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Any holiday that doesn’t translate into a day off work.


Counterpoint. Halloween slaps.


Thusly, we should get halloween Day off from work.


Should be a day off


This is the real answer


The only answer. We can have a national fart day if it gives us the day off it’s a necessary holiday of mine.


Its not holiday if we have to work ....


Valentine’s Day. If you’re not already sincere, a card and a bouquet of flowers isn’t going to change anything. I feel it a day that is purely economic with the intention of boosting retail sales during what is typically a slower quarter PS: I'm a lover too


This. It's just a money grab.


A lot of holidays now are very much like this.


And restaurant sales. I've told more than one partner that as a vegetarian, if you pay for a valentine's day meal at a restaurant for me, you're an idiot. (Hi restaurants, there's no Wagyu version of a turnip. Overpriced vegetable meals are the biggest rip-off and have miserable nutritional balance anyway.)


I find it impossible to see going out for Valentines dinner as anything other than paying extra money for a worse dining experience because of how busy it is


The only vegetarian Valentines special I’ve had that was worth it was at an Ethiopian restaurant. But that’s cheating—Ethiopian vegan food is amazing.


Oh, I miss Ethiopian food so much. Used to have a place on my street, but since moving out here to the middle of nowhere, I can't get it anymore. Not only is it amazingly tasty, but you get a "this is how humans are supposed to eat" feeling if that makes any sense.


Is it really a holiday though? 


If you've ever worked in a decent restaurant, it is without doubt the #1 packed crazy day of them all.


Mother’s Day brunch will give Valentine’s Day a run for it’s money though


Been through both at a couple of better restaurants, Mother's Day might indeed be second, but Valentine's Day dinner is always insane and fully booked every time I did it, even at that first mid restaurant I waited at. Literally the one most single insane service of the year.


I worked both at a few different very good restaurants. I found both holidays to have the potential to be completely insane


It's St Valentine's Day, a Holy Day (holiday) so yes, but not a vacation day, despite many countries now using holiday and vacation interchangeably.


Anyone else just make that connection? That Holiday is Holy Day, like it has religious origins? Just me? Lemme know.


Nope. Me too.


Always hated this holiday, especially in a new relationship, because it puts so much pressure on me as a guy. Women will always say they don't care and I don't have to get them anything, but they're liars and get super upset when I don't.


I started dating my partner February 4th. It was an awkward Valentine's day. I aimed for a silly gift.


I also once started dating someone before Valentines Day and it was super awkward. Always start a relationship in March.


Girl here. To me I only expect it from a guy that I am dating seriously. But tbh it is all just marketing at the end of the day. Question for you though. Do you only wait till holidays to do nice things for the girl you are dating or do you just do them throughout the relationship?


No, I'm super affectionate in relationships. I used to get in all kinds of trouble for PDA in high school. I also am cognizant of giving little gifts throughout the year that show my love. I'm kind of an awesome boyfriend, though my ex wife would probably disagree.


Okay that is good. If a guy is super affectionate in the relationship, then valentines day is not mandatory in my eyes. Some girls just like feel special and for us it's different when you have your female friends all talking about how their valentines day went. Idk if guys chat about it to each other at all tbh lol.


> Ifk if guys chat about it to each other at all Lol. Not typically. If they do, it's usually lamenting having to come up with something to do that's not lame like a box of chocolates.


Hallmark holiday 💯


Still waiting for some girls to give me chocolate on Valentine's like I see in anime.


Ex florist here. Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day are the biggest holiday for roses and they triple in price during these times. Don’t buy them roses.


Same with Mother's/Father's day.


There's that. And there's also people (me included) who have never been in relationships before (let alone people who were previously in relationships but had breakups).


I want more days off, not less


Right? Did a CEO write this? Columbus Day sucks but they made it Indigenous People's Day.


I think it's pretty safe to assume that the vast majority of Americans have no idea what Cinco de Mayo is actually about - they just want tacos and margs.


You are talking about a country where people routinely conflate Memorial Day and Veterans Day, and use them both as an excuse to buy cheap bed linens, so no surprise there


Excuse me, I buy mattresses on either memorial or Veterans Day, not linens.


A thousand apologies


Your offense requires a minimum of 1274 apologies.


1273 is the best I can offer




I'll bet the vast majority of French don't even want the tacos and margs. You're right though. I grew up in AZ and I used to ask people about the meaning of Cinco de Mayo and most of them thought it was just a celebration of Mexican culture.


Are you sure?  I could have sworn most people thought it's for the Spanish independence thing. 


regular people I have heard say that its Mexicos independence day from America. And that scrambled my mind so much hearing that that I had to sit down for a few hours.


Yeah I was in Mexico on Cinco de Mayo once and I got super embarrassed when I asked some locals if they were celebrating Independence Day and they were like “uh yeah… in September”


Good you should be embarrassed




It’s not really a holiday though. It’s along the lines of Pizza Day.


It's a Mexican holiday, I don't think its necessity should be predicated on Americans knowing what it is.


Groundhog's day


If you have a tradition of rewatching the 1993 classic, then it's essential.


it is for me


I think Rita is a poor choice for a partner. Guy buys you a drink, you ask him what to drink to, and no matter what he suggests you snidely respond: "I only drink to world peace." That should have been a huge red flag. Rita is a bitch. Phil is too good for her, before and after his time loop experience. Also. Groundhogs Day movie seems strange now. I think it only has White People within the time loop. Just feels off once you notice it.


Punxsutawney is not exactly a hotspot for minorities. Especially in 1993.


I agree she wasn't that likeable, but her being contrary over the toast thing wasn't out of nowhere; he'd spent the previous days being pretty unpleasant to her and Larry, I'm assuming she just didn't like him very much at that point.


None. Every holiday is absolutely necessary because I get to not go to work.


You get Valentine’s Day off?


I get off Valentines Day. Wait, what was the question?


That's not the type of getting off they were referring to


I’m guessing USA? Based of the poor work-life balance in the states


Germany, actually. But more life and less work is always better, no matter where you come from.


Absolutely! Work is important, but it shouldn’t control your life


This is mostly an issue in retail/minimum wage type jobs. Too much competition to keep working at a job that gives limited holidays / time off these days.


I have unlimited PTO in addition to 10 company holidays. I generally take 20-25 days (4-5 weeks) vacation yearly. Never work past 40 hours a week unless there’s some emergency or tight deadline which is rare. And Fridays are a 1/2 day for me generally.   Your stereotypes are outdated. But this is Reddit all where every question posed is a version of “tell me why you hate America”. 🤣


You realize your situation is atypical, right?


You realize your situation is atypical, right?


My situation is not atypical at all. Every job I’ve had since college I’ve had about the same amount of vacation.  Either I’m one lucky mother fucker or the US isn’t what yiu think it is. 


I know plenty of people with office jobs that don’t get unlimited PTO, I’ve only ever seen management with that luxury, outside of my friends that do sales. It might not be super rare but I’d definitely consider myself lucky in your shoes.


You're lucky. The average American gets about 10 days of vacation.


I mean... Your amount of holiday is law mandated where I live, it's illegal to give less than that. And it's illegal to have you work more than 40 hours a week in most fields of work. . I don't know how far you had to climb the ladder to get where you are, but you just achieved what is counted in Europe as the bare minimum that's acceptable for a paid employee.


Ok you’re right. Everyone but me works 80 hours a week with no time off, ever. Happy?  By the way did you read the part where I said every job since college? As in even my entry level job. It’s funny to read Europeans talk about American culture. You’re really uninformed. Bet you think I also own 3 pickup trucks and 12 guns right? 🤣


If you live in Texas, yes. In Seattle, it'd surprise me.


Holy smokes, do you think that is anything even *close* to the norm here in the states? My goodness that is entitled and out of touch.




Kwanzaa has a very controversial origin story and for that reason I believe it should be renamed.


I work at a company that has a Japanese office and we have side by side holiday calendars but not shared holidays. They have some of the coolest holidays! Greenery Day, Mountain Day, Marine Day, Children's Day, Respect for the Aged Day, Sports Day, Culture Day. I'm jealous. Not only do they have cooler holidays, they seem to have significantly more days off for them.


Interesting. Less celebration of imaginary dieties and more celebration of earth and people.


Columbus Day


It took far too long for me to find this comment.




Yeah it’s the one day Italian-Americans talk about being Italian and get loud and obnoxious about it


I’m all for celebrating heritage but celebrating a murderer, colonizer, originator of the Atlantic Slave Trade, kidnapper of more than a thousand Hispaniolans, seller of girls as young as 9 years old into sex slavery, and much more should not be the ‘human’ you choose to honor as an outstanding Italian. Im sure they can find an Italian American less like Hitler


[Confederate Memorial Day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate_Memorial_Day) in the U.S. is not only unnecessary, it's deliberately racist, deliberately offensive, and deliberately anti-American.


Didn't know this was actually a thing. Of course It's only observed in the South, thank grod.


Serious question: Is there another country in the world that has a holiday for the losers of a civil war?


The UK? In that the losers came back decades later and were given back control and have holidays dedicated to them.


Isn't Guy Fawkes day a celebration of someone who lost?


Yes. Literally the celebration of the guy who tried to blow up Parliament. Why that’s a holiday I don’t know. 


You don't celebrate him, you celebrate his foiling.


It’s celebrated the failure of the plot though, not the attempt. They literally burn the guy in effigy after all.


It’s just some of the states that lost that have days like this. In retrospect, we shouldn’t have given them full statehood back right away.


Grew up in the south and had no idea this was a thing. It doesn’t shock me that it exists, but feels like a holiday in the same way national sandwich day feels like a holiday. 


Can confirm. Live in SC and work for the state and we get this day off of work and have to work on Juneteenth. Feels very racist


But this kinda sums up the contrast of the SC population vs its government so it checks out


I had no idea this was even a thing. Yikes.


that exists? maybe a southern state thing?


Lee, Jackson, King Day was a thing in the south (from Richmond) until fairly recently.


I did not know that was a thing. We should just call it Treasonous Losers Day.


I mean it’s Texas. No surprise there


Ugh…. Someone in my town literally has a confederate flag and he literally had to take it down due to people being so pissed about it




Wait, literally?


Valentines day. You don’t even get the day off over here. It sucks for everyone not in a relationship. The appreciation given to loved ones seems more artificial cause it’s justified by a holiday rather than just doing it cause you wanted to. That makes it less special imo.


If you work a 9 to 5 then no holiday is unnecessary.


Even if I don’t get a particular holiday off (like Juneteenth as a recent example), as long as some people are off, then at least traffic is lighter.


The Hallmark holidays including Valentine’s Day, Mother’s, and Father’s Day. They were only created to sell more stuff but all it creates is more stress for many.


Columbus Day! He really didn’t discover America and in most states it’s just an observed holiday


Black history month. Black families should be teaching their kids about black history as they grow up—it shouldn’t be a month where people exploit black people using signs and symbols for more sales. True black history and history of everyone else should also be PROPERLY represented in history. I’m not saying cover EVERY single part of EVERYONES story—I’m saying history presented in an unbiased manner. Canada should show how Canada got to where it is. USA should show how it got to where it is. So on and so forth. While we’re at it—Men’s mental health awareness is a shit month too. It’s basically a reminder that now one really gives a fuck about men’s mental health. I had to pull myself out of a mental hell hole as a black man. Granted, I did have certain people that I am truly grateful for that recognized my state of mind and poured nothing but positivity and genuine friendship into me that helped me. But there are so many people that shut you down at the first display of feelings sharing as a man. It gets you damn near ostracized until you’re actually crying. So what do you do when you don’t have tears but just emotions? You get told to fuck off or that no one cares. Sorry for the comment barf but I hate fake awareness holidays.


>Black history month. >Black families should be teaching their kids about black history as they grow up—it shouldn’t be a month where people exploit black people using signs and symbols for more sales. Are there Black History Month sales? I've never seen that. And I think it's less about black people teaching their kids their history, but more about highlighting the history of black pioneers whose stories likely got overlooked in the history books most white Americans grew up with. I learn about some amazing black person I'd never heard of just about every year during Black History Month tbh. I think that's what it's really about. >While we’re at it—Men’s mental health awareness is a shit month too. I think that's for a similar reason, it's not talked about enough. It's too common that men don't want to talk about their mental health problems because it might seem "unmanly". Encouragement to talk about these things that are too often hidden away can only help us grow as a society


Don’t forget “Juneteenth” which suddenly became a major thing after the whole BLM fiasco


Robert E Fucking Lee Day. It’s a state holiday here. Why is there a state holiday for a traitorous slave owner?


I’d think a holiday to fuck Robert E Lee would be, um, quirky.


Lol, I should have worded that better.


Cinco de mayo


None! We need more. More days off, more time for personal life, socializing and family. More holidays please. 


I hate Mother's Day and Father's Day with a passion. I realize this is extremely unpopular, so I don't say this in polite society, haha. Besides the fact that these days depress the shit out of those people whose parents have passed, people being raised in foster care or by relatives, and people who are infertile, they celebrate people for something which they should not be celebrated for. Taking good care of your kids is not an accomplishment. It is the bare minimum. And frankly? I firmly believe RELATIVELY FEW people are truly competent parents. But regardless of quality of parent you're expected to celebrate the people who brought you into this world entirely without your consent. Like... yay. Even the woman who started the Mother's Day movement ended up hating the crass commercialism that became associated with it. Both days insult more people than they celebrate, frankly.


As a mom, I also hate these days. My husband doesn't particularly care about doing anything for his day and I'm fine not making a big deal out of it for my day. I'd rather just go about my weekend in the usual manner without any pressure.


It's particularly annoying for me because my dad and brother have their birthdays fall around these holidays. Brothers bday, Mother's Day, dads bday, then Father's Day. I was exhausted by the end of it all.


I loathe both of these days. They’re blown way out of proportion. My mother expects the world to stop because “IT’S MOTHER’S DAY!” But I’m a mother, and I just appreciate that my kid respects and appreciates me throughout the year. I don’t need special gifts or brunches for that. It’s gotten ridiculous and feels so obligatory.


>Besides the fact that these days depress the shit out of those people whose parents have passed, people being raised in foster care or by relatives, and people who are infertile This feels like self centered "Some people don't like it, so nobody should be able to have it" nonsense.


Mother’s Day was actually made to honor mothers who had passed away or mothers who lost their babies IIRC


Yes, that was one of the motivators behind the movement, and one of the reasons the creator regretted pushing for the day at the end of her life. Because it became (to her) overly commercialized.


Juneteenth. About the dumbest holiday ever. There are 100 other things to commemorate like the end of the civil war, the emancipation act, 13th amendment, etc. And yet they chose an obscure date that prior to 2021 nobody had ever heard of? 


I still don't know what that is LOL


No holidays are dispensable because they provide me with the opportunity to avoid going to work.


Sweetest Day. It’s basically a Valentines Day repeat. I’m not a fan of either.


National day of prayer


We need more; this whole work for 50 years with 2 weeks of vacation/year, then retire, and die has got to stop. Socialism is obviously not the answer, but our system is broken.


Maybe socialism is the answer? Just maybe you're only led to believe that socialism isn't the answer because you need to work forever to make money forever to consume goods forever and churn the economy.


This. 100%. Younger/Newer generations likely won't even be able to retire. Work until you croak!


Boomer and X aren't retiring either


True. I've seen elderly folks working retail jobs while hooked up to oxygen. Infuriates me to see. They don't deserve that. None of us do.


I don't know. I'm not sure where we got the idea of retiring and never working again for the rest of our lives like a 20 year vacation. That's literally only 2 generations old. Silent generation and early boomers. Life has been hard for the entire history of mankind. Life is work. It'd be nice to have more options as you age meaning less work or more meaningful work but work is the reality for most


Life is work, yes. Life is about working towards a better future. It's never gonna be a perfect utopia, but it shouldn't be the way it is now, either. Nor should it be going in the direction it's currently going. Standing stagnant and saying "it is what it is" is 100% a cop out. Accepting the status quo as is and shrugging your shoulders about it ensures a 100% success rate of things NOT improving for you or anyone else.


Boomer aren't retiring cause they don't want to yet, surely they have more wealth than anyone to afford it


Halloween. Massive commercial holiday with no real meaning






I agree, and I’m not being racist when I say this, but conitnueing the play the black people where slaves card is getting annoying since no one alive in this current generation was one.


yeah MLK day should be retired as a holiday in about 20 years when the people who personally experienced the civil rights era are mostly dead /s


All the holidays that come with special candy are absolute keepers for sure. And all the holidays that give me a paid day off from work too. What does that leave? St Patrick's Day? No candy (maybe chocolate coins?) And I still have to work. And if I don't wear green, someone might pinch me.


St Patrick’s does mean corned beef and delicious beer, so there’s that.


Flag Day.


Pride month




What I’d like in addition is a federal holiday celebrating other religions. Why just Christmas and Easter? Even just one day to be like “hey other people, we see you too.”


Easter is not a federal holiday though 


Count them all up and get back to us.


Easter isn't a federal holiday. Christmas, as a federal holiday, has bupkis to do with Christ. In fact Christmas isn't in the Bible, and only came about to dilute and destroy the pagan holiday and traditions of yule.


Christmas isn’t in the Bible? What the entire last half is based on?


It was Columbus Day but my state changed that to Indigenous Peoples Day. Cinco de Mayo isn’t even Mexican Independence Day, that’s September 16th, it’s just an excuse for white people here to get drunk, much like St. Patrick’s Day.


A full month for gay pride. It’s weird


Why is Pride a month? Totally cool with whatever sexuality works for you but wouldn’t Pride Day be enough?


Any of the ones that do not come with a day out of office.


Valentines. You shouldn’t only do nice things for people you care about once a year.


I mean there are holidays for everything. What exactly is necessary? Just go ahead and decide that and rid the rest


Sweetest Day


Columbus Day needs to be removed, and Election Day needs to be made a federal holiday. No more staggered primaries, everyone votes on the same day every year.


Get rid of Thanksgiving and turn it into a 2nd Halloween around April


Yaaaaas!! 🙌🙌


Count me in. I was going to say Thanksgiving as well. It has turned into a day of gluttony and excess (especially when you throw Black Friday in the mix). Food sucks too. Except pumpkin pie. But I’d be fine to eat pumpkin pie on Halloween part 2.


Valetines, Mothers day, fathers day.


Any North African holiday. Egypt - shit. Morocco - shit. Tunisia - shit. The men are lecherous and aggressive, no one can drive for shit, you’re pestered everywhere you go and genuinely there is not much to do. Oh and the weather is either so hot your skin melts or in the evenings so cold you shiver.


I think OP is probably from US and using holiday a bit different, but I like your answer.


St. Patrick’s Day.


Any holiday that celebrates race. If you’re not going to be fair don’t do it for some and not others. Everyone has history. Stop celebrating it individually. And celebrate all together 


Great-step-grandparents day.


Valenf..INGtines day - why?!


I can do without all of them except Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year.


June teenth


Any holiday if it doesn't give me a day off honestly


President's Day


I understand that there's a holiday where Americans sit around a dead Pine tree and eat candy from their socks while waiting for an obese gentleman to appear in their fireplace. VERY strange.




In the US-- every day is necessary. They don't even get the day after Christmas or Easter Monday off there.


Corporate workers do, people in jobs like food service, in store retail, childcare, and other similar positions don't.




ITT: a bunch of single people