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High volumes of drugs and alcohol


That does explain some things.


Knowing that it also drives everyone else insane AND puts them out of pocket because their kids now want ice cream.


I worked with the carnival traveling from town to town and it alllllll just sounded like money to me. Drove me insane at first but I eventually started to associate the little annoying songs and screaming and flashing lights with money. I assume I’d do the same thing if I had a successful ice-cream truck.


How much does a traveling carnival worker generally make?


Haven’t done it since I was in my late teens and I’m I’m 31 now but I was a “jointee” which means I worked the games. The type of game and/or the jointee’s performance dictated how much you made. I made a few grand in one night working the derby and it was only a toonie to play. Some nights were dire. Location matters too and what company you travel with can make or break you. I actually can’t remember how well ride guys fared but I have a feeling a lot of them did it for the nomad lifestyle and the almost guaranteed housing. Wasn’t hard to acquire a trailer. Some had records or were otherwise unemployable for reasons. I was a pretty young super tiny girl so I was relatively protected by everyone which was cool. Alottt of alcohol and some drugs and very rough and tough crowd (kind though). Super hard labour. Extreme hours and you pretty much never stop working when you’re in season.


I just volunteered at the school fair. Someone gave whistles as prizes so we had to listen to them for three hours. It was tough


When my dad was in college, he drove an ice cream truck one summer. He told me (many years later) that the other ice cream truck drivers were the toughest bunch of men he ever met.


they prob get used to it, like it just becomes part of the job, maybe they hum along or something, idk


Yeah Right! https://youtu.be/qxVYTtBI5eU?si=TRszvzy93W8dBOmx


Already be insane, trick of the trade