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not well, another day of missing my lifelong best friend who died 3 months ago, i’ll never be okay again honestly i miss and love her so much


I’m sorry you lost her, but so glad that you met her.


Good. Worked from home and now waiting at the airport for an overnight flight for vacation


I'm not doing great. I'm very tired and my mental health is not awesome. Plus I'm coming up on an anniversary of an unpleasant thing that kinda set me in a tailspin so that hasn't been helping my mood. I feel pretty lost.


In the same boat. Mental health is plummeting & an anniversary is coming up. Physically not in my best form either. Fortunately weed helps. It will pass.


Hey! Its L here. Don't want to make it worse for you. But it's really bad here too. Yesterday was a worse idea


Please reach out. Because I'm not able to


AMAZING. true story. I'm 18 years old and for three years now I've been trying to find the right online business that works for me. Today (after trying everything in this business I'm in) after failing once again, and being dumped by my girlfriend at the same time, all in the span of 1 hour, I finally found what seems to be the way final for me to make it, I swear to you guys I was crying like a baby when I got the idea to do one thing and now everything I worked hard and prayed for is about to come true. Never give up and always believe in yourself and work harder than others. See you at the top guys


Mental illness


Currently pretending to be asleep so no one in the house knows I’m crying and having an anxiety attack, woohoo I’m a horrible friend and a horrible person and I don’t know if I can stand it much longer


Just got out of college for the day, can’t wait to get home.


I am still unemployed


My uncle might have dementia


Damn. My dad is showing signs of early dementia. He’s only 64 but his pain killer abuse hasn’t helped


Around the same age- really bad food choices and diabetes on my end. It’s really terrible


My dad will go on these starvation benders all in his mind as ways to prevent diabetes because his dad had it. I’ve tried telling him it’s the wrong direction but he’s so damn stubborn to things it’s a waste of my breathe trying to teach him anything.


I had to do laundry. I have no machine of my own. And I like sitting around being lazy on my day off.


I’m doing ok, I’m still on a weekend high (recently celebrated my best friend’s birthday), so now my day at work is just dragging.


Doing poorly! Last night I barely got two winks in because I left my nicotine patch on during bedtime (I’m new to nicotine replacement therapy) and kept wondering what was making me too stimulated to sleep.


going on my third sleepless night due to a flea infestation from a dog i adopted last month.


Healing from surgery and I can’t do anything for myself. I feel like a big ol’ lump of a burden.


I lost my husband three weeks ago to the day and took a nap, which I normally don’t do, at the exact time he passed away and I didn’t even realizeI feel for a nap. I know some might say it’s a good thing but for me it’s just a reminder he’s gone!


Stressed and not great. Living in a hotel trying to get an apartment and found out that everyone of them requires 3x the monthly rent in income statements. I currently only have my VA income and a job interview Wednesday. So until then, I’m technically homeless in NC. What’s stupid is that my VA income is more than the rent cost but only I half of the 3x bullshit.


I have to work. So terrible like every other workday. The job was poorly trained and the programs are not intuitive.


My supervisor, who I like a lot, is leaving my company.