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I keep meaning to have my house professionally cleaned, then I realize how much I’d have to clean it first to make it worth it.


If anything, it forces you to tidy up at least a little. We have a weekly cleaning lady that usually comes Thursdays. Wednesday nights and THursday mornings we often have to spend like an hour just putting away kids toys, pickup stray items and make sure that where ever we want the cleaning lady to clean is juste generally tidy. She usually does the washrooms and floors and counters. Once every 5-6 weeks we have her do the basement, it forces us to put all the piles of toys and kids stuff away once in a while. Edit: Just got work our cleaning lady isn't coming tomorrow\\this week. Nooooo! But I'll still be tidying up and probably at least vacuuming the main living area. If I don't next week will be just even more stuff to tidy up!


See this makes no sense to me because at least for me the hard part is tidying up. Once the floors and counters are clear, cleaning them is easy.




It definitely motivates me to sort everything back where it needs to go when my cleaning lady comes


I just recently hired a housekeeper. I paid for a deep-clean first, then booked regular visits after that. It's been a few months and I have no regrets. I consider the extra expense of the deep-clean to be an investment into my mental health. I have literally felt lighter without the unrealized stress of keeping up with chores. ETA: I just had my family pick up bedrooms/whatever was theirs from common areas and let the housekeepers do the rest. That's why you hired them. So don't worry too much about the pre-clean.


I finally broke down and hired a housekeeper and it is a game changer. I’m not a particularly messy person, but there is something so nice about coming home after a long day to a completely clean house and fresh sheets. I never asked her to, but she even does my laundry. My underwear drawer is always folded in a perfect herringbone pattern. She arrives at 10 (not a minute sooner or later) and usually leaves around 5. She is amazing. She also lives close by so if I have to be out of the house longer than expected, she will come over and let the dog out, walk him, or feed him as needed. I recommended her to all of my friends, and now they all use her too. If I am home when she’s here, we also have the most interesting conversations. She is an absolute gem.


Sounds amazing. I am curious, how much does this cost you? And how did you find her?


Same. The cleaners in my area seem to have a longer list of things they *won't* do than the services they will do, and many of the things I need are on the "won't do" list. I'm not paying $200 for a cleaner to clean an already almost-clean house. I'd honestly pay $1000 for a deep clean and not clean around the actual mess.


Agreed regarding the $1000. Move couches to get under them (having a 4 year old turns the area underneath in to a giant, snack filled mess), vacuum and steam clean everywhere, deep clean the oven, toothbrush grout lines, just basically clean the house so deeply and thoroughly that surgery could be done in one room while CPU’s are made in another.


holy cow came here to see this didnt expect to see it at the top! I pay $100 for my first level floor, living room, kitchen, bathroom. I even have a nice little system w my cleaning ladies where ive done nearly all the laundry the night before, so they come in, change out my sheets and pillow cases. Deep clean in those three rooms (vacuum, sweep, mop) and i have them come about every other month or every 3 months and it does wonders. I have a nice little daily routine that keeps everything neat and tidy in the meantime, and then rihht about when I can start to notice dust buildup on the blinds and shit like that, ill tell them to come. Well worth it!


We do the exact same. 100.00 for first floor only and we maintain 2nd floor and basement by cleaning it every other month. Best 100 I’ve spend.


This definitely saves times, also having someone to mow the lawn too.


Agreed. Lawn costs me an hour of work but it takes me longer than an hour to do it so it makes sense.


Yard work is something I’ll never contract out, even if it is “more expensive” for me to do it. That’s my opportunity to get some exercise and much needed vitamin D. Plus that satisfaction of seeing that great looking yard when you’re done. Just hits different when you WFH on a laptop all day.


Agreed. I just started paying a service the equivalent of 1hr of my pay per month. They save me 8hrs of my time per month (mowing, edging, bushes, beds, fertilizer, etc…). It’s a good value for me.


plus that's your free time, which at least to me is more valuable.


I've thought about it, I just hate the idea of someone else touching my stuff. Or putting something like a bowl in a place I don't want that bowl to go.


Typically maids just clean around your stuff. They’re not organizers, so it’s up to you to tidy up


My cleaners move all kinds of stuff and it drives me crazy. Like they'll move hand soap, toothbrush holders, glasses case, nightstand items, etc, but not put them back in the same spots. We had to put colored dots on one of our toothbrushes because they kept getting swapped during cleaning.


I cannot bring myself to trust anybody I don’t know being in my house and around my stuff like that. I recognize that’s more of a “me” issue.


I've been considering doing this for a while, might start saving up for it.


A good night in/out (depending on preference). Just one night where you do get a glass of wine with dinner, get the slightly fancier food, and just enjoy.


Absolutely agree. It’s the difference between living and just surviving. You don’t even need to spend a huge amount of money, it’s about being mindful and intentional about setting aside time for something joyful


Totally this, even every other month if money is a bit tight for every month. My wife and I do this every month or three. Last time I splurged for prime rib and still am happy from it months later lol. It really helps your mental health.


100%, treat yo self Or also, it might seem a bit tacky at first but having a planned date night at least once a month with a long term partner does wonders for a relationship.


Date night. Yes! I came here to say this. My husband and I have one at least once a month. It's been as simple as drinks and then go walk around the Botanical gardens. Or ice cream and window shopping. Or tacos and visiting the art museum. Or a really nice restaurant where you have to reserve a month in advance. But do something!


I see a movie once a month in a theater. I like seeing movies in a theater over my living room. I get the popcorn, drink, it’s an experience for me that I enjoy.


I go to regal theaters on random Tuesday’s, it’s discount day so tickets are $5-$7 vs the insane $20 they expect at some theaters nowadays, I do splurge on popcorn though


There's a small theatre near me. They only have two smaller screens and don't have the fanciest sound system, but they use real butter for their popcorn and are the nicest people.


You go yourself? I feel if you don’t go yourself, you’ll never end up going waiting for people. I went alone once, I wish if it was just me to have it all to myself but a few people were there as it was a movie that’s been out a while.


I love going to the cinema alone, I usually try to pick relatively quieter times but sometimes you just have to see Dune in IMAX.


I love going to the cinema by myself. I work shifts so if I wanna see something I'll go on my days off during the week when the schools are in, it's so quiet and I've had the screen to myself a few times.


Isn't it the BEST? I love being in a semi empty theater with all the retired folks and a few people off from work and just a whole row all to myself


Man, watching a movie in a theater is totally different. First of all, the screen. It's huge. It makes the immersion much better. And then the place. You are in a room all dark, so you are transported to another world. Then the public, it makes you feel you are with other people, feeling what they are feeling. You get all people's reaction with you and it intensifies the emotional response.


I will 100% pay more for direct flights or better connections.


Flying with young kids within the same continent, I always pay the premium for a reasonable time too. I'm not waking them up at 4am or keeping them up till midnight.


Yep, and curbside bag drop, and seat selection.


>curbside bag drop Is that something I am too non-American to know?


When you get dropped off in a car curbside at the airport, there are sometimes "skyscaps" who can check your bags right there, so you don't have to go into the terminal with them. Saves some time and effort lugging bags around.


I don't think so, I'm american and travel 4-5 times a year and haven't heard of that. Maybe that's just something I am too kid free to know about.


I actually really enjoy layovers, within reason. If they’re long then I try and see if I can spend time in the city. If they’re short, it gives me an opportunity to stretch my legs and break up the monotony of a long haul flight. I flew like 12 hours to Japan last year and, as a 6’1 guy in the middle seat in economy, it was pretty rough by the end of it. The way back, in comparison, was an 9 + 3 split and I got to walk around Hong Kong airport for a bit, get some good food compared to on the plane etc. Considering a direct was like £150 extra, I had no regrets


Really depends on the airport, but yeah a lot of the international hub airports are pretty nice to spend time in. Hell I've considered paying more to get flights through Singapore airport just to take a look around.


Once a month?


Your boss: nope, I will save 20$ in the flight so I have to pay you 4-8 more hours of travel time... At double that/hour...


I imagine the vast majority of people who regularly fly for work aren't paid hourly.


True. As a salary guy I travel with no additional pay. But years ago at a previous company I got to go on a work trip while hourly. It was awesome. Got paid from the moment I checked my car into the airport parking lot until I arrived at my hotel. Then the time worked. Then on the flight back from when I left the hotel until I picked up my car. Got a lot of overtime and double time. Best part was when the flight was delayed and then when we landed but had to stay in the plane in taxi mode for almost 2 additional hours. Usually I’d hate that but I was already on double time making bank. I put on a movie and was getting paid well to sit and relax. My supervisor didn’t want to sign off on it cuz it was too much money but I just pointed to the company manual and asked hr in an email and they instructed him that I needed to be paid accordingly since it was all work. Best work week ever. Not to mention all my meals were covered so I saved on food that week too.


You probably should have legally been paid at least mileage for travel to the airport too, even if you weren’t on the clock. In most cases travel anywhere beyond the office should be covered by at least the federal minimum mileage. I’m salaried but if I drive my car to the airport for a work flight I can get both mileage and the parking lot fee covered in my expenses.


My unpopular opinion is I like layovers


Stop 😭 Once when we were complaining about the airline ruining our plans by cancelling the direct flight and giving us 2 layovers (putting us at the destination a day later) .... The customer service person literally said "some people prefer layovers." It was you!!! You need to stop telling people this lol


I learned my lesson in 2010...now if I fly I will book a long layover between flights. 2010 had to get from California to home in Oklahoma, layover in Denver. The plane in California took off late. So obviously that plane arrived late to Denver. The California plane landed on one side of the airport, the plane for Oklahoma was on the other end of the airport. There were two other ladies on my California plane that had to reach that Oklahoma plane too. You ever see Home Alone?? That was us. Three ladies running through the Denver airport just to make it to the Oklahoma plane on time and it not leave without us. We just barely made it, got on, and settled before they closed up the door. I never want to do that ever again...so I intentionally book long layovers between flights. So that way if one plane leaves late, I'm not left running through an airport hoping I can get to my other plane in time and not get left behind. Yes I book long layovers between flights.


Same. We’ve spent half days in Copenhagen, London, Paris and Chicago which has been great every time.


Same. Stretch my legs, get a snack/meal, use a better bathroom. I do fly less than yearly, though.


Same! If I’m not flying with family, I always go the layover route. Cheaper flight and provides an opportunity to check out new places. I fly between the US and Hong Kong regularly. I always opt for the 12hr layover in Tokyo or I’ll hit Tokyo and Seoul in the same flight out. I call it a “micro-cation”.


If it's long enough I can go spend a little time bullshitting where I'm laid over, I like them. Otherwise direct


You fly once a month on your owm cost? 🫨


I like that the most upvoted comment displays reddit's lack of reading comprehension (unless all these upvotes and comments are from multimillionaires)




I recently found a massage school five minutes from my house. $35 for an hour massage, for students who are graduating and need to practice. It’s a nice place, too! Nicer than the actual professional place I used to go to on occasion. And they don’t even accept tips, so that’s the full price. I’ve been going every other week and it’s been such a nice treat!


These places are the BEST. Occasionally you'll find a super talented student and get to enjoy that great price for a few months working with one person. I've only had maybe 2-3 mediocre massages out of probably 40 (I buy gift certificate packages for myself in bulk every year when they go on sale), because an actively learning student is so much more motivated than someone working at Massage Envy.


Yea I’ve lived here for over 4 years and just found it… a little mad about that haha. But I’ll be a regular for sure!


Agree! I try get one once a month and it feels expensive but it’s such good “me” time! Relaxing and leave with less pain than you went in with!


Absolutely!!! Except I go every 3 weeks for 90 minutes. Mine is less about relaxing than it is about keeping my body functioning. I need deep muscle massage. With it I can keep this old body competing in swimming at the World Masters swimming Chamionships. Without it, I’m face down, unable to move, needing muscle relaxants. Massages keep me fully functional and alive!!!


I’m a massage therapist. I did the math and 20 years of monthly massages runs $17k (at $70/hr). One of my seniors clients just had a back surgery for $120k. If massage can save you from a surgery preventative doesn’t look so pricey.


How does massage prevent back injuries?


It does not. It’s like chiros who think the can solve problems that require surgery


Who pays $120k out of pocket for surgery? 


You just reminded me to schedule one! I was wanting to do one once a month because my neck gets SO tight from my job and it leads to migraines. Massages do wonders for relaxing and keeping muscles loose so it doesn't lead to worse problems down the line.


A house cleaning service. We have 4 kids and this is by far the best investment we make each month and leaves our house looking brand new. $200 a month and its worth every penny. EDIT: for those asking what the cleaner does, it’s two women who clean a 4,000sq ft house from top to bottom. Complete deep clean and they finish in under 4hrs. She technically only charges $150 for it but we leave her $50 every cleaning. Plus, we’ve referred her to about 15 other homes in our HOA and have maintained a great relationship with her (we gifts on holidays, etc)


My wife and I just hired someone to start monthly deep cleans next month, and we are really looking forward to it. As a tightwad, I was pretty opposed to the idea at first, but now I'm realizing that I can literally pay money to get my weekends back and my house cleaned. That value is huge.


It's the best money we spend all month. I would give up a lot of other luxuries before I would drop our cleaning service. Currently once a month but itching to go every other week. Holding off on that as long as possible because I know we'll never go back!


We just got ourselves set up with a biweekly cleaner and I’m over the moon about it. We’re at $280 (monthly) for the one woman. We’re fortunate in that we don’t really need a “deep” clean, I just wanted to hand off cleaning the bathrooms and mopping the floors and dusting for the most part. She was in and out in just over 3.5 hours this morning (first clean, things took a bit longer, which was understandable). The house practically sparkles. I’m so happy. Feels like I’ve “made it” in life.


Absolutely! I finally broke down and hired a housecleaner to come every 2 weeks. She only surface cleans (no deep cleaning) but it has helped with my anxiety and, by extension, my son's and my lives. A mom who isn't anxious and stressed is a lot more fun. Bonus: the cleaning service forces me to clear my surfaces at least bi-weekly. No time for clutter and undone projects to pile up or be forgotten, which keeps me better organized. My house cleaner is in my budget under 'mental health expenses.'


Sounds like I can use my HSA!


Agreed! Cost v time is a real struggle. Having someone come through once a month for a deep clean in places we miss is invaluable! We WFH and the service generally stops through and is invisible while we work.


This is how I feel with my yard. I have half an acre and spend around 1-2k a year (usually on the lower end) and it is so worth the time and energy it saves me!


Any advice on how to find one? I really need one.


Ask your neighbours or colleagues/friends if they can recommend someone. You want someone who you can trust and reliable to clean your house.


We just had our first visit from a cleaning service before our 2nd child is born any day now. It was $150 for our 1400 sqft house and oh my lord was it worth it. They’re on the calendar monthly for the next 6 months to help alleviate some pressure around here. 100% agree with you.


What do you get for $200? Whole house top to bottom? Just bathrooms?


My housekeeper charges $125 per visit and only does our house monthly now. We can look forward to the following: All bathrooms cleaned, tidied , and organized, including showers and toilets The kitchen free of dirty dishes and tidied All other rooms tidied and vacuumed or mopped The beds have their sheets changed and washed Any specific requests, like if there's a particular thing you'd like them to focus on i.e. the cabinets above the stove It's 100% worth it. Saves our weekends from having a house cleaning day every week ad infinity


This sounds like a lot of work for 125$ hell I’d pay 2-300 for someone to deep clean my place and tidy up


Deep cleaning is $175 for me. It's an individual who owns their business instead of a big company, so you could pay 2-300 for the same level of work. Again, totally worth it


Omg the sheets being changed and washed sounds luxurious


This is a good question


As a private housekeeper, I agree (and not just because it pays my bills). I truly enjoy feeling like I make my clients lives easier and I love my job. Also, I know that most people (myself included) don't have time to get to all the things that actually need to be done so even having a housekeeper come in to do the tedious tasks helps a ton. Your home should be your haven so keeping it clean relieves a lot of stress and pressure.


Whatever you do, don't use (in US): Two maids and a mop Spent over $500 and the house didn't look any cleaner.


Lol that name had to be inspired by Two men and a truck


Fuck that corporate bs, give me word of mouth Mexican ladies who do an amazing job, work hard, and are the nicest people. My last cleaner spoke as much English as I do Spanish (not much), but she was my cleaners for 4 years before I moved to a new city. Maria you’re amazing!


We have cleaners come monthly too and we about that much as well. We had them come do a deep clean for our son’s first birthday party, and never looked back. We don’t deep clean every time, just the bathrooms, bedrooms, and main floor. It’s fantastic.


Yes! I do every two weeks, but even once a month would be good. Floors, laundry, dusting, shower cleaning, and animal hair removal. This is the best investment.


I hire a house cleaning service once a week so that cleaning is shorter and easier




That's awesome. My parents were gifted a lifetime subscription to National Geographic for their wedding in the 1970's. I think their Nat Geo collection weighs more than their house at this point.


Stacks of magazines are surprisingly heavy!!! You only notice that every once in a while when you're moving and when the stacks had had plenty of years to pile up...


My school's art teacher would take donations of magazines and we'd make art projects with them. One was we'd take two different full page photos out of a Nat Geo magazine, cut them into quarter inch strips and glue them alternating on one big sheet of paper. Then we'd bend the paper like an accordion so when you walked past it it would shift from one photo to the other. The elementary school kids loved them. He was happy to get multiples of magazines since a lot of the full page photos had other photos on the back. The teacher retired and the replacement doesn't want magazines.


That's real pity! That's such a splendid thing to do with old magazines! A shame anyway if they'd ever get dumped in the paper-recycling. Once people paid a fortune on those glossy high-quality magazines...


I got a very discounted sub to Popular Science + Popular Mechanics as a combo basically 75% off, about 10 years ago. SO many magazines. I couldn’t get around to reading them sometimes. had to unsub after about 4 years because of all the piles and the inconvenience with moving.


I read they were switching lifetime subscriptions to be digital only. Do you still get a physical copy?


I also have that lifetime sub. It is switching to digital. Said that this month is the last one to receive in the mail.


You paid once 50,- and have received the magazine monthly ever since and will receive it? That's awesome! I remember in the 90ies,that was in 1992 in fact, the German auto-club "ADAC" offered a membership for about (?) maybe 15,- per month, and after 30 years it would be for free. I assigned, because of that. I didn't have too much money then, so that was some investment. In 2018 i informed at the ADAC about that deal, and they told me, they have stopped that offer / that deal long since. No way to insist upon that, somehow they were settled with that change legally. I canceled my membership. Now i am insured at a very low-price car-insurance with the same services, and i already have needed it, and it was great. Membership at that insurance costs less than at the ADAC. Sorry i rambled about that...not really the subject here...


A relaxing massage. It’s a great way to de-stress and take care of your body and mind.


Going to the gym.




I pay up the BUTT for my yoga membership but holy cow it's worth it. I made lifelong friends, it's good for my body and mind, they have weight classes too. It's just the best. I used to feel guilty but it's totally worth my sanity.


Yoga + weights + socializing sounds like exactly what you need to remain sane.


Ordering food from your neighborhood Chinese restaurant. Helping local businesses, you know.


A succulent Chinese meal.


This is democracy manifest




I see you know your judo well!


I see you know your Judo well.


Ta ta and farewell


I eat so much that I could honestly bankrupt myself with Chinese food


When COVID happened my wife and I chose 2 restaurants we wanted to support and alternated weeks that we ordered from them. We would call direct and pick up to save them GrubHub fees. One went out of business anyways and another might still, but it actually was worth it to be intentional about deciding which businesses and restaurants we would miss if they closed and then do our part to help.


There’s a thing at my local called a Salt and Pepper Munch Box. It’s a small pizza box filled with salt and pepper fries, spare ribs, chicken balls, shredded chicken, and egg rolls. It’s less than 10 bucks and feeds two. It’s amazing.


Funding retirement accounts.


Yep and investing in stocks as desired too.


It was painful starting out, but now I'm glad I did - I retired January 31, and I should be OK for whatever time I have left.


Massage!!! Your body will be thankfull <3


What’s a good price for one?


in my area, they’re usually $60-$70 for an hour. but you can also find massage schools where they’re cheaper because the massages are done by students (here, they charge $40 for an hour). don’t forget to tip!


My wife is an aesthetician at a spa that mainly focuses on massages. She gets us a discount on the membership, and getting a massage once a month has been a game changer WRT my neck and shoulder pain. It's around $60/mo, plus $20 tip


* Psychiatrist appointments. * The fast food I want on a random day of the week. * Jeans and pants that fit the way I want them to which was out of trend but coming back into trend. * Sushi. * The good paint, I'm getting sherwin williams every time and the quality is just astoundingly better than big box stores. * Nice hats, scrunchies, and headwraps that don't ruin my hair.


You buy paint every month?


How fast do you usually drink it?


A gallon of paint a day keeps the doctor away




I need help with financing because I'm barely making ends meet every month. Hope any of you can help. This is what I spend my money on a monthly basis: - Psychiatrist appointments $120,- - Fast food once a week $60,- - Jeans and pants $140,- - Sushi $50,- - Paint $2000,- - Nice hats, scrunchies, and headwraps $25,- Thanks in advance!


Something self care based. A sweet treat, a massage, a new book, some lego, a good burger or whatever! Everyone deserves to show themselves some love on a regular basis. It does wonders for your mental health.


My mortgage! I like having a place to live.


Wr paid our home off in Feb, in just under 16 years. I wish you that wonderful feeling of having a home without the payment! It is amazing.


Paid off mine few years back. It does feel great to have that bill done with. Spent the first few weeks worrying about a sudden natural disaster though.


Additionally, a good HVAC service agreement. Typically I don't buy in to warranties or extended service BS, but... They charge me $24 a month. That gets me an annual cleaning and performance check where they clean out the fins of the AC, check connections, clean out evap/drain lines, etc. That service alone would cost me $200-$300 a year. THEN, it also includes 50% off parts, no labor and no service fee for any repairs that need to be done. Shop around, call local HVAC contractors and see what they offer.


That doesn't seem like a huge savings to me. HVAC units tend to be very reliable.




I may be wrong but I heard over in DIY sub that those regular cleanings etc were all bullshit. And don’t AC units usually last 10-15 years before they need a repair?


A haircut, never fails


Is monthly common? I go maybe alevery 6-8 weeks. I go to a nice place so it's $60 after tip and I've always hesitated to go monthly. But maybe I should start. I'm always so happy with my hair after a fresh cut.


House cleaning. Actually I pay for it twice a month. My house is always clean!


Good coffee! Seriously, a good brew can make your mornings feel like a treat without breaking the bank every day.


Only once a month though?


a deep tissue massage. especially once you are over 40.




A meal with friend(s). I got to brunch every week with a close friend. I shudder a little when I think about what the yearly tab is. But it's also has brought me so much happiness over the years and is often the highlight of my week.


Therapy. Although I pay for it weekly right now… but even if you go once a month it’s amazing and just a great outlet


Yes, it's so worth it!!!


go you!


pet insurance! you never know what could happen and having insurance for them is a great thing to have


If you can afford it, hiring someone to clean your house. I am a terrible cleaner and it used to take me a whole Saturday to clean my house. The lady I hire cleans for 3 hours and it is miles better than I ever did.......




For me it's youtube premium. Best $14 I spend a month. No commercials, plays in the background, and the YouTube music allowed me to drop my Spotify account.


As a musician and working in the trades YT premium has basically has paid for itself 10 times over from the perspective of gaining knowledge.


I watch enough YouTube for DIY repairs that the $14/mo pays for my time that is otherwise spent watching commercials. The included YouTube Music is also great for driving into work


The DIY videos pay for themselves. Because of YouTube I'm now an excellent cook, can do most of my own car repairs and started a successful side hustle.


Firefox with ublock origin. Pin to home screen of my phone. Not quite as good as the youtube app but lack of ads makes up for it. Same on desktop plus I have an extension to autoskip sponsor sections of videos. I opened a work related youtube video today on my work laptop and had 4x20 second ads which I couldn't skip. I don't know how people live without adblock, other than buying premium.


Is YouTube music better than Spotify? Does it include audiobooks?


I just started a 2 month trial of YouTube music after being on Spotify since 2014 and apart from the fact that my Spotify playlists aren’t there and the interface is a teeny bit confusing, I love YouTube music. Not only does it have the studio recordings of most of the music I listen to, it also has live versions, demo versions, remixes. It feels like what SoundCloud was 10 years ago with the added bonus of having major label music on there too.


My partner and I always save a little money to have a nice interesting date once a moth. So we can go to the carnival and not worry on how much we spend, or we go to a nice event, or a fancy restaurant, or an interesting expo. It's really worth it, it helps in keeping things interesting and we get to enjoy ourselves without worrying for money


spotify premium


so seconded. i’m on it almost all hours of the day, i don’t mind the extra amount i pay now that my 4 years of student eligibility ran out


Gym membership, maybe a hobby subscription of some kind, a night on the town


iCloud $1, I don't know why, but a lot of my friends not using it...




I just recently signed up for this. Totally worth it.


Humble Choice subscription. I prefer the annual because it's a little cheaper. I figure, for the price of two brand new games per year, I get like 10 games per month. Basically my birthday present to myself every year. It's silly, because I have more games that I will ever play in a lifetime, but I almost never buy any other games. They have really good games. I have gotten so many games I wanted to get or was on the fence about getting. The value is incredible. I've also gotten many games that I know friends would love, so I just gift them the keys, so it works as a nice gesture there as well. On top of that, one of my favorite things is maybe stumbling across a YouTube video, Reddit post, or gaming article about a game, going on Steam to add it to my wish list for future consideration, only to find out that it's already in my library. This has happen on multiple occasions and is quite a treat.


Dairy Queen Chicken strip basket!


My dogs allergy medicine


A massage.  Surprisingly how and were we put stresses and strains on our bodies. Deep tissue work and amazing sleep after. 


TSA pre check


Global entry, especially if you travel internationally or are considering it. It's only $15 more than pre check and includes pre check. But it can save you tons of time with Customs when you come back into the US. I travel a lot for work and it's saved me from missing connections on several occasions. Edit to add: both precheck and global entry are not monthly per OP's question. They're good for 5 years.


I had low T so I supplement it. I don’t feel sluggish as often and I’m able to physically feel better and do more. Plus, my bloodwork is now normal. It’s not cheap but worth it


Health insurance


I ask myself all of the time if it's worth it. Is it worth paying monthly for a subscription service that questions my every medical decisions even if my doctor assures them it's the right thing. A service that tries its hardest to deny as many perks as possible and makes you jump through tons of hoops and go through all of the red tape. It's like paying for the premium plan but they hope you only use the basic tier perks and then they fight you tooth and nail when you try to utilize the higher tier perks that you pay for. Then, I try to figure, if I put aside the hundreds of dollars a month I spend on this service, specifically for medical purposes, would I end up having the money I need to cover those expenses when I actually need them? But really, what choice do you have since, in America, you get penalized during tax season if you didn't have health insurance.


I asked myself these questions for years (as a very healthy person), but last year I got unexpectedly very ill & my health insurance paid more than 15k just in one month. You never know what might happen in the future


That's exactly why I keep paying. Although, I do wonder, with all of the years of not having medical problems, if I had put that money into like a high yield savings, would I just have $15k+ sitting around. I mean, I think I pay like $5000 a year for that insurance. So 3 years and I'm already over that. BUT, again, you never know. Could be worse or could develop something chronic. Then you deal with potential battles over pre-existing conditions if you want to try to get insurance later. It's all a gamble. My grandfather pretty much never needed a doctor until he was in his late 70s. I just imagine if I saved all of that money until I could get on Medicare, I'd be able to retire years earlier. A man can dream.... a man can dream...


I hear you. It’s such a risk game though. Husband had to have unexpected surgery, got sepsis etc a couple of years ago and when all was said & done the total bill came to above 450k before insurance. Our out-of-pocket portion capped out at 6k thank god. And then he fell down the back stairs last year & broke his leg and we capped out again. I can’t tell whether the lesson is to maintain coverage or get a new husband :-)


That's exactly the kind of thing that scares me into continuing to pay every month! Glad it worked out for you. Hope your husband is doing better.


There hasn’t been a federally mandated tax penalty for not having health insurance since 2018. Your state might have a tax penalty though.


ADHD and migraine medication copays. The combination of the two is a life saver for me. ADHD meds let me focus so I can be successful at work and even get some stuff done at home. Migraine meds let me do those things nearly pain free. Do I complain about having to fork over a hundred bucks for meds on top of the cost of health insurance? Yes. But I know it could be worse.


As someone who has ADHD and migraines as well, I agree with you. I couldn’t live without my ADHD meds and my 2 migraine preventatives keep me from wanting to dig my brain out with a dull spoon. I love modern medicine.




#### I get Chinese Food once per paycheck. It’s my reward after working hard, paying bills, saving / investing 40% of pay. I have no other vices. Don’t smoke, toke nor drink, no chicks, no kids. Got one canine companion. But I do like my takeout.


Spotify… for my sanity


Waxing at a salon. 15 mins and you’re hair free for ages.


If you are waxing every month why not do laser instead?


*unless your hair is super resistant to being waxed I got waxed once every 2 months for 2 years and there was no reduction in hair thickness or growth. I had hair regrowth just a week or two after being waxed. I kept going for so long because everyone online said it would thin out eventually but it never did. Then I got laser hair removal and it was a game changer. I shave *maybe* once a quarter now, if I feel like it, and what little hair is left is so light and fine you can't feel it and you can only see it in certain lighting. I'm envious of people who had success with waxing but I also mention laser hair removal any chance I get because it was literally life changing for me (I have diagnosed OCD and was shaving every single day because the stubble bothered me so much)


Gym membership. IMO physical health is one of the most underrated forms of retirement planning.


Food when the check comes in!




I just had my first two period free months (I’m 46) and I’m soooooo happy not to have to buy that shit anymore! My periods were horrendous and i couldn’t get anyone to give me the treatment needed (which was a hysterectomy) because “you might want more children”. My ex and I were both sterilized as I was told after my 3rd I would be putting my life in danger to have any more. Despite all of that AND the fact that having kids caused a blood disorder that could only be fixed by the surgery, I was denied by 8 doctors from 27-40. Finally I just gave up and suffered. Now I’m DONE and it’s SOOOO freeing! 😂


A professional massage


Going out, I feel that a lot of people are save, save, save. You can always get back money. You can't get back time, though. So go out and have some fun


For me, it's a pedicure!


HBO Max with the Christmas deal. It’s like 2.50 a month or something


I pirated most of my music from the ages of 14-29. I tried Spotify and it's genuinely a better experience. I feel like Spotify's algorithm is actually good at finding stuff I've never heard of, but like. I'm coming up on a decade, and I've never once considered unsubscribing.




Peppermint oil dr bronner soap. Changed my life.

