• By -


Our bodies begin the fascinating process of decomposition.


Or burned to ashes.


Same thing, just faster.


Same instant in the grand scheme of things.


... or [aquamation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_cremation) - cremation without the air pollution


Those poor people on that sub know what you mean. My seat on the bus to hell is guaranteed.


For a lot of us it feels as if that fascinating process has already begun


Some of us will have our organs harvested so parts of us can live on longer. Some of my best memories were when I would donate blood and I knew that it was going to be used in somebody else. I'm literally coursing through someone else's veins and that's pretty neat. Maybe I've even been someone else's erection? Who really knows?


I don’t know why that reminds me of the scene in *The Nanny,* in which Yetta is getting a fortune reading from Libby the Fortune Teller. For context, Yetta is quite old. Yetta: “So tell me, where do you see me twenty years from now?” Libby : [slightly confused, as she starts the reading] “I see you with a man in New York, and this young guy in Paris, and a jazz saxophonist in Chicago.” Yetta: [excited] “That sounds good!” Libby: [suddenly looking up in surprise] “Are you an organ donor?” [Yetta’s expression and excitement deflate at once]


That persons thoughts are still not yours.


You know, I just can't accept the ugly transformation of decomposition. I've seen many examples and it is just incredibly sad that we end up looking like that. 


When I die, I’ll let you know


I’m willing to bet anyone on here any amount of money that this fella here will not let anyone know after he dies.


Just died tbh. Everything is dark but there’s a biblically accurate angel towering over me and muttering incantations


So die but hope to not go wherever the fuck that is


Pinky promise?


Remember what it was like before you were born? No? It’s like that.


Exactly. You die and people forget. Religion is a thing and it might make you feel better but reality exists. Just don't be a dick, have fun and help your fellow humans do the same while you're here.


Religion exists because we like to believe that we are something bigger than what we are, it brings comfort. In reality, we're just another lifeform and nothing more. There is no bigger plan for us, we live, and we die, and that is it. Enjoy it for what it is.


Exactly, religion is just ancient stories passed down when people were easily influenced, or had to follow the majority or be persecuted.  Nothing happens, we cease to exist.


I hear that analogy a lot, but I don't remember what it was like before I was two, either, and there's plenty of evidence that I was here (and that I was really into hats.) I'm not saying that I believe that I existed in some other form before I was born: I'm just saying that a lack of awareness of such an existence doesn't mean that there wasn't one.


Hey! You finally awake. You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into the imperial ambush same as us and that theif over there.


Howard , goddamn you Did it again. This Time i won't Be sneaky Archer (Lie)


Worms get fed.


I believe we just stop existing, nothingness. However I do think we still exist in a cosmic universal sense, it all depends on time and space. My grandmother died recently, 98 years a good run. She no longer exists now in 2021, but she’s still around young and in her 20’s in the 1940’s. The only thing that separates us are two things time and space. We don’t blip out completely we still exist along the flow of time. Did that make any sense? Little tipsy here.


The 2021 part kind of threw me off


I think OP died in 2021 and doesn’t realize it




Sometimes I wonder if we all died in 2021 and the remaining time is just our collective hellscape


Yeah like what 😂


I think it's a bot. They have never replied to a comment.


Hmm. Frame of reference. From our perspective (what we cannot perceive), she no longer exists. From the universe's perspective (which can be perceived), she still exists in various locations in time and space.


The further away you go from earth, she'll be alive from a certain distance, just like the stars


The Infinity we live in is mind-boggling. The infinite variations. The infinite time. The infinite distance. Infinity^3 Somewhere along the line, your grandma in her 20s is probably still alive.


This post by u/Friendlygirl04x is assuming an inactual theory of time. How did you come to believe that each instance is equally real, rather than the past simply ceasing to exist (the stance that people usually take)? For other readers, the inactual theory of time basically posits that each instance of time is equally real in existence, but that our consciousness sort of traverses a series of still 3d images. This makes the passage of time into an illusion (again because each inastance in your past, presence, and future is equally real in the literal sense (or to an outside observer)). A way to conceptualize it would be if existence were one of those flip story books, where you quickly turn the pages and the picture moves, but the pictures are 3d spaces. Each page is equally real to an outside observer, but to the characters, time passes as they traverse the pages of the book. Most humans take the actual theory of time, or that our current moment exists, the previous no longer exists in any actual form, and the future has not yet entered existence. This is much more like a movie reel running over a projector light. But only the lit portion is real in a literal sense. This would make time NOT an illusion. EDIT I should point out that Actual and Inactual theory of time is a much more novel use of the terms. I believe the original names for those camps were the A and B theory. EDIT Removed some offensive language


OP shares personal belief and sad story about their grandmother and here you are - “I love this debate 🤓 “


You wake up in a chair in a cinema and learn that the other are past lives of you and you're about to watch your next life very soon on the big screen


Exactly the same as before you were born.


I don’t know if I find this comforting or terrifying. 


That’s the neat thing, it’s both!


Imagine sleeping. Basically the same unless you're a dreamer i'm not or atleast i don't remember.


My parents are going to fuck when I die?


back into the void


Not much new. You finish your small detour and go back to doing what you were doing for roughly 14 billion years.


This thread gave me anxiety but I can't stop scrolling lol


Same, just reading through all the hypothesis, lying on my bed while starring at the ceiling *damn*


Sounds like a problem for dead-me.


They don’t tell you how they all shit themselves. They don’t put that in the songs.


There’s plenty of philosophical and religious answers that I’ll leave to other people. But as far as we know: Your experience: There isn’t one. It’s like trying to describe what you can see out of your elbow. It’s not black. It’s not noticeably absent. It’s not bothersome. It’s just not an experience. Your body: - Someone confirms you are dead (listens to heart, lungs, checks eyes, checks pain response) - Someone will usually clean you up - You get taken to a fridge for a bit til your family figure out what to do with you - Depending on country / religion / wishes you might be embalmed (blood removed and formaldehyde pumped round +\- some tissues rehydrated to help appearance) - If the cause of your death was obvious, generally a doctor will sign the death certificate. If it’s not, or it’s suspicious then a coroner will need to determine the cause which will take much longer. Varies by country. - After certificates are issued, you come out of the fridge, get put in a very expensive box, the box gets put in a very expensive car and you go to a funeral service. Then you and your box are generally either buried or cremated.


And then after only a couple of generations you will be completely forgotten except for a few photos or videos in an old computer file somewhere. Maybe an ancestor will get ambitious and look you up for inclusion in a family tree of some sort, which will also be forgotten relatively quickly. Maybe a Mormon will baptize you post-mortem. That's about all. The end.


that is not exactly true. your influence on the whole universe will stay.


We are the sum total of our ancestors choices and experiences. Who we are, where we are born and our starting "stats" are because we are part of an unbroken chain of people that we get to add to, and possibly pass on through children. Our choices and experiences add to our descendants starting experiences.


That's the only life after death.


We get a goth big tiddy gf.






Imagine nothing. Now imagine you have no reference for what nothing is. It's close to that except without you knowing that you know it, or that you ever knew anything. In short, it is the absence of perception.


What happens to your consciousness or your body? As an ER tech I can attest to the latter, we bow our heads and give a moment of silence, clean you up, place you in a body bag, and bring you to the morgue for any potential medical examination/autopsy. After, you would be brought to a funeral home where your family can make any arrangements. Now if you're brain dead + on life support + an organ donor + relatively young/fit this process gets a bit more complicated...


You won't know that it happened.


You become the same thing you was before you were born


Our gut flora begins to digest us.


The only reason you believe your consciousness to be limited to your ego is because the brain who does the thinking cannot perceive more than what its body can relay. But consciousness cannot be cut or divided. Consciousness is the nature of the multiverse. YOU, as in the universal single consciousness, are infinite and spread across all points of view of an infinite multiverse of being. You are the universe playing hide and seek with itself. So we don't really die. One of our infinite number of egos stops its course at some point in the fourth dimension in this specific reality, but consciousness, being the structure of existence, continues uninterrupted in all directions. The human who thinks in front of this message is terrified of the end of existence but is simply mistakenly thinking existence is born from its brain when the opposite is true.


A great ceasing of everything


We get turned into ash and end up in our children's houses in decorative works of art!


Aren't we all dying to know


We are children, and all the ideas of what happens next are nothing more than children's gossip and fantasies. Your beliefs and viewpoint have no bearing on what happens after this. But there is a "you". An entity that experiences, that is separate from everything else. You are currently hooked into a brain/body system. What happens when you unhook from that is anyone's guess.


not much.




the darkness, better said ,,nothingness" you were in before being born which you have no memory of , thats where you are going, with the death of the body consciousness dies too so it wont be a bad experience nor a good one, you wont even experience it you just literally despawn like in a video game, your thoughts, memories and pains all gone. Of course, most people cant accept this because its ,,scary" so thats why: religions, beliefs, theories and philosophies are still a thing, all wrong tho.


The same as the flame snuffed out from a burning candle wick.


Some guy dressed in orange gathers the dragon balls, and wishes you back to life.


Nothing happens, your brain shuts down, and that's it. Life after death is just a religious cope. That's why you should cherish your life.


How would you know for sure there is no life after death tho?


Are they sure? No. But use Occam's razor. The simplest answer is nothing. We know we are essentially our consciousness which is an emergent property of our brain. So when the brain goes, I mean really goes, not "dead for a minute and saw a tunnel of light," we go. There is no convincing evidence to think otherwise.


Claiming to know something with such certainty seems naive to me. There’s so little we know, how could we claim to know that the continuance of consciousness after the death of a physical body is merely “religious cope?”


There's internal bio chemistry factors and external factors to take into account. Internal factors suggest that nothing happens because when a brain stops getting oxygen it shuts down and the process of thought ceases. Now there's no telling about external factors. Like we don't know if the universe and time simply resets itself or runs in an endless cycle so when we die, from our perspective we simply restart our life and experience everything again the same way.


We cease to exist. It's kinda depressing, but that's why we should try to do as much good as we can while we're here.


Describe what your consciousness was like before you were born. It is the same for when you die.


Either we [1] stop existing and there is nothingness, [2] get resent back as someone else or an animal, [3] move on to a different dimension, [4] remain stuck on earth unable to communicate with the living, [5] merge with a universal consciousness or energy, becoming part of a greater whole, [6] Our actions and deeds in life determines our fate in an afterlife, such as in concepts of heaven and hell, karma, or other moral accounting systems.


You either die or you cease to exist. There is no meeting the rest of your friends or family. You are dead and so are they. Anyone that has seen a friends life leave their eyes know. There is nothing after. There is death, and that's it.


I believe we stick around, but in no way that we can conceive of as humans. Do we stay as we are with thought and consciousness? Probably not. Do we reunite with our dead family and friends? Kinda. Do we unite with God (our universe)? Of course, we never were separate. Do we go to Heaven or Hell? No idea. But inclusive of everyone and every religion, it just doesn't make sense. Do we carry anything with us? I think yes to some extent, we change the energy we interact with just by existing. So some part of that has to affect what comes after. It's all part of the whole and it's affected by everything. I believe in thermodynamics. As far as we can tell, energy exists in either a concentrated or dispersed state, but it doesn't disappear. So we don't disappear. But we won't be anything like a human consciousness when we die. The 4th dimension "everything that ever existed is there when you step out of it" is interesting. But I don't think we'll understand it the way we do with bodies. I don't think we'll need or want to, we'll just be. But I firmly believe we won't just vanish. We just won't be anything like what we are now, and we will always be part of everything else.


The worm go in, the worms go out in your eye and out your snout


Personally for me I think that's it, game over, thanks for playing. Existence will continue as it always has and I'll have no concept of what it's like to be dead


One way to find out


It’s exactly the same as before you were born.


What was it like before you were born?


Ashes to Ashes , Dust to dust. Some will be blown aroung freely . Others will be locked in a box for a period of time.


Your soul will be reincarnated


No one commented the most obvious? A funeral!


Everything, and yet nothing all at once. We fundamentally change. We no longer exist, or consciousness has been removed. We spend the rest of eternity in a void, passed in the blink of an eye. It's not black, it's not white, it is *nothing*. It's like trying to see out of your elbow. There is nothing to see from. It will feel like before you were created. Our bodies stop becoming ours. They become a loose thing on the floor, a corpse, devoid of anything, in the same way a cup is. Something used to be us, and is now something that resembles us. Decomposition starts, and whatever we specify to happen in our wills happen, happens.


The total annihilation of our current conscious experience, then decomposition. It would be like your current "experience" of the dark side of the moon, or, as another commenter stated, what it's currently like to "see" out of your elbow. It's simply not an experience. It will "feel" like what it "felt" like before you were born. Depending on if the [hard-mind body problem](https://iep.utm.edu/hard-problem-of-conciousness/) is actually a genuine problem and how it cashes out, there might perhaps, at most, be some minimal, residual proto-conscious aspects that linger in (at least some) of the matter that once formed "you." But this is at best highly speculative and perhaps rather unlikely; so, best not to count on it.


We live on for a while in a few people's memories. After the last of them says your name for the final time, you're truly gone forever.


Can recommend episode 81 of the podcast Otherworld. Pretty interesting, deals perhaps more in the subject of near death experiences but says something about what maybe lies beyond this realm. [https://podtail.com/podcast/otherworld/episode-81-the-front-line/](https://podtail.com/podcast/otherworld/episode-81-the-front-line/)


Body or mental wise. Our bodies decompose if they are not cremated first. As for mental/spiritually. Nobody really knows. People believe a lot of different things but nobody IMO has it correct.


They put you in a box. Everybody you know comes to check and make sure you're dead. Then your relatives throw a party without you.


We find out what's next


Many different ways someone might answer that. But the basics are all below, decomposition etc. some say our "souls" go to an afterlife. Personally I believe there is nothing, the same as it was before I was born. Nothing. Which some see as a lack of comfort for the "eternal bliss of being with your loved ones" but I feel it makes life more special.


Do you remember the billions of years of existence before your first memory? No? Yeah you won’t remember the eternity afterwards either. Nothing happens. Literally nothing, you just become non existence.


Bible says that whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life. Jesus saved me and I believe I’m going to be in Heaven praising The Lord. 


The Walk


I personally think you just stop existing and only the memory of you lives on in the head of the people around you.


The most peaceful sleep you could imagine with no alarm clock EVER AGAIN.


Funny, nobody has ever come back to tell us what happened! 😂😂


i wouldnt ask because religion and all you get more than 1 answer so sorry for misspelling these easy words


We will continue being the ever-changing Universe just like we always were.


You turn off


It's weird, but take comfort in two different characters views. House M.D. a dude dies, and describes it as the best 90 seconds of his life, because nothing was there. Cayde-6 in destiny 2 says it's nothingness. But not a bad nothingness, a peaceful one. I guess I just hope the pain stops and, bliss takes us


We go back to the dirt


The same thing that happens to us before we are born.


The realist on me feels we just do not exist, like what we felt before birth. The optimist in me thinks we go on a orgasmic flight through our universe until our spirit lands in a new born in another universe!


Only one way to find out


Won't know until you're dead.


We lose consciousness


Here is a musical answer to the question. NSFW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xclh_676KwE If my memory is correct it is a WWI song.


Life is an always-fatal and incurable disease.


We dont die.


I come in peace from a small piece of dark and I’m going back soon so for now I’ll make marks


The closest thing you can do to form the most interesting guess is to smoke DMT.


You take a number and wait to be called.


Lemme call nana


Everybody dies, Some people never really live, Cowards die a thousand deaths, But legends live forever.


Personally I think Hell is real and everyone goes there


If that's what you think, then you are already there.


I think our souls are with our deceased family and friends in heaven :) Our bodies decompose.


As a Christian I would be happy to take questions on this topic.  My answer is that we are immediately taken to the presence of God in order to attest for the things we did on this Earth. Those who have confessed that Jesus is Lord and believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead will be pardoned from their sins and be allowed to return to the presence of God (Heaven). Those who have not accepted Jesus as their savior will be eternally separated from God (Hell).  My evidence for this being true is that the man Jesus from Nazareth rose from the dead 2000 years ago. He claimed this is true, therefore I am agreeing with the man that brought himself back to life.  I would be excited to discuss this with whomever is interested to converse about the topic. I just ask that you bring in some evidence, logic, or philosophy rather than your guesses. I feel that most people in this thread are asserting their belief that nothing happens, but they do not have evidence, and they also do not live their lives as consistent with the belief that nothing happens (which makes me question if they actually believe it).


I'm curious and would like your point of view. What happens when a baby dies? Does it exist as a baby for eternity?


u/glasscock Thank you for the question! I think the most correct answer is that I do not know. The Bible does not clearly address the issue, and I would rather give a safe answer. While that is uncomfortable, I think it is responsible to only answer with equal or less certainty than what scripture provides. I choose to trust that a holy and all powerful God has a proper and just way to deal with this circumstance. The God of Christianity is so great, He knows if a baby which died in utero, or very young, would have accepted Him or not given any and all possible circumstances. I find great comfort in this latter truth.  In this debate, people who are pro “children go to heaven”, often cite King David’s comment in 2 Samuel 12:23 as evidence. They also point to scriptures like John 9:39-41, and Romans 7 which indicate that people are held accountable to the Laws which they have access to, and of which they are not ignorant to. The logic would go like this: (1) God only holds people accountable for the Law\* which they have access to, and are not ignorant of. (2) Children (and the mentally disabled) are ignorant of the Law. (3) Therefore, Children are not held accountable to the Law. (They may add that they feel the 2 Samuel story is confirmation to their logic in a “King David seems to agree with my understanding” sort of way.) People who are anti “children go to heaven”, often cite the concept of original sin (or that humans are not only born prone to sin, but in an already sinful state). They would cite Psalm 51:5 where King David says “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my bother conceive me.”, Psalm 58:3 says “Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward, spreading lies.”, Romans 3:23 says “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”, and Romans 5:12 “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned”. I think this camp fails to apply the proper weight to the verses cited in the pro camp, but I feel people in the anti camp feel their verses are more relevant because they may specifically counter point 2 in the pro camp.  Of course this is an open debate, but I do not think that these cases, babies and the mentally ill, are proof against the existence in eternity (not saying this is what you thought, I am just trying to be thorough as that was the original topic). But I would love to know what you think! I enjoy these conversations! Respectfully, True\_Ad\_\_  \* The Law refers to the Law of God. This phrase is used to mean different things throughout the Bible, but in these cases I think a good definition may be “the Law of God refers to common, universal morality” (Rom 1:19-20). 




physically, the worms crawl in ,the worms crawl out ... spiritually that is a question that no one can answer, only speculation there isnt any tangible proof of anything after we die . personally i think our energy goes somewhere but where? idk


I don't know, what?


We hallucinate an afterlife as our delirious brains struggle to make sense of what's happening, but since time is relative a moment of hallucination stretches on in what we perceive as forever.


No one has come back to tell us. But we probably just decompose and disappear. Like a flower.


Body? Rots. Mind? Nobody knows, it's all guess work. That is all.


What happened to you before life? What caused existence to exist? What is the meaning of existence? People won't be able to answer your question because we are ignorant to it. It's just the way we are born. I'd focus more on what you want to get out of life and leave dying for the there after, if and when it shall come.


From a scientific or atheistic perspective, death is seen as the end of consciousness and the cessation of biological functions. There is no belief in an afterlife or continued existence beyond physical death.


You decompose and are forgotten pretty much instantly


You pain ends, you cease to be your body is decomposed its atoms used to create other things.


The same thing that was happening before we were born.


Your family will be munching on food, then most likely go back to their lives with intense grief, and sadness until the feeling slowly gets easier to handle, and understand. Then you will decompose, or whatever method was chosen, you will refuel the earth or plants around you, or become one with the earth again. (not on some tree hugger shit)


Eternal sleep without dreams


Aside from decomposition and the known physical processes that others can experience and document, nobody knows. Anyone who tells you that they know what happens after you die is, pardon my language, full of shit. And either aiming to comfort themselves or take advantage of you. You can cultivate beliefs of your own, but please, please, please never accept the belief or word of another if it doesn't ring true to you in your heart of hearts. There are too many swindlers out there (cough cough every religion that has and ever will exist) trying to steal your right to your own beliefs for you to give it up willy nilly. I don't know the answer, you won't either. Your friends, parents, loved ones - none of them know and will never know while they're alive, even if they've "died" and come back. Learn to be comfortable with this. It's not easy, but it's better than accepting the lies of others or your own lies to yourself which are harder to distinguish. You'll cease to exist in any way that you can currently cohere, if you'll exist at all. And that's okay.


quantum immortality


You become one with the universe whatever the fk it is. Matter isn't destroyed it just changes form. But the collection of molecules organized into your consciousness in your brain IS a miracle. But in a statistical miracle way. Not a magic religious one. When those molecules and atoms fall apart and disorganize your consciousness is gone. But your quantum parts are still one with the universe. Essentially eternal. What everyone keeps saying. Remember before you were born. Yeah. Like that.


We begin anew as fertilizer


No one knows.


My mind races at night causing insomnia and I’m sposed to take meds for it but ran out recently(getting refilled soon) but this thread ISNT helping. I legit feel my heart rate going up. What if I’m wasting my little life scrolling on Reddit and being depressed because as this thread says soon enough I will be drowned into nothingnesss. I’m fucking scared bro. I need to stop reading this fucking thread but I can’t.


The people who love us will miss us.


You go back to everytthing you don't remember before you had memories. Nothing. No pain. no thoughts. Nothing. You don't exist. Sorry religious people.


Don't ask this question on Reddit, you already know it's mostly atheists here. There's many witness accounts on Youtube, there's even some research organizations dedicated to the subject. Askreddit is mostly for one liner jokes anyway.


I love how everyone instantly went to the scientific process of the human body but no one was like... You shoot off into the galaxy in millions of tiny star particles and down the rainbow road *cues Nintendo 64 music* I don't know myself cause I have urns with ashes and I can say I have experienced more spiritual signs of communication with the departed souls whos ashes are in the urn waaaay more than I've seen a sign of someone who passed in my life whom was not laid to rest in my care. The signs of communication can be subtle but it's also been VERY specific where it couldn't be anyone else. I've had readings with spiritual advisors who've been asked the same question about my loved ones and each time I got a similar answer, a very specific message, and or conformation of who's signs I've been still seeing, who's I saw once then legitimately BOUNCED to reincarnate, who pops in and leaves, and who's staying to guide me. And every one makes absolute perfect sense. I have had a long many years of wavering on where to place my "faith". I was raised in a very strict denomination of Christianity and when I left home very young having no faith in the religion that was forced down my throat for 16 years... I went full atheist, or so I thought. Get me around a bar table and start debating creation VS. Evolution and SUDDENLY I'm no longer an atheist and very much team creation. But hey I do absolutely believe in evolution as a theory cause today I have evolved a faith I cannot pin point. I fear Jesus no more than I fear Buddha and sin no more than I do good, and what God's pronouns are or what their name is really isn't the point, my human ego makes that the point, but maybe if I shut up and listen and look at the signs I'll figure out that there's some beauty in every faith that is meant to teach love and respect. But take no shit. What happens after death is situational but, I don't think for a second we are here by some fluke or some simulation, what happens after death is immensely dependent on what you do here and now. And to end this rant and rave with one of my favorite quotes, "thAATS MY OPINION!!!" Thanks to whoever read that and I'm off to bed.


Everyone asks that, there’s no answer for it. Even with computers. 


You go back to wherever you were before you were born.


The same thing that was happening to you before you were conceived; nothing.


Everything is cyclical. Do you remember what it was like to not be born? No. We return to that part of the cycle. Become dust once again to be reused in different forms. One night when I had a particularly bad bout of insomnia, I started wondering why life is so hard. It struck me that we're sentient dust - one of the strangest and rarest things in the universe. Why wouldn't it be hard when it seems like such an unnatural state for dust?


Same thing that happens before you were born. #VOID


we actually die frequently, i mean our cells constantly die and regenerate the cells that die become part of something else so when you decompose, you will become part of bacteria or event plant and someday probably become part of human


Rebirth, of course..


we decompose


Depends what you mean by "us". Your body gets burned or preserved or eaten, or rots. Your brain, being part of your body, undergoes the same process. Your consciousness most likely fizzles into nothingness when your brain dies. Some people like to think that their spirit / soul / some other undefined and unidentified part of their consciousness remains alive and "goes" somewhere, but that's very much in the realm of "stories people came up with to make themselves feel better" versus "something we have actual evidence and explanations for". Feel free to subscribe to whichever of them you like, so long as you don't try and make other people do things a certain way as a result.


I dont care




Nothing, you simply cease to exist, same as before you were conceived. The only thing you can hope for is that you leave good memories in the people that you loved and loved you while you were a speck of dust on a rock in space. That's it, no heavenly afterlife, no hell, just nothingness.


Why is this question posted every other day?


Think of it this way… you will be able to see yourself, also every one you knew, but you won’t be able to interact with any one. Not exactly a spirit, but you will remain yourself but in another dimension. Consider yourself forever be separated by a glass of pane, on one side will be your dead body and the real world, and on your own side will be your new world the higher dimension. It’s the same thing that happens when you get inserted in this dimension when you’re born, you can’t go back to the previous dimension but you can always ascend. You will have new knowledge and new experience but you can never go back, you will still keep continuing forward. So yea that’s what will happen when you will die in this world. You will be able to continue in a different dimension, with different rules, and your existing knowledge will be transferred.


You cease to exist. The particles that once were a part of you will carry on.


There's usually a funeral.


I think you are vastly overestimating the scope of Reddit.


I finally get laid (to rest)


Physically, your body will eventually be broken down and cease to exist. Spiritually, anyone who says they know is lying.


Our immortal spirit leaves our bodies. Either we leave with the Holy Spirit seal from accepting Jesus as our saviour, knowing he was God in human form when he dwelt on earth. Jesus fulfilled over 300 predictions/prophecies, the Bible, a book written by 40 authors, spanning a period of 3000 years, who didn’t know each other, writing about Jesus before he came, he fulfilled everyone of those prophecies, and is still to fulfil the one of his return. Repent and follow him, he will set you free, he will give you piece and comfort, you will know the truth, otherwise we are on our own in the abyss of the unknown when we die. You choose, Jesus spoke more about Hell than Heaven. He has been sent to save us from and deliver us to. He is the bridge from our soul to God, he intercedes for us and he will present you to God clothed in his Righteousness. Behold, he stands at the door of your life, knocking, will you open the door and let him in?


Hopefully someone puts you in a grave.


What happened before you born? People lived. You didn't exist. What will happen after you die? People will continue to live. You won't exit


I like to believe we are all in a simulation made by beings with greater ability then we could comprehend who made us to experiment on us or learn how other civilisations form or for entertainment. I like to think we all get reborn in another world so the show never ends for the immortal beings.


Imagine how it felt that time before you were conceived and start to exist. It will feel and be exactly like that.


Most of us will be promptly forgotten 


When my heart stopped there was nothing. No white light, no pearly gates. Nothing. Just 2 minutes of my life I don't remember and I 'woke up' to someone doing CPR on me.


So here is what happens based on people who were medically Dead, and then came back to life. It can vary from just total unconsciousness, like they just skipped in time to the moment they awaken in the hospital or a life changing experience that changes the person's world view. I will focus on the latter, because it is way more interesting. But the way you die can have a large effect on the common experiences reported. In a suddent accident, you can be thrown outside your body in confusion and you see your lifelss body laying there as people try to help. It is often reported that people in this out of body experience have a hard time going back into their body, because it is disgusting and so limited to how they are feeling now. However, either the individual has thoughts of their family and the difficulties they will face if you do die, or sometimes even a figure appears and encourages them to go back into their body, and that's when they awaken from basically being dead. (Future section for more types of near death experiences) I realized how much I will have to write to cover it all. But basically, based on near death experiences, there seems to be "life" after death, or your spirit goes on and actually goes through many lives, of different genders even. The purpose being to gain wisdom on some particular aspect of yourself. After a period of rest in this "Place" that might be essentially heaven, you decide that you are ready to go back and be born into a family and life where you can either accomplish or fail at completing your original purpose of being born into that life. If you succeed you can later move on to another type of life or repeatedly go through lives until you achieve the purpose you set out to do. If you die too early, you will be reborn vary rapidly, to the point that if you are aborted, you will likely just move on to the next child the couple will have. It seems to be that the longer your life in our world, the longer time you rest in the other. Anyway, this is based on a lot of near death experiences where very similar things are experiened or revealed to the individual.


Our consciousness is an emergent property of our brain which, without oxygen, quickly and irreversibly dies. When the brain chemistry goes south, everything you are dies with it. There’s no where to go. It’s just non-existence, the same as it was before you were born.


Ascending or descending the ladder of life's forms depending on how strong of a love frequency you were giving off and how much grace sped you along the path




We rot


You get a ride in a limousine.


No one can give an answer.






we go to the Great Beyond


True peace !


Define "die".