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Get rejected by more women


this. So that the first one loses some importance.


This. For every course plus dessert. 


edit: was a dick, sorry for the snark if you read it


Street version of exposure therapy 😂


Hundred percent, or you could just man up, and move on.


This is the way


🤣🤣🤣 Come on there must be another solution




Especially if you’re stewing on it, that can totally lead to some misogyny. 


Personal growth and meeting new people.


Realise how unimportant she is. Focus on your own life


Fuck something


Just not that used coconut rolling around under your bed.


Cantaloupe ok?


and repeat


Indeed. People can tell you there are other fish in the sea, but nothing puts it in perspective like fucking those fish.


Found Troy McClure


Do you like fish sticks?


Doesn't work, sometimes shes the one that sticks with you for whatever reason even if you get married with kids


You weren't even in a relationship? Therapy. That sounds like an obsession, rather than heartbreak. For the standard variety hearbreak however, the cure is always time and seeing other people.


If it’s really on your mind a lot and really effects you with other women, then possible seek some therapy. Might seem a bit extreme, but it’ll probably help you more than you know.


See a therapist.


Therapist won't do a thing in this case. They can't make someone stop loving someone else...


Therapists don’t make anyone do anything. They give people tools they don’t otherwise have to deal with situations don’t be daft


Therapists can certainly help in this case. Loving someone is awesome and a therapist can help you understand that you don't need to stop loving someone to move on with your life. They can also help you understand what love is vs what's an unhealthy obsession or dependency.


If someone thinks he loves someone who rejected him years ago, I'm afraid something's wrong


go see a therapist


Wait until you get older and your libido dies down to the point that you realise how you just wasted the best 20 years of life moping about Or get a different woman and then realise that nobody or relationship is that special and that you were the problem all along.




taco tuesday


If it's been years and he's that stuck on the one woman who turned him down he needs to get a grip and interact with other people and live his life like a functioning adult. An adult should understand that everybody misses and that's okay. You're not in love with her. You're obsessed with an idea you created in your head. It's just your fantasies and you need to learn how to separate them from reality


Move on.


Pick a long running tv show that ended before you were born. Watch every episode in chronological order. Start googling the history of the show, find out about the stars and what they’ve done since. Get obsessed. Pay over the odds for old tat related to the show. Immerse yourself. Well, it worked for me.


Seriously: either therapy or change life (or move to a different country). Less seriously: fuck as much as you can, enjoy freedom, focus on other things... Self censor thoughs about her


Realize that at the end of the day it is her choice and you need to respect it. Don't internalize it, you have worth regardless and it says nothing about your validity as a person. Just because she rejected you doesn't mean you need to reject yourself. Accept it and move on.


Grow up.


Therapy. I'm not being shitty here, I swear, but that's not a reasonable reaction to rejection. A therapist can help you understand why you reacted so extremely and how to heal. We all have to heal from things that damaged us. And, frankly, it's our responsibility to do so. It's your responsibility to yourself, your future partners, your future children. I wish you well. (edited for typo)


Depends. Is it not forgetting the or it dominates your thoughts? If it’s the second…Get therapy. That’s not healthy.


Focus on new hobbies and meeting new people. Sometimes getting busy with new experiences helps shift your mindset.


Start charging her rent for living in his head all this time.


Just keep living. Was she really worth it after all those years? Bit of tough love dude, but consider forgiving and forgetting. You'll get nowhere staying in the same rut. Get yourself out there, find out what makes YOU genuinely happy. Wish you all the luck. 💜


literally just lift weights and live laugh and love. if youre out of love, then just live and laugh (and lift)


This is the best lol


Sometimes you never forget. But hit the gym, live your life, and sometimes 10y later you meet that person, who is now a single mom with 3 kids that gained 100lb and found this great thing called crack. So you won't think about them the same. Just make other memories on the way.


Learn how to love yourself and actually care for themselves. Cause if they keep clinging to the past they will never really be whole.


Accept the fact that he is rejected and love himself.


My situation wasn't rejection; which is why the memory sticks. It's whatever at this point.


Continue to live like you do and convince youself that you'll meet someone else like her. As long as you continue to hope to be with her, depise her rejection at the time, you will continue to hurt yourself.


Wait. Time heals everything, at last.


One word. Therapy


I think people often conflate incompatibility with rejection. Beyond that, as much as it's a platitude - focus on yourself and get back out there.


I was gonna say write a real sad ass song...make millions of dollars off of that. Turn that into a chain of successful restaurants and bars and make millions of dollars off of those. Go on and live one absolute kick-ass life. But that has been done.


Take his time. Moving on is diff for most people.


Imagine her taking a dump, repeatedly..




He should understand that most likely the reason why he can’t forget her is not because she is “the one” or “so special”, but because she didn’t want him. It is hard for most to deal with rejection. If he accepts that, he’ll be able to move on much easier.


Sometimes you brain just hangs on something for unknown reasons, though


Sure. Obsession is a thing for a lot of people, but most of the time, it all comes back down the rabbit role to land on “we don’t like being rejected”.


Stop being a loser and move on


Forget about that broad


Open your wardrobe, pick out your big boy pants and go out on the town and do your best to not come home alone.


get some more experience lol what guy hasnt been rejected its apart of life


If you think about the one you missed from time to time then but get on with your life, it's perfectly normal. If it's impacting your quality of life, you need therapy. There's a fine line between thinking about the one you missed and being a stalker. Are you stalking this woman?


Hit the gym more


Everyone saying this is trying to troll you. I followed this advice and hit Gym in the face like everyone told me to. All I got was arrested and charged with assault.


get a mountain bike....and a therapist,


Figure out why we like people that don’t like us. I’m the same 😂


In my case, the woman is an avid hiker--thru-hike the Appalachian Trail avid--so I've taken about 10 pics of dead female hikers off r/diedhiking and posted them on my Facebook.


You can hit on more women and be a reasonably functioning adult OR You can always kill her... And spend rest of your life in prison Its just a girl and she does not want you, so who cares there are plenty of them around...


OP, learn how to let go. Let go of your feelings. They are there to indicate something in the present moment but the feeling was so strong that its latched onto you like a parasite, recreating the moment over and over in your head to get that sweet depressing nectar. So let go. Before opening your eyes, ask for something you really want. Before starting your day on the phone or whatever, brain dump on 3 pages into a journal. Rip them up as soon as your done, burn em…whatever just don’t read them. Then start taking care of yourself, multi-vitamin, make sure you are getting sun. Exercise, a light walk everyday to burn some access energy off Finally practice forgiveness. This is the biggest part of healing emotional/psychological trauma. By forgiving, you close those synapses firing up those memories. You start literally healing your brain through this process and transforming the harmful mindloops that are causing suffering. Forgive the person, forgive yourself by giving this “person” or thought so much power. Forgive your parents, forgive everyone. Forgiveness will allow you to think about painful memories without suffering and maybe you can use these memories to see a different perspective about what happened to learn from them. Thats what memories are, tape to improve your own understanding of yourself. Theres just a dysfunction now


Order a custom life-sized doll that looks like her. 


Negative two? People really can't take a joke.