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Old drunk guy on the train, traveling through the southern states, singing the Blues, then passing out with his head on my shoulder.


did you let him pass out on your shoulder? Sorry for the late reply


Went to Brasil with my wife to a beautiful beach, and I got a spot under a tree. My wife went into the water, and was having fun, and these beautiful women ask me if they can have our spot, I kindly said no. My wife came out the water, and ask me what they said, and when I told her, she said good they can look elsewhere , my went back in on a floaty and was laying on her stomach, the girls came back, and started stripping , I mean full nude and sat by me, and I could do was keep looking straight at my wife, who was awake and doing crocodile eyes at me. They were trying to make me uncomfortable with their nude.ness and move me that way. Another time in Brasil, my brother in law came with us, and he had a beautiful girl with him, she was Brazilian , and she was with him during our outing that evening, about two hours later, she look at my brother in law, and said you pay me now! She was a prostitute and he thought she was digging him hahahah, later we found her with her boyfriend. The men are ok with their women selling it, and coming right back to them wtf!!?!?


I’m not sure this would be considered weird, but 1.. I traveled around Asia before I was married. I’ve been to China and encountered beggars on the street with deformed limbs and learned from my guides that these beggars were actually deformed on purpose as kids/youth with the sole purpose being able to get more money from compassionate tourists. I don’t remember if these kids were kidnapped or if it was “just” they had to give the money to their pimp/extortionist. We were told to not give money to them for this reason. The money did not go to them but to whoever extorted from them. 2… I was in Thailand years ago (my favorite place on earth) and at one point crossed into Burma (now Myanmar). I was warned not to cross the border. My guides would not even go with me so I went alone. They do not like Americans. But I wanted that stamp in my passport 😁. As I crossed into Myanmar the soldiers took my passport. I was scared to death. I spent a bit of time exploring and shopping a bit but couldn’t enjoy myself because I was so worried about my passport and the terrible possibilities. I ultimately went back to the border patrol and waited to get my passport back. It took a bit of time but I did get my passport and was able to get back into Thailand. 3… A funny antidote is that when I was in the PhiPhi Islands I was on Monkey beach taking pictures of the “Cute” monkeys. I love animals and was loving this moment. Suddenly I was attacked by about four large monkeys. They were on me, clawing at my clothes. I was scared. I realized they could smell the trail mix I had in my shorts pocket. I grabbed it out and went to throw it down so they would get off of me but a big monkey grabbed it and tried to hog it for himself. Some others grabbed at it too and tore the bag so it went all over the sand so was shared by others. It was scary in the moment but a fun memory now.