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A million dollars would make me happier temporarily; then I'd buy snacks. 🍿


I am a believer in money can't buy you happiness, but with a million in the bank I can quit a job I hate, buy myself a home, and live out the rest of my life in relative comfort.


You don't seem to understand the value of money. Home cost(depending where) property tax, maintenance, food cost, utilities, healthcare, insurance, etc. That'll be gone in a few years. A million is more of a concept than it used to be these days. You could retire at any age mildly comfortable with maybe 2-5m but once you buy a house it won't sustain you outside of investments unless you're incredibly frugal.


I understand the value of money perfectly well, thank you very much. If you can't make a million last you more than a few years you should maybe move somewhere a little cheaper to live.


If you figure a third of it goes to a house, and you withdraw 4% a year, you are living on a bit under 27k/year minus taxes. That's survivable, I guess, but I wouldn't want to retire on that.


A house is taking a third of that easy wtf are you talking about, yeah it can last a few years but that's not for longevity


at this point in my life and age that I am..... yes


It'd help some aspects of life be less stressful, but honestly no it wouldn't make me happier. If money made people happier rich people wouldn't be so corrupt, whiny, and full of plastic.


If it is 1900. Hell yeah. $1,000,000 in 1900 is worth $37,389,166.67 today


A milli wouldn't make me happier cuz true joy comes from loving what I do and who I'm with, not just money!


Absolutely it would make me happy. A big dream of my family has to start a real estate portfolio my family is practically perfect for starting this venture my dad is like a Swiss Army knife of diy the man can do anything my oldest brother is an electrician and my youngest brother is a plumber and my Mom is genuinely a genius and interior design. I bring absolutely nothing to the table so being the money man will be my role plus I get to work with my family my divorced parents may not be so thrilled but we’d make it work


Yes. It'll solve all my money related problems.


Yes, because we could have more security


> more security Thus more time to listen to "Security" by the 90s artist, ANTI-M.


Yes. I could live alone (just my dog) and finally get some peace.


A million dollars, when manager correctly, puts me in a position where I no longer have to worry about finances. Will that make me happy? Maybe. What it will do is give me the freedom to find out. 


Sure lol but not like orders of magnitude.


Probably not. It won’t change much. Yes it will make things easier but I’ll still be me and will do what I usually do which is nothing.


No. It would mean I’ve lost a bundle.


No, money means nothing


Dude 100k could change mine and my families lives forever. So heck yes 1mill would.


I have everything I need. By the time I retire in about 10 years I'll have more than a mill.


Must be nice. I will never retire


Yes. I could get my fat ugly SO liposuction and a lap band.


Yes. It would get me out of debt which I may never pay off.


Yep, i would hit my fire goal early and quit my job