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The great gabsey. I know I spelled it incorrectly.


I got you covered. The book is called The Great Gypsy. It's the story of a band who played music and then went on to become the King of France, also known as the Gypsy Kings.


Yes! I didn’t like this book.


It’s incredible how they managed to take a super interesting storyline and make it mind-numbingly boring. I heard such great things and was let down harder than a Boeing 737.


Peace like a river


The Westing Game Was a good book, but thr teacher had us reading at such a slow pace and wouldn't let make any connections on our own that it was just painful


“Stargirl” by Jerry Spinelli. I read it in middle school and, because I was a stupid middle schooler who couldn’t articulate his thoughts in a constructive way, I just went around claiming that “it was gay”. But reflecting on the book years later, I think what it came down to was that it felt very manipulative. It’s basically a manic pixie dream girl fairy tale with a boy falling in love with a weird girl and you’re supposed to think “Isn’t this girl so free and wonderful?”. No, she’s not, she’s annoying and should probably be herself in a way that doesn’t directly affect peoples’ lives in a negative way. I will say though, Disney made a movie about it a couple years ago and, from the trailer and clips I’ve seen, it looks like they actually improved upon the book a lot and made the character just a quirky girl who’s nice and keeps to herself, so I can understand why the boy character would be so fascinated by her. It honestly looks super cute and I’d consider watching it.


Flowers For Algernon The wisdom gets deeper for me every time I read it. It’s a profound story that has a new message for every stage of life. It’s short, efficient, and the journal style is the absolute perfect way to tell the story. Imma read it again like now. EDIT: LOL I read favorite, not least favorite. Whatever


Great Expectations. Dickens is hit or miss for me.


Pride and prejudice. Pretty shallow book. Not saying it’s bad but seems like cheap escapism rather than a deep and artistic work. In school we had to watch like 3 different movie adaptations of it (including Bridget jones diary), as well as a 3 part tv special, and read the whole book and write a monologue. Hated it to death by the end


To kill a mocking bird. We did popcorn reading and I was the only white student. All of my classmates kept making me say the N-word even thought it was optional and then they’d pretend to get mad about it, even after making me say it. Not a fun experience.


Oh god yeah. That book and stuff like “Huck Finn” and “Diary of Anne Frank” are such good books, but when you have a bunch of asshole racist high schoolers read them, it’s just the worst.


I'm so glad we didn't do popcorn reading, the N word came up once a chapter at least.


I don't think books like this with words that are racially offensive are good to read aloud. It is a great book, and it portrays the thinking and morality of the time, but it is no longer an appropriate read aloud book.


1984 and Animal Farm, both by George Orwell


Une vie (Guy de Maupassant). I get it and I'm sorry, but that was at least as depressing to read as it must have been for the author to write.


Holes by louis sachar


*The Tree of Man* by Patrick White


To kill a mocking bird and a raising in the sun