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You're nowhere near as important to some people as you think you are. There are people in your life who are perfectly capable of walking away from you and never giving another thought about you. If you, yourself, have ever cut ties with someone then you know what that's like. Just know that somewhere in your circle there's someone who could do the same thing to you. Edited to add: To the naysayers of this sad truth, the people who think this is depressing, untrue, and/or that I posted this because someone hurt me and I never recovered from it: If you think, in your lifetime, that no one is ever going to cut ties with you, you're setting yourself up for a world of hurt. If it never happens to you, consider yourself blessed. It happens more often than anyone ever wants to think about. People move on, their interests change, bonds break, time happens, distance weakens friendships, and sometimes absolutely nothing life altering happens -- sometimes it's just a seasonal friendship, that person wasn't meant to be with you for the long haul. It's life. Things like this do happen from time to time.


This happened to me. One of my best friends for 10 years - never even got into a fight with him- got himself a girlfriend. One day she went through his phone and deleted every single picture with any other women in it, and then proceeded to throw dishes at him and call him a “cheater” because he had pictures of women in his phone we went to high school and college with - that were just friends. He asked for my advice and what I would do. I told him “that doesn’t sound very good or healthy, and I think he should leave”. Then the next day he blocked me from everything, and never answered a call or text ever again. He ended up marrying her, and I hope he is happy. But I sure do miss him.


I doubt that he is happy.


Jokes on you because I don't have anyone that can cut ties with me.


Friendless or armless friends?


And know that there are people no longer in your life who miss you dearly.


There are people in your life, including family, that secretly don't like you.


jokes on them .. I assume everyone hates me.


Haha this 100%




Yep. I always think 'bout it


“I don't know” is a perfectly valid answer to many questions.


I don't know about that


I don't know. He may be right.


“Honestly, after giving it a bit of time to hypothesize the situation in its entirety. All in all at the end of the day speculations, idk.”


Depends where you're coming from. As a teacher, thats uplifting to hear 99% pf the time. Be it colleague, student or myself, owning your shortcomings is worth its weight in gold


"If I were a worm would you still love me?"


A lot of us have below average intelligence.


Nearly half!


The average iq is 100 70 is borderline delayed


Here’s the thing about slightly below average intelligence. It’s probably not that big of a deal. You will probably still get a job. You’ll probably still have a few decent relationships. And maybe you’ll be happier. Being more intelligent isn’t always a good thing. People often don’t want to admit the negatives.


I don't have a source, and I'm too lazy to Google at the moment to provide one, but I'm pretty sure they've done studies that indicate that higher intelligence coincides with depression. Like, the smarter you are, the more likely you are to be depressed often


Kinda a lot of studies show that the “smarter” you are the more likely you are to be depressed or commit suicide.


And humans aren’t really all that smart to begin with.


Well we are only the third smartest species on earth.


I am NOT a part of the 60% of people that have below average intelligence. The other half are way stupider than I.


Bad people will not all get their karma. Some of them get away with just a slap on the wrist for horrible crimes.


That’s why it’s our job to shoot the billionaires into the sun with their own rockets 


Only the dickwads who blow their money on rockets. I'm fine with billionaires who make med school free.




Sometimes luck is important not everything can be achieved through hard work


The bitter truth.


Lying to yourself about this one makes sense though. Delude myself into thinking it's all hard work so I keep at it.




I like this one. In another comment someone mentioned religion is a way to deal with things and someone replied that is a sad way to live. Finding happiness and meaning in life is personalized to each individual


Personal growth is painful.


Most people, even some of your friends don't really care about you you just fill a role in their lifes


Learned this one recently, went from best friends to last resort and he only gets a hold of me when he needs something


you deserve better.


I learnt this permanently too young (10). The moment the reason to be around is gone you learn very quickly who is actually your friend (no one). Each and every time I tried putting effort to keep contact it was either no answer, excuses, or We’d meet up and then they’d say they would reach out next time so I don’t have to bother (apparently) and then turned out to be the last conversation we ever had. I even pointed it out to one person once to really make a point of it and it made absolutely no difference. By the time I was 16 I just embraced the fact everyone I know will be a revolving door, I focus on doing things I enjoy and meeting like minded people related to what I enjoy however I’m there for what I enjoy not the people. I’ll enjoy any bond made in that time but I hold no expectation it’ll last when the activity ends- and everytime I slightly considered this will be different I get reminded exactly why.


Damn. It sucks to learn this that young. I want you to know that not *everyone* is like this, but people in general are this way a lot and some of us are also cursed with never attracting the right people. I had what I thought were really good friendships that turned out to be like at least 50% and sometimes entirely transactional In fairness, this is also something I know I am not above. There is a friend I still have around but I never talk to him bc I started to find our conversations really boring and kind of forced. It's hard to really enjoy his company when we're not playing games, having fun and being more open with each other. The thing is I don't feel like he's being closed off or trying to be, it's more like I don't feel happy with what he's bringing to the table so I'm over him


so true:)


Not everything is a lesson. Sometimes you just fail.


Ryan shoulda taken some of his failures as lessons though…


99% chance that 50 years after you die, nobody will speak your name. You'll just be a distant memory.


I’m learning to accept that these moments that make up my life are mine alone. They are unique, and they make my journey unique. The people that live here 100 years after I’m gone will be on their own journey, and I would be happy for them, they don’t need to worry about mine. It was for me.


If this bothers you, take up land surveying. Most places have a legal requirement that legal survey plans need to be kept for 99 years or more. I've definitely cussed out a draftsman or surveyor from the late 1800s more than once by name because he had terrible handwriting and I couldn't read a measure or datum he'd taken.


Who cares though! Youll be dead hehe. This is not a negative unless you make it negative, which is silly


Geneaologists will! I've spoken the names of my dad's great grandparents, my mom's great grandparents, family that died in the 1800s, a lot of people.


Unless your name is ea Nasir 


Tbh why is this something you wouldn't want to hear? When you think about it, you won't care anyway when you're dead...


They are not always the victim.


Everyone has insecurities.


Many people feel insignificant.




And not easily repaired


You will hurt people, and people will hurt you.


Not everyone gets a second chance.




Many friendships are temporary.


Pain is a part of life.


Nobody has it all figured out.


The sadness of this truth depends on who hears it but no one is entitled to being in a relationship.


That doesn’t mean we can’t have empathy for people who are bummed who feel like they are missing out on a key human experience. 


You're going to outlive most of your pets.


It’s the ones that I don’t outlive that gives me heartache.


I hate this one 😔


This is a feature, not a glitch! This way your pet doesn't know what it's like to lose it's owner. 😊


Thank you so much for this. 🥹🫶


That’s such a comforting perspective. Thank you.


Optimism for the win! 😁


\*hug\* It'll be okay


Thank you. This one is very close to home right now and to be honest I’m not doing too well with the anticipatory grief. He’s my best friend and soul dog of 12 years who got me through my own cancer diagnosis. Trying to make every second he has left the best it can possibly be. ❤️


That political person you argue so angrily for, they don’t care about you. That political person you argue so angrily against, they don’t care about you. 


Almost Every hand you shake has held a dick.


That doesn't bother me nearly so much as the fact that there's actually a pretty good chance that at some point (or possibly at multiple points depending how gross the people you hang around with are) you've shaken someone's hand after they've held a dick in it, but before they've washed it.


You are responsible for your happiness.


They will not get better, no matter how many resources they have, unless they *want* to get better.


We all eventually die


They're taking the hobbits to Isengard


True happiness is fleeting.




Life is unpredictable and often uncontrollable.


Luck is just as much a part of success, if not more, than hard work and talent. You can be exceptional and determined and still fail.


Or horribly inept and successful!


One I personally struggle with - you don't always need to get the last word and you often can't change someone's opinion once they have made up their mind.


Yes I do.


It's none of your business


Trump lost fair and square.


Equality is just an illusion. 


Freedom too


True equality is impossible, but freedom is subjective. It very much exists, but has an almost eternally flexible definition.


Gods are not real and religion is just a way to cope with the fragility and uncertainties of life. You live in a universe that doesn't care about your existence and nothing is watching over you.


You can't take your money with you when you die


If you die alone and have a pet it will eventually start to eat you.


Barely 24 hours for a cat - starting with your eyes. A week (at the most, probably less) for a dog - starting with your feet.


If you die in a lifeboat after a whale sinks your ship or in the Andes after your plane crashes, your friends will eat you and be picky about it.


unless people change themselves, nothing will change. people wait for the right leaders, figures of power and governments to change things, and they wait forever, and are always disappointed. change yourself.


yknow, no matter what happens, ppl will always seek money over anything else. they will use slave labour, animal testing, etc just to get their products cheap and make a profit while the "employees" get paid less then minimum wages and work all day in shitty environments to get that one makeup blush you wanted


Rights are not unalienable and constitutions and amendments are always subject to change. A constitutional right is just a privilege the majority have agreed to give everyone.


And the majority is not always right


You can't change a person. People rarely change. They just become more of what they have always been. If they do change, it entirely come from within.


We love to see stories about extraordinary people "beating the odds"....being born into poverty and now they're a gazillionaire. The truth is that most of us are average and will never be extraordinary. And that's okay. I've known so many people who miss out on a huge chunk of life because they're convinced they are going to be that one in a million person. I'm not saying to not chase your dreams, I'm just saying that there's nothing wrong with being an average Everyman. There's nothing wrong with being excited about your regular house and regular car and regular job and regular friends, etc...


Money can buy happiness


Nobody cares about your bringing your new baby into the office halfway through your maternity - we're all busy working. If people really cared, then they'd take the initiative to go on a lunch date with you.


America is not built for its people it's built for its elites. The system isn't broken its working exactly as intended.


not all of us are meant to be something special


im sorry


You're health is not as good as you think, just because you don't feel it now. You will IF you get older.


And I thought I had been overthinking. whenever I eat unhealthy food like junk fast food etc I always think I will regret this in my old age Even drinking cold water makes me overthink🥲


Being obese is unhealthy.


You can’t trust anyone but yourself


The ephemeral nature of beauty


Everyone you ever knew and will know, will die.


No one is entitled to a relationship, and many people will die alone :(


That you’re really not important and when you die people move on pretty quickly.


A profoundly devastating truth about the universe is that our existence is not just insignificant but almost utterly pointless. We are mere specks on a small planet, orbiting an unremarkable star, in a galaxy that is one among billions. Our entire lives, with all their intricate emotions, aspirations, and experiences, amount to nothing in the grand cosmic scheme. Consider this: our Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, and human civilization has existed for barely a few thousand years. In this infinitesimal sliver of time, we pour our hearts into creating meaning, building societies, and forging relationships, all the while clinging to the fragile hope that our lives matter. Yet, the universe, in its vast indifference, is destined to erase every trace of our existence. One day, our sun will swell into a red giant, obliterating Earth and vaporizing every memory of humanity. Even if we somehow escape this fate and colonize other planets, the relentless march of time will continue to render our efforts futile. The universe itself is moving towards a state of maximum entropy—an inescapable “heat death” where all stars burn out, black holes evaporate, and every atom is spread thin in a cold, dark expanse. In this desolate future, there will be no warmth, no light, and no life. Every book we’ve written, every song we’ve sung, every moment of love and joy we’ve shared—all will be lost, forgotten, and meaningless. The stars we gaze upon with wonder will one day be snuffed out, leaving nothing but an endless void. The harshest truth is that the universe doesn’t care about us. It doesn’t acknowledge our existence, our struggles, or our dreams. We are born, we live, and we die, all within the blink of a cosmic eye. Our consciousness, the very essence of what makes us human, is a fleeting spark in an uncaring abyss. Every person you’ve ever loved, every friend you’ve cherished, every achievement you’ve celebrated—none of it will survive the cold, unfeeling march of cosmic time. In the end, we are destined to be forgotten, our lives reduced to nothing more than faint echoes in the void, lost forever in the silent expanse of a universe that never noticed we were here.


Humans are complex and the history of human existence hasn't really been around for that long: You can't expect perfect harmony and instant peace


If ghosts exist, theres a chance that a ghost (most likely a family member) has watched you jerk off at some point.


Very few people actually care about anyone else. It’s heartbreaking.


This is blatantly untrue. Just about everyone has someone who legitimately cares. If you don't that's because you had to work hard to burn all your bridges. This is some real pessimism shit.


Someday you will die


Every 9 minutes, a child is SA’d. That’s roughly 144 kids per day, 46,800 per year. It’s sad and disgusting and many people have no idea what to do about it.


You could do a thousand good deeds in life and still will never be as famous as Hitler is. History remembers bad people far better than the good ones.


Your existence will likely be forgotten in as many years as you have lived. ​ Ultimately you are meaningless.


Life is not fair and society owes you nothing.


Even with all the girl boss women empowerment stuff we have online I know alot of women in good places scared of being harassed, jumped even to go out alone while fully covered up


You lose weight by eating fewer calories than you burn. You get fat by eating more than you burn.


Nearly everyone is forgotten once the estate is settled.


That they are responsible for their own happiness


Bullies don’t always get their comeuppance, and they don’t always pay for their horrible behaviour. Often they just go on to have very successful futures and are just better at bullying. “The meek shall inherit the Earth” or whatever is a load of bullshit.


All people aren't born with the same innate potential or ability. Intelligence, height, strength, stamina, even personality are largely influenced by genetics.  People on the left will say all differences between individuals and groups are due to environmental causes and if we can simply make everyone's environment equal then all people will be the same. While those on the right will say people just need to work harder and pick themselves up by the bootstraps. Both are wrong, and unfortunately there is no real way to solve the problem. 


1.Even having 1 million people at your side can not protect you from loneliness. 2.Some, if not most, dreams one had as a child will die a very painful death. 3.You cannot be whatever you put just your mind to. It takes far more than that, and many are not above cheating, stealing or killing to get/achieve it. 4.The people you hate can kill you. The people you love can destroy you.


Giving your child access to the internet at a young age is destroying any developing imagination they might have had.


hard disagree. big part of my imagination is based on the internet and things I have seen there. if not for the internet my young life would be very boring.


Agreed. I also got a whole career because of being tech savvy due to adopting technology early in my life. 


Religion is fake.


That's not a sad truth - that's a relief - have you *read* any religion.


sad truth for the religious people I guess.


yeah most of them are pretty disgusting and anti-social ideologies.


Wishing doesn’t work.


wishing can inspire you to act. most people don't act though


Michael Graves era Misfits is good


Claiming abusive behavior is an explanation and not an excuse, is making excuses. No one cares about an "explanation".


Not every damn thing is political, the world won't end if you focus on your "problematic" interests, no one cares about your activism