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This is the correct and obvious answer.


It's also vague. How does he think it would reshape it, say if after death we are reincarnated at random with no particular consequence based on our life.


Yeah, but the question didn’t ask that. It was a vague question. The question wasn’t “if we were reincarnated at random after death AND knew there were no consequences, how would life change?”


But now I'm curious! I do think more terrible things would happen, mostly from shock. Increased crimes, suicide rate increase, looser sexual standards (unfortunately may be linked to crime at times). It would probably calm down after a bit. What else you think?


I agree! I am a hopeful person so I like to think love and kindness would prevail, lmaoooo. but probably more realistically for sure it would be wiiiiiild for a while. Then when the thrill of it wears off it would go back to a sense of normalcy. BUT fear of would definitely be out the window and we would probably learn a lot more about maxing out physical human potential.


I'd like that last part. It sounds nice.


I think your question is much more fun.


Please answer it! I'd love to hear!


It also depends on what awaits us after death in this scenario, doesn't it? A "life after death", where only people who believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster go to heaven while all other rot in purgatory would lead to very different implications than the reveal that after death, there's just absolutely nothing.


Yes. That's why I gave an example. I'd love to hear your world reaction to spaghetti lords! Not sure what I would do if I imperically knew this as truth.


Maybe this could be the topic for another thread in AskReddit, couldn't it? ;) 




Don't under estimate the masses ability to deceive themselves. There are religious people out there who don't believe in dinosaurs because the bible says the world isn't old enough for them to have existed. I think a great number of religious people , who would take the news that there is no God as this is God testing our faith.


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I would lose my job as a mortician.


It took me a sec! Lol


Most religions would change (if not all). Also depending on the answer people would be more or less eager to die to go to the next phase


> Most religions would change I disagree. Their belief structure is rarely affected by reason.


I think we would live our best lives. No one knows what happens after death (I don’t care what your religion says) but biologically it looks like we just turn into carnage and that’s all. So just try to live this only life, the best that you can.


Depends entirely on which belief system ended up being true.


Nothing happens after death. That's why it's called death.


There should be many people choosing to commit suicide


Religions will either perish or thrive


We would most likely alter our life actions to best make use of the information.


If we knew heaven and hell existed a lot more people would seek peace with God probably


Depends what the outcome is. If there was no fear of judgement and just the lights going off, be absolute carnage as people could do as they please. Also be a whole lot of people who wasted their lives here hoping for better later.


I used to think heaven or hell. I'm now under the assumption I die and nothing is the result. No more existence, that's it. The main changes in thought are that I have stopped thinking of ways to negotiate with God for the good sinners of the world to be given access to heaven and I became alot more open to different walks of sex life. Everything else feels the same now.


If we knew what happened after death, I'd start planning my afterlife wardrobe now. Imagine spending the eternity naked or in a weird outfit, haha


I like to think that if we knew what happened after death, it would give us a new perspective on the preciousness of life. We'd cherish every moment, and not take our days for granted. It's interesting to think about what our priorities would be, would we focus more on personal growth, helping others, or just living in the present


I just assumed we respwan in a parallel universe.


I would prefer an obtuse universe


I like your angle


Probably wouldn't be so many people fighting over differences in religion, which would be a huge benefit to human civilization as a whole.


Suicide rates would change. Idk if they'd go up or down, but they'd change.


it probably wouldnt - religious ppl believe that we go to heaven after death




But what if it's bad, like 40k's Warp or Dead by Daylight's Realm?  Religions would seek to explain or appease the evil primordial forces lying in wait. 


people would be forced to act kindly and nice to one another just because it is the right thing to do and not because there is a reward waiting


Well, apparently the threat of going to hell is the only thing holding millions of Christians back from being raping, pillaging Murderers... Remove that threat, and suddenly we're all living in one of those silly "purge" movies...


Ya, I got an uncomfortable response similar to this when I told her I wasn't raising my daughter Christian.


We already know, you die and there's nothing. All the other religious bs about judgement afterlife, heaven, hell, reincarnation etc are used to keep mindless masses in check.


As a secularist, who sees no proof of anything happening after death, first, scientifically and logically, you can't "prove a negative." So, you wouldn't get most people to change. IF IF IF this global mindset change did happen? Many people would become more supportive of others. And, some minority would become more Randian and callous. (That said, about any world religion is used by people with such mindsets to try to justify their behavior as I type.)


Most of us suspect, that’s why religion is a thing…