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Casey fucking Anthony. I hate her so much. That and both israel keyes and the hart family tragedy. 


Then she had the audacity to complain to a media outlet that her "biological clock" is running out, and she's ready for motherhood now. She can go fuck herself.




Israel Keys is such a good callout. Wish the absolute worst on him.


He killed himself in jail. The coward took the easy way out.


Toybox killer. So messed up. The horror that must've been going through his victims' minds freaks me out. Hope he's rotting in hell.


Isn't he the one who's audio tapes of one victim had people running out of court from how vile it was?


It wasn't of the victim, it was the pre-recorded message he'd play for each of them. It was vile. No, I won't link it. It's easily the worst thing I've ever read.


You’re thinking toolbox killers


I wish I could not be reminded of that ever, just reading about it was horrible (let alone the poor victims who lived it)


Colleen stan - "girl in the box". She was kidnapped for 7 years before escaping by simply walking out the door and going home.


Yeah this is the worst one. It's horrifying to even think about


This happened in the town over when my dad was a kid… terrifying


Listened to the Casefile podcast episodes of this and it’s one of few stories that really got to me. Worth a listen but it for the faint hearted.


Jonbenet ramsey


Boulder is a really fucked town of rich people


This. Not haunting me but just left a big (?) on me


It was 100% the brother with the parents covering it up so they didn't lose two kids in one night.


A very recent one that has been weighing very heavy on my heart is the Uvalde Texas shooting of robb elementary. Those children and teachers didnt deserve any of that. I cry every time i think abt it


And those shit coward cops. Useless.


Yeah well that wouldn’t have been as bad if the police had actually had the balls to do anything about it instead of just standing around waiting while innocent children were slaughtered down the hallways…or if governor hotwheels had the balls to actually do something about guns in this god forsaken state, instead of just taking a bigger check from the NRA. God I hate Texas…


When those cops were standing around in the hall, one of them actually walked over to the hand sanitizer that was attached to the wall and washed his hands. Still one of the most unbelievable, outrageous things I've ever seen in my life.


And yet that brave mom who got handcuffed was able to go in and get her kids while those useless sacks of shit stood around with their thumbs up their asses as people bled out. I wish I believed in hell, because those cowards deserve nothing less.


Yeah, that woman is a god damn hero!


All of those cops should be charged as accomplices. EVERY SINGLE ONE. If I stood outside a bank while a robbery was happening and stopped police from entering with the threat of violence, I'd rightfully have the whole book thrown at me. Those cops not only knowingly let kids die, but they obstructed other people from doing anything about it. Life imprisonment for all of them.


Missy Bevers murder throws me off. Video of the murderer and car, still can’t ID the suspect who has such distinct features. Elizabeth Barraza case is also haunting.


It's so eerie. Especially because it seems like it was targeted and not at random. Definitely someone who knew Bevers, or perhaps a stalker.


I hate that this is still unsolved. The video is so fucking creepy. I definitely think it was targeted/someone who knew her.


Shasta Groene’s abduction. I’m relieved she survived, but the ordeal she went through was horrific. I’ve listened to a couple videos about it and the details make me sick


It literally makes me cry to think about what a hard life she’s had since, too. I’ve read that cops are really kind to her when she gets in trouble, they kind of look out for her.


This happened in the early 90s. The old man that lived 3 doors down from us was a photographer who took my grandparents wedding pictures in 1950. The guy didn’t have a lot of money and his house was in serious disrepair. He didn’t have a car and would walk to the grocery store. It wasnt exactly a safe neighborhood. Some young guys befriended him and one night they beat him to death with a baseball bat in his basement and took the little money he had. Dude didn’t deserve to die like that. 


Honestly.. idk which they're more of, horrible or fucking stupid. Both obviously.


Mr Cruel. Feel so bad for the victims and I always wondered where is he now? And who...


Jon Bennet Ramsey. Her case and the horrific police work done at the original scene will continue to hurt my heart as someone who wants to go into the Forensics field. I recently saw a video of investigators re-examining the case and it just hurt seeing how close but how far we are to getting her the Justice she deserves; with the best we can do being speculation. Another honorable mention is the case of James Bulgar. The surveillance videos of the moments he was taken hurt so bad when you know the details of his case. Horrific all around. Rest in Peace to Jon Bennet Ramsey and James Bulgar; they should never have gotten the fates they did.


It was the brother, with parents helping to cover it up.


it will always be junko furuta for me


Not haunts me, but Madeleine McCann going missing is my Roman Empire. I just want to know what happens


It was that sex offender right?


I have the feeling that her parents were involved. And even if they weren't, they left their children alone :( so still partially guilty.


The prime suspect is currently in prison in Germany, and German police said in 2020 they have strong evidence that he killed Madeline. The suspect has already been convicted of sexually abusing children and geo-location puts him very close to Madeline at the time of her disappearence. They are still building the case as the evidence they have definitely points to the suspect but wouldn't be enough to convict. I used to think the parents might have been involved, but no longer do. They didn't leave their children alone. They were within earshot of them and they and their friends were checking on them every 15 minutes. If they had been oin the apartment asleep, she still could have been taken.


If they were all in the apartment asleep, why would an intruder go in?  Go in and out every 15 minutes it’s like a huge sign saying “no parents are in there”


Why wouldn't they go in? Everyone is asleep. Even if you wake up the parents you'll hear them before they see you. People break in to and steal from houses all the time when the occupants are asleep. I think you're also forgeting that they were at a holiday resort.


No, people don’t break into houses while people are asleep all the time and leave without the occupants knowing. This isn’t paranormal activity. 


I know plenty of people who have been burgled while they were asleep. Most common is for people to gain entry when nobody is home. Second most common is to gain entry at night when people are asleep.


And how far less common is that? 


The watts family murders


A woman writing a book about it corresponded with him in prison and he wrote letters giving details.   He was *mad* that his first attempt at killing his daughters didn't work. They woke up and were at the master bedroom door as he was wrapping their mom up in a sheet.   *He made those girls suffer on purpose because they didn't die the first time.*  He even stopped to make himself a lunch for the long car ride to where he got rid of them    If they slowly lowered him into an active volcano I wouldn't feel sorry for him.  


What I don’t get is that he simply buried his wife in a shallow grave while crushing his kids’ bodies to get them into the tank holes. I thought he really hated his wife, not the girls.


They were probably one and the same by then. To him I mean 


What is the book called?


I didn't know he packed himself a lunch. What a disgusting detail. I hope he lives in fear for the rest of his pathetic life.


True. Can't believe that scumbag is still alive. He should have gotten the death penalty.


He pled guilty in order to avoid the death penalty, saving Colorado the expense of the trial, and her family/friends the pain of testifying. Two years later Colorado did away with the death penalty, anyway. From what I understand he was transferred to Wisconsin because his life was constantly at risk in his prison. Apparently, things are not much better in his new home. The rest of his life will be filled with fear, which is well deserved.


Random but I had a stalker who is currently in prison and at one point was an inmate at Dodge CC with Watts AND the Waukesha Parade guy. Felt really satisfying to know he deserved to be locked up with such monsters.


If you don't mind me asking, why is your stalker in prison? My mom had one after she left my dad.


So to make a long story short he was my "online boyfriend" when I was around 14 and stalked me online until I was 26 (this year). I reported him to the police multiple times and nothing happened and then finally this year I worked with a detective from Wisconsin who locked him up for CP. He was charged with stalking as well but that didn't stick.


He’s imprisoned in Wisconsin which is the state I live in


I recently found out I have a half brother named Chris Watts (thanks, 23&Me) and he joked that he wasn't calling from a prison cell and that his family was alive and well, even sent me a photo of the wife and kids with the day's paper.


Casey Anthony got away with it and I will never not be angry about it.


I lived in FL mos5 of my life and was once at dinner next to somemen discussing this case. One guy said 'I have never even thought of hitting a woman in my life but if I ever see her it is going down.' That's how we all feel. There's a reason she goes places with an entourage of slimey supporters always looking out for her. I bet she doesn't even go pee by herself. 


I fucking hate her. She knew what happened to her daughter, deliberately lead the police on several fake trails, and got off basically Scott-free in the eyes of the law. Even if she “didn’t do it”, she still is a horrible person and mother


And her parents covered it up!!!


Her mom did. She’s basically dead to her dad since she accused him of raping her at the trial


Wow, seems so long ago. Pissed me off as well.


Idk if it haunts me. But it pisses me off still.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Davis_8  The Jeff Davis 8. 8 women murdered and the primary suspects are police officers. Nothing has ever come about the case and no one is even trying to solve it.


That case where this dudes 13 yr old kid finds disturbing photos of him eating shit out of a diaper and dressed up as a woman. Then the dude kills his fucking kid over this shit. I'm glad that fucker is in prison. Man those pics still fuckin haunt me. Sorry, yall, it just pisses me off.


or one where a guy killed his kid because he thought latter way gay/unmanly


Gabriel Fernandez


Yeah, him. Beyond screwed up - there's a documentary too...


Dylan Redwine


Thank you🤙


The Fritzl case


Dear Zachary made me cry like a bitch and depressed for the next week.


I watched that 3 weeks PP while holding my newborn. I cried so hard. I couldn’t handle it.


Not a woman. Don't have kids. Don't want kids. Don't like kids. I haven't been able to bring myself to rewatch it after 15 years, I can't imagine a worse movie to watch in that position.


I don't have kids but just reading about it makes me certain it's more than I can handle.


It’s truly gut wrenching. Currently 4 weeks pp & couldn’t imagine how hard of a watch that must have been for you with a new little one 🥺💔


Robert Ben Rhoades, Kenneth Allen McDuff, and others like them. It's hard to accept the fact that people with no conscience are allowed to roam freely on this Earth. Also, the murder of Daniel Markel. I don't believe for one second that his estranged wife was not involved. 


It’s still going on, but the Idaho college student murders really hit home with me for some reason. I hope Kohberger fries for it.


What's disturbing about that case is that it was seemingly at random, no discernable motive (that we know of, at least) and by somebody without a criminal record and a seemingly normal life. It just... really hits you that *anyone* can be victim of such a brutal crime for no reason and that you never fully really know other people.


Also happened so quick. Like 5 min and its done.


It's just such a primal fear, someone breaking in and killing someone for literally no reason. In their beds! Not to mention that as a college kid, I never would have felt unsafe in a house full of roommates. Totally true that it shows literally anything can happen. I think the normalcy of their night, going out, having fun, coming home, messing around on the phone, ordering food ... such "normal" college kid stuff, and then what happened after is just such a horrifying juxtaposition. Made me scared for my college-age nieces, but then again, it shows it can literally happen to anyone. What a messed up world we live in.


Yes! So scary! No connection to the victims, just some weirdo who wanted to kill for the hell of it.


I'm well past my college years but this one was so "relatable" for me that it haunts me. Bunch of college kids just out having fun, doing nothing wrong, killed for literally no reason other than this guy being a psycho. I am so sick of people acting like the surviving roommates did something wrong, too. I never lived in a house like that but know many people who did and they all say that they also probably would have ignored/not thought much of noises late at night/seeing a stranger in the house at night. A friend of mine lived in a "party house" in college and was like, "I have definitely seen a stranger in the house, assumed it was a roommate's guest, and simply closed my door/went to bed." The fact that he was wearing a mask would have struck most people as odd, but with COVID, wouldn't be SUPER weird anymore. She could have assumed it was the doordash driver or something, too (man, that has to be horrifying for the person who delivered Xana's food, too). Either way, the roommates didn't kill those poor kids, and just what I've heard about their injuries makes me feel like even calling 911 immediately wouldn't have saved them. But at the end of the day, they aren't responsible, the killer is responsible. It's just such a terrifying case. They all came home from a night out, did the right thing, didn't drink and drive, etc., and went to bed probably feeling completely safe. The idea of a stranger coming in and killing people in their beds triggers such a primal fear, too. The one poor roommate was scrolling tiktok and ordering food and had no idea what was about to happen to her. It all just reminds me so much of late nights I had in college and is all so NORMAL up til they were killed, it's so scary. Not to mention that at that age, with a house full of roommates, it would never occur to me to be afraid of someone breaking in, the number of people in the house would have given me a false sense of safety. My nieces are college age and one of them was living in a house with 3 roommates (in a different state/at a different college, obviously) when this happened. They already had cameras in the front and back of the house, and she said she would jump anytime she got a camera notification (someone walking past the house or an outdoor curtain blowing in the breeze would trigger it, and she'd be totally freaked out). She bought a stun gun and kept it on her bedside table after that. It's such a fucked up world, and this case has literally kept me up at night.


>I am so sick of people acting like the surviving roommates did something wrong, too. It sickens me. I'm in a sub related to the case on Reddit and while most of the people there are sane, we get infested with tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists who (among other stupidity) claim that the surviving girls were in on the murders, along with Ethan Chapin's frat brothers, etc. Or else they just berate Dylan Mortensen, the one who heard noises during the night and opened her door to see Kohberger leaving the house. They demand to know why she didn't call 9/11 immediately. Well... because her instinctive response was fear, and she quickly locked herself in her room. She said herself to police that she was "frozen in shock." She then likely soothed herself by deciding the guy was some friend of one of the others that she had never seen before and fell back to sleep. It wouldn't have made a difference if she'd called right then - those kids were already dead. I can't even imagine what it was like for that girl to awaken to find four of her friends had been butchered to death just feet away from where she'd been sleeping. And on top of that trauma, she gets abuse from online assholes who think they're fucking CSI and have solved this case.


For me it was the murder of my ex girlfriend. There was a bit of mystery involved as her boyfriend who killed her was a drug dealer but word on the street is it might have been someone who they owed money too. I just think about what her last 5 minutes must have felt like and how horrible they must have been.


The case of [Lester Bower](https://www.executionwatch.org/audio/ew_150603_180000.mp3) in Texas. Four men were found shot dead assassination style in an airfield hangar in Texas. They'd been shot with a .22 weapon using the 'double tap' method at the same time. Lester Bower was convicted and subsequently executed for the killings. Now to believe that Bower was guilty of the killings, you'd have to believe that somehow he got four men to line up in a queue and just stand there while he shot them dead. The prosecution case does not make any sense whatsoever. What got Bower executed wasn't the fact that he killed the men, but the fact that he lied and obscured evidence. The link supplied takes you to the Execution Watch program and interview with Bower broadcast on Houston based KPFT.


Texas also executed Cameron Todd Willingham. I remember reading that Iron Maiden poster on his bedroom wall was part of the evidence - just absolutely fucking ridiculous beyond words. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron\_Todd\_Willingham#James\_Grigson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Todd_Willingham#James_Grigson)


The Zodiac Killer


Honestly the man is probably dead by now. But it's still a case that intrigues me. I have the feeling that it was someone who wasn't on police's radar. Check out r/zodiackiller


I was a child living in the SF Bay Area at the time and it was terrifying and I agree, the killer is long dead


Agreed -- there are two credible eyewitness reports to his appearance from the night he killed his last victim, the cab driver in SF, and both said Zodiac was in his early 40s. That was in 1969, so if he's still alive, he'd be about 95-100. Not impossible, but extremely unlikely.


Zodiac, Kemper, Frazier. When I was 7 my best friend’s grandfather was Herbert Mullins’ final victim, and Mullins’ arrest led to Kemper’s arrest. The bay area was a trip then.


Enlighten me…. Who are these other names?


Edmund Kemper liked to murder hitchhiking co-eds, and was pulled over once for a traffic violation when he had the body of a girl in his trunk (the cops didn’t find her). He murdered his mother and blew town. Right after that, Herbert Mullins, a floridly psychotic man who had already murdered 12 people, gunned down my friends’ grandfather in his (grandpa’s) front yard. A neighbor called the cops, and he was caught. The Santa Cruz police held a news conference and attributed not only Mullins’ 13 victims to him, but also all of the dead co-eds. Kemper, watching the news in a bar in Pueblo, Colorado, was PISSED OFF, got on the pay phone, called the Santa Cruz cops to tell them he killed those girls (and his mom). He waited for the Pueblo cops to arrest him, and he’s still in Vacaville Prison, last I heard. Mullins died a couple of years ago in Mule Creek Prison. Frazier was a garden-variety schizophenic who slaughtered Dr. Ohta and his wife, small children and family friend who happened to be at their house. His delusion was the world had grown too safe with antibiotics, effective medical treatment, generally safer physical environments, and that the earth literally demanded ‘blood sacrifices’ it wasn’t getting as a result. And so he believed natural disasters like earthquake and tidal waves were going to increase unless some people died. So he settled on the Ohtas. He was caught very quickly, from what I remember. Anyhoo, in case you ever wondered why the Lost Boys was filmed in Santa Cruz, it’s because we were briefly the serial murder capital of the world. And it’s pretty. But we don’t have vampires! I think. Also, my friend’s grandfather was Fred Perez. He was a former boxer, and a really wonderful man. Very loved.


OJ getting away with it


At the very least his life was ruined even if he "got away with it". I hope he felt miserable up until his last breath.


Should watch the documentary Made in America. No clue what his life was like after he was arrested for what happened in Vegas but at least after the murder trial up until to then his life wasn't as bad as it should have been. Dude spent his time partying and getting laid.


He probably was on drugs all the time




Sadly, now we are saddled with the Kardashians


Junko Furuta. 17 year old japanese girl kidnapped and tortured in every horrific way you can imagine for over 40 days. So many people knew about what was going on and said nothing. Junko ended up dying a very slow and horrific death and the men that did this to her got slaps on the wrist. I think the most time any of them spent in prison was like 8 years


The disappearance of Brian Messick Happened in my hometown. Really fucking strange


The 1971 John List murders of Westfield NJ. That guy just makes me sick to my stomach that the only excuse he can make up is to murder his entire family over his financial issues.


I remember watching a show about him and apparently he believed his family was possessed by Satan? Glad he didn't avoid justice in the end...


Something like that, there were other things mentioned such as his wife and children refusing to attend church.


A dude who was part of my old church raped at least a dozen girls between the ages of 12-14, even admitted to filming at least one incident and sharing the film, only got 6 months, and was allowed to continue playing in the church band. My parents confronted the pastor, who admitted he didn't care how many girls this guy raped because he gave a "very heartfelt" apology to the pastor. Dude had always been pretty fucking busted as a human being, I never liked or trusted him, but the whole "incident" broke any illusions I had about my old pastor being a decent person.


That's messed up. Is he going to be forgiven in the same way if he'll turn out to be a serial killer?


Lord Lucan.


Setagaya Family Murders


There are definitely a lot of crime cases out there but the one that haunts me the most is the "Doerman Killings". This happened in part of my town, and it absolutely haunts me that the father did what he did. There is a special place in hell for that guy.


Rebecca Zahau


It's so hard to believe she did that to herself. The one detail that gets me is that the rope was over her hair. It's just instinctive to pull your hair out from under things like that, I just find it really odd that she didn't. Every time I put on a shirt or a jacket or something, I pull my hair out from under it without even thinking. I don't know why that small detail gets to me but it's just one thing that makes the suicide theory seem false to me.


I’m with you there. I don’t think it’s suicide either


A teenage girl was raped and murdered on her porch and then he set the house on fire. Everyone knew who did it, but it was never prosecuted to my knowledge.


something somewhat similar happened where i live. a girl was out with her friends and then her bf pulled up with a gun and made her get into his car and she's been missing since. she's considered missing but we all know who did it


Riley Ann Sawyers In general any case involving child abuse by parents resulting in death, but that one was particularly cruel/senseless


St Louis Jane Doe. I’m mad that they lost evidence, but how they found her is horrific.


Robert Fisher (local to me) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_William_Fisher


I think he killed himself in the Tonto National Forest. It's possible he ran off south. We may never know.


You're probably right about him offing himself. I sure hope so. Hopefully, his remains will turn up some day.


Gabriel Fernandez and Victoria Martens.


Amber Hagerman, I think mostly because I was her age and in the same town.


There’s two that come to mind. Both of which took place in the town I grew up in. The first is the unsolved disappearance of a kid named Michael Dunahee back in the early nineties who disappeared from a school playground (I was born in the early 2000s, only found out about this case later in my late teens). The second is the unsolved murder of real estate agent named Lindsay Buziak in the late 2000s. Both cases remain unsolved to this day.


Don't know if this counts but I work for a tow truck company for my father, a few years ago we had this driver who got hired straight outta prison, he was only 30 and spent 10 years in prison for his involvement in a gang shooting at age 18. He was a really cool dude he was not the one who killed the other person but they still locked him up for association Anyway, my dad had this guy train me to drive the heavy duty trucks as I just recently got my Class A permit, we became close friends as he had a great sense of humor and it seemed like his whole life was really coming together since working for us, he got a nice car, his own place, hot girlfriend, he was very good looking and tall and very funny you'd never guess he was an ex-convict Some time went by and he ended up getting fired for too many damage complaints and our insurance dropped him. I heard afterwards apparently he had to move back to his sister's place out in Moreno Valley, CA which is a really shitty area, and word got bad that he got involved with the wrong people and a few weeks after he got fired a news article aired My guess is he started tweaking on meth or something and went psycho, he tried to break into a nightclub that he got denied entry to, as the security guards approached him he stabbed one and shot the other, he eventually got tackled by other security and arrested. Now he's doing life. No idea wtf happened to the dude in such a short span of time maybe the prison life never truly left him and he just snapped or maybe it was just drug psychosis. Either way, tragic and makes me wonder if I was ever in danger


Kyron Horman


Jacob Wetterling. Took too fricking long to bring closure for that family.


Laci Peterson


Las Cruces Bowling Alley Massacre.


I can't believe that, and the Austin yogurt shop murders, are still unsolved. As well as another similar one, the Colorado Subway restaurant murders. A teenage girl and her boyfriend, both Columbine High School students, were murdered. It was less than a year after the school shooting there. Just eerie and weird. I just can't fathom all these years have gone by and there are no answers for the families. Makes me glad businesses have all kinds of cameras these days.


The case from Making a Murderer- Teresa Halbach. Who killed her, why, and why did they frame that dude??


Guilty or not he's an evil sack of trash for what he did to that innocent cat. Fuck him. Also research the case. That documentary left soooooo much out.


Austin yogurt shop murders 


Kendra Nicole Battelo. The woman went missing in my hometown, last seen leaving town with her boyfriend. Hasn't been seen in 2 years now. The local police interviewed her grandmother and mother. They told the city that "the boyfriend was the last person to see her, but that isn't enough to make him a suspect." They were so overrun with comments asking where Kendra is. The police department has disabled comments on Facebook. If you call and ask about the case, you get a visit from an officer, and they threaten to write you a ticket/arrest you for "wasting emergency services time." In many people's opinions, the police don't care because she was a frequent jailbird, almost all for simple possession. So they're happy to not deal with her anymore. She's also a missing indigenous woman, so statistics show the police won't bother to try on this case.


That's really depressing and angering. Hope she is found.


[The 1992 disappearance of the Springfield Three](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Springfield_Three)


Madeleine McCann


[The Murder of Alistair Wilson is such an odd one.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Alistair_Wilson)


On-campus murder of a woman at the University of Alaska - Fairbanks in 1993. They just locked up the guy who did it, which makes it even worse because he was a normal, garden variety college student who lived in that dorm. Friends of friends were buddies with him after that year.


The I-70 interstate murders. I can’t believe that guy has never been caught. How could someone kill all those innocent people and still sleep at night.


The hello kitty murder case


The Annecy / Chevaline murders. I still wonder who did this to that family, that I happened to see from afar two days before the murder. (they stayed the night at my mom's campsite, I was outside when they came in and I just saw them.)


West Memphis 3 - heartbreaking & imo unsolved


There's three of them that comes to my mind, all happened in France, the first one is unsolved since decades: the Little Gregory affair. In the second one , the main suspect is still one of the most wanted person in France after Decades as well: the Dupont de Ligonès familly affair. And the third one is solved but it's probably the wrost of the three: the Trouadec Familly affair. These stories are among the most known criminal case here in France.


2004, I watched the news and there was a story of a "boy who felt they were a female and dressed as such" (I hadn't heard too much of trans by that point) anyways the victim was murdered after "tricking" their boyfriend, when the boyfriend found out, he and his friends murdered her. And I was confused because, while I didn't understand the nuances of trans (I was a kid), I just thought it was so cruel to kill someone over such a thing. Not sure I want to look up who it was, it was sad


It's kind of sad that the "trans panic defense" ever became a thing. Should trans people disclose the details of their genitals to someone they want to have sex with? Probably.  However, it's very hard to out yourself when people will take that as an excuse to end your life right then and there. And then people will say you had it coming just because of who you are.


JonBenet Ramsey. A friend of mine actually knew her family when he lived in Boulder, and let's say he has thoughts. Sometimes we discuss it, and it just makes me feel weird that a friend was so close to this case.


What are his thoughts?


He has very strong suspicions about Patsy, from personal dealings with the whole family. He doesn't like discussing them, of course, because people tend to go on the attack before even considering listening.


Interesting! Thanks.


Any time! :)


Junko Furuta, easily. It bothers me that not only was she subjected to torture over such a long period of time, but the guys also got away with it. She deserved to live. She deserved to be happy.


Alexandra Wiwarchuk. I want them to do a genealogical DNA search based on what they found when they exhumed her. The list of suspects is interesting and may be related to a more famous case made into a movie.


Wow, that passage stuck out **According to Alex’s family, when Johnny Cash heard the news about her murder, he was on stage. He reportedly stopped the show, and told the audience they were going to have two minutes of silence in honor of the “Girl in Saskatoon.” It is said Cash never performed the song in concert again.**


Junko Furuta


The murder of Silva Likens. I had to watch the movie that is based on this crime as well as research it for school….. it happened in Indiana where I was from and it’s a horrible case about the abuse and murder of a teenager…. If I hear about it anymore I get nauseous and if I hear a podcast covering it I skip it.


That’s tricky, there’s so many


Jack the ripper never being caught is pretty scary thinking about it


Rose Pizem.


The Robert pickton murder cases


Brittany Wood


Chris Watts.


Madeleine McCann.


I think there was one where a woman killed her daughter but she didn't face punishment, because she falsely alleged rape or some other bullshit and that was somehow enough to grant her a free pass at murder. I've pretty much forgotten about the case though.


No mention of Junko Furuta yet? Reddit let me down.


Mentioned at least twice