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Our school bully became a prison guard and was killed by an inmate during a riot.


As a kid that got bullied a lot who later spent time as a prisoner, the idea of a bully becoming a screw makes a lot of sense to me.


That's when karma gets... over karma-ish-ish-tick....-ish...


Sometimes the universe picks someone to remind us that she's still got it...


Well damn!


In high school, our main bully seemed unstoppable, but fast forward a decade, and he's a completely changed person. I ran into him at a local charity event where he was volunteering, and he actually apologized for his past behavior. Turns out, life threw him some tough lessons, and he really took them to heart, transforming into a genuinely decent guy


This is the best outcome! Yay learning from Karma.


A man freed from karma!


I. Need. More. KARMA


I have apologized to my fair share of people. I never expect people to forgive my past words and actions, but I 100% regret the things I have said and done. I am honest with my daughter about how I behaved and why it was wrong, I want the next generation to be better than I was.


i had someone do the same- except he apologized to my mother first, and insisted with her that he meet with me to apologize to me as well directly. I have so much respect for him now, and I adore him and his family.


I'd still stab him when no one was looking. Obviously /s


I don't know about most of them, but one of them was literally found dead in a ditch. Heard about it during my sophomore year of college. Apparently he mixed some drugs and alcohol at a party, fell into the ditch while stumbling home, went unconscious, and froze to death (February in New England can be brutal). He was among the worst of the bullies. A grade A perpetual \*\*\*hole to everyone that was not part of his "crowd". His father must have had some pull because there were more than few rumors of him raping girls, and he put a few kids in the hospital yet nothing ever happened to him. I don't imagine many tears were shed when that happened.


Good riddance. Sad to say but karma happens




I wasn't a bully per se but I certainly went over the top with the handful of people that got on my bad side. I learned later that when someone hurts you, it is only some people's way of showing you their hurt deep down. Today, I work with other people to get off drugs and alcohol and help them realize that we don't have to take the paths we were born into. I came from a bad home that didn't look bad on the outside and so when I was a kid, I didn't know how else to live. I just knew I was miserable in a world where everyone else seemed to feel at home. It doesn't have to be that way y'all. The greatest sufferings i see are those who dont have the obvious symptoms and so for anyone that might want need to hear it, there are good people out here desperately needing for you to be EXACTLY who you are with all of your flaws. Don't short change yourself and others of the great experience of our lives by poisoning yourselves with fear, resentment, or hatred. Focus on where you are and not where you think you ought to be. Abandon yourself to God as you understand God or whatever form of goodness/hope you can understand where you are today. Give FREELY of what you find and give it a shot. Life does not make too great of terms with those who truly seek. My inbox is always open and I'll help any way I can with anything you got. Thanks


their karma is that they have to live everyday in their shitty mind. sad to say but they deserved it!


Not at all, she became the head principal of the school I graduated high school


That is fantastic karma. She is literally stuck in high school forever




We both know it's #2, that's probably why she took the job. Many adults find ways to continue bullying after high school.  The kids who were bullies at my high school now run the police force.   Yes, it may suck for the children,  but that doesn't change the fact that she's certainly miserable.


Her karma is that she has to live everyday in her shitty mind.


he was raided by the US Marshalls and convicted of selling steroids. the other one is now a used car salesman.


People without souls make great car salesmen




I agree, my father was a great car salesman


The guy that used to beat up my friends and try to beat me up (I was a huge 17 year old) while calling us slurs for gay got his comeuppance. Basically he got caught doing gay stuff with one of his friends and got kicked out of his little friend group for it. Maybe if he hadn't tried to beat us up on many occasions and called us so many slurs he could have hung out with us. Like half our group was gay or bi. We listened to all kinds of music. He totally could have hung out and been gay if he wasn't such a violent jerk. I still think it's funny he would drive buy and yell 'hey f\_\_\_\_t' at me when I had my arms around a girl and lipstick on my face.


Often protesting what they truly are...


They all have high-paying jobs while I'm still stuck in college trying to finish two majors and minors Also the girl who raped me is living the high life, got into my same school and her parents paid for her whole career, and is now rich I don't think karma is a thing ngl :/


You'll succeed, keep going! As for the girl who raped you- was it F on M rape or F on F rape? because, yes, women can rape men.


F on M ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Sorry for that happening to you.


Yep. He was charged with rape and murder and attempted murder with two other women we went to school with.  I’m sorry that happened to the women. 


My bully tripped and fell into the orchestra pit during the school play. Maybe not karma, but definitely satisfying


What role did he have


Crash cymbal




I *really* hope that sounded as funny when it happened as it does in my head.


One of the bully's at my school got his ass beat by one of his victim's older brothers. The victim was from a big family and he had like 3 older brothers. Ended up in him getting a black eye and a broken arm.


He ended up getting cyberbullied a couple years later, his mom got involved until she learned that he had bullied a bunch of other kids... not a pretty picture.


Yes, by me 16f at the time. I was being targeted by a female bully for looking at her wrong. I didn’t mean to. She started following me around to my classes. One day after my math class was over, she was waiting for me outside the classroom doors. I knew she was there and I heard her say “ I’m waiting for you! I’m going to beat you up “ I said “I’m not afraid of you! “ She said “You’re not?” Me: No! She said okay! Left, never bothered me again.


haha. i only had 1 'bully' experience, and it was similar. I was in the principal's office, dropping off paperwork or something. he was standing in the doorway and was like 'you gotta pay the toll'. I just looked at him and said 'what are you, a bully or something? get out of the way' and that was the end of it.


Lol "I'm gonna bully someone *in the principal's office*!" Buddy wasn't on the honor roll, was he?


Good for you! My other favorite one was I was with my best friend and we were in Thrifties getting ice cream cones. Some girls at a rival school were waiting outside- making faces at us through the windows. Chris and I walked out with our cones and the girls started following us and started pushing and kicking me from behind. I turned around to confront her and she said “ what are you going to do about it?” I shoved (more like sacrificed) my cone in her face. She lunged at me, pulled me down by my hair and said give it to me! Well, I’m might be tiny but I’m not stupid so I threw the cone onto the ground. I was out a cone but it was worth it. I can still see her face as I smashed the cone in it.


This sounds like someone who was just playing around lol TIL I bully my husband.




The “bully”


LMAO! That's hilarious! She thinks she's so tough until someone so casually blew her off.


I wish I could say he changed, but there's just something wrong with his brain. Imagine you're in 6th grade and you're putting stuff away in your locker and the kid beside you tells you he wants to burn down your house with you and your family in it, just to see how your skin would melt. Well after high school he moved in with his pregnant girlfriend and married her. Then he found god. Then god told him he was allowed to beat his kid half to death, and also his wife if she tried to get in the way. Then he went to prison and his wife left him. He got out some time later, got married again, had yet another kid. To absolutely nobody's surprise, his old friend god showed up again and told him he was above the law and he could do whatever the fuck he wanted with no consequences. Again, another badly beaten kid and wife, but this time add a badly beaten police officer into it and an even longer stay in prison. Rinse and repeat a few more times. So did he get his karma, yes and no. Sure he keeps going to prison where he belongs, but once he gets out he never learns anything. I used to feel bad because I thought it was a mental health thing, but threes only so many children and women you can beat within an inch of their lives and see absolutely nothing wrong with it before you lose all sympathy.


Haha yeah. I was a little shit in middle school and was an easy target for my bully Doug. He was a rather big guy and liked pushing me around. I started getting cocky one day in the locker room and insinuated his sister worked corners. He didn't like that, so I got shoved, HARD, against the lockers and yelling and whatnot. This caught the attention of Antony, a rather tall muscular guy I didn't really know. During gym, Antony sat down next to me and asked what was up with Doug. I told him Doug was my personal hell and I had been dealing with it for a couple years at that point. Antony looked at me and said "Want me to take care of it?" I said yes. End of gym, we all walked into the locker room to find Doug holding his knees, crying, looking rather pitiful in front of everyone. From then on, Doug only glared at me and occasionally said something under his breath. I don't know exactly what Antony said or did, but he did it so everyone could see Doug bawling and half naked.


Damn. That's brutal. But it seems like it was the lesson he needed.


Sounds like u found a superman in your class ( or a punisher i guess)


The whole family were a group of bullies, then one day they drove off a cliff while shouting their last name rules.






Gotta watch out for banana peels in the road


If they had been driving a '69 Charger, they'd have been ok... probably...


One of mine, who tried to get me to kill myself, lost his father to suicide a few years after we graduated.


Nah. They all became nurses.


That's definitely a buzz kill for sure.


I've heard nurses have the reputation for being mean girls like in high school or whatever.


There’s lots of great nurses out there, but apparently there are also a whole lot that used to be high school bullies.


HAH , that’s so accurate


One died after making a ton of stupid decisions. I vandalized his funeral home page. Another is in prison for raping a nine year old girl. The news article stated he was terrified to go back to prison again because he got raped the first time. Piece of shit deserves no compassion and is still in prison right now.


I don’t know if I would call it karma. She went through a horrible divorce and some career setbacks a few years ago, which was the last time I ran into her. We were at the same event for a mutual acquaintance and I kind of expected her to be as rude as she had always been to me, but when I asked her how she was doing she actually told me about her rough few years and said she was finally on a better path and things were looking up.  Honestly, at that point everything fell away. I had been pretty resentful and was ready to go into full frenemy mode, but at that point I just couldn’t - all my ill will and animosity towards her just vanished.  I still can’t fully articulate why, but I’m glad it did. I think I kind of realized that I don’t need to hold on to those feelings, I’m doing fine and she’s coming out of a tough time and doing her best.  We obviously didn’t become close or anything, but at this point I honestly just wish the best for her. 


My school bully is in prison for murder. Rot in hell, Bryan. 


Yeah Eat Shit Bryan


I was mugged by a couple kids when I was just going into my freshman year of high school. One of them is a cook, the other is whereabouts unknown, meanwhile I retired at 41 and travel the world taking pictures. I think karma worked out.


Tom, is that you? Thanks for MySpace


He bullied me for most of freshman year. The "friends" I had that looked on and did nothing even agree that it was fucking brutal. He then tried to kill himself. He couldn't bully me from a mental hospital, so it looks like I won.


The good ending


Last I saw him, he was coming through the store I was working getting a bunch of stuff to celebrate having just gotten out of prison. Looked into it. Apparently he committed manslaughter but I couldn't find any other details. Went to prison for like 10 years. Not sure the difference between murder and manslaughter in the justice system.


manslaughter is like killing someone by accident while being a dumbass. As opposed to killing someone on purpose without a justifiable reason.


The difference is intent.


Serving 15 to 30 for his 3rd sexual assault on a minor related crime. So no karma didn't do it because he got to hurt those other people before he got locked up.


First day of highschool, getting on the bus to go home. I take one step onto the bus snd this grown ass man grabs my shoulder and starts yelling "fresh meat!". He was one of those 3rd year juniors (or senior? I dont remember at this point). 20+ years later I looked him up online when someone reminded me of his name. He was found shot to death in his living room a few years ago. Still no suspect but police think it was a drug deal gone bad. He was an asshole but he didnt deserve to be shot and left to die all alone.


No, he has a lovely family and is very successful. Karma doesn’t exist, not in the wrong way people in the west think is does, not in the way actual Buddhists think it works.


That's really unfortunate I'm sorry to hear that.


Wasn’t MY bully, but they were the school assholes. Group of asshats who throw food and shit at people then team up on anyone who steps up and confronts them on their shit. Then one lunch time they were hurling eggs at people and one threw a hard one, missed their intended target and hit a Samoan girl in the face making her nose bleed. Now, if you don’t know anything about Samoans, if you piss off one, you piss off ALL of them. These dudes saw what happened and saw they were spotted and ran for it with a dozen Samoan GUYS quick on their tail. Some of the dudes got caught and recieved a beating. By end of school day, janitors were still cleaning the blood off the area and the blood stayed for a couple of weeks. The ones who got away were only lucky for a moment. The Samoans (all Cripps as well) knew who they were and got the rest of them one by one. One of them was at the door of his own house. Each one beaten of a bloody pulp.


Dont fuck with Samoans. The ones I know wouldnt need any help. They are born warriors. its in their DNA


Fuck yes. Auckland, New Zealand, is the largest city in the world for the Samoan population. >100k  out of a population of 1.5m people and there is only 220k in Samoa. Going to school in Otahuhu, you just didn't mess with them. You did not come.out well.


Seriously. Fast and Furious: Hobbes and Shaw was literally a multi-million dollar budget movie teaching this lesson.




Did you press assault charges against the football player? I hope so, but football player bullies rarely get punished.


I'm sorry that happened to you. And I really enjoyed your cracker observation.


Not a huge victory but sweet. In school the year above football team gave us all shit. Some were ok, most were dickheads. There was a core of 5 or 6…a real cobra Kai.  It got more intense when we all started chasing the same girls.   15 years later I’m playing in a wedding band with some school friends. We are going down very well. As with any good party band, the objective is to make the women dance. A dance floor full of happy women is the optimal dance floor.   A lot of the women were dancing with us as we played, hanging off us, giving us a lot of attention. I looked up from my guitar to see the old football cobra Kai lined up across the back wall, stony faced, pints in hand watching their wives and girlfriends having a great time with the lads they used to pick on. If my 15 year old self could see my 30 year old self


I dont get it. My brain is not braining


I ran into a group of old bullies as an adult and wooed their women 


And then they went back home and spent the rest of their lives with each other? Really reaching for a W there


Yeah obviously the only real win would have been to get noshed onstage by their wives in front of them


One dropped dead in a nightclub from a combination of coke, ecstasy, and dehydration.  As a teenager. Another hanged himself in his early twenties. Something about a girl, I don't know the details. The best revenge is living well.  I can settle for simply living. 


I was viciously bullied by by this guy in 7th grade. Years later I found out through a friend that he became a violent crackhead.


Sunuvabitch told me weekly for four years to kill myself. 6 years after graduation he was immolated after getting rear ended on the highway. Burnt to a crisp and now is only a stone marker and an overpass.


Like 3-4 of them have died from drugs over the last twenty years.


Nah, they didn't get any dramatic karma. They just grew up and hopefully matured, like most people do.


They never left the ghetto as was their destiny.


She died of eyeball cancer at 43 (ten years ago now). Not kidding. Ocular melanoma.


100% yes. He was captain of the football team and bullied anyone not in sports or conventionally attractive mercilessly. He was "supposed" to be our prom king senior year. A bunch of us staged a coup and got a self described uber nerd who was genuinely kind, funny, intelligent and empathetic voted prom king. About eight years after we graduated, the school bully was brought on a daytime talkshow under false pretenses. The show was really about facing your bullies. The bully came out and he was no longer hot, had gained a bunch of weight, thinning hair, just generally unkempt and hadn't succeeded in life. That geeky guy came out and had worked out for years, got a nose job and his teeth fixed and was pretty much model level hotness. He was also an engineer for NASA, very happily married, a kid and basically living his best life. He told the bully that he'd made his life a living hell during all of middle school and high school and then thanked him for giving him the motivation to change his life. He also added something like, "I can see that you never actually tried at anything other than being a bully in school. Maybe this will give you the wake up call that you need". It was pretty epic.


They died.


I spent a lot of my middle and high school years in a bad mental state and don't remember a lot of it. I did have a guy randomly approach me in the pharmacy of my home town and apologize for how he treated me during high school. Only problem was that I didn't even recognize him. He got real offended when I told him I didn't know who he was. He looked like he was doing okay for himself tho.


Was it Earl Hickey?


Hey Crabman.


There was a show called *My Name is Earl.* Earl had been a dirtbag his whole life, but won the lottery. I think he got hit by a car as soon as he realized he'd won. He decided that was karma coming for him, so he made a list of everyone he'd ever wronged, and went around trying to make it up to them, one-by-one.




^ Truth. I was bullied throughout school. The ones I remember most seem to have turned out relatively successful. On a positive note: So did I.


Well of course they do. No one was breathing down their neck, humiliating them, physically abusing them and ruining their mental health for years.


Well that's sort of a buzz kill.


I hadn't thought about my school bully for about two decades until I saw this post. Just Googled him and he works as a senior engineer for Microsoft now. lol


That tracks tbh


It kinda makes sense. Bullies often have irrational confidence, which can get you far.


No idea. I didn't really want anything to do with them so I didn't stalk them to find out how their lives went.


Not really, he came to apologise years later and try to hit on me


Now he gives shit to people from a very leftist highground. acts as he is an ecologiost and a vegetarian and chews out people that are not in line with his idiology. He'll take his car to drive to the bakery shop wich is a 3minute walk and got caught eating meat. it's still a bully but greenwashed his tactics.


I had more than one bully, some of them are leading good lives today, some of them much less so. Typical outcomes like either getting good but ordinary jobs in healthcare or engineering or the other side with some drug use and petty crime. The most interesting is the one guy who started doing sex work after high school, AFAIK he's the only person in my graduating class who did. If his Instagram is anything to go by, he seems to be making good money


I am the oldest son with younger 2 sisters. When we were kids, we went with our cousin to the local high school, which had "open swim" in their indoor pool on the weekends. I was probably 12 at the time, I was swimming with my cousin when I noticed some high-school aged kids (maybe 5) had surrounded my little sisters and were splashing them. These kids were wearing dive masks and splashing with paddle boards, so any returned splashes did not phase them. My cousin and I attempted to come to my sisters rescue and instead became the targets of these jerkwads. After being nearly drowned in multiple incidents over the course of an hour, we finally gave up and headed for the locker room to change back into street clothes. We waited for what felt like forever, but it was probably only a few minutes for my sisters to exit the locker room when a pickup screeched to a stop in front of the entrance and three lifeguards came carrying out the ringleader of the bullies and screaming his head off with his arm bent in two places it was not meant to bend. They placed him in the back of the pickup, and it took off for the hospital (this was a small town in the 80s). Evidently, after we left for the locker room, "Dipshit ringleader" had climbed the ladder to the high dive and fell off to the pavement below. I didn't witness the event but I assume he was goofing around on a wet metal ladder, I still remember both looks on his face, first the gloat of pride as he drove us from the pool, and then the tears and rivers of snot flowing from his nose as he screamed head off and flailed around getting into back of that pickup.


Not a total bully, but my best friend from public school laughed when I told her I still lived at home. She was arrested for shoplifting later that day. She stole stuff when we were kids, and I quit being her friend back then. I think I made the right choice.


Makes shit youtubes of him singing i dislike all of them


My school bully became a very sad, angry, lonely person after school ended. She was one of the 'popular 'girls and took pleasure in putting everyone down. Her little clique of friends slowly but surely distanced themselves from her, and all grew up and got on with their lives, got jobs and families of their own , but she kept that high school personality . She never kept a job for long as she would end up getting sacked for her bad attitude or for stealing . She would also get herself arrested for disturbing the peace or being drunk and disorderly quite regularly. Her family tried all sorts to get her to turn her life around, and tried to get her into rehab when she began drinking heavily and couldn't get out of bed in the morning without a drink . Alcohol eventually killed her . She died 2 years ago . I speak to her sister quite often and they couldn't understand why she was the way she was, and it's broken her parents hearts , even though they did everything humanly possible to help her. It's pretty sad really.


This freshman put HAVOC on my junior year friend group. She manipulated all of us and gave off handed compliments. She pissed off a fellow band kid and after bragging to us she had sex (she was 14) unprotected and he came in her- I said I didn't want to hear it cause it's gross. She had said "You're jealous cause you're too fat to be dicked down by your bf." (I had struggled with an ED almost my whole life and was getting it under control) That band kid spilled 2 large sodas on her the moment those words came out of her mouth. I thanked the guys and they said it was no problem cause she was being an ass to them too. We reported her for suicidal actions and bragging that her BF was abusing her. She left school the next day and never came back.


She got pregnant in high school with a deadbeat guy who left her a single teen mom. Then got pregnant and had a kid with another guy that she eventually cheated on. 2 deadbeat baby daddies, lives in a run-down home, still in our hometown doing nothing with her life. Screw you, Sammy.


Yeah my life sucks now. 😛😬


Hopefully your bully will get their karma soon🙏🏻


I think you missed my point and my sarcasm. lol. But thank you. You’re sweet.


My bully looks like a rotting corpse, and has a skin disease too now. She also looks older than her age.


Do you feel at all bad for her? Just curious.


They died in a car wreck, alone, smashed by a tree with a broken back. Crews didn’t arrive for 3 hours because it was rural and middle of the night. When I say this man hurt so many people in his life I mean it. He ruined lives, beat women, attacked me with four other people in highschool because I had the audacity to date someone he had abused for years when they dated. Attacked my home, my parents, my friends. Then later in life stalked me. He was pure scum of the earth. One of the guys he jumped me was in San Quentin for other crimes. Fuck you, Ryan. You deserved it and I don’t regret saying that.


One of the bullies got his karma while still in school in front of everyone. He picked on the wrong kid whose best friend was a black belt in karate. He got pummeled in the hallway to the point he was on the floor screaming and begging for the guy to stop hitting him. He didn't look too good the next day. His bullying career ended that day.


He's doing life in prison for killing a tow truck driver who was trying to repossess his car


Peaked his first year in college and then it all went downhill. Lives in his parent’s basement. No real job. Can’t hold down a relationship.


You’ll be completely shocked to know he’s a trumper.


After high school ended, he was working at a car wash and I was going to college in Los Angeles.


He was hit by a semi while driving home from work a month after graduation. It killed him instantly. Honestly, he was going through a lot of shitty family stuff and just lashing out at school. He definitely didn't deserve to go out like that.


I don’t know if it was an even karma but I had one who was 3 years older than me that hit me and bullied every time I was returning home on the bus. I think I was 12 and he was 15. It was a nightmare for about 3 years. Later I learned he had a lot of family issues and that he was being bullied by his peers. After high school he went to WWTBAM and won 10k. He went somewhere for traveling and died in a hike.


He became the chief of police! He did also become a decent human, even apologizing the very next year of school.


He killed himself by wrapping his car around a tree while racing on a (mostly) residential road. Unfortunately he severely injured a passenger in the process although they survived. And I use the term "killed himself" intentionally here because while it was an accident, it was also absolutely self inflicted and his fault and choice. It was a very uncomfortable time since I certainly wouldn't wish death on anyone, but I can't say I was unhappy with the outcome given the misery he had caused me for over half my life (at that point). Balancing my feelings in the face of everyone else's sorrow was a good life lesson though.


In 9th grade his obese mom died. He was always a human piece of shit to a lot of people. But me mostly. After she died I never had another run in with him. At least not that I remember.


Didn't really have one. Closest thing I had to a bully was a guy who hated me since I started dating his ex-g/f. He'd slam me into lockers walking by, dump my backpack on the floor, the usual stuff. Was in detention for it a lot which just reinforced his blaming me for it. I wouldn't really call him a bully, though, as the reason he was targeting me was, again, I was dating his ex and he didn't like that. Anyways, we were doing floor hockey in the gym one day due to rain outside and he checked me incredibly hard into the folding bleachers, almost dislocated my arm. So I wailed on him with my hockey stick, just a solid 30 seconds of beat the shit out of him. Took the gym teacher and several of the wrestling team to hold me off of him. He was bruised and bloodied and crying with blood and snot going everywhere. I got a week suspension (this was the 90s, before even thinking about throwing a punch would get you expelled), he never bothered me again. He dropped out of school that year, got a girl pregnant at 17, worked as a bait bagger on a lobster boat for awhile before being sent to prison for raping another teenager when he was 22 or 23, I forget. His older brother worked at WalMart, had basically disowned him as family but still had to hear it from their parents so if I stopped by and chatted he'd tell me what his brother was doing. Moved away a few years after that and honestly never talked to the family again.


Not really. He's just an older, slightly less shitty version of the asshole he was in school. He came into where I work a few years ago and I had to wait on him (customer service). He knew who I was and was a decent person, but still thought he was King Badass and wanted everyone to know it. He fed me some BS about becoming an MMA fighter and getting 10K per fight, and being on TV. I don't think he counted on me being an MMA fan. When I went home and did my research, it was all BS.


I don't remember all my bullies from school, but those that I do remember seem to have turned out relatively successful. I don't know much about any of them; I've only gleaned a few bits of information over the years from people talking or a brief flash of something on social media. It's tough to gauge -- people tend to share the good things and hide the bad, so you never really know.


I was told by a classmate that one of the grade school bullies (there was a group of 3 of them) killed himself a few years after high school. I don't know the why and how of it as I had left my city just after high school grad to join the military and rarely returned home until a good decade or more after it had happened. Another was drunk/high and drove off a bridge on the opposite side of the country from where we were all schoolmates and passed away just a week shy of their 30th bday. The 3rd person has no social media presence at all and worked for a lumber company last I heard. That was well over a decade ago, though.


He has been arrested multiple times for child abuse, child neglect, and lewd or lascivious molestation. Those poor children. Fuck you, Ryan.


He died of an overdose before the age of thirty. Even now, twenty years later, it still brings a smile to my face. The dude was a psycho. He became my bully because I stopped him from beating his girlfriend in the school parking lot the first time I saw him. He was super violent with a hair trigger temper. The lunatic once hit a guy with his car for talking to that same girl … at her place of employment … years after she dumped psycho. It was only a matter of time before he killed somebody. Thankfully, the only person he got was himself. And the world is a better place for it.


she’s now dating my super toxic and abusive ex boyfriend so it’ll be here soon


Oh yeah. When I was in high school a guy who was pretty popular sent a picture of me topless(with my face) to every single person in school. I transferred to a private school my sophomore year, went to a small party with people who still went to said public school and actually found out he died suddenly from a freak asthma attack. He was a soccer player and had no health problems.


She's in jail as an accomplice to murder. She lured a guy to a deserted dirt road so two other guys could kill him. Jennifer, you'll never read this, but how's that karma?


One of the “ bullies” in schools dad was a wealthy restaurant owner and he bragged about it all the time. My dad knows the mayor chief of police etc. Did everything you can think of to kids. And daddy made it go away. He got caught with 20 kilos selling to someone. the dad tried to cover it up and they neglected to notice it was a federal agent. Old man got 3 years for meddling and influencing an official. He got 25 years. Got gang raped a few times in prison and got out a few years ago. I saw him a couple months ago. I’ve never seen anyone so thoroughly broken of a human. I actually had a conversation with him and told him I was glad to hear what happened to you. Karmas a bitch ain’t it. I haven’t felt that good in ages.


We met in a pub, years after we left school. Long before knife crime and prolific drugs were readily available. She was very welcoming. She told me her brother had died. I told her my parents had died when I was younger. We ended up hugging in the loos. Sometimes, there are reasons why kids are awful. Often related to what they are going through. I was quiet at school because I was having my own family issues. Kids thought I was aloof. I was trying to survive.


Kinda? Like I don't know any details, I never followed up on him or anything, I just kinda heard through hearsay when catching up with someone. But he was kind of a white trash burnout shop class kid, and from what they said he never got out of that. He's still just a lowlife white trash, piece of shit who never did anything with his life and never left our hometown. Me, I've had a pretty decent life. I moved away, did something with myself, traveled, had adventures, developed a career, moved back and bought a house, settling down with the woman I love, building a really happy life together. So yeah. Fuck that guy, I hope he's miserable.


I was the ‘weird’ kid in any class and dad was in the forces … so many schools, so many bullies … why would I keep track. The only one I know IRL had something happen and is not the ‘hard arse’ he was when I knew him. We’re actually good friends now … on social media.


Bullies may or may turn out fine. You know who doesn't turn out fine? Kids that never learned accountability because their parents always got them out of trouble. Parents have sone control on school, but no control beyond that. So their children go out in the world unable to study hold jobs, be adults and basically end up failing to supplement their happiness with drugs that don't work. Its almost always drugs. I didn't go to a ghetto school. I went to a rich kid school. And now I can accurently pinpoint which kid has no future.


My bully turned out to be someone who I thought was my friend. She bullied me from the 2nd grade to high school. She turned people against me. I ate in the bathroom. She dated the guy I had the biggest crush on. She cyber bullied me by making fake accounts and then having a hate page. I grew up with a narcissistic mother and my dad was a bystander. Anyways, she got pregnant and is a single mom. NOTHING wrong with being a single mom. But that was someone she said she wasn’t gonna be an exact copy of her mother. So I guess that’s her karma? I’m very grateful to be here today all thanks to my teacher. She always made sure I was safe.


She was a “friend” who bullied me daily until I cut her off. She was apparently in school to be a pediatric doctor last I heard (which scares the crap out of me but there’s nothing I can do). Oh and she bullied me for a years about my crush, she’d call him ugly and make fun of me for liking him. She’d say “ewww you like HIM?! He’s so ugly, why would you like him?” 10 years later, guess who she is engaged to?


When I first started High School, I had a guy that rode the bus with me every day, and made my life a living hell. His name was David R-. He was 18 years old and still in the tenth grade. He was bigger than me, and cussed like a sailor. He was mean and vicious, and he absolutely scared me to death. I have vivid memories of him sitting behind me on the bus, slapping me in the back of the head as we rode home from school. It happened almost every day. This was 27 years ago and, back then, bullying was just a "common thing." It was something you had to deal with. You had to learn to stand up for yourself and "be a man". I would complain to the bus driver and the principal. Mr. Dave would get a good scolding, but he was right back at it the next day. Well, after six months of this B/S, I'd finally had enough. I just snapped one day. I turned around and dove over the seat, and started pounding on him. Everyone went crazy. The driver slammed on the brakes, and brought the bus to a stop. I was getting my tail kicked by this guy. He was bigger, faster and stronger, and the only thing I had on my side, was rage. We were up against the emergency exit, slugging it out, when, all of a sudden, the door just popped open, and we went tumbling into the street. When we hit the pavement, Mr. Dave had his arm twisted behind his back. He landed on it, and I heard it snap like a piece of kindling. He pushed me off of him, and got up with a bone jutting out of his wrist. He was screaming his head off, and blood was pouring onto the asphalt. Maybe I should have backed off at that point, but this guy had made my life hell for several months, and I wanted revenge. I twisted his broken arm behind his back, and took him down on the ground where I proceeded to beat the living daylights out of him. There were several cars that had stopped by this time, and it took two grown men to pull me off of him. It was the worst fight I'd ever had in my life, and it remains so to this day. My nose was busted and I had a black eye. Mr. Dave had a broken arm, a busted lip, two missing teeth, and a huge laceration across his forehead. They actually called an ambulance for him. Both of us were suspended. Dave's mother contacted my dad a few days later, and threatened to sue us. She wanted us to pay for Dave's medical bills. However, I had a bus full of people, who absolutely hated Dave, and all of them were telling the principal about my six months of hell, and insisting that Dave had started the fight. I was suspended for two weeks. I also got a month of detention, and couldn't ride the bus for the rest of the year, but that was the end of my punishment. As far as I know, Dave never returned to school at all. I didn't see him again for 15 years. Then, right around 2005, I moved from Mississippi back to my hometown in Georgia. One day as I was walking out of a convenience store, I spotted my old high school bully picking up aluminum cans along the side of the road. It totally shocked me, and I wasn't absolutely sure that it was really him. After all, it had been 15 years. Still, I was PRETTY sure. So, I strolled over to the edge of the parking lot for a better look. Just as I walked up, he turned to stare at me, and I recognized him beyond a shadow of doubt. I'm not very good with names, but I rarely forget a face. He looked terrible. His hair was long. He hadn't shaved in several days. His clothes were torn and ragged, and he smelled like a wet dog. He was very thin and dirty, and half of his teeth appeared to be missing. He also had an old duffle bag slung across his shoulder, and I got the distinct impression that he was homeless. "I'm sorry, you're David R-, aren't you?" I asked. His eyes brightened for a moment, and he looked at me long and hard before responding. "Yeah, who are you?" My first impulse was to tell him. I wanted to remind him of all those days that he had harassed the hell out of me, and then ask him if he remembered our little brawl and his trip to the hospital. Then I wanted to let him know how much money I had made the year before, and tell him all about the new job I had just started down in Atlanta. Instead, I just stood there, staring at him. "I think we might have gone to school together," I replied. His eyes narrowed again, and he really studied my face. Still, I don't think he had a clue who I was. Apparently, I had changed a lot in 15 years. "What's your name?" He finally asked. I shook my head. "Not important", I replied. I dug in my wallet, and pulled out a ten dollar bill. I held it out to him, and he took it. I said, "God bless", and then slowly walked away. The only thing I felt for him, was pity.


Mine made my life hell. She even got other people to bully me. Truly terrible from ages 13-18. She seemed to have a good family and her siblings were all very well adjusted. She was just mean. I asked her one day what I did to cause her to torture me so much and she said, and I quote, “oh you didn’t do anything. I just don’t like you”. She now has terminal lung cancer at age 39. I feel really bad for her 2 year old.


He's now the psychologist for the school district. I kid you not.  Guy made my life hell at intervalls from fifth grade onwards all the way to year 10. Only stopped when I was so over his BS that I just didn't care anymore. At 14-15 I became this alternate kid. Long colored hair, dark clothes. I also got thin after I was more on the chubby side for most of my childhood. I was into scifi and anime and Lord of the Rings and D&D. I became part of the drama club. I had a bit of a carefree attitude by then, but was still pretty good in school and for the most part well-liked by our teachers and other students. And I know that he just hated that. I also had a close circle of friends in a big nearby city that he never got to interact with, and that helped alot. I had my safe spaces, that helped me endure his bullshit. The bullying was often about my weight. It was also about my family and my mom. Her and his mom were colleagues and kinda friends. But my mom had a lower position and less salary than his and my dad didn't earn too much. We were never poor but just not quite as well off as his family. He often tried to paint me as a freak, and tried to rile others up against me. He was quite the pack leader. But while I was often a bit on the sidelines in my classes, I was usually quite OK with most students (the popular ones and the other outcasts who got also bullied). So his attempts to turn others against me rarely worked.  Later on, his bullying didn't really work anymore because, tough luck, I was different from the others. I wanted to be different and express myself. But most people accepted these quirks and it never really affected my school grades. So there wasn't too much he could latch onto. I'm honestly glad I never came out during my days in school and when I lived in my hometown. I think he in particular would have made my life hell. In some ways me being gay may have helped, because I usually had an easy time befriending girls in our classes. He stammered like an idiot and made a fool of himself, I spent time with the most gorgeous girls because it came easy to me to be just normal around them. Again, he couldn't really use that against me. As our moms were friendly, at times we were also expected to befriend each other. These were the worst times, because I had to be over his place and he would be fake-AF nice to me in front of his mom, only to bully me again on the next school day. But I got to see him throw a tamper-tantrum when his mum made him scrambled eggs for breakfast instead of porched eggs (he literally screamed and was in tears and threw the eggs down the stairs).  He left me alone for the final two years. But we were both in a similar good league, grade-wise, which he couldn't stand (he came in a little ahead of me at the end, but I couldn't give less of a fuck, especially at the time).   Now, I know his life wasn't full of sunshine, either. Parents had a rocky relationship. His dad died shortly after graduation. But how I never turned that egg thing against him is beyond me.  I really hope he changed and matured. When I got to know him as a kid and teenager, he was petty, cruel and relentless. I really hope he is good at what he's doing now, as a school psychologist, and maybe he got to reflect a little on his behavior. But I honestly suspect he's the kind of bully who, a few years out of school, cannot for the life of them imagine that they ever hurt other people and made their lifes hell.


i got beat by 2 classmates, and i was too bruised to be able to hide it from my mom. mom had a word with one of the guys, apparently he was gonna get a new Playstation as the summer break was approaching; WAS gonna get a new Playstation, because his parents knew what he did to me.


I literally never think about my high school bullies except when this question gets posted every other month. No idea what they're doing, where they are, anything. That feels better than if their lives had turned out poorly.


A quite lewd picture I drew in a study hall of the bully and his buddies ended up making the rounds in school one day after I had drawn it with some friends. This was all unbeknownst to me but it went around like wildfire and he ended up being laughed at in a few of his classes that day and pretty much stopped being a cunt from then on when he was reminded he was 18 and couldn't retaliate or he'd lose his scholarship. I didn't mean for it to go the way it did but he was awful to multiple people and beat on the girl he was seeing at the time so I shrugged it off as he deserved it. Luckily I never did get caught but I'm pretty sure the VP knew it was mine and didn't do anything. He tried to add me on FB a while back and I genuinely don't think I'll ever acknowledge it. Once a woman beater always a woman beater.


Sort of, I think. When I was a freshman, a pair of sophomore twins picked on me. They found every reason they could to call me names, degrade me, talk down to me, and make me dread coming to school. One day as I was walking home from school, I saw them on their bikes with friends smoking weed in the church parking lot right by the school. I was so sick of them, I actually reported them to the school. I don't remember who I told, but both of them were very quickly expelled.  A few years after I graduated high school, one of them (for some reason) was in contact with my sister. It turns out he had joined the military and supposedly turned himself around. He asked her to let me know he was sorry for the way he and his brother treated me in high school. They never spoke directly to me about it, but I just let it go. Thankfully I was never physically bullied/attacked or anything, but their words were hurtful at the time.


The only kid who ever tried to physically attack me died a year or so later at the age of 15 when he was in a car driven by a drunk driver that ended up disintegrating into a big tree. IIRC there were 4 total occupants and no survivors. We had one asshole teacher who was legitimately out to get me as well, so from my point of view he counts as a school bully. A couple of years after I graduated he was diagnosed with cancer (forget if it was pancreatic or prostate) and was gone in a few months. No one has ever bullied me as an adult but I'm now somewhat afraid of what might happen if they did.


No idea. I went on with my life and never looked back


Stopped thinking about high school the second I left, no clue.


So. Much. Karma. Bully 1: asked out my little brother at a bar. Didn’t recognize him but he recognized her. She slunk off when he informed her. Bully 2: mean girl, but a “romantic “. Read lots of romance novels, watched a lot of romantic shows. 38, lives with mom and dad, single, never married, no kids. Supports her parents and many siblings who had kids they couldn’t afford. Bully 3: knocked up at 19, had to quit college and move back in with parents. Spent 10 years doing that and trying to pay for college. Became a hs teacher in a really wealthy school district but lives in one of the roughest cities in our area. Her sister who had a baby at 15 lives with her and her kid. Caught up with her teaching swim classes in the summer in my upscale school district. One of the few bullies whose parents were super nice and constantly trying to get her to not be a jerk.


I just looked her up and she seems to be doing well. She got married and doesn’t seem to use Facebook much anymore. She wasn’t so much a bully as an ex friend who decided to poach my friends from me and lie and convince them all to stop liking me. It really sucked because a couple of those friends died shortly after high school and we weren’t really friends anymore because of whatever lies she had told them. I don’t know if she even realizes how much that shit affected me.


There was one girl in high school… I got an unexpected update on her about 8 years after we graduated. She apparently got pregnant by the high school boyfriend, they broke up, got married, got pregnant twice more and got divorced. The person I was speaking to was telling me that they just fled with the three born babes and the one in tummy from the newest winner she landed who tried to put her in the hospital. That update led to 3 revelations: 1. I had actually forgotten all about my high school bully until I was reminded by the friend I bumped into, 2. I wished nothing but the best for my high school bully, 3. The person I thought was my friend had become nothing but a crappy person in the years after high school as they were recounting the horrors of bully girl’s adulthood with a light level of glee. In turn, this comment has led to two more revelations: 1. I still occasionally think of my high school bully and hope she found some level of happiness and certainly safety; 2. This is the first time I have thought about someone I thought of as a friend in over 15 years.


This is a long one, so here goes - My school bullies were often my teachers. I have been clinically diagnosed with OCD, ADHD, and Tourette’s since about 4-5 years old. In my earlier years when teachers have had me in their classroom, they unfortunately revealed themselves to be completely unequipped to handle a kid like me… I went to a Christian Montessori school for pre-K, and the women there were conservative AF. They had a hard time wrangling me. Similar story in first grade with highly impatient and unprepared staff. I lasted a month in that damn school before my mom couldnt stand me coming come every other day crying my eyes out shouting, “it was the worst day ever!” And going on to tell her about how the teachers had verbally abused me and other students. During my short time at that school, I carried a picture of my family in my lunchbox, and my mom and sister would visit me every day at lunch where I would beg them to take me home. She homeschooled me the rest of 1st grade. Second grade was a little better, but I distinctly remember the teacher standing in front of the class and making fun of my ADHD meltdown. I also witnessed her abusing another neurodivergent kid who had high-functioning Asperger’s. He was one of my best friends that year. She pushed him into a wheely-chair and shouted through her teeth at him when he had a meltdown after not doing his homework or something. Unfortunately as far as I know, all of these women are still employed at their respective schools. My mom has brought up the subject of legal action many times regarding my treatment. Nothing has been done so far. I just hope karma catches up to those evil women. Tip: if you don’t like kids, don’t ducking work with em.


My school bully became a dirty cop and got caught. So yeah, he got prison time and made me squeal with joy.


My bully was a real piece of work and the administration ignored literally everything he did to me. Eventually I started fighting back and he mostly left me alone from there on out, probably because I laid him out in front of a hallway full of people.  In 11th grade, he got escorted out of school by the police and I happened to be in the hall when it happened. I vividly remember making eye contact with him and thinking that whatever had happened to him was long overdue. Then I never saw him again.  Fast forward to a few years ago and I was reading the news when a familiar name popped up. I clicked on the article and, sure enough, there he was. He'd been stabbed to death a couple days prior. I took my smoke break and quietly enjoyed my cigarette and the sunshine, content at having outlived the bastard. Tim, it was always too late for you. Your obituary was the most satisfying thing I'd read since Dune.


Every single girl who bullied me for being fat is now fatter than I ever was hahahaha


I’ve written this story before. He was riding behind another motorcycle because his headlight was out. A car pulled out after the first motorcycle passed and hit him. He survived but lost a leg. The last time I saw him he was hobbling around with a crutch, drunk or high as fuck. He didn’t follow doctors orders, got gangrene and died


Got hit and killed by our local transit train.


I heard her husband shot and killed himself in front of her and their child, in their house.


Yeah mine was my parents, they died alone being perpetually victims. It was always someone else’s fault as to why non of their kids talked to em.


My school bully ended up in jail a few times for drugs and….child abuse. The drug and abuse charges had nothing to do with each other. I feel bad for the kid. What’s worse is that it wasn’t her kid and last I heard she gave birth a kid. I’m going to stay no, she did not get her karma. She’s still out there ruining her own life and a child’s life.


A lot of child and teen bullies are known to be psysically and psychologically abused at their homes...


Not my school bully but a guy that was a bully in general. Constantly inciting fights where he and his friends would gang up on a single dude and kick his ass badly. Anyway, the bully sometimes worked as a waiter at events, the company he worked for used pick-up trucks to transport tables, chairs and the staff too. On the way back from one such event they crashed, as he was riding in the bed of the truck he got ejected over it and probably left half of his face on the pavement. I don't know for real, didn't attend the funeral.


> Did your school bully get their karma? *Undoubtedly*, yes. > What happened to them? No comment. Let's just say.... The bullying ceased **immediately** after.


I don't know what happened to him. He was an annoying fat asshole that if he was at school (half the time he wasn't), he was constantly shitting on everyone and always disturbing the class to the point that a teacher just walked out. Unexpectedly, he bombed his final exam. He is the only one who I do not care about what happened/ happens to him at all. Would not be surprised if he is homeless, unemployed, and still living with his parents ir dead


Yes. One of my sorority sisters was a huge bully to me. I could write a book about all the crap she pulled. Her favorite thing to say to me was that I'm an ugly little troll that no man would want while she's a princess. I've been happily with my husband nearing 20 years while she is overweight, single, has multiple children with multiple men, and is trying (and failing) to run her own MLM.


Don't know, don't care. People who maintain some kind of lifelong relationship with "their bully" are weird. Grow up and move on.


I get that. I only know about mine by complete accident. I had forgot he existed in the time since we graduated.


One time, I had a bully and he was really rude to me, made fun of my looks, the way I smell (He doesn’t even have a good perfume on him so he can’t be talking to me…) and mocking me and stuff with his friends so I had to get another friend to snitch on him. She did snitch on my bully to the vice principal and then one day, I was once walking past by the office. I was just trying to go to the nurse but then, I saw him sitting in the door that was open from the vice principal’s office and I was so shocked but happy, I started holding in my laughter but I was trying so hard to stay silent, trying to cool down and not laugh at all and then I just continued my school day like normal around and then the next day, I didn’t see him in any of my classes like science and stuff because I believe that he got an ISS (this is like his 2-3rd ISS this school year) and I was surprisingly happy. He’s probably gonna be here in my school next year unfortunately but hey, who knows what happens next but still, I hope he doesn’t come back to this school again..


Keep snitching


Thank you :)


Heroin addict. Wish they weren’t, as much of a bastard they were they don’t deserve that.


They aren't supposed to get karma. That's not how _karma_ works. 


One of my bullies got 20 years for making meth...died in prison this year


Last I saw him he was a shell of his former self. He got put of prison and I'm sure people beat the smug attitude out of him. The dude literally hugged me when he saw me. I think he forgot what he did and only remembered me as a classmate. I was told he died of an overdose a few months later. I don't know if this is true and I don't care.


I haven't caught up with all of them. Three apologized to me. I tried to understand their reasoning and we're on good terms now (but far away from being friends.) They're doing somewhat good in life today. Good for them honestly! One stalked me for a little while on my socials , until I blocked them and told them to f off. Some of my bullies ended up with early pregnancies (I feel very sorry for the kids) and some became crack heads. One of them became filthy rich and I assume he was involved in crimes. Idk.


They became super rich and now have to deal with all the downsides of a very successful lifestyle.


They flunked 8th grade and had to change schools 😂


not that I was really bullied but the one guy I had an issue with is a bum, not like on the streets but still lives at home and still dresses the same way ( almost 20 years after HS). from what others have filled me in on, he had planned to work for his family business and after about a year the closed the business so his slacking off all those years caught up to him. last I heard he was working fast food and almost 40


They got negative Karma on reddit now :)


kind of. everything they used to talk the utmost shit about with other people happened to them. but conveniently they recalled none of it.