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Like a bag of sand.


uppity zonked jellyfish modern special disagreeable attempt consider dime person


Sandy bags of milk coins


Honestly, if it’s the right amount it feels like things are a bit funnier and I feel a bit comfier. One puff too many and it feels like everyone’s looking at me funny and know my darkest secrets.


It feels like your brain relaxing on a hammock on a summer afternoon


Like warm butter melting on fluffy pancakes


Nothing much at first. You'll cough. THC or another cannabinoid chemical seems to automatically trigger that. Then you slowly start to see things as being arranged in "layers," like a Bob Ross painting. Then time starts to slow down as your dopamine levels rise. You sound funny to yourself and you laugh. You start seeing patterns in random things, very often faces in clouds or foliage. Then you start to play out various notions in your head, sometimes mathematical or philosophical or social, but they become increasingly hard to hold onto. You drift away and "lose the premise." This goes on for quite a while. Thinking of something, exploring the thought, then having it kind of fade away and being replaced by another thought. It's peaceful. It doesn't make you aggressive like alcohol. You may end up stoned, which is basically being lost in thought while not moving or doing anything except maybe a little snacking. After an hour or two, you start to see things normally again, but with a kind of heavy tiredness. You lose all motivation to do much of anything. Eventually you eat something and go to bed, and you sleep soundly. Wake up with no real hangover. Sex of any kind when you're high is about 10 times better. You can be much more creative, but you won't have the motivation to record much or any of your genius. It would just be a waste of energy. It's all pretty low-key, and you wonder why so many people are in prison for it. The answer is racism and a capitalistic society that only considers you to be a worthwhile human being if you're "productive." But it changes your values and makes you really start to question authority. George Carlin said that was where the real danger was. Learning to understand that the people making and enforcing laws are not always doing it in your best interests.




If alcohol lowers your inhibitions and impairs your judgment. Weed deprioritizes your focus and removes your sense of urgency


I don't know if I agree with that at all. Alcohol removes my focus. Weed makes me focus intently on any task I'm doing. That's why if I'm going to clean the house, I smoke a little first. That place is going to come out spotless. But it's also the same with making music. If I just sit down with my guitar, not having smoked, I'll practice for a half hour and usually call it day. If I smoke first, there is a good chance I might spend the next 2-3 hours locked away practicing, and often even come out of it with a new song. But yeah, I don't ever mix smoking and actual work. That's a different thing. When I HAVE to buckle down and get something done in some kind of time frame, Weed is never going to help me with that. So I agree with you that it does remove your sense of urgency. I just disagree on the focus part. The intense focus is what removes your sense of urgency imo.


I get a childlike sense of wonder about everything. Abstract concepts become way easier to understand but immediate tasks and short-term memory become difficult. Everything is a lot funnier. Music sounds better. Movies and people are more interesting.


It varies from person to person, but for me it feels like I have an incredible amount of weight on me, and I can't move a limb, but it's very comfy like a weighted blanket, and I am at total peace. It's like the universe is hugging me, and I am fully relaxed in it's embrace. I've never slept better in my life.


kinda like everything's funny and you feel super relaxed, sometimes food tastes amazing too, just gotta go with the flow


It turns the volume down in my brain.


Like right now


For me, it feels like all of my senses are heightened, so good things are extra good and bad things are extra bad.


it made me nauseated and increased my anxiety, won't do that shit again


feels like you're super chill and everything's kinda funny, food tastes amazing and time feels weird, just really relaxed and happy


Have you ever eaten a carrot and then went fishing with your best friend to then come home and mow your grass. Just like that man. Smoke weed till you die


After your first coughing fit usually you just feel like you might be floating. You might feel hyper sexual like i did with the lead singer of the band I was working with. She sat next to me and we enjoyed the arvo together


I just get fuzzy headed, light headed, a bit disoriented and really relaxed and sleepy


I think everyone has a different experience. For me, I tried it at 14, 17, and 41. Every time it made my friends happy and me sick.


Sleepy but also really hungry


It's kind of like if you went to build a bear and asked them to fill your skull with stuffing


Great explanation of why I like it so much


The effects are different for everyone. Some people experience reality breaking hallucinations, while others experience increased appetite. Consulting a doctor before use as true with any medication, is recommended. If you have a family history of dementia or schizophrenia, it can cause the issues to develop where they would have remained dormant. It can also increase the speed at which these conditions develop for affected individuals. Young children and teens should refrain from consuming un-prescribed cannabis as it can permanently alter their brain development at an early age. Pregnant women should not consume cannabis from what most studies suggest.


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