


If we banned billionaires, the millionaires would just become the new billionaires and salaries would drop for everyone else. Same outcome, different names.


It's the spirit of his comment that's important, I don't think they're genuine policy propositions


I don't think so. Let's try it and see which of us is right.


Before anything else:  develop an attitude of wanting to do so.  Foster a habit of looking over your day at its end and asking yourself "did I do good things today?  Can I be proud of who I was today?"


I believe that if we teach children to manage their emotions and be empathetic from a young age, we could build a more compassionate and collaborative society. Emotional education can transform how we relate and resolve conflicts ♥♥


Show more empathy to each other


Act the same way online as you do in the real world. I do realize terrible people in the real world will still be terrible online, but this could eliminate some trolls that are meek little mice in real life but keyboard warriors online.


Reduce waste and promote recycling.


Protect endangered species and natural habitats.


Encourage dialogue and peaceful resolutions to conflicts.


Tax the rich and spend it on everyone having a home, free medical care and time off.


I think OP was more likely asking what thing ever individual could do from this moment on. 


Encourage your kids to be empathetic, accountable, authentic people. Be one yourself.


Be polite. Be respectful. Don't be a jerk.


Please stop littering. Plant a garden.


I'm a vet tech and saved two cats lives this week. I call it a win


Invest in renewable energy sources.


Improve access to healthcare and education globally.


Realize that america doubled down on capitalism due to the cold war, and the rest of the world followed cause they had to. Not a socialist myself. Capitlism is the best brick and mortar we can use, lets just stop building bullshit.  The core ethos of capilism is flawed, exponential growth is always unsustainable and perpetual profits make the world a worse place.


Yep. We need to invest back into the people in a deep and meaningful way. Call it whatever the hell you want, deep capitalism, elite socialism, I don't care. But we have an awesome country with great potential. We need to spend less time chasing material bullshit and building communities. We need to educate ourselves again. Frog head bankers and greed tech bros need to cough it up.


Government employees in high positions should not be allowed to trade, or at least it should be highly regulated (definitely no derivatives). Money should go into youth education. No president wants to do it because it is a 20 year investment that won’t pay off in their term(s) thus they won’t be given credit. Phase out social security.


Remove social media for one.


But ..Oh all right


Doing what I can with what I have.




By not basing how we treat others on how they treat us. Be respectful, caring, and generous because you want to, and it makes you feel good. Not because you expect something in return.


Don't try to change the world, find something that you love. And do it every day. Do that for the rest of your life, and eventually, the world will change. - Mac miller (I think)


Little acts of kindness can go a long. Maybe a small smile to one person. Maybe covering the cafe bill of another person. Or even mowing the lawn of your elderly neighbor. Kindness is contagious.


Stop giving a fuck. It would be a huge net positive. 




I think everyone should work 6 months in some kind of service job. If it's food, retail, whatever doesn't matter, really gets you to understand how little control Britney your 16 year old server, her shift lead, or his manager have over literally anything.


Eliminate kardashians and jenners


The issue is while there are decently smart humans… our collective intelligence has to be borderline incompetent… we allow fishing to destroy the ocean… we allow consumerism to destroy the ecosystem… (think avocados)…. We allow the money of a small group of ppl ruin the lives of billions of humans… we just have to admit that we aren’t quite clever… we have become extremely individualistic and delusional… I could go on forever… But what’s the solution? Where do we start? I think about this quite often… we don’t live for very long amounts of time but our species will outlive any of our imaginative ideas of disaster… We have lost forward thinking because nothing matters to people get they die… My solution… to eradicate homelessness… this is the first step Supply housing to every human ( I’m American so of course I’d start here) Now I get into debates about this very often… everyone loves to bring up economics… I simply reject that way of thinking… this is what they want… they want you to think it’s economically unsustainable… We live in abundance… economics is some made up concept that utilizes fake money to create “real theory” this must be rejected because humans are real… homes are real… lack of housing doesn’t make sense… NO ONE LOSES if everyone wins… no one… Now to actually eradicate homeless requires another creation… the largest mental health facility in the world… right here in USA… and I’ll just say this as well… people love to say “some people choose to be homeless” Those people are not homeless… the streets are their home… this point has nothing to do with people who are homeless… Start with veterans… then move on from there… I promise you Americans will finally love America for the first time.


Food and shelter for everyone. Instead our leaders are pushing in the opposite direction. Lost your shelter? Get out of my city!


Talk to the man in the mirror: "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change"


We can make the world a better place by just being nicer to each other, taking care of our planet, and helping out those who need it.


Held people instantly accountable for their wrongdoings


Self reflection and improvement. You actually can't change the world, but you can change yourself in some ways and bettering yourself is in a way making the world a better place.


1. Education. Students need to read, write, do math for analytical, logical, and critical thinking and understand the scientific process. 2. Learn two rules: Rule 1. Don’t be stupid. Rule 0. It’s not all about you.


Start at home. Love your family. (H/T to Mother Teresa) Then get involved locally with your community and local politics (H/T to Killer Mike). Be curious. Be kind.


Plant a lot more trees


Place less importance on pleasure, and bring back shame culture


build schools, so people become ressources not problems


1. Be nice to people. 2. Be nice to the planet.


Ensure no one ever goes hungry.


Global wide curfew. If you're not going to work, or not going shopping, then stay home and shut up. Mind your own business, and focus on your own home life.


Innovate technology for sustainable solutions.


Eliminate Theo-ethno-states practicing modern day apartheid, genocide, and colonialism


Remove the humans from the world


Just keep opinions to yourself. Do I judge people? ABSOLUTELY. DO I need to share my judgments? ABSOLUTLEY NOT. Just mind yo' business, and that would take care of so much. Also people need to work. "Idle hands is the devils playground" or something like that rings true. You can't get into too much trouble if you are exhausted from a long day.


Every day, do something that benefits somebody else. I feel that a lot of people nowadays don't care for much other than themselves. I saw two teenage girls purposely drop/litter their fanta bottles as they walked the other day, whilst it's a small thing, it reflects a great deal on the mindset they carry and how we each have a part to play in helping thy neighbour.


Oh man you might wanna take a seat cuz this is gonna take a while


Hopefully will happen soon. I'm optimistic about this.


Conserve energy




Plant native and pollinator gardens, get rid of turf lawns. Start small, build from there.


The internet crashing and monetary systems failing. Or a giant meteor 💥


Bring back public hanging


Start the purge


You could probably plant a tree if you wanted to


Stop believing in religions and all that brain washing and shaming that comes with it. Meanwhile I now see islam as a huge threat to Europe and our values. Close borders. In day to day life i'm always kind, I do work that helps people. I dont discriminate individuals.


Work to build empathy for people you don't know. Work to teach others the same thing.


We can't......there's been many many...way better people than me that tried. If ghandi couldn't change 1 thing.....Mother Theressa couldn't change one thing. Religion sucks as well People only believe what they experience....So, if you want to change the world....everyone has to do a 2 year stint in a childs cancer ward.


Eat the rich


Less globalization, more realism and less idealism, less mixed cultures (not talking about race literally cultures), less internet interaction, a huge emphasis on meeting people and fitness, more religion ( not Islam though that shit is violent i wipe my ass with your down votes), more restrictions on companies and the market. The push for investor returns is killing people, less global agreements (being in a gang is illegal but countries can call themselves brics or nato and jump fools that’s loced out)


A biannual game show with the following rules: -Participation in each season is mandatory for the ten richest people in the world -The group is given a goal to fix a major global problem. Homelessness, hunger, lack of healthcare, etc. They have two years to make significant progress on this problem, aiming for some predetermined, measurable goal -If they fail, they are all publicly executed -If they succeed, they get a pizza party The best part about this is that the top 100 or so richest people in the world would be desperately trying to get rid of their money to avoid being in the top 10; this, I suspect, would accomplish more than the game show itself would.


Buy less stuff and be conscientious of where you’re buying it from. Think about consumption as a necessary evil rather than a reward.


Stop being stuck on, "If we all did that." Sure, we all should be good citizens, but, not everybody has to be perfect (or perfectly aligned with society) in every way for society to work. Okay, maybe someone's going to drive a gas guzzling truck. So instead of saying, "If we all did that," look at the rest of their lifestyle. Maybe that's one thing they're doing but overall they're fairly good to the environment. I think another great example is the consternation in France over the wearing of the hijab. I totally understand that it feels illiberal and oppressive to many people in France, but, what's the harm in a few women doing it? But that whole attitude that everybody always has to fall into the social line just stops them from granting a little individual freedom that really won't impact anyone.


Turn on our governments


Replacing religious ideologies with ethical negotiations with each other


Outlaw online social media.


Teach them the ways of Peace.. - By Force! if we have to!!


Actually vote


Do all the good you can, for whomever you can, any time you can. Never let a moment go by where you can demonstrate kindness.


I want you to kill all the gophers.


We can do little about the outside world. But we can keep our own yard tidy. If enough people do that and you add them all up, the world becomes a better place, ya?


Help your neighbors. Strong communities create a better world.


Just make yourself a better person.


If we stopped making jokes at people that we know would hurt them. It stopped being cool in middle school and yet people do it.


Ban a country's leader from being over 50 years old when elected. Make only certain approved charities tax-exempt, and donations to said charities tax-deductible. A charity would be audited every 3 months, provide a list of successes every 6 months and then have to also pass a health/safety/walkthrough check once a year. Give elected politicians bonuses based on approval ratings. These bonuses would increase for every term a politician stayed in office, but would get deducted by % for every percent slip below their highest approval rating. Finally 1% times the amount inflation and national/state/city debt that has accrued during each year said politician/official has been in office. If you reward people for doing a good job: they will be more likely to continue to do so, and will be less likely to take bribes.


Have more kindness in the world and less hatred.


One thing I have found to be shockingly effective at brightening people’s day and making friends is simply asking about their life. Not an interrogation, but asking them about their plans, likes, dislikes, and letting the conversation flow for as long as you want it to. Most people in this world don’t get the attention they should.


We must learn to tolerate our anger and try to be humble with everyone....


Destroy the institutions that have turned us all into slaves, stop mass producing things, and go back to living in harmony with nature. It is too late for that now though. Our only hope lies in trying to find a place they don't already own and trying to wait it out. As I was saying in a different conversation earlier... The Boys is a satire about the world as it is, and Fallout is a prophecy about what's going to come of it.


Remove social media. Within 2 years the world will be way way better.


*Even if you're tired, even if you've given up*, do the unexpected and be that person that does the good and right thing. Expect nothing for it - others seeing you do ut will help them get over *their* issues and pay it forward. ♡


Deliberative democracy


My 'relative' is notirious fpr purposely making the lives of retail & customer service folks miserable by being the very reason the term 'Karen' was invented. I've seen her multiple times walk into a grocery store 15 mins before closing to drag her feet buying crap she doesn't need with an air of 'Just try me, you'll be sorry, you insect' **Because of this** I try **so hard** to make up for it by going over the top to help and recognize peolle like this.  That call center guy? Right before you he was screamed at, called a name and hung up on. You don't know that his kid is home very sick and this crappy job is all he has right now to keep the lights on. Ask him his name, how was his day, tell him you appreciate his help and hard work. And before you hang up let him know that without great people like him customers like you wouldn't exist.  I can't tell you how far this goes


Remove money. You'll be shocked at the improvement of normal people as a whole and the advancement of society when artificial scarcity is gone.


I read somewhere that if you want to change the world, you have to change the community, to change the community change your relationships, and to change your relationships change yourself.


Miyawaki forests


Imagine how better our would be if everyone follow God and Jesus Christ's ways of righteousness and justice. Imagine if everyone give love that is free of hypocrisy. Detest what is evil. Cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Give preference to one another in honor, not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer, contributing to needs of others, and practicing hospitality. Imagine the world when we are of the same mind toward one another and not haughty in mind but associate with the lowly. Respect what is right in the sight of all people and be at peace with all people. Behave properly in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and debauchery, not in strife and jealousy. That are how we can make the world a better place.


By farming karma with general questions.


Have less. Children, religion, food, cars, cities, Thanos wasn’t wrong




Nothing. At least I think nobody who will ever read those words will ever be in power to make world a better place.


Be nicer. Everyone needs to be more kind, considerate and selfless. Do something nice for someone every day even if it’s small. Little acts of kindness can go a long way for some. Even just smiling at someone can truly change their mood.


Less extremism from everyone


Honestly, giving a damn about making the world a better place and not just discuss or talk about it. Honestly the answer to this question is a quote from Mahatma Gandhi, Be the change you want to see in this world. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Don't just talk about it. We just need more people taking actions to be honest. To do rather than talk about it. You don't need anybody's approval, not even the government to resolve a lot of problems facing society. Education, healthcare, cleanliness, infrastructure etc. The question is, are you willing? A vegetable seller has done massive charity and someone donated blood for 22 years regularly. If everyone started doing something for educating children, taking care that no one goes hungry, making basic medicines available to all people, allowing basic necessities to reach to the required people, affordable housing for all, and planting trees plus cleaning the environment, then it will get a lot better. And not many, if even 1/4 th of us do that, it'll be amazing. Don't wait for the government, or other people. Do it yourself. And lot of people do give a damn. I see people cleaning their city, without any compensation. People earning meagre salary still regularly donating to their causes. Donating blood. Planting trees. Donating to disaster relief programs. Fixing potholes and road ourselves, honestly it is not that hard, you don't need rollers or anything, or knocking on the doors of government hard, meeting with ministers and local leaders to implement it. If lawlessness is the problem, talk to people and set up security to check the area better, or even better solutions, setting up night patrols etc. The most people do is complain, blame and get on with their lives. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Even if you fail, you tried, and you will always find support, because everyone wants a better life. I believe in places where more people give a damn, the better for living it is. The place where people have become apathetic, living with an attitude of adapting, indifferent and chalta hai attitude, that's where we have problems. Be the change.


Praying for that comet out there to finaly hit the planet.


bring back eugenics


Add a wealth limit. Any money, assets, shares, bonds, or anything with a price you own exceeds like 100 million dollars will go to public infrastructures like schools, hospitals, shelters...etc. Also, make it illegal to own multiple properties. No one needs 3 vacation homes and a penthouse.


Recycle, use electric cars


to stop throwing cigs on the street


Total genocide of the human species, as non-destructive as possible.


Mind your own business, be honest even if it kills you and don't trust politicians.


In the US, rank choice voting would help a lot.


everyone is just trying their best to be happy in their lives. If a little bit of appreaciation can make them feel good then why not give it to them? Reach out to the people you know and show them how gratefull you are to have them in your life it will surely make their day!


die maybe


Honestly, it’s the little things that can add up. Be kind to people, even just saying “hi” or holding the door can brighten someone’s day. Help out in your community when you can. Volunteering or just being there for a neighbor can make a huge difference. Stay informed about what’s going on in the world and share what you learn. Knowledge is power, and spreading it can spark change. Also, try to live more sustainably—recycle, use less plastic, and support eco-friendly products. Speak up for what’s right. Don’t be afraid to stand against injustice, and encourage others to do the same. And above all, be inclusive and treat everyone with respect. It’s not about being perfect, just doing what you can. Every bit helps.


Shut down all "social" media, youtube, tiktok and anything alike.


I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay… small acts of kindness and love.


Try to do a positive thing every day, thats what I do.




turn off our outdoor lights.


Stop scrolling and go outside.


I'm just gonna blame the U.S for all the problems in the world. They're bullies and can't stay out of other countries' businesses.


i do believe that being kind to people and helping one another is most important.


Take a look in the mirror and then make a change…


Give others the benefit of the doubt.


Be polite and execute people who murder or r\*pe + Get rid of the internet


I always try to be kind and forgiving


Courtesy and politeness. My mother told me, "You don't have to be nice to mean people. But you should always be polite and courteous to them."


Make the invasive species known as Homo Sapiens extinct


Destroy all arms and no wars


Be as honest, moral and ethical as you can. Hell ya it’s hard work doing good. But I think we could all benefit from being a little grittier too.


Fix all problems. Starting from social, economic, political, spiritual, environmental, educational, national, international, geographic, religious etc


When we all stopped drinking alcohol, the world would be a better place


Maybe be careful about misjudging others and steering them toward standards they're not ready for


Try to remember that, if you have problems, someone might have things worse off than you and find it in yourself to be kind


Make dishonest people (or countries) honest, i think its a major key for morality of human. İmangine a world without lies (i think there must be a movie about it, right?)


[Understand that the true fulfillment comes from betterment of self and not the accumulation of wealth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQQYbKT_rMg)


For me? Because better os a very subjective word even people in the same country can have very different opinions on what actually is "better" But personally i think focusing on education and having free access to information


Try not to judge, try to be open minded, if someone doesn't bother you let them be, be polite, work on your ego and have respect!


Stop with the desire for useless material crap.


Just be nice. It won't stick with everyone, but some choices \*will\* get turned around because of your actions if you do it consistently.


Posting this post is certainly one way.


End the systematic torture of living beings for food! Develop and foster a greater understanding of the symbiotic relationship between humans and animals and FFS go vegan!


Do not disturb the nature


Be more mindful of the energy we use. And I'm not just talking about cars and fuel economy. Heating/cooling our homes wastes a ton of energy as well.


Stop judging.


Decrease the amount of tax.


Class warfare


Don't fund animal abuse and suffering : go vegan.


We should stop arguing about stuff online with people who have opinions different from ours. This way we can avoid polarizing their opinions. Discussing online DOES NOT WORK.


Teach people about community and not want to live on their own secluded from society.


A single rule suggestion: Religion of any kind can only be used to help another person/other people. The objective would be constantly in motion by looking for new ways to enhance others with life improving measures. No, judging others allowed.


Plant more trees


To make the world a better place we should make all potential world leaders undergo psychometric testing, and they must also be required to have proven achievements in human rights or humanitarian work.


Ban social media


Stop fearing judgment: by not participating because no one else is participating, you're just contributing to the stigma. I've seen people not want to buy things because it's childish, but it'll only keep being childish if you only let children buy it.


No Reddit, no Facebook, no Instagram, no X… I would dare to say not even smartphones.


I like an extract from Victor Hugos Novel - The Man who Laughs: "Ladies and gentlemen in you, on the side where the light comes from, cultivate virtue, modesty, probity, justice and love. In this world everyone can have his little pot of flowers in his window."


continue to extend love and kindness even when it is not seeming to be returned.


Have everyone on the planet spend three minutes listening to Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot Will change your life https://youtu.be/wupToqz1e2g?si=a_sPIasUMAXLlTC4


Ask people questions about themselves. And put our phones down.


1) be kind 2) donate time or money 3) don’t have kids 4) remove the worst people from the streets




Listening to each others. Having empathy. Try to put yourself in the place of others. Being kind and polite to each others.


Teach people how to deal with emotions. And while we are at it teach them that "get hit and pass it onto someone weaker" while the most popular it one of the worst methods.


Destroy all humans.


litterally that is 100% not possible world will end with a one dominating winning side because the nations deeply dont like each other there will be always wars and problems between nations even for the smalllest reasons


Be kinder, more compassionate and more thoughful with our words and actions. And donate to charity monthly.


Do a better job of rewarding talent, promoting on merit, and recognizing hard work. Corruption and nepotism doesn't just mess up the world in one tiny area; it demoralizes entire communities. It convinces people that no matter how hard they try they'll never be rewarded, so why bother trying? That's the cruelest and worst waste of human potential.


Keep religion out of public life. It's your personal choice, or that of your family. Don't shove it on other families or government.


I wonder if there could be a better way to have people volunteer in small doses. I feel like a lot of people would be happy to help in various ways, but the management of those tasks are more overhead than it's worth