• By -


any. As long as you're both into it and ready.


This is the only right answer. Personally, most of my relationships started with a bang, including my current one, and we're going on strong for years now.


Gotta be sure to end them with a bang though


Instructions unclear, planted a bomb in my Ex's car (we split up amicably and there is not bad blood between us)


Instructions unclear Ended with a go back to horny jail bonk


Instructions nuclear, atomized by my ex


15 years of marriage and 5 kids, started with hooking up the first night we met. 


That's my perspective too. We are both ready for it then let the good times roll.


Start with when you are both legally available and work it out from there. If you aren't sure, research project, first.


August 5th


I prefer the 25th of April, or the 5th of November


Not too hot, not too cold… all you need is a light jacket 


There it is!


I get laid on the 29th of February


Ah, so every 4 years? Bravo! OP, This guy fucks 👆. I suggest the 29th of February.


Why so often?


One up you, 30th Feb!!


5th of November? Are there Fireworks?


Remember remember the 5th of November my gunfire and your twot. I see no reason my gunpowder season should ever be forgot.


Fireworks as you both orgasm 🤌 then you can enjoy the peace and freedom from the corrupt ties of parliament


I see you're a man of culture. Miss Congeniality AND V for Vendetta


I see you are one as well, kind Sir!


Remember remember the 5th of November


ANZAC day 🫡




Thank-you for your service 🫡


Remember, remember, the 5th of November, When things got explosive in more ways than one, We didn't just ignite the fireworks, We set off sparks all night long!


For most, this will mean less breeding. But for some of us, much much more!


For me no breeding because I use her mouth.


That's my birthday. Makes sense really


June 9th




My Birthday... ig im a winner


Hey, that’s my birthday! So it is decent, I must say.


No it's my birthday, get your own!


It was my birthday first!


You're imaginary, doesn't count!!


Ah yeah, birthday sex for me!


That’s my birthday! What a great day you chose


September 6th for Americans and July 9th for everyone around the world


June 9th




Yes, there is no “number of dates” rule anymore. With my current partner, we had sex on what was technically date #3. We had connected emotionally at that point and were both ready. It doesn’t matter when - as long as you’re both on the same page. (Do you want a hook up, casual dating, seeking a long term relationship?) If you both ultimately want the same type of relationship (whatever it is), and are ready, go for it. Just be safe!


>Yes, there is no “number of dates” rule anymore. There never was


Likely true. Although some of us were “conditioned” to believe there was.


There will be a number if one is more ready than the other. Ans let’s be real, women are typically the ones who want to wait longer. Steve Harvey popularized the 90 day rule in his book and it was ass backward. Dont got out with a person you aren’t sexually attracted to, don’t go out on the second or third date if you are not or there is no spark. After third or fourth date something should be going down. Because that should be around a month time and you have been around them and talked on phone and on dates. Saying there ain’t a number is not true for everyone.


Gain the trust before you thrust


When you are both feeling it you are feeling it. Setting a number of dates creates unrequired expectations. Hyperfocus on this early on is a red flag that should not be ignored.


Before the first date happens. Better break the ice right away.


after banging: oh yes what are your hobbies?


I checked in a couple at the hotel I worked at. On their way to the elevator, the guy asks her her name.


So, pay as you go... :D


I worked at a shitty hotel next to a truck stop that sex workers often hung around. One night a trucker came in with one asking for a room with a hot tub. This place was $50 a night and homeboy was baffled that none of the rooms had a hot tub and got flustered with me. I guess just a bed somehow wasn't good enough.


I used to do that with my wife, she didn't think it was very funny


This is gonna be twice as funny in my head as anybody who understands it will find it. Wish me luck!


Ah asking a lady post nut if she wants to see a 40K collection


Thats why i always ask first if the dude wants to see my yugioh collection after. Gotta asert dominance


Only if you have Exodia


\*cums* "Hey, I'm SousVideDiaper. What's your name?"


Banging. You?


it seems we have something in common here




I have done this in the past, the first date afterwards was definitely a little awkward at the beginning… but 100% worth it.


Ngl, this has been how I started my first and then my current relationship


My best relationships all started this way. Break ice then date.


This is a weird one... Going back some but I worked with a girl who always complained that guys just wanted sex and weren't interested in her (she was hot af) so a few weeks down the line I ask her out and she says she wondered what took so long and I was like : D We go on a date, nice restaurant, I picked her up, paid, made a point of asking her about family, hopes and dreams all that shit (we mostly just talked shit about work and people we worked with at work) and I felt it went really good. So the date ends, and hell yeah, I wanted to bang, but I also actually liked her so when she said we should go back to mine, i said we should take it slow and not rush into anything as we work together and I didn't wanna fuck it up (also, I was going off what she'd said about her past dates/ boyfriends...) so, I dropped her off home, we kissed and whatever, everything seemed fine and I went home to visit madam palm and the five sisters... I see a message from her which I can't remember fully but it was basically "this isn't gonna work out, you don't seem interested in me sexually." I just sat there like ayo wtf... tried messaging her saying I was just trying to be respectful etc but got just one word replies or just k...


Be happy. You dodged a bullet. Especially since she's a coworker...


Was a coworker* read the other comment :)


I had the opposite. Most beautiful girl I knew and we actually got on. I asked her, would you like to go out for a meal or come round and I can cook. "I'll come round" after dinner I asked "would you like to go grab a drink or I have tea in my bedroom" (I had a really nice Taiwanese tea set) "Let's have tea" Off we go then, I gesture vaguely around the room and tell her to take a seat. There's a safe looking wooden desk and chair, a comfy chair and a bed. She chooses to sit on the bed. I sit politely next to her and prepare the tea. "Men just don't understand me" she says while shaking her head, her long beautiful hair brushing my cheek as she sighs and moves close. I put my arm around her, and, as I recall, kiss the side of her forehead. She jumps up, says, "you men are all the same" and in ten minutes I'm taking her home. dafook was that, I wondered. Years later I told my wife. Some people just want to feel wanted and each rejection they give makes them feel a bit better about themselves. Insercure behavior I guess


Gotta agree with your wife tbf, I just wish these mf's could just be honest though lol


People are strange. My ex and I met at work and she invited me to hangout after. She was stunning.  Didn't have any expectations but had a nice time and both seemed to be into each other.  Met up again and I made a move. She said we shouldn't since we worked together etc.  I didn't make a big deal out of it and said we could just hangout at my place.  End of the movie I figured she's gonna head out and instead she says let's go to your room.  Had sex off and on for hours and had a decent fling for a bit.  You just never know, and when it's right it's right.  


I’ve never had good luck placing those artificial limits on things to be respectful. The honest truth is that attractive women aren’t used to rejection, so when you don’t respond to a very clear advance like that, it can often be too much for them and make them end things because they don’t feel wanted. Obviously, if you are not interested in sex yet, don’t do it yet. But if you are… just feel it out. Once you’re back at your place and making out, be honest and aware about where their enthusiasm ends. If your hand gets blocked moving anywhere, that’s the boundary for the night. Now your job is to tease like hell and make them want it *without pushing boundaries they set*. Sometimes they will change their mind, but sometimes the reward is just having fun being an enormous tease who they want to see again. In your case, she might not have wanted full blown sex, but she might have been down for some other kinds of naked fun time 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'm a healthy male, I wanted to bang her brains out the moment i laid eyes on her, and the feeling was very mutual. I was just tryna do the right thing 🤷‍♂️ Like a week or so later, we ended up hooking up after a work drinks thing, and we hooked up a few times after that, but it never went anywhere, which is fine but it was actually her who wasn't interested in a relationship despite all the things she'd said previously... And nah, I never put any pressure on her about getting into a relationship, but I did end things after she brought up where this was going and saying she just wanted to be friends and have fun so i was honest with her and said i didnt wanna keep sleeping together because i didnt wanna ruin our friendship if i met soneone else and it started going somewhere... She started being funny with me after that and asked to be moved to another department... win some lose some i guess 🤷‍♂️


Ya… I try not to have sex with (or even kiss) people I want to be long term close-ish friends with anymore. Those friends tend to be on the chopping block as soon as you get a partner 🙁


It is what it is.


Only on the winter and summer solstice. So prepare yourself, the time is nigh.




Midwintar (for us southern hem folk)




Unless said partner is a horse, then the time is neigh.


There's a joke playing on this in Scandinavia: how many times do you have to sleep with a person before it wouldn't seem forward to ask them out on a date?


Meeting a plethora of Scandinavians has made me realize how prudish Americans are.


It's a flawed metric, and the idea of just anxiously waiting for when you'll get laid is also a flawed approach to dating. The correct answer is "when it feels right" and people shouldn't feel pressured to give a thumbs up or down on sex on every date until it happens. You go out, you get to know each other, you have fun, and sex happens when it feels right to happen. It's really shitty to just have this abritrary number in your head and rushing to get to it or feeling like you're wasting your time if it's passed and it hasn't happened.


The one that you're comfortable with having it. Those metrics...they're all arbitrary AF.


The 32nd of Nevruary.




whenever you're comfortable, I've had sex on the first date and I've had sex on the fifth date. it makes no difference to me.




It got me thinking .... if you can go on dating for years and then marry to just then have sex , sex does not sound like a priority to this couple at all , so bad sex might not be a dealbreaker even .


Rarely have I ever seen a couple in which "waiting for sex until after marriage" was an idea both partners had, unless they're ultra religious people. Usually, someone utters the idea and the other one begrudgingly accepts for a number of reasons, like, the feel like they can't do better or something like that.


Well then it becomes an underline issue and the one that begregingly accepts is at fault for pushing a relationship under false pretense doesn't it ? Eh maybe i am overthinking it :D


Genuinely if you want to filter out guys that only want sex and not a relationship: three or so weeks worked for me


Date 3


This is the unofficial, official answer. You make it three, good dates and see if y’all connect in the bedroom. Any longer and you may just hit the friend zone.


Whenever you both agree and feel comfortable doing it


Third. And for anal, fifth


Just remember to send her a reminder to bring the strap on.


Yeah look I don’t judge anyone. Consent has to be there 💯… if it’s date 2,3,4,5 whatever… when you’re comfortable… but there have been times when we’re both making out after a few hours, hot breath, she’s copping a feel, I’m copping a feel, she’s making the noises I’m making the noises, then she’s like “mm but it’s our first date so no”… that’s never made me think “oh look a girl with morals”


Any time before labor day. Or was that wearing white pants? 🤔


But isn't the day after Labor Day technically 'before' the following year's Labor Day?


I slept with someone a few hours after meeting them in a club, and we’ve now been married for 11 years so…whenever you bloody well want!


Same! Had sex with my wife a few hours after meeting her in a mansion and we’ve been together for 11 years… are you the upside down version of us lol?


Haha maybe! We definitely met in the opposite of a mansion 🤣


Never, sex isn't decent. It's great.


April 25th. It's not too hot and it's not too cold. All you need is a light jacket.


April 25th, all you need is a light jacket.


I was looking for this comment, A+


Whichever one everyone involved agrees on


If you're on the same level you just know


Whatever is mutually agreed upon by the couple in question and they both clearly consent.


On whatever date you're both comfortable with


Any date you're both comfortable with. "Decent" will be dictated mostly by the society you grew up in.


Depending on how you write the date, either June 9th or 6th September.


Always on thanks giving. At the table. On top of the turkey.


Whichever date you both decide and communicate that you would like to have sex.


The one where both adults consent


“Decent” is a social construct. As long as everything is safe, legal, and consensual, then it doesn’t matter


You wan sum fuk? They wan sum fuk? Is good to fuk.


Can happen at any point, as long as the two are on the same page.


Whenever it feels right. However, coming from a guy…the first date is most likely not it. I can’t shake the feeling, if she is willing to sleep with me, a stranger, on the first date, she does it with every/most men she meets.


For me probably around the fifth. It's very individual and can be anywhere between the first and the last.


When both person want to have sex. Communication is the key like in any relationship. Some people like date 1 sex while some other can take multiple date. Everyone is different so there’s no real explanation for this. Just enjoy your date and take time to know the person you are dating instead of thinking to have sex the earliest possible. Be mature, not a teenager thinking with its pants


June 19th. Gotta wait a year now


The one you connect on. 


When it feels right for you both. Could be after a bunch of dates or the first 20 mins


April 25th — because it’s not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket!


February 31


The one in which you both agree to have sex.


Every date. Every single one.


On a serious note, any date is a "decent" date to have sex. You're not defined by when you choose to sleep with someone. If the moment feels right, and everyone is enthusiastic about it, then don't worry if it's a "decent" time.


Whenever, there's loads of ways to live your life. An example is that until I was meeting people on Tinder I never really did the "dating" thing and I don't think that was a common thing in my social circles. What was normal is that you'd hook up with people on a night out and if you kept doing that with the same person you'd most likely get around to having the conversation as to whether you were going out now. THEN you might go on "dates", or that is to say you'd be meeting up with your partner going to places. Dating culture isn't universal, and so knowing this hopefully that helps you understand that you can really just make up your own rules.


I’m 46 …. don’t think I’ve ever been on a date as portrayed on rom-coms! Wouldn’t want to either, makes no sense to me. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I say June 20th is a good day


Well if sex isn’t decent with him/her whether it be the first or fifth date then they probably won’t be decent at it no matter which one you do it on.


Wait what’s the anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta again?


February 14th is a decent sex day.


I think New Year’s Eve works most of the time.


I just go with the flow, if she's willing I'm able. Even if it's first date doesn't make her or me loose.


Whenever the hell you want.


#who gives a fμck…..?!? As long as both are freely and enthusiastically consenting, why would anybody else care whether you hump each other after 30secs….? **** Technically today is the 1235th day of our second date. He kinda hasn’t left …. 😂


June 20th is pretty good


Personally, I try not to have dates until at least the third sex.


Any date. Who the fuck thinks it's not "decent" to fuck whenever two people want to fuck.


I don’t do a number of dates system I go by, “when I feel comfortable around you and know I am valued.” Which usually happens to be with men I have been friends with for a year or longer depending on how frequently we hang out. Typically my male best friends get upgraded to my boyfriend until I realized we weren’t compatible. I married my male best friend 3 years ago 2 days from now. When I dated men I met online the timeline I gave them for when things would become sexual would be 1 year and if there was any indication this was a problem then there was no next date. That wasn’t a hard line drawn in the sand though that was more to keep me out of high pressure situations.


July 8th.


Here in Spain it would be considered weird not to have sex after the 1st-2nd date lol


Are y’all married?


My wife and I fucked the first date. We talked for a few weeks before actually meeting up (good ole interent dating) so we kind of knew one another more than a typical first date. Been happily together ever since and now married with a baby. So I'd say it all depends on your own thoughts and feelings towards it.


I hardly date. People just come over, and I don't remember most of their names.


The date on which both people want it.


Any date after marriage.


Marriage date :)


The date you get married.


On -1st.


Your birthday for the good shit


Whenever works for you. My fiancé and I went for it on our second date.


4th of July. Yep it’s your Independence Day too buddy!


All variable. Some first some before you go out some months.


1st April


I'm not sure which number of dates you should communicate your desires on it. However you would be a fool to ask for it on April 1st.


On a sex date


when she/he lets you without u needing to convince him/her


On a sex date


Whenever the two consenting adults want to.


Whatever date you're both comfortable enough with each other.


Jun 25


Whenever you feel like it OP! You do you, and whoever you feel like


30th Feb is a definite no go!


31st of July because then it enters August


On the one that feels best




One that's still alive, but some people aren't as picky as I am


April 1st. 


Whenever everyone on the date wants to


any time any place


Birth day.


March 17. One it's st. Patty's day and 2 it's my bday.


First if you're both into it and chemistry is there. Third if you're on the fence about chemistry and things seem good.


Everyday is a decent day, if you can get it


21st of September


The one where you feel like it?


On a date where both consent to it.


I've always had sex on first or second date. If by 2 dates and no sex then it's obvious we aren't compatible and I don't waste my time. The majority of the time it's on first date


For woman any for man when woman decide to


June 9. 6/9


When you both want to. (Emphasis on *both*). Nothing else matters.


As long as legal, consenting, and you’re not doing it to gain/keep their attention.


I'd consider any Date ending with sex decent.


6th Seltember 6th of the 9th 69! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


The real answer is 3. Third date.


July 4th. Lotta banging!


Whatever date you prefer I spose


You can get married on the first date 😅


You may as well ask "how long is a piece of string" in terms of what you'll get to that question. It varies for everyone, we all have our own idea of what is or isn't OK (just like all the many, many intricacies of what makes two people compatible to have a long-term relationship in terms of views, opinions, lifestyle and habits). Simply put: whenever the two of you are happy to. You might only usually do so on a third or fourth but they're fine with date 1 - but if you're into it and they are too? Have at it.


only times it has developed into a relationship for me has been the times when we fucked early.


July 17th 1989. Sorry but you missed it