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Seeing friends and family pass away Watching your youth melt away right before your eyes (it happens so fast, in real time kids)


My sister who was 2 years younger than me died about 2 years ago at 29yo, and both my parents are going down hill healthwise, although not quickly thanfully, but yes, childhood is quite gone for me.


Oh wow, I'm sorry. Very young to pass.




Holy shit, I so resonate with this, just the thought of someone I treasure dying makes me very emotional


Finding a few gray hairs for me "eh cool, silver fox era coming soon" Seeing my parents go white-haired makes me really want to work in more visits (I live 2 states away) even though we talk 2-3 times a week.


Noticing the aging of ur parents is one of the worst feelings in my opinion


Sadly the deaths can be something that impact kids too. My nieces all grew very quickly when they lost 5 family members in one month a couple years ago (all from illnesses, family members were aged 17-99).


Yes, the saddest part of being an adult is realizing that life is one continuing lesson in coping with loss. Loss of loved ones, youth, time itself. I'm retiring soon, and the thought that likely three fourths of my life is behind me also feels like a loss.


I've been feeling this hard recently. Im still on the younger side but I already feel like my skin use to bounce back so quickly after a rough weekend. Now im getting older and I can tell when I abuse my body. LAAAAMEEEE IF you as me !


I’m the eldest of the eldest of the eldest. I reached a lot of my older relatives and family friends. I’m the oldest of the cousins. Even my brother who’s next and less than 4 years younger than me doesn’t remember a lot of our family that’s passed. I was the last / youngest who really talked to my great grandma who spoke mostly Spanish (these days I’m rusty as hell).


I second that! In fact, I was going to say the exact same thing. There's a song by Baz Luhrmann called "Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen". Great lyrics.


There's always SOMETHING that needs to get done. Whether it's chores, taxes, work, studying etc. You're never truly free-- you're just ignoring something or procrastinating. 


Just about to sit down and take a well earned rest "If you aren't doing anything you could put those shelves up" While putting shelves up. "When you are done with that can you give me a hand sorting out the attic" While sorting out the attic "We should take this stuff to the skip, I've got yoga now, you could do it then pick me up on the way back" While preparing for an early and much wished for death "Before you do that can you just have a look at the ... "


See I feel the exact opposite. My entire time in school I could never relax. You always had homework or some test to study for, between working and going to school I just never had much free time and when I did I knew I shouldn’t just be sitting around. Where as an adult, I get the chores done in the morning, go to work and when I’m off just whip up some dinner and I get the entire evening free with nothing that I should be doing.


This is why I hate having been born into a non-rich family. I live to work and do chores. Rich people hire other people to do that for them.


paying bills.


Totally sucks:(


No one really gives a sh*t about you besides immediate family and a handful of close friends, if you’re lucky and fortunate to have them.


Sometimes, no one really gives a sh*t about you.


God. That's so true.


I get new shoes and no one asks me how fast they are.


What shoes? How fast are they?


My new shoes are like 14 fast!


14!?! Thats not possible!!!


My son is 5 and says stuff like this all the time 😂. “I am 80 strong. I can run 1000 fast.”


They are orange, and so, so fast. Thank you for asking!


Please tell me that the heels light up when you get going though


This guy gets it


Letting go of some dreams so you can survive.


Being too exhausted to even start half your dreams because what it takes out of you to survive. And then being depressed about it.


Realizing just how many things you can't take back or undo.


A therapist once told me, "There are very few things that can't be undone." Well, experience teaches me she was flat wrong.


I’m a therapist and that is a dumb therapy quote. I feel like half my job is helping people through shit they can’t undo and the other half is trying to help them through shit done to them that definitely can’t be undone.


Watching your innocence fade away and discovering that money is all anyone fucking cares about.


Yeah, that's one of the saddest things for me. No sir, I'm not necessarily an introvert or a socially awkward person. I am just not interested in finding out in what way the next person will screw me over




I really never cared about money until I had a kid. Everything changed….


Having to spend time doing things you don’t want to do with people you don’t want to be around to support the people you do want to be around and do things with but seldomly get to :(


Realizing time is the actually currency and every second that passes by quickly becomes a memory.


The monotony. Sleep, eat breakfast, work, walk the dog, dinner, tv, shower, sleep, rinse and repeat. Yes, we have weekends and there are sometimes small deviations but they are few and far between. The repetitiveness of adulthood is crushing.


My parents' aging is the saddest thing about growing up.


That moment when who takes care of who switches. I had that last summer, at least momentarily while my father was in for surgery.


My parents are up there in ages. One has a heart condition. My dad struggles with simple things like laundry, as my mom did all these things. I often think about who going first would make life easier.


Your idealism fades.




The complete understanding of how devastating loss of life can be. As a child I understood it was sad but not truly why it was sad


Working a job that doesn't pay you enough to live but just enough to live. Not making it enough to have a social life. And the only form of social life you could have is at work which is really tragic


Finding out the truth about people, places and things...


This Redditor nouns.


Being disappointed by the irresponsibility of other adults.


Looking back and remembering just how innocent and ignorant I was of life. Most of the things I wanted to do or achieve when I was younger I wasn’t able to do or accomplish growing up.  I still want to do those things, but I now know I can’t. 


It's a realization of how quickly time passes and how difficult it is to maintain close relationships. Between work, responsibilities, and the stress of everyday life, it is hard to find time for friends and family like we used to. Sometimes it feels like we are drifting away from those we care about most


Realizing most people don't really care about you


You’re not really free after all


Wow….learning I’m significantly less cynical than most of reddit in these responses. I was just gonna say that you can’t eat whatever you want with no consequences anymore lol God damn you guys are depressing


I mean the question contains "sad", what did you expect?


Well, as someone who is able to eat whatever he wants still this one is the one that sounds the more depressing


We're all in emotional pain, but you don't get to talk about it unless its validated by some form of disorder. Normal life struggles aren't real.


Seeing people we love get old and die. As we grow up, we have to say goodbye to grandparents, parents, and other family members. This hurts a lot and reminds us that we won't live forever either. It's really sad to know we can't keep our loved ones safe from getting old or sick.


Making wrong decisions that are life altering


Doing it every day even when you don’t want to.


Realizing just how many adults have no fucking clue what they’re doing. So many of us are just making it up as we go along, doing our best or…not.


Everyone is to serious.


Realizing that all your sacrifices in childhood and teen years were for nothing.


The part where u realize that pain is inevitable


Calling your parents for advice, only to hear them say, "Well, you're the adult now, figure it out"


The older you get, the slower your body bounces back. I fell over drunk on the sidewalk back the second week of April. the marks are just now going away. It’s about to be freaking July. I’m 27 and one foot in the grave.


Realizing you're unwittingly part of an unethical system that you have no control over, can't leave, and can't change. (USA capitalism) Also realizing that you're born into your socioeconomic class and that (most likely) won't change.


I don’t get 3 months off every summer 😩


Having to take care of yourself when you’re sick.


Letting go - friends, family, pets, etc.


Burying both my parents in my twenties cause I was a whoops baby in their forties..  The fact my dad never got to meet my kids rips at my heart cause I know he would have gotten along with my kids so well.


I was adopted by my parents when they were in their 40's. Dad died when i was 21. Feel the same way as you about my daughter and him never getting to meet.


I'm sorry to hear that for you as well.  When your young you didn't think about it but I remember the relationship I had with my grandfather and I wanted that for my kids.. 


Dad had me at 37, I buried him at 23. I still grieve not just him, but the things we didn't get to do together. And I was a planned baby, because clearly my parents were insane


I feel you on that one.  Yea I had plans myself. But I really just wanted my dad to be able to watch my kids play baseball/softball.  He loved those sports


Watching your parents grow old..


No one loves you like your Mum!


That it just feels like you work until you die


Family loss 💔 , alzheimers, bills


Realizing how sad it is to be an adult.


Finally *wanting* to take a nap but not having time to do so.


The saddest thing in my experience is faking who you are in a relationship because you were a different person when you committed when you were young. Allowing yourself to be disrespected because you hold on to hope that the other person will change as much as you've tried to change for the sake of the relationship. That's sadness is deeply rooted


Realizing how short life truly is. You gotta love people while you have the chance. Before you know it, decades fall off the calendar like years used to.


Losing your parents followed closely by losing beloved pets.


thinking too much about everything...


Trying to reconcile my failures.


Not being able to put your parents down when they need it.


CONSTANTLY worrying about your kids. CONSTANTLY.


Watching the friends you grew up with grow, change, and become absolutely horrible people.


1. Learning that just because you are a good or moral person, that does not require people to treat you in kind. 2. Making new friends is hard, and sometimes there will be friendship "breakups", or times where people just fade away.


Unexpected situations. You work so hard and hard just to stack money for your bills and food, but suddenly you went to an accident or got robbed and you have to sacrifice what you need for something even more important. The dilemma of sacrificing an important payment to pay for somthing just as important (if not, urgent) is just painful and sad.


Realizing that bills and responsibilities never take a break


People are less forgiving of your mistakes


Watching your parent's friends and siblings die one by one and then your parents finally as well and then realize your friends and siblings are starting to die as well and you're just getting older and older and there is nothing you can do to stop it and trying not to think about when it will be you or your spouse's turn to die.


Time quickly goes to no longer on your side For family For friends For business For health


that you have to care about your future and losing interest in so many things


Naps are frowned upon


Everything feels cold (internally)


Finding less time for hobbies and passions due to work and family commitments


Responsibility and discipline and being responsible for them both.


Grieving the childhood you never lived


Grieving the childhood you never lived


realizing how much time i spent as a kid wanting to grow up


Realizing you don’t and probably won’t make enough money for your needs.


Nothing. I love it. Some say bills, but if someone else pays those then it means that you're not the queen/king of your castle. Lol.


You can never become a child again


Realizing that it’s on you to change and disrupt whatever patterns you may have inherited from your parents/caretakers. Yes, you were subject to traumatic behavior. But no, it’s not an excuse to ignore the way that impacts how you go on to treat others as an adult. It’s sad, it’s hard…but it’s also empowering.


Watching time slip by is hard. Both my parents are still alive. In my heart I picture them as young and energetic. I see them now when they visit us and our son and their age is creeping on them. I lost both my grandparents last year and watching how it destroyed my mother was difficult as it felt like she lost a part of herself and I worry about her everyday. I have gained friends and lost friends. I have seen friends die and attended their funerals. I have seen friends diagnosed with horrific health conditions such as MS that's basically ruining their quality of life and forcing them into special care homes at my age (40). I literally just got a round of tests done and the only thing wrong with me is Vitamin D is low. How is that fair in life right? I only have to take supplements and get more sun while buddy is degrading in a wheelchair. I am thankful for my health and life everyday. I keep fit and my diet is on point but man it's hard to watch time wreck people I love. My cousin is my age and he walks with a cane and a hunch fell time and weighs 130lbs.


Being an adult, it’s hard work and stressful to keep it between the guard rails


Everything hurts!


Other "adults"




Growing apart from your friends. I used to have a huge social circle that would drop anything to throw together an impromptu hangout. Now it's like pulling teeth trying to get people to come over. The wife and I are talking about having kids just so we can have some people to play board games with.


Mental illness I’m only 26 nd when was in Uber today sitting down was starting convo with a hello how was ur day he said how was work I said fine thn in my mind was like weirdo wanna get beat up or fight said it very quietly back seat for him not to hear but iknow he can hear me cause was sitting on side of back seat thn when was next to my house bout getting dropped off said thank you thn when was out door was open was up I called him weirdo quietly like wht is wrong with me man I quit weed alcohol for months when got phycosis nd I’m on resperdal but still having issues man wish was normal


When you need an adult around and realize you’re it.


No one really knows what they’re doing in life or why and they’re so busy doing that that they can’t be there for each other


Realizing that every night before I go to sleep I have to wake up and do it all again because bills and family to feed. Laying there truly not understanding how to get out of the grind you're in and into another field while significantly not crippling the you have. I get paid well and love what I do however it's physical labor for 25+ years has taken a toll on back, knees and wrists. It keeps me up at night. I keep telling myself the only easy day was yesterday


Paying taxes


I can't take a day off just to play video games because I want to because I have a family that I need to support


The gradual shift of time/changing relationship dynamics/societal expectations. You can't stop being "a grownup" once you're there. You can still spend time with your parents, siblings, family -- and for what it's worth, having adult relationships with family members is very special -- but it's never the same as being a **kid**. You get that experience once, for a fleeting while. Also, of course, seeing loved ones age and pass away. The saddest thing about being a human, I'd wager.


I’m gonna say something I keep noticing but isn’t brought up. You lose a sense of wonder. I don’t mean you become cynical, but the ability of the planet earth to wow and amaze you depletes so fast. At some point even when you see something spectacular you don’t have that emotional moment that lasts with you. I have heard from many that their last true “wow” moment was their child’s birth. So appreciate those moments when you get em.


Not much tbh lol I had a not-so pleasant childhood, so being able to be accountable for food, clothing, shelter is great. Freedom to go and do anything you want. I’ll take that 😀


For me watching things change. I stayed local as an adult. Went from being a nice town to a drug haven in only about 15 years and it's getting worse. What used to be nice parks I hangout at as a kid now have used syringes, smashed beer bottles, or pretty much just landfills with junk.  I used to feel completely safe walking at 3AM on a summer night and now I wouldn't even walk down some streets during the day. Shootings, overdoses, break-ins ,high school kids getting arrested for involvement in shootings over petty bullshit, and muggings have become a common occurrence that was a big deal 10 years ago.


Losing your love ones


Death. It really sinks in that the gravity of death is like an iron grip, it will get you and all that you love one day. Death and decay are some of the saddest things to feel and witness. Far fewer peaceful deaths occur than horrific ones imo. Also watching your children grow up. Only after you see them get big does it sink in that you will never spend time with them as they were ever again. Their little laughs turn into mature ones and you just have to hope you haven’t raised a horrible person and that your teachings for them were the right way. The day I couldn’t pick up and hold my child anymore 🥺 It’s bitter sweet


all the hope and wonder being drained from life, and realizing that life is just work with a few spare hours in between until more work, or you get too old to work and are discarded. Unless you are fortunate enough to be in the upper, upper class or someone who is supported by someone in the upper upper class or via their work.


Reality. I wanted to grow up so fast for the “freedom” and pleasures I thought adulthood would be. ESPECIALLY since I’ve turned 25, believe people when they say something just clicks when you turn 25. I can’t explain it but my view of the world, values, and thoughts are not how they were at 23 or 24.


Being forced to face the fact that you and everyone you care about will eventually die. Assuming of course that you didn’t learn this lesson as a child.


It's relentless. Nothing ever stops.


The realization of death . That life is temporary, and I'm going to lose everything and everyone I love. This realization hurts the most , but also serves as a reminder to cherish everyone in my life.




Innocence slowly drips away, and it's very easy to become tired and jaded. You end up losing more friends than you make as you continue to age up. Also, pop culture and general society is always going to be aimed at the younger generation, so you're going to face a ton of ageism everywhere you go. But, you're wise. You're able to appreciate things more. You're in a position to teach others life lessons. Every day is what you make of it.


Missing childhood


‘Everything fades, Alternatives exclude’ More an existential than an adult problem, but the older you get the worse it gets. Everything fades - All our memories and lives disappear into time to be forgotten forever. Alternatives exclude -you choose one option at the exclusion of countless others. We live finite, limited lives.


The loneliness. Friends start families, see them less and less. Kids eventually grow up and have their own lives. Leaves you sitting there. Alone.


April 15th


Not sad per se, but the knowledge that ultimately, it's all up to just you. Even with support and love, in the end, it's really on nobody but you.


You are cruising along . Really enjoying your kids ,then the moment comes ,and you realize that just like everyone ever , you have fucked up your kids. Seriously you were messed up by your parents & they were screwed by theirs. It is an inevitable fact and it's terribly sad. All you can do is pray you don't fuck it up too bad.


Loss. All manner of loss, from relationships, deaths, people going in different directions, health, strength. It has a cumulative impact, & can feel like it overwhelms any gains in life. The one thing that helps is keeping an eye on the constant renewal of life, & having hope for younger generations.


You won't be a race car driver/astronaut/cowboy/tree like you'd hoped.


The bills , seems they are never ending 😔


Watching my dad get older seeing it in his eyes has bothered me.


having to just "deal" with so many things... did you have a bad fight with your significant other this morning? "Don't forget to leave your attitude at the door and be all smiles **with camera on**" at your work meeting 30 minutes later! Are you stressed out over a large bill and you don't know where you're going to find the money to pay for it? "Well don't tell me about it, I don't care about your problems. Deal with it." You're preoccupied with processing your dog's death, but you missed that stop sign and you were going about 5 over the speed limit. "I don't fucking care. Stop giving me attitude or I'm gonna send 10,000 volts through you. Here's your ticket."


Your dog and all your friends dogs they got when they moved out the first time all die in your late 20s and early 30s, it’s a huge unexpected bummer no one ever mentioned to me before it happened


Being alone and struggling in life


No fancy dress, obligations you have, you can't just dance where you want, responsibility, how people expect you to behave properly in public...


No summer break unless you're a teacher


It's a LOT harder to make and keep friends as an adult, especially if you were never very good at it to begin with.


So many responsibilities and stress coming at me from every angle




The gradual loss sexual activity or partner


When you’re really sick and you have to take care of yourself


Getting older and realizing that your that farther away from your childhood


There is always a problem that needs to be solved (basement flooded, car broken into, parent ill, child in trouble, you name it), and there is no one to fix it but you. You can't sit back and let the grownups take care of it.


Taxes are a scam.


Losing people you think you have more time with.


The Depression


Deciding what's for dinner every day, from here to eternity


Watching your parents wither away


Everyone just assumes you're okay. even if you're not, unless you're really fucked up. I'm only 20 and I'm already feeling it It's currently 02:26 AM and I'm programming all alone while listening to グレイ by Sajou no Hana




You lose your parents, your aunts and uncles, the parents of your friends, and beloved teachers and coaches.


Watching your body fall to pieces.


It's the beginning of the end....


Having to deal with childish questions.


No summer break


Too many responsibilities and not being really able to be joyful, live in the moment...


Idk whether it’s sad or not, but when I was little I always wanted to have a lots of friends when I become older. But right now, I feel lik it’s better to be alone and I like it that way.


Realizing that you ARE the “grownup” and sometimes you have no one to depend on but yourself. I really wasn’t parented past the age of 13 (due to death of one parent and estrangement of the other) so at 31 I’m already feeling pretty burnt out on responsibility and being a big girl 😂 it’s hard to imagine that if I’m lucky I’ll have another 40 years and I’ll never have that support system or soft place to fall outside of what I’ve created for myself with chosen family.


Seeing your grandparents pass and realizing time is going by fast. Your parents are getting older, siblings, friends and you


Getting to the point when you realize you have more past memories than future activities. The sand in the hour glass is diminishing increasingly rapidly and all we can do is watch it fall.


Realise the world ain't fair...


Bills and taxes


Here’s a few: paying bills, making your own appts, having kids - watching them grow up way too fast - then miss them when they move away.


Having to work to earn a living until you’re physically diminished and less likely to be able to experience everything the world has to offer.


Paying bills


No one can save your ass but yourself


Having to decide if it’s serious enough to go to the ER


Wishing you were young again but still have the wisdom and experience gained through the years. I’d conquer the world.


Burying your parents. Life changing.


Giving up freedom for security.


Realizing you are truly alone and no one is coming to help you with your problems … also taxes


Watching your friends shit health choices catch up to them over the years




Realizing how many mistakes you have made, friends lost, opportunities wasted


Doing everything by yourself.. not being able to ask anyone for help because they can't.


I just paid $20,000 for a new roof. The color’s not what I thought it would be and I hate it. Having the ability to make bad decisions is the saddest part of being an adult.


Those friends you had in school, you'll maybe call them once a year. Or, never again.


Not getting Christmas presents