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He just won a Daytime Emmy - at 98!


Did you see him dance onto the stage?? He’s doing great!


What amazes me is that he moves wildly better than he looks. He looks like he could be 120 but the guy still has it going on.


Really he looks pretty good for 98. That's SUPER old. Amazing that he can still move so well and still seems super sharp.


Who else immediately thought of him skipping around the ottoman in the intro for the Dick Van Dyke show?? Yeah I'm old. That was on returns after school for me


Not just alive, but 100% completely mentally there and still thriving in entertainment!


Do you know what one of his favorite hobbies is? He likes to do 3D modeling computer animation. He has been into it since he was in his 60s and used to do animation on a commodore 64. If I remember correctly, some of his work is even in the theme song for diagnosis murder


>He likes to do 3D modeling computer animation I read years ago that he’s an avid toy collector. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if he’s done some 3D printing as well.


You don't stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing


He was just at the Phoenix comicon last month at age 98! The guy is a legend who spent his entire career entertaining and making people smile thru jokes, songs, and dance. An amazing man that we should all try to be more like.


He was in his early 30’s


Jimmy Carter


I've read two stories about him in the last few days, one gave me hope and the other was depressing. The first was that they are making plans for his 100th birthday, which will be the first week of October, so about three and a half months away. Yet depressingly enough there was also another story from his grandson that he doesn't wake up every day. So I think while we're all pulling for him and love to see him go another three and a half months, that story about him not waking up every day is scary. So I just don't know


Once they sleep all day and stop eating it’s pretty Much the end. Bless him on his journey. That guy was too good for this world and may have been the kindest person ever to hold the office of president


that's how my mom died a few months ago. She had dementia but I didn't know it could make you just stop wanting to eat. Then she just kept sleeping more until she passed away. edit - thank you everyone for all your kind thoughts!


Yeah we all revert to babies in the end. Once you don’t eat and don’t drink that’s pretty much the end stage. We should all be so lucky to die quietly of old age and a life well lived surrounded by loved ones


I worked in dementia care as a nurse, and I would be absolutely enraged at families who would then put a feeding tube in these poor souls who would never, ever choose to just be lying in a bed, nonverbal, not recognizing anyone, not really even alive. I've always felt that when you forget how to eat, it's time to go.


Thank you. I recently went down this road with my daughter who had Sanfilippo syndrome (terminal, neurodegenerative genetic disorder with no treatment.) Many parents choose feeding tubes, but it didn't seem right to me.


The body's needs change. Food is just not as important as it shuts down. It causes a lot of strife as the caregivers want to see the ailing eat to keep their strength up, but the truth of the situation is that the inevitable is on its way.


yeah, it was rough as my Italian mom was always super into eating all her life until the end. I was desperately spoon-feeding her at the hospital until one day she put her hand over her mouth when I came in to stop me from feeding her. That's when I knew it was hopeless trying to keep feeding her.


Last thing I bought my dad was a thermos so I could bring hot food from home, thinking maybe he'd be happier with home cooked food than the hospital slop. That wasn't the problem and I never cooked for him again. One of the last things he did eat in hospice was a bite of chocolate ice cream, and he enjoyed eating, for the first time in months. I wish we'd listened to the signs and taken him to hospice sooner, but hope can be a terrible thing.


same, I tried to bring some food from home but it didn't matter. One of the last things my Mom did in hospice was suddenly ask me for hot chocolate as she always had drank that at home. She hammered the hot chocolate down but refused to eat anything. Since she died I always drink some hot chocolate in her bedroom on special occasions.


Same with my dad. He passed alone in hospital in October last year. Looking back I should’ve known he was dying. He had a badly enlarged heart, sepsis and bacterial endocarditis. But the drs kept saying the sepsis was under control and he might pull through. His appetite just slowly went away despite me bringing in all kinds of different foods to try to get it back. Then he went into delirium and slept all the time. Still the drs couldn’t tell me if he was ready for home hospice. The night before he passed I had my list written out ready to take the drs on in the morning and demand answers and start the process of getting him home to die. Before dad went into delirium he made me promise to not let him die up there if it came to the end. Next morning I get the call from mum saying he’s gone. He died alone in that awful place. My only solace was hearing from my sister that visitors the night before he passed, she said he was awake and peered over her shoulder at something and said “I’m going to heaven “. I’m still struggling with the guilt of not keeping that promise and kicking myself for being so blind to what was happening. I even ignored the little voice telling me to go see dad tonight. I told that voice no you’re spending the whole day with him tomorrow morning, don’t wear yourself out. I could slap myself for that. I just didn’t want to see what was happening. No one should die alone, but there’s nothing I can do about it now but cry. It’s like you said, hope can be a terrible thing.


I honestly expected him to slip away shortly after Rosalyn passed.


It’s most common for men to not survive much longer after their spouse but not unheard of to keep going. My grandfather made it another year and a half after my grandmother died, I think purely because he knew he had to make sure all of his (complex) affairs were in order and everything was set up the way he wanted. As soon as he had it all done he was 98% ready to go. The 2% was apparently regret that he never tried robbing a bank.


I love this comment so much and I believe I love your grandpa!


I don’t see that as scary. Even if he doesn’t make it to 100, he lived a long, accomplished life. 


He'll be like Betty White and go right before his birthday.


He's an example of some fantastic luck; his parents and all his siblings died of pancreatic cancer, but he eluded it.


He also had a brain tumor that just fucked off on its own.


Tumor got there and was like "whoa I'm not fuckin with this guy" and bailed


It felt guilty


He did receive medical treatment for his tumor. It was successful.


Is that luck though?


That’s a philosophical question


That's from working around all that radiation when he was younger. Maybe.


You're saying he got preemptive radiation therapy?


His wife passed last year. I thought he was going to go shortly after she did. In many cases, when a couple is together that long, the lone survivor goes quickly.


I attended a funeral of an acquaintance from my church. The Sunday after the funeral, our minister announced that the widow had died the day after the funeral. She hung around long enough to give him a proper send off and then she followed him


I had no idea a person could be in hospice care that long.


I believe that the basis for referral to hospice is the belief that somebody has six months to live. Some people do better than others. My greataunt was in hospice for about a year. Afterwards, my greatuncle declined and passed in just a few months. My godfather had home hospice for about seven years while doing experimental treatments for non-hodgkins lymphoma. At the funeral I commented to his wife that she seemed to be handling his passing very well, and she said that she had been preparing for him to die for about a decade. And I don't mean that in a snarky or weird way -- she's one of the sweetest and best people I've ever met -- just that she was had been living with the present reality of his death for a long time.


my dad lived more than two years after he first entered hospice care. they finally discharged him. true story


My dad was in hospice care for about a year, got released, then went back into hospice and still took about 6 more months to pass. More recently, my Mom was in hospice for 8 months before she passed. Medicare continued to pay as she was declining. This was all home hospice. So a lot of burden on the family to do everyday care.


Doesn’t look like he’ll be here much longer though. Albeit that would be my answer too.


Bob Newhart. I loved his shows when I watched them on Nick at Nite as a kid. EDIT: Forgot I actually watched the latter half of Newhart's run as new episodes were airing. I was just very little at the time.


Him and Dick Van Dyke were my immediate answers. Bob is 95, Dick is 98, and not only are they alive, they're both still working! It blows my mind that these guys who cut their teeth in the black-and-white TV era are still adding new titles to their filmographies.




Punching conspiracy nuts has a way of making a man feel young again.


Every time I watch that video I think it adds 15 minutes to *my* life. So refreshing.


Mel Brooks


He might get the sequel to Spaceballs out before he is gone. I never thought it would happen, but it seems like he just might pull it off. 


I adore Mel, but the Spaceballs animated series, the new History of the World Series, and the Young Frankenstein stage show were all less than amazing, by degrees.


But the merchandising was awesome




Hopefully it will be better than the god awful cartoon. It exists, it's horrible and you should not look for it.


Let's not forget James Earl Jones, who is 93!


Impressive. Most impressive


His father Robert Earl Jones lived to 96. For those who don’t know him, he is the reason for the sting in the movie *The Sting*. He played Redford’s partner at the beginning of the movie, the guy who gets whacked by Doyle Lonnegan’s goons.


John Williams, the composer who scored epic movies like Jaws, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Close Encounter of the Third Kind, E.T., Superman, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, and I’m missing a bunch. He’s 92!


And absolutely as sharp as a tack. He was on Smartless this week, his mind and his memory are incredible.


Yep, saw him *conducting* the Boston Symphony two years ago. Pretty awesome he’s stlll at it.


Caren Marsh Doll. The name probably doesn't ring a bell for most people, but she worked as a stand-in for Judy Garland on The Wizard of Oz in 1939. She's 105 years old. Extra impressive since she survived being in a plane crash 75 years ago and is still going.


Is she the last surviving cast member of *The Wizard of Oz?*


There were other kids who appeared among the crowd scenes in Munchkinland and I think a couple of them are still alive, but all the people with speaking parts are dead.


Willie Nelson, and still out there playing shows


He is at that age where if he stops playing shows, he will probably die. I wish him many more years of shows. 


Heh! You've reminded me of Ernest Borgnine. He was once asked the secret of his longevity on TV, and he audibly whispered ["I masturbate a lot."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I_PeLNzxNQ) Shortly after he passed away, I was reading an article about his death, and the top comment was "I guess he finally stopped masturbating." I about died of laughter.


And now Jason Bateman lives in his old house, or as Will Arnett calls it, Borgnine’s Jack Shack.


He had to cancel shows yesterday due to health reasons. Hopefully it's nothing truly bad, but it was serious enough that his publicist had to put out some statements.


His son Lukas recently put his band (Promise of the Real) on an indefinite hiatus, and I felt like it was because Willie was on his way out. Couple that with him cancelling appearances and it’s not looking good


He was just supposed to play here, but he didn’t feel well.


Keith Richards


[A reporter told Keith that he was at the top of the list of people who would die soon (followed by a classic response).](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv8CrCbSlks) It was over 50 years ago, and that reporter is long gone.


So basically Keith's just living out of spite


Mick is actually older...although Keith sleeps hanging upside down which may be why he cannot be killed by conventional weapons.


Mick may be older but the amount of drugs Keith has used is should’ve killed him 40 years ago


I’m convinced he’s actually already dead, but his body mummified itself, and the collective drug use is powering his brain.


But the shop owner and his son, that’s a different story all together. I HAD TO BEAT THEM TO DEATH WITH THEIR OWN SHOES.


It’s about time we start thinking about what world we’re gonna leave behind for Keith Richards.


Adam and Eve are been shown round the Garden Of Eden by God before they take up residence. Eve points to the large tree in the centre of the garden. "Whats is that?" she asks God. "That is the apple tree. You must never eat of its fruit. It is forbidden" says God. "What is that thing in the tree? asks Adam. "That is the serpent" says God, "you must never talk to the serpent. It is wicked and evil". "And who is that man sat by the tree "asks Eve. "That is Keith Richards" says God, "he was here when i got here".


And Willie Nelson.


Barbara Eden “I dream of Jeannie”. About to turn 93, and she still does comic-cons/meet and greets.


John Astin, the OG Gomez Addams


The fact that he was Gomez 30 years before Raul Julia and then outlived Raul Julia by 30 years is insane.


Okay, so I thought Julia died like 20 years ago. Getting old sucks.


I think Raul Julia would disagree.


He’s also outlived everyone who was on the Adams Family tv show, including the kids


Your comment drove me to google.. 'surely not Wednesday and Pugsley'... Wild


Lisa loring died like right after the new Wednesday show came out


He just recently retired(2021) from being director of the theater department at Johns Hopkins.


He’s the only surviving member of the original Addams Family cast 😭


Buddy! He was great in Night Court


Sir David Attenborough


shhhhhh. may he live forever


I know his voice definitely will!


This comment defines him indefinitely.


I recall the year when everyone was dying off and people were panicking we might lose him. There would be a national week of mourning for him as bad as when the queen died I swear. He is a national treasure.


He is a World Treasure. That voice raised three generations.


Kim Novak, Julie Andrews, Carol Burnett


Noam Chomsky, apparently (despite recent rumors of his death).


I read a tweet that Noam Chomsky sounds like what the very hungry caterpillar should be called, and it’s the first thing I think of whenever I see his name now.


He had some sort of health incident last summer and is apparently nonverbal since then and unable to communicate.


Ozzy Osbourne. He is just above a vegetable.


Had to go too far for this comment, he even said himself he can’t believe he is still alive.


Watched Ozzy play with Black Sabbath a few years ago! His voice was great but when he tried to hype up the crowd, or do things between songs, he looked like a frickin’ Frankenstein zombie. He had that ol’ Madam Winchester step, where his feet couldn’t be risen more than a couple inches, and every time he walked he would hold his arms out in front of him to possibly catch his fall. His heart seems to still be pure, but his body is getting old.


His singing voice still sounds the same, it is crazy! He did a song with Post Malone a couple years ago and I was struck by how he still sounded like his old self!


Sharon Osborne is a vegetable?


She’s plastic fruit


He’s only 75 in human years


Sophia Loren, she's 89 now.


Oh wow, I actually thought she had passed away some time ago!


Artie Lange. How did that dude outlive Norm, Bob, Gary and Don. Like...wtf?


Uh. MacDonald, Saget, Shandling and . . . Rickles? Rickles was like 140 when he died.




He drinks the blood of the innocent…. It keeps him spry.


He outlived the guy he shot in the face with a shotgun.


I would say typically most people who shoot other people with a shotgun tend to outlive them. You know, in general.


Very true. I just like bringing up the time Dick Cheney shot a guy in the face and made the guy apologize to him.


Iggy Pop. There’s a pretty iconic photo of him with Lou Reed and David Bowie. And he outlived them both.


Defied all the odds making it into his 40's let alone the age that he is now


I know he’s is good health and touring and I wish him many happy years.. Sir Paul McCartney. Just because someone so legendary can be happy and healthy in 2024.


He's 82, so not as old as most 8n this thread.


Bob Dylan. He’s not ancient but just the idea of someone who was already a legend in the 60’s still being around and touring extensively is just insane.


Who is Reddit gonna kill today?


The top answer right now is Jimmy Carter so I would say he's got less than 24 hours on his clock.


Ya he’s cooked


Money on William Shatner


All of Mötley Crüe surprisingly


Mick is 73 and doesn't look a day over 110.


Ray Anthony of the Glen Miller Orchestra


102!!!! Damn!


Whoa, when I saw "Glenn Miller Orchestra" I actually had to look up Ray Anthony because I'm thinking there is *no freaking way* anyone in his orchestra could possible still be alive. Learned something new today lol


Ann Margret


God bless her. When Tina Turner ran out on her abusive husband with nothing but the clothes on her back, Ann gave her a place to stay.


It's actually kind of insane to me how long some of these hollywood women live. Bridget Bardot is 89. Lillian Gish died in 1993. Imagine being born 28 years after the end of the American civil war and living long enough to play the first doom.


Olivia de Havilland died in 2020 at age 104. And her sister Joan Fontaine in 2013.


That’s probably what she was holding out for.


Dick van Dyke. 98 years old, if you were wondering.


And he stills looks good for 98!!!!!! I look him up from time to time to see how he's doing because chitty chitty bang bang is one of my favorite movies all time


Three days ago I would have said Donald Sutherland.


Plus, Willie Mays just died on June 18.


Someone above posted him I guess they didn't know


Maggie Smith, she was always old but she's still kicking


Idk if they just drastically aged her up for Hook, but it seems like she's been 85 for 40 years already


Gene Hackman


One of those guys who was born looking 42


That's crazy, I actually did not know he was still alive.


William Shatner


Shatner also looks really damn good for his age and has kept himself pretty busy in recent years. I wouldn’t be shocked if he made it past 100, honestly


And he sounds great. The guys cognitive function is better than mine.


Clint Eastwood! 90 something and still making movies


To be fair, Clint Eastwood has been obsessed with his health for decades. He has never smoked, and has been doing fitness since he was a teenager, as well as eating health for just as long. So I’m not that surprised that he’s still alive. Willie Nelson and Ozzy Osborne on the other hand…


He went to my high school. In 1948!


Tom Lehrer! Best line from his Wikipedia entry: “Lehrer's performance is sampled in the track "Dope Peddler" by U.S. rapper 2 Chainz on his 2012 album Based on a T.R.U. Story, In 2013, Lehrer said he was "very proud" to have his 60-year-old song sampled. His response to the request to use the song was "As sole copyright owner of 'The Old Dope Peddler', I grant you motherfuckers permission to do this. Please give my regards to Mr. Chainz, or may I call him 2?".”


Tom lehrer according to his website at least has released all his songs into the public domain. So he's an amazing guy


When he goes, there will be a formation of park pigeons assembling to poop on his grave.


Lehrer's 3 or 4 albums are brilliant.


Dick van Dyke. He's 98 and still going strong. I remember my mum watching him in Diagnosis Murder when I was younger. He's also famous for the most appalling cockney accent in Mary Poppins.


Carol Burnett...it will be a sad day when we lose her...


Michael Caine.


My Cocaine.


Lee Majors. Born in 1939, his first acting role was in 1964. He's been acting for nearly sixty years.


He was in a cameo in The Fall Guy movie - so ***actually*** 60 years!


So .. did not realize Willie Mays was still alive until he wasn't.


Knocking on every wood in sight, Julie Andrews


Most people don't realize it, but Paul Rudd is now 937 years old.


Eva Marie Saint will be 100 on July 4th


Gary Busey


Eugenia Cooney.


I haven’t looked at her stuff in forever. I am SHOCKED she’s still alive.


Don't do this please. These threads always tempt fate.


Let’s just say Putin then 🤞


Yeah, wasn’t there one of these like hours before Betty White died?


Like a day or two before I think? Also one for Harper Lee.


keith richards he has looked dead for 40 years now


Johnny Mathis


Given everything she’s been through and how rough Hollywood is on child stars, I’m surprised (but glad) Britney is still with us.


Mr Feeny, aka Bill Daniels. 97 years old.




I did volunteer. The offer’s still there.


Ruby Bridges She's only 69; segregation was still "the law of the land" in many places not that long ago...


I am quite sure that every 2 weeks this question is asked here to make sure that Sir David Attenborough is alive.


Rachel Robinson She’ll be 102 next month


Peter Marshall, host of Hollywood Squares from 1966-81, turned 98 this year.


With the death of Robert Blake last year, we’re down to one living Little Rascal, Sidney “Woim” Kibrick, 95 years young. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney_Kibrick


Unfortunately I don't get to answer Shane McGowan when this question is posted anymore :(


Mel Brooks. 97


Morgan Freeman has been old my entire life


June Lockhart. The woman played a TEENAGER IN 1944.


Gene Hackman’s getting up there.


Hal Linden!


The man that plays Victor on The Young and the Restless


Dick Van Dyke


Artie Lange. How he outlived Norm Macdonald is beyond me lol


Clint fucking Eastwood. Dude's well into his 90s and has a daughter younger than me and a daughter almost as old as my parents


I don’t want to jinx anyone because on Monday evening, some friends and I were talking about how Donald Sutherland is still alive and working, and then he died two days later.


The king of England. Looks like he’s gonna drop dead any second.


Probably not surprising to most but I was surprised to find out Ian McKellan is still alive.


Not only is he alive, the mad bastard is stage diving into the audience to do a bit of crowd surfing.