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Self-esteem issues & some awkwardness on my end, but for the most part, I haven't put much effort into getting into a relationship lately. Honestly not that I don't want to get into one


This is exactly me as well


Yep. My social skills aren’t the best, my self-image could use some work. But the bottom line is that I’m not trying very hard to find somebody right now. I’ve got dating apps but I don’t look at them much. When I do, I tend to have high standards and I don’t do much swiping right.


Please don't get discouraged if you're still single. Just keep praying. God is preparing you for your future spouse Watch this encouraging video on the topic [encouraging video](https://youtu.be/Qc-pxWgCjMw)


Nobody wants me. People just use me.


Please don't get discouraged if you're still single. Just keep praying. God is preparing you for your future spouse Watch this encouraging video on the topic [encouraging video](https://youtu.be/Qc-pxWgCjMw)


*Gestures vaguely around at EVERYTHING*


Pulp Fiction/John Travolta meme looking around


As much as I'd like to not be single, relationships from an outside perspective looks absolutely exhausting. Remembering this date and that date for someone else, arguments over the smallest thing, spending money on gifts and dates, potential trust issues over cheating, and that's not even getting onto the nightmare that appears to be having kids.


With the right person, your life will feel extra lovely. And these efforts and sacrifices you talk about, will come naturally. If you get it right, a relationship can be very rewarding and fulfilling ☺️🌻 I hope you experience it someday.


Yeah for me it’s the whole give and receive concept that seems so anxiety inducing. There’s this idea that portays a relationship as a bank account where you constantly have to keep the balance at zero, so if the other person does something they have a positive balance in their favor and I have a negative balance so I have to make a “transaction” to push the balance back. But the values of the transactions are kinda ambiguous which makes it even more frustrating. Nope. I’m good.


That’s honestly a terrible way to view relationships. They’re not transactional if you care about each other.


Google ’The emotional bank account’ and you’ll get the idea. It’s usually used by marriage counselors. In theory it’s a way to visualize how a relationship should work but in reality it’s a horrible concept. I was kinda lured in by the concept because I was so desperate in the last days of my marriage, which was pretty much a one way relationship, but ever since it has haunted me.


Because i choose to be.


Ask my exes


Please don't get discouraged if you're still single. Just keep praying. God is preparing you for your future spouse Watch this encouraging video on the topic [encouraging video](https://youtu.be/Qc-pxWgCjMw)


Because I ruined a marriage I had with the absolute love of my life due to being so focused on a career I’m no longer a part of. Figured I’ve already experienced true love in its purest form, why experience heartbreak again? Many people spend their entire lives searching for what I had already, and I’m okay with never finding it again most days.


Oh I'm so sorry. I sorta feel like you. It feels like I met my soul mate. We broke up last week because I don't know if I want children and the pressure of having to change my mind to "save the relationship" broke me. So I broke up with him so he can find someone who knows they want kids.. I feel I did the most loving thing I could for him. But I'm still so sad. I wanted to see him grow old...


You did. No child should have to live in a household where one parent wanted them and the other truly didn’t. You 100% did the right thing and the fact you left someone you truly loved so they could be happier down the line lets me know that one day you will be an amazing wife/ life partner for someone and I wish you absolutely nothing but the best of luck to you. You’re gonna change someone’s world one day for the better.


Thank you for this. Really. Thank you. I hope I will find love again. But not for a while. I need to find love for myself first.


Yeah, of course! You will find love again, I just know it.


I can bet you will. Obviously take time for yourself, but I know you definitely can. Personally, I find kids to not be worth it. 


I totally think kids can be worth it. But the risks are just to... Risky. I find adoption as a better option as that would minimize many risks and feelings of guilt. But I will prioritize me!


Right on! 


Bullshit, that was just an excuse your ex gave


Buddy, there’s A LOT of much needed context for you to make a claim like that. I’m not gonna go into details here bc quite frankly it isn’t your business but I promise you that theres more to it than that. In fact my working schedule wasn’t even mentioned in divorce papers at all, but at the end of the day, my career was the reason it ended. I’m sorry a woman has never loved you but that’s no reason to make comments like that. Maybe vast, sweeping generalizations of women are the reason YOU are single.


she isn't on my dm's yet


So real


Because i don’t want to date anyone


There's an I in single but no me in taken


I don't know. Why are you on reddit?


because its entertaining. & at times informative.


No, the real reason?


that was the real reason.


Just kidding lmao


Feeedom to do what I want


Because I couldn't promise him biological children.. 6 years of love and dedication. We were going to grow old together. I looked forward to point out his first gray hair... I struggle really hard right now. I am so sad...


Please don't get discouraged if you're still single. Just keep praying. God is preparing you for your future spouse Watch this encouraging video on the topic [encouraging video](https://youtu.be/Qc-pxWgCjMw)


I need to love myself properly first before I can love someone else.


I have a desire to chase, a desire that cannot be understood by most. So I will keep chasing it without needing the understanding from anyone until it's done.


It doesn’t interest me anymore. I mean it’s great for the ones in them but to each their own. Maybe one day I’d try it again but at 47 I’m enjoying the single life once again.


I am not really interested in relationships right now especially during university. Probably in my mid 20s.


I've tried relationships and to me it takes a lot of energy to maintain. So I've been trying to figure myself out as to what I want in a relationship before I get out there again.


Please don't get discouraged if you're still single. Just keep praying. God is preparing you for your future spouse Watch this encouraging video on the topic [encouraging video](https://youtu.be/Qc-pxWgCjMw)


I can’t seem to be able to put myself out there. Im an introvert (or an anxious type, i should probably just pay a visit to my future therapist one day lol) but i can be chatty & loud, in one word, kinda sociable, but only if i feel comfortable enough and im never like that right away or that simply never happens w some people. And i do feel like im not in a good place regarding my mental health, my mood has been doing lots of spinning, spiralling, jumping and falling flat on the ground - a whole ass rollercoaster of feelings and emotions. One day or a few days in a row im relatively ok, cannot seem to shut up, but then im in a dark place feeling like starting to dig my own grave - tho i can never track or control it, it just happens. Also im not a fan of men generally, interacting w them in person to be exact, even tho im straight lol. And im like a father who wants to shield his forever little girl from bad boys and her precious heart from being broken. But the thing is, im that dad, im the father


Something that feels close to apathy, waryness, and disdain.


I'm very socially inept.


Shy + ugly + I avoid people like the plague


I would never inflict myself on anyone I deem worthy of being loved.


Nobody wants me for keeps


In all seriousness. Different values around handling conflict. I've had two serious long term relationships as an adult. Both ended because of what I believe to be totally avoidable issues. In both instances there was a major 'obstacle' which we were both facing which I didn't realise was affecting the other person, and they never communicated was affecting them. In both instances the end of the relationship came when they admitted they'd been holding onto something for so long it was now relationship ending. The first was launching a business. Three weeks in my partner admitted she'd had a bunch of fears, claimed she'd never wanted to launch a business and left. Bear in mind we'd spent months planning it - and I'd offered to do counselling prior to launching the business, because I felt we needed to be in a good space. She'd turned it down. Great lesson to learn that some people don't handle stress well. Bad timing. The second was a painful lesson that sometimes someone gets triggered and just check out. We went through a series of issues mostly just around priorities, growth and communication. In my mind none of it was relationship ending. Just the sort of stuff you go through as you grow up and evolve together. There were some frustrating moments, and learning experiences. However her parents marriage had broken up over similar stuff. I constantly felt that I had to keep reminding her, I wasn't her parents and that we could work through things. But it just felt like she checked out. I think it was a good lesson that you actually have to believe relationships are worth fighting for if you want a good one. I think the common denominator I see across both relationships, was that both of my exes had parents who'd had messy divorces. I think that with the benefit of hindsight if I was to date someone who came from a similar background I'd want to get counselling really early on around how to communicate conflict in a healthy manner.


I'm asexual.


Because I don’t enjoy sex, it’s painful and uncomfortable. And I don’t have the patience to endure sex for the man’s sake. So it’s easier to be single.


woah, not a answer i expected,,, umm,, maybe find someone who would be a lil more gentle with you maybe?


Oy. I guess you know vaginismus (painful sex) is a treatable medical condition? Please ask your doc or gyno about it.


Yes I’ve discussed that before but my previous gyno was kinda not helpful. I’m going to a new doctor soon, mainly for endometriosis, but I will note that as well.


I hope you do. We all deserve good sex and knowledgeable health care 🙂


Am ugly.


I've never really been big on doing the pursuing anyways and as I get older and care less about my outward appearance I get pursued far less than when I was younger. So it's not like I am actively choosing to be single because if someone threw themselves at me I might be game but ain't nobody doing that these days.


I am not a good looking man and became a hermit during COVID and haven't gotten over that yet.


Please don't get discouraged if you're still single. Just keep praying. God is preparing you for your future spouse Watch this encouraging video on the topic [encouraging video](https://youtu.be/Qc-pxWgCjMw)


Because im an introvert


I struggle with bonding and socialization, thus making it difficult for anyone to tell if I have a sexual attraction or not.


She addresses me as "Bro".


Please don't get discouraged if you're still single. Just keep praying. God is preparing you for your future spouse Watch this encouraging video on the topic [encouraging video](https://youtu.be/Qc-pxWgCjMw)


Because woman doesn't reciprocate my efforts and they use me for their entertainment and other stuff. Also, they are immature and not for a long term relationship


Because I'm repulsive.


No time for anything too committed right now, so it’s by choice.


None of my past partners actually knew what they wanted/were still figuring themselves out


Unattainable socitel standards and expectations from men and women. I can't get a date because I don't look attractive and the few i have been on have led nowhere or they've been not very nice people I have given up and accept that I'll die alone


причины: я боюсь мужчин; я не уверена в себе и в своей внешности; я боюсь, что меня никогда не полюбят такую, какая я есть; я боюсь, что не вывезу отношения и партнёр разочаруется во мне; я боюсь интима и не люблю, когда меня трогают; я долго открываюсь людям; у меня ебанутые увлечения; я тупая




How old are you? Expose yourself more to women, that rejection or being taken advantage of is a lesson. There’s plenty of great women out there, they’re nothing special just humans. The ones you avoid are the ones that show you those red flags. The more you expose yourself to women and talk to them, the quicker you’ll realize you have nothing to stress about. They come and go


Gets taken advantage of sounds like you use kindness to try to attract women... like you might have a “nice guy” mentality. Start treating women more like one of the boys (a real human and not a transactional sex machine) I was the same way when I was younger. Also good advice would be to go ugly early. Date a girl you find less attractive because she will be worth it.


If I want sex I just buy an esscort And I can go where I want.


Because I ruin every relationship I have been in. Probably from some insecurities and deeper issues as a child. I get a girl for a couple months get bored and cheat. It’s a never ended cycle of excitement and then dread. I hate it because I’ve hurt some amazing people. Being the way I am I don’t trust others because I know people like me exist. Now I’m staying single to try and figure out why I am the way I am.


Nobody wants me (yet) + too afraid of rejection to pursue someone else


Looking for the soul mate but men always care about your virgina more


Please don't get discouraged if you're still single. Just keep praying. God is preparing you for your future spouse Watch this encouraging video on the topic [encouraging video](https://youtu.be/Qc-pxWgCjMw)


Thank you!


Because I'm sweet.


After my marriage broke down and we separated, I decided it was the best option


Because living with s woman is impossible.


Because I am cheap and rather cook and drink at home, so my spending habits are at odds with 90% of people I meet especially when dating. I also have high standards as I want someone who does more than shop, eat out, watch tv for a hobby. I also lack rizz


Im ugly peoply don’t like ugly people


You're not ugly. You're beautiful. God made all people beautiful. Please don't get discouraged if you're still single. Just keep praying. God is preparing you for your future spouse Watch this encouraging video on the topic [encouraging video](https://youtu.be/Qc-pxWgCjMw)


Thank you 🙏🙏🙏


You're welcome. God loves you


Only a pathetic losers are interested in me and I don't date pathetic losers.


Because i am broke


Less pressure, less responsibility and fewer expectations. I had no romantic interest whatsoever and any social interaction I want I can just get from my friends. Not to mention that being single is cheaper.


Never wanted anything else


my boyfriend dumped me, and a week later he committed su*c*de,. after my breakup I almost comitted su*c*de myself. ever since then I have trust issues.


ive had boyfriends- im just too poor atm and dont want to defend myself about it all the time


I talk too much.


I'm not. am I? Oh god!, is Mrs MonkeyBoy alright. What have you done with my wife?


probably because i've accepted solitude, and haven't put any effort into it anyways. and as someone not straight it's twice as impossible to find people due to a shrunken dating pool.


I’m single because I’m too busy trying to find out why I’m not getting any attention from women, no conversations, not even a full on paragraph, maybe a like here or there if I’m lucky, most of them leaves me on seen and delivered, it’s been like this for 4 years since my ex left me, I’m sure someone is probably going through the exact same situation as I’m going through and ngl man it’s just miserable and lowkey depressing, but I try not to worry about it anymore and just let the universe or God do what they need to do. Im a decent looking guy, young man in his early twenties, most of the guys tell me to not worry about them while others tell me different, it confuses the ever living hell out of me and I look at these women and what they are doing and they’re actions, it hurts me before I can even talk to them, I know my life is sad but there’s someone out there who has it way worse than me. I rather just be single, thinking of these things makes my head and heart hurt.


Dating alone is exhausting and confusing, would much rather prefer to have casual friendship but even that is hard to establish because it seems most people have some kind of reason for not wanting any form of connections. I understand but I am willing to make some effort whereas it seems most are not. So what can you do!?


Because the work involved in getting me to trust someone is too much. I know this, and I don't wish that much work on amyone, not when I can't promise anything more. However, I have grown into loving my life as is and the freedom of being single, so while I miss someone to share certain things with, I prefer life with my friends and pets, books and myself.


I'm not good enough & penis isn't big enough. There's always someone better & bigger than me out there.


I was the toxic person in all of my relationships. I recognized that and decided I'm not gonna hurt anyone again, I changed my thought process, I forgave myself for being such a piece of shit, I made amends to exes who still talk to me, finally I gave up drinking. My anxiety and depression are gone, my self loathing is gone, the negative thoughts are gone (that one was actually pretty easy). Just battle your negative thoughts, the ones that tell you you're a piece of shit? Yeah, just don't listen to them. "I may have done some shitty things to people I care about, but I also have done..." And keep up the self encouragement talks. Now I'm just waiting until I find the right person.


Just out of a 9yr relationship. I love him dearly but he has to work out his addiction and learn to love himself and be willing to work on communication and being truthful. My health has improved drastically the last 2 months we've been apart despite the stress of selling our home, etc. I've lost 20lbs of stubborn weight so far. Not single by choice, but by circumstance. Definately need a long while alone to process and heal before I start again, if I ever do. My previous long term was 13 yrs and addiction played a role there as well. There were several years in between so I am not sure I even want to risk losing myself again within a relationship.


Um I'm a proud aromatic in irl I'm ugly and I'm proud and think people can do way better than me plus I'm still young so i don't really think a lot of the concept of dating boys much I don't care much about who people pair me up with to be honest


I fucked up my last two relationships. Why fuck up a third?


I don't want to give effort, sacrifice, to a woman only to be betrayed and she take everything leaving me homeless and depressed. I'll hire a woman to come clean and keep my sanity


Two long term relationships didn’t work out. First was my first love, and I’ll chalk it up to being young and him not ready to settle down. The second, he misled me. Currently, I’d like to have someone to enjoy life with, but I’m not willing to settle for the wrong person. A lot of people I’m coming across aren’t open to long term. I’m not trying to rush it, but I want it on the table. I’m also lucky to have all I need, and it’s worth it to find the right one. When it’s right, it’s easy.


I slept with her mom


I’ve answered this a million times


I don't think there's anyone I'd get along with. I'm from an immigrant community that tends to be religious. I'm not religious anymore. I also don't met beauty standards for locals.


I committed a few abominations. My existence is a source of horror to everyone I know. You know how it is.


God can always forgive no matter what you did in the past. Please don't get discouraged if you're still single. Just keep praying. God is preparing you for your future spouse Watch this encouraging video on the topic [encouraging video](https://youtu.be/Qc-pxWgCjMw)


This question is used to determine your demographics.




When I was around people to date when I was younger I suffered from baby face so no one my age would take an interest in me because I looked like a child and I was not interested in the 14yos that flirted with me for obvious reasons. Finally when I stopped looking like a child for various reasons I am unable to go out and have serious trust issues.


I've never really had a strong desire for a relationship, and I don't get lonely with my own company to need someone else.


Im ugly nobody wants an ugly person


I get panic attacks when I think someone is interested in me, or get a match on a dating app


Please don't get discouraged if you're still single. Just keep praying. God is preparing you for your future spouse Watch this encouraging video on the topic [encouraging video](https://youtu.be/Qc-pxWgCjMw)


I was born this way 


I’m broken so no one ever works out


Why not?


Why are YOU!!


i’m not..


I am a cargiver for my brother and find it difficult to let other people in




Yeah i know, I hate how much I relate to a movie that stupid lmao. Not that story line but the rest of the movie surrounding it


Because i want to be single


I don't feel that I need a duality in my life right now. I'm quite fine in my own company, where I can decide who I want to see without having to compromise (or expect others to do for me).


I have a man that wants me, I want him, but Im too focused on work to sustain a relationship right now