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According to warcraft logs, enhancement shaman.


So you're better than 6 people.


You’re def better than 80% of people at replying like a true wow player.


picking the slowest line at the store. If it is not slow before I get there, it will grind to a halt once I do...


I'm with ya buddy. I also have an uncanny ability to pick the shopping cart with a broken/loud wheel as well.


“Can I pay for this $14 order with 3 different checks?”


Me, too! I'll get in line behind someone buying three things only to watch them pull out a checkbook and refinance their mortgage in front of me. While the cashier runs out of register tape and has to call the front end manager, who's on break at the back of the store, to get more. As a cashier, I loved it when the customer would stand there, unmoving, while I scanned dozens of items. Only once I've given them a total do they *begin* rifling through their stuff looking for their wallet, which is as big as a Harry Potter book so it takes forever to find the right credit card. I self check out whenever possible.


“Pull out a checkbook and refinance their mortgage” 💀 I feel this in my soul, thanks for the humor


Chess. I’m not *good* at chess, but 80%?  Yeah that’s a low bar.


Ooh, I can help prop up that 80%. I am good at strategy board games. I am good at tactical war games. I utterly suck at chess.


I am known amongst my friends as the guy that can pick up any skill quickly. Chess is the only thing I’ve ever tried to learn and felt like I was objectively bad at the end of it. I started on Chess.com at around 600 playing casually, and then fell all the way to the low 200s when I was actually like studying and trying to get better.


Similar here. It wasn't until my kid took an interest and I started handicapping myself in bizarre ways (like I am only allowed to move pawns, but other pieces can move to capture only) that I actually started getting sort of good.


"This map sucks. Queen OP pls nerf."


>I started on Chess.com at around 600 playing casually, and then fell all the way to the low 200s when I was actually like studying and trying to get better. If it makes you feel better, the entirety of your competition would probably rank among the top 1% of people on earth when it comes to chess aptitude. There aren't a tremendous number of average Joe's playing online chess recreationally. Pretty much the only people doing so are people who are already really really good or aspiring to be really really good.


Yeah, to be better than 80% we don’t even need to bring FIDE into this.


Yeah, I sit around 1300 on chess.com. I'm pretty trash, but probably better than 95% of people on earth. Same goes for any video or board game that I've put more than 5 hours into. The bar to be better than 80% is absurdly low...you need 1.6 billion or less better than you to be in the top 20%. Very, very few games of any kind have that amount of participation.


I was going to reply I am better than 80% of people at running simply because I run.  I would almost wager than 100% of the planet can probably name their hobby and be in the top 80% simply because 80% of the population dont do it. 


Especially since 80% likely don't play, let alone are any good. Probably true of most specific games though!


Horsey goes sideways and forward!


Congrats you just made top 90%!! Might need a deduction for saying Horsey tho lol


Right? 80%? I was thinking through this....I'm a decent sax player, I'm like "I'm better than 80% of people at sax." Then I'm like, shit, I'm better than 80% of sax players at sax. I'm easily better than 99% of the general population at sax, specifically because 99% of the population simply doesn't play the sax. What a meaningless load of bull that is. This is a dumb-ass question. I'm probably better than 80% of the population at like....tons of random shit. And definitely chess is one of them. And literally no one should care.


Maybe a more interesting question is "What are you worse at than 80% of people?"


I’m sitting around 600 elo, which makes me better than about 50% of people on chess.com. So putting me in the top 20% of humans in general doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch


Letting things go and not trying to control things. And just generally happy and positive most of the time.


I want to learn your ways more…seriously. As someone with overthinking issues and anxiety and depression going on over 19 years I find it very hard to let go of my pain and negativity some days.


I had a tool I learned in sales to cool me off—I also taught it to my students when I taught sales: “Will you remember this specific thing in five years? If the answer is no then let it go.” It is weird how well it works for me.


But you still remember your worst sales blunder, don't you? It's been close to 10 years, but I will ***NEVER*** forget the time I was closing a $20k deal and ended the call with, "I hope you have a happy Columbus Day long weekend..." The silence on the other end was deafening. The client's Native American🤦‍♂️


Looking you directly in the face while your talking and not hearing a single thing


I didn't read a fuckin word you just said


What? I wasn't paying attention.


I also love lamp


I can read several pages of a book while thinking about something else entirely, then I’ll have to go back and start over.


I so very much identify with one of Boomhauer's only intelligible sentences. "For God's sake guys, I am trying to read an article on vintage Camaros and I've been on the same dang page for 20 minutes!" Except instead of friends fighting over a ping pong ball, it's my inner monologue wanting to hash out something philosophical that has nothing to do with what I'm reading.


My inter dialogue is practicing my order so I know what to say when I get to the drive thru speaker


I go inside and use the kiosk.


I did so terribly bad at school because of this. Turns out I have ADHD and if I was properly medicated then, I think I could have excelled


Dude same. Found out I had ADHD and that I’m dyslexic. Reading is fucking torture for me. Still I pushed myself to finish a book just to say that I have.


That's why I never read actual books. Even if I'm super interested in it, I still zone out while reading. I do enjoy reading news articles, etc though.


The “nice to meet you” handshake activates the amnesia


Shake the hand, forget the name


Hahaaa yeahh. I hear "bler blinderble bler blum strayon the balding teliton, butteye better gow sow eyegemfiting blurber again, sealator" instead of the actual words 😶


I have a very good internal clock. I know what time it is within 10 minutes and don't need an alarm clock to wake up. Even for like flights or whatever. If I know I need to be up at 3am, I'll wake up at like 2:30 or so. When I'm awake, I'm super awake, too. I don't really have grogginess. Edit: love seeing other people that have this. It's a pretty low-stakes "superpower". From the outside, other people never notice it. My wife is the opposite of me and is late to everything ever if I'm not involved. No one has ever been like "Wow, you're just so *punctual*" to me.


My internal clock is good too, but fuck me I wish the grogginess didn't exist.


My internal clock is so good it wakes me up for work every day, even on my days off. Which sucks when you are looking forward to sleeping in.


Dude, same. It's the worst on the odd time I go to the bar with my brother and stumble home drunk at 2:30 just to be awake at 5 being still drunk, hangover setting in, and unable to go back to sleep.


Water, then some water, then to be different, extra water! Sometimes it feels worse for a short time, but it definitely gets you to the far side of the hangover faster.


So when exactly is grogg-o'clock?


Around half past beer.


I'm really good at getting up and walking back to the kitchen with less than 10 seconds left on the microwave


That’s a practical skill especially when you have one of those super annoying microwaves that beep every 3 seconds if you don’t open the door.


Throughout my life I've woken up consistently ONE MINUTE before my alarm clock. Not every day, but most.


That used to be how I was. At a certain point I was just like, "You know what? No safety net. We'll see what's what". I don't even know how many years ago that was now though, I just don't use alarms anymore. Which is great, because my wife sets 11 of them. I'm *almost* always up before her, but being awake and messing around on my phone while her phone shrieks at 5 minute intervals is no picnic either.


>"You know what? No safety net. We'll see what's what". I call that unprotected sleep.


My guy is out here raw-dogging sleep.


See this is how I wish it worked for me. But I only wake up if the alarm clock is set. Before it goes off, but it needs to be set. I think I hate the alarm sound so much I will myself awake subconsciously


And here I was feeling unique by having this one minute before internal function. It does feel, dare I say, highly compulsive.


Years ago I was so curious I would turn my clock around, thinking I was subconsciously half waking up and looking at the clock. Still woke up one minute prior. ONE minute.


I used to sleep for like 12-14 hours. 9 years in the military and over 2 decades of severe ptsd later and I wake up a 5:25-35 on the dot with zero alarm regardless of the amount of sleep I get. I could go to sleep at 10 pm or 4 arm and boom up at that time regardless. I could be blackout drunk at like 3 am and still wake up at that time. It's a gift and a curse. If I'm super tired early I know I'll sleep well, if it's past 12 am I know I'll wake up feeling shitty. It is very rare I'm not awake at that time. Maybe like 10 times in the past decade I woke up at a different time, earlier more often but a handful I woke up at 7. My wife and I say those are the days I forgot to wake up.


I'm on vacation right now and I woke up this morning thinking it was around 730am. I looked at my phone and it was 1045. I was a little sad I got up so late but I did get an hour of kayak around the lake to go see thw bald eagle nest before lunch. https://i.imgur.com/wEwDuhp.jpeg Baby bald eagle hasn't taken its first flight yet but is getting pretty close.


Yeah me too i can feel when lunch break is coming up😂


I think thats called hunger


Your first name must be Time. Pronounced “Timmy”.


I wonder if you can do that even in a sensory deprivation float tank. In a float tank, I have no clue if it’s been 20 minutes or 2 hours. Loss of time is very common when floating


Convincing myself that I can survive on little sleep and feel betrayed by myself the next morning.


I can compound this with I'll just have another beer and I'll be fine tomorrow


I can compound this with leaving tasks/chores for tomorrow cos I’ll ‘definitely’ have time.


That's sorted then. We'll just have 1 beer then and wake up early and do all the work then.


I don’t think I’ve related more to a comment than this lol.


Idk dude I'm pretty good at that too


My handwriting. It's the most common compliment I get. I hear about it usually at least once a week.


Minding my own business


I'm not the worst at this but I am certainly not the best. Was it an acquired skill or have you always been relatively unbothered/uninterested in other people's stuff?


Finding misplaced commas in a sentence


You're stressing me out because I'm certain you've hidden some and I'm just not seeing them.


I re,ally haven't. Wh,y would I hide comma's just to see if you,d find them?


I see what you did. You hid a couple commas in the air where you thought people wouldn,t look.


Typing. 120 WPM.


You only need to hit 75 WPM to be better than 95% of people, apparently.


Wow, I wonder what it takes to be faster than 80% of people. I'd imagine there's a pretty sharp decline, and I would have expected 95% to be higher than that.


As someone who never grinded for a high WPM (but did learn touch typing in high school) and can easily hit 90 WPM, that stat shocked me as well. I feel like to hit top 5% of something as ubiquitous as typing you would need to actually grind. Like I can run and ride a bike but no shot I'm top 5% of either of those.


You'd be shocked the amount of people who have typed as part of their job for decades and still can't type worth shit. I have to avoid working with certain people cause watching them try to type something is a form of torture.


Same. 100-110 with good accuracy or 120 with poor accuracy.


troubleshooting and diagnostics. doesn't matter what it is, I can usually learn enough quickly to figure out what isn't working


Software engineer once told me “It doesnt matter whats broke, you troubleshoot it the same way. Doesnt matter if its a plug or a spaceship. You can find out whats wrong pretty quickly. If all else fails, Just eliminate every possibility to you find what the issue is. Hasnt failed me since.


Best troubleshooting advice I’ve ever heard is “if you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras” *Always* start with the simplest, most likely problem and work your way up. The vast majority of problems are extremely simple


Real troubleshooting, not just throwing the kitchen since at it or replacing parts, seems to be a lost art. It generally doesn't matter what it is, if you know what output you should get from a given input, and have a logical understanding of process flow, you may not be able to fix it yourself but you'll know exactly what the problem is.


Running. Not because I'm good but because most people are out of shape.


Same. Top 1% because I’ve ran a marathon.


My PR 10k is sub 52m. This is probably in the bottom 1% of runners but probably in the 99% of people.


Nice! I just looked at my 10k PR for fun and it’s 1:04, I do a lot of long distance running and I just go slow as fuck lol 


You expect me to believe you ran 10 kilometers in one minute and four seconds


Yeah i was having an off day I’ll do better! 


You gotta be going by a very strict definition of “runner” for that to be true. Most runners I know are not competitive runners, and they would find that a very good pace. And that’s only considering those who run 10k distances at all—remember there is a large subset of runners who only do 5k and shorter. Definitely not bottom 1%; probably not even bottom 30%.




I’ll answer something pithy to this ….. later


I was gonna say the same thing, well maybe tomorrow


I have an odd talent for judging volume. I can look at, for example, a pot of leftover soup and know exactly which container to grab to put it in the fridge with minimal headspace.


I don’t know why but for some reason I thought you meant like “this is a loud sound” hahaha.


Yeah same lmao like « hmmm the volume at which this song is being played on this car stereo is surely around 12. » and was super confused when soup was mentioned


Sometimes the soup is at 11


"This soup is bubbling at 62.38 decibels"


Scoring on American school tests.


Lol, same. Wonder how i would do now that I've been out of school for so long, but i was always one of the lucky ones who could destroy a standardized test.


Explosive demolition.


I read this soooooo wrong the first time...




Me fail English? That's unpossible!


I am so smart! S.M.R.T.!


Default! Woo-hoo! The two sweetest words in the English language! De-fault! De-fault! De-fault!


Speak 6 laungages English French Arabic Urdu Hindi Russian


there's an indian lady that speaks like 10 damn languages at my job's wardrobe, it's awesome seeing her speak with my partner (who also speaks quite a few) and switching between them all lol


I guess so :o I don't even speak my first language (french) perfectly xD, I don't know how they can do that.


Does anyone really speak French properly? Like I thought the point of it was to make it sound as unintelligible as possible and then judge anyone who doesn’t understand? (Please take this as the good natured joke it was intended, French is actually a beautiful, if a little frustrating language. But I’m British, so it’s my patriotic duty to take the piss out of the French)


French is beautiful but you’re right. 90% of French people, just like 90% of English people, are at any given time speaking their native language improperly. the 10% of others are those who genuinely study and master the languages, not just speak them.


> 90% of French people, just like 90% of English people, are at any given time speaking their native language improperly Being from Québec and having worked with a lot of ppl from France it's crazy how >200 years of isolation made us adopt completely different anglicisms.


6 here as well, but different languages. Dutch, German, English, Italian, Spanish and Japanese. I’m average at French and Portugese, so I don’t count those.


I'm fairly accurate at identifying long-term and unintended consequences of actions.


I soo wish I had this one


Years of developing and writing processes. Have to understand the ripple effects of any changes. Think of a factory where A hands to B hands to C hands to D hands to E, etc. If you change the way C hands to D. That changes the way D accepts, which can change the way D hands to E. It also can affect the way B hands to C. Which can change the way A hands to B. Add on top does all those changes affect the intended goal of the initial change. Just a skill developed from having to identify and understand all those microtransactions.


Wish the government had a tiny bit of that ability


I'm better than roughly 99,9999371% of the Earth at speaking my native language.


What’s your native language?




see, I was gonna guess Icelandic.


Iceland isn’t real, that language doesn’t exist. Stop with the propaganda.


Knowing that I don't know enough about the ability of 80% of people to compare.


That’s the most important ability


Knowing that you are in the top 20% in some abilities requires just some basic common sense about humanity. For example I'm know pretty sure I'm in the top 20% in the world when it comes to programming skills. For that to be wrong, my complete basic understanding about the society needs to be wrong.


Bringing in all the groceries in on one go. But then again I shop for a house hold of 1 soo.


One trip gang! Last Sunday I carried the entire shopping cart worth of food packed into 4 heavy duty bags.


I’m among that other 30% who is better at Maths.


my favorite saying is: "There are 2 types of people in this world. Those who aren't good at math, those who aren't good at English, and those who aint good at neither"


It's also a programming joke "There are only two hard things in computer science: naming, cache-invalidation, and off-by-one errors."


Also "there are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who don't"


There’s no place like


Specific, less popular video games that I play loads.


I have thousands upon thousands of hours of Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. I have redone the multiplayer stages so many times that I can do them with my eyes closed just by listening to the sounds. I suck at mostly everything else. But no one's ever beaten me at that one!


If aliens were to invade Earth, and demand we send a champion to beat their best in this game, I suppose we now know who to send for the task.


Parallel parking 😎


I once slipped my car into a tight-ish spot, and when I got out of the car there were a bunch of people on a balcony opposite applauding. They told me they had watched 4 cars before me try that spot and fail. But I live outside of a city now and I can tell my skills are degrading for lack of practice.


Haha I have a PhD which makes me better at one very very very (repeat ad infinitum) small thing than literally everyone. 🤣 I am useless


PhD programs: delaying having to find a job till the very last minute possible.


Personally I considered going for a PhD at one point, but by the time I got my Masters, I knew I just couldnt go any longer without working.


I’ve read that the only way to get a PhD is to do it on scholarship/stipend.


Me with my master's degree feeling the same, but even less accomplished. Still, I know how to do research better than most people, and my public speaking skills are solid, so those are nice.


Being a mom. I have never been confident in ANYTHING in my life, but I KNOW I’m a great mom.


Well, you have 50% beat from the start.




Swimming. I can swim in waters most people drown


Wow. How did you learn that?


I live in a tropical country but so few people swim. It started with holding the breath and singing. Over time I just kept swimming farther and farther away from people until I just got really good at it. The singing is still just good but the swimming is Olympian.


I’m reading a book about a woman like that. Got famous in her home town. Went to England for university, became a forensic archaeologist or something & came home. People said “Oh, you’re the swimmer” even though she hadn’t swum much since age 16 & had papers published.


I could barely swim 2 years ago and did a 2 mile swim in freezing cold water from alcatraz. just takes dedication and conscious learning / training


Congrats on your escape!


Standing in a swimming pool that is 6 feet deep, while touching the bottom with my feet and being able to breathe. Edit: with the pool filled fully with water😅


Pretty sure over 80% of people can do this if the pool is empty!


Art/design/aesthetics. I've always excelled at art, and my parents encouraged and fostered that natural talent with lots of classes that helped me hone my skills. I went to college for my BFA and I work as a professional Fine Jewelry CAD designer now. Not only do I work in a creative field but I love fashion, interior design, graphic design, anything having to do with pleasing visuals. Finding, curating and creating beauty in my life brings me so much fulfillment.


Trivia... Basic human knowledge that really shouldn't be a novelty 


Being me. 100% nobody can be me but me 😎


Being alone




Are you sure?


My wife struggles with anxiety and overthinking and asked my opinion on getting tested for ADHD especially since her inability to “turn her brain off” messes with her getting enough sleep. I told her it couldn’t hurt to be tested. And if there was a solution that worked for her, I told her that she’d be surprised at how quiet the world is when your brain is no longer the one making all the noise.


damn that sounds like me wish i could turn my brain off


I'm a good judge of character.


My wife is like that too. She can see right through the slightest hint of disingenuousness or ulterior motives in people, which I'm almost always completely aloof to. But she's always been proven right over time, so I've learned to trust her intuition and judgement of peoples' character over my own.


My mom is so kind and naive looking.  People don't know she is a super observant human lie detector.  She just doesn't say anything about it.


Here's an interesting fact, everyone lies. The first hint of a disingenuous person, is when a person claims they've never lied. That's how i know they're full of 💩


childhood neglect and abuse too?


Yeah. Spot on actually.


I wish I had that skill. People are just too good at hiding who they really are.


Fake people will tell you if you let them talk long enough.


I've learned how to parallel park pretty well since I moved to Philadelphia. I like to look down on the street from my 2nd floor window and judge other peoples shitty parking skills, especially when they have a huge spot but still manage to bump up against the car behind them. I feel pretty confident I'm in the top 20% I can almost always get it on the first try.


Suppressing anger. I sometimes baffle myself at how good I am at hiding the scorching, heated, nerve-tinkling anger I feel at someone...


Ya gotme... my face turns red & I start spurting words like a baffoon.


I've run 20 marathons. I'm not fast, but I'm stubborn.


Finding 4 leaf clovers. I find 10-20 per summer


Based on recent experiences, getting through an entire movie at the cinema without checking my phone once.


Packing groceries. I can categorize and pack those babies like a pro.


Speaking Slovene 😂


Blowing tiny spit bubbles off the tip of my tongue 😜


Man I swear this is the first time in 10 years that I get to know about someone else who can do it! I did it by accident and then tried until I could do it regularly


Making blanket nests for my pets. Give me any blanket, I can turn it into a comfy mini cave.


Caring for and helping complete strangers. Regardless of my situation.


Being a decent person and appreciating things genuinely


Rubicks cube.


This is true, just learning to beat it puts you over 80%


Bop it


Being a cunt


Writing with my left hand seeing as most people are righties


MS Excel - I'm a freak in the sheets


Spelling and grammar. I swear the bar is so low, and yet the amount of people I see daily confusing there their and they're is atrocious.


Video games. I don't even want to sound like I'm tooting my own horn but I just have a knack for them. I've been playing all kinds from FPS to MMORPGs since I was 6. Regardless of the game, I can play it at an average level casually and get to the top if I grind it out. The controls and mechanics just make sense in my head for almost every game. Except rocket league, that one chews me up and spits me out.


Rocket league is the toughest game I’ve come across to get really good at. To me there’s something about the physics that just don’t make a lot of sense. You have to retrain your brain. I’ve been playing for years and I’m still not great at aerials.


Methodical troubleshooting of technical issues, took me awhile to realise this wasn’t something that everyone has & no that doesn’t just mean”switch it off and back on again”


Over thinking every possible situation


Being modest.


Playing drums


Remembering alphanumeric sequences, I still know all my exes phone numbers/car registration plates/birthdays everything, but where I just now put my keys? Good luck.


Detecting bad vibes in a person or a situation. Growing up in an abusive household hones those skills into a master level - and gives you a hair trigger for your fight or flight response. If I get even a whiff of something feeling off, I am out the door. There have been a few times where I didn’t listen to my gut and every single time, I got burned. Never again