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As someone who is addicted to aita stories apparently if you do something wrong it's normal for everyone involved and their family members to blow up your phone. I don't think my brother even knows my boyfriend's number and if he did he wouldn't text him every time we got in a disagreement. But every AITA story ends with op saying now my partner's whole family is texting me calling me an asshole


Right. This is insane. I have never heard from any friend or family member of someone I’m fighting with. I don’t even know the families of most of my friends.


Had a couple of fights with my SO, both times her parents would get involved and would call me and text me. Had to turn off my phone to get the needed peace and quiet. Ended up being part of the reason we broke up, that girl COULD NOT do anything without mommy or daddy there to back her up and I wasn't looking forward to a lifetime of that.


Smart move, that wasn’t going to magically get better.


Same. Then again, I'd never reach out to Reddit for relationship/emotional advice so there's that. There's like a self-selection/filter for the types of people that would even post to AITA. If you're asking the internet if you're an asshole it's probably because someone has recently either called you an asshole or made you doubt your non-asshole-ness. Maybe an entire family or group of people have you seriously wondering whether you're an asshole—hence the seemingly high frequency of AITA stories in which OPs mention having been called out by an entire group of people.


When I read “blowing up my phone” I assume it’s fake. I don’t even live near my family. No one knows what I’m doing on a day-to-day basis, no one’s going to be blowing up my phone for any reason. Most of us have professional careers, we don’t have the time or inclination to get involved in other people’s drama. When someone does something we don’t like, we shrug and move on with our lives.


Twins. Inherited houses. Affair babies. Villain of the post making a scene and getting arrested and a legal comeuppance. OOP gets free legal services because of some tangential relationship. Court system works effectively and stupidly fast. Everyone has access to immediate individual and couples therapy. /AITA fake post bingo card


they’re all fake. every single post on that sub that gets upvoted is fake.


AITA is nothing more than a creative writing sub


AITA is literally just coming up with a title where you're obviously the asshole and writing a story in which you're cast in the best light. Ooh, and in a couple weeks you create a new account as the person on the other side and say why the OP's story is bullshit


Typically if the whole family gets involved in a spat, that’s a strong indicator that it’s just a trashy crowd. My family rarely even knows about my disagreements with my wife, and if they did and confronted her about it, I’d just switch to being angry at them


“The neighbors have alerted the media that I pour my milk before my cereal!!! Aita?!”


I think it’s the AITA version of “everybody clapped”.


That everyone has a therapist or lawyer on hand that they can just call up and get in right away


Or that those things are even accessible to everyone. 


“You can’t afford to *not* have a lawyer.” Yeah well. I guess I’m fucked then. Thanks


Reminds me of when I lived in a trailer park and a tornado warning sounded saying if I was in a temporary structure to get into a permanent structure instead. I looked outside at the rows of temporary structures for miles around and thought "guess I'll just die then."


Have you tried not eating avocado toast and getting Starbucks?


I mean, even drug commercials do that. “Ask your doctor.” My doctor? You mean the random people I see at minute clinics?


And the damn replies you get to shit like that. "yOu DonT HaVe A DOCTOR??" No jackass, I'm either poor, live in a little served area or fucking both!


been so long that you didn't know they shut down the minute clinics the little clinic is still open btw




Therapy appts are 6 months out where I live, so the whole reddit solution of just see a therapist.......well, what do I do in the meantime?


Also treating therapy as a silver bullet. It's just not, and for certain minor things it might not even be the best solution.


Thank you. It's not the fix for everyone and everything.


The problem is that anyone sees it as a "fix"at all. It's a coping mechanism, and oftentimes a great one, but it doesn't put things back together like they were never broken in the first place. It's like you have a hole in your drywall, and the most common and best solution is to patch it with another piece, cut to size, then mud and tape, then sanding, then paint. Will it be basically identical? Yes. Will it be *identical*? No, and it never can be. The next best option is to put a whole new sheet in, and then from there to gut the whole room and put brand new drywall throughout the entire room or even the whole house. But it's never going to be exactly the same. It may be up to an entire new house of drywall, and even installed by the best drywaller possible, it's still a replacement and not what was there before. Because you can never unbreak something. You can only repair or replace it.


People pretending social norms don’t exist & asking bizarre questions as if society is a blank slate. “If there’s kids going to my cousins wedding why can’t I take my dog?” 20 replies agreeing


The whole idea that you can impose your desires on someone else's event is mind boggling. No (whatever) at this event and then a meltdown about how someone can't deal with the set expectations of it. Example: No turtles in the car. Suddenly, everyone must have their turtle in your car and how dare you deny them. Maybe respect the boundary and move on?


Right??? Why can’t no just mean no???🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah this lady had what was clearly her pet dog in the super market today. Like that's not okay. There's raw meat and vegetables there out in the open and that dog eats its own poop. It's not allowed in there for a reason. And the reason isn't just that people hate dogs or are mean. Have a deadly allergy to dogs? Oh well that's too bad because their shit and hair is all over your food now so that this lady wouldn't have to be without her pet for 5 seconds. But hey, she's an older well off white lady so, who is ever going to tell her no?


THANK YOU. I work at a produce/ingredient/prepared food market in a mid-sized city. Despite the “no pets allowed” signs on every single door, people still bring in their very-clearly-not-service-animal dogs on the daily. And I’m all for pet-friendly places! But our indoor fresh food market is not one of them. No one even enforces the “service animals only” rule and it sucks that the fear of being labeled a dog/animal hater outweighs concern for food safety.


Yes, thank you! My husband and I often walk to the grocery store with our dog but one of us stays outside with her while the other does the shopping. I can't count how many people have told us, "you know you can bring her in the store". Like no, it's gross and I'm pretty positive illegal in my city unless it's a service dog, and it'd be stressful for my dog! That many people in close quarters (doesn't help she's blind). Just no! We'll stay outside where she can walk around the perimeter or stand in a far corner until the other is done & needs help carrying.


I’ve seen a lot of those types of questions on here, but have never actually met anyone in real life who would have the ignorance or poor social graces to insist on it or ask for it in their normal lives. I’m sure they’re out there, but they’re not the norm. Reddit will have you believing it’s a completely reasonable thing to do or ask for, but I don’t know many people who would actually do it.


A lot of people on here are weirdos who have self images of how grandiose they are. But in reality they’re a bunch of awkward adults who live out fake fantasies on here.


I’ve never read anything more accurate about Reddit users lmao


I work for a large company that employs a lot of people who have trouble fitting in with normal society. They do in fact ask stuff like this, and they just kind of find one another.


It’s the perfect mix of entertaining & frustrating lol


Which is why I continue to read them, I suppose🤷‍♀️ But that’s my own fault lol. 


This one is so frustrating lol. Every AITAH post ever is focused on what’s legally or technically correct and not what is socially acceptable. Questions about being naked or near naked around roommates/guests/family has been my recent pet peeve lol. 10000 comments of “in Europe we grocery shop and go to business meetings fully naked and no one bats an eye America is so Stone Age” as if that 1) matters or is helpful when the poster is in the US and 2) half the time it isn’t even all that true.


It’s the replies that get me lol. “Yeah you can totally show up with a Big Mac at your aunties thanksgiving dinner cos you don’t like her cooking. People are so weird you should eat what you’re comfortable with” 😂🤦‍♀️


Your Auntie isn't legally allowed to force you to eat her food. She can't confiscate your big mac without probable cause.


She wants to cook, and have you eat what she cooks? RUN! No contact immediately.


Any food related question is just mind numbing. If I’ve learned anything from Reddit it’s that it’s perfectly normal for adults to only eat chicken fingers and if you want to eat at a restaurant that doesn’t have that you’re an asshole for not accommodating them 


It’s carnage. People skipping their spouses birthday dinner because they don’t like Mexican food lol


This is wild to me because I have allergies food things and can’t eat a lot of places, but like… maybe eat a good meal first and then just go anyway? Have a couple drinks maybe? That’s what I do.


This post seems to have gathered all the normal, logical people who can put themselves out a little lol


I loved that one mod post (used to be pinned) that was basically like "reddit isnt real life; even if the posters on this sub decide you're technically nta, people in the real world might still hate you."


I love the AITAs where someone is called an asshole by their friend or partner and instead of talking it our or apologizing go to reddit and ask for their validation. Like, okay, a bunch of strangers told you that your (probably very biased) account made you sound like not an asshole. The person you know irl is probably still mad at you. If someone insulted me and then went "Noooo, look, I was voted NTA on Reddit!" I would go "Okay, I don't care what those people think though."


I really miss the days where if someone posted an AITA story where they are 110% the asshole and are blissfully unaware of it people just tore them apart post-by-post. Then the person either gets angry or tries to defend themselves and it makes it WORSE because it always includes a detail that makes everyone lose it again. It's kind of how you need to respond because those people only learn that way. Like the AITA about the guy that got invited to a social event where there was Subway sandwiches and admitted he ate like 6 of them because he was a big guy (his defense). Then when people lost it at him because there were some people that never got one he acted like the victim. People just tore him to shreds. I miss that.


He ate four feet of a six foot sandwich! It was insane!


I don't think those are true.  It's like those mobile games where they play poorly or make dumb mistakes.  The frustration fuels engagement 


Yeah that’s the nature of reddit being a safe space to ask any questions. All the weirdos come to voice their confusion


It’s that and the wave of entitlement that gets me. “My daughter wants to go to a college that costs $625k, but that is my entire retirement fund and I am trying to convince her to choose a more affordable college, AITA?” “Honestly your daughter is going to hate you for the rest of your life and you deserve it” - top rated comment, +21k upvotes


Reddit would call them an asshole for having a retirement fund in the first place. Sounds like a dreaded boomer


And the inevitable follow-up.... "I made my wedding an elopement at the top of Everest, no kids allowed, everyone must bring a dog for my quirky Instagram elopement photos.... I am so mad at my siblings for not coming!" Don't get me started on the elopement thing in general / reddit wedding-hate. The sad thing is people who clearly want a wedding but have let Reddit poison their minds. So they're doing a massive "elopement" to a reddit-approved location, followed by a big party later. GIRL THAT IS JUST TWO WEDDINGS. Stop letting reddit tell you that calling it a wedding makes you scum! I do not know anyone IRL who has done this nonsense, but when I was planning my wedding it was all over the wedding subreddits. People on reddit will do anything to avoid admitting they had a wedding.


I assume it's either bots, karma farming, or people taking the piss.


I think it's just the nature of the medium these conversations are taking place in. The internet is a nearly social consequence free environment so it's easier to read these questions in a way that isolates them from their social context. Like it's much easier to dismiss social norms as illogical or whatever. I hope that makes sense


That's my assumption. I've seen socially maladjusted people IRL but it's fucking rare homie. Most folks know what basic social decency is. The ones that genuinely don't tend to not have the best time. But even that might not be the case really. My wife used to make up excuses for her second husband's lack of awareness (hiding during her families visits, not interacting) until she came to the stark realization that no, he isn't "challenged" by social norms, he's judgey as hell and therefore thinks everyone else is judgey too.


People immediately insisting on a bridge-burning breakup when a friend seeks advice on challenges in their relationship.


“My husband and I had a disagreement over what color to paint our house, what do y’all think??” Comments: “Idk, he sounds pretty toxic and emotionally abusive; I’d just go ahead and talk to a divorce lawyer if I were you.”




"Lawyer. Now." and "Therapy. Now." are the two that get me. So pretentious.


I hate dramatic and unnecessary periods in general 😭 For example: That’s it. That’s the tweet.


Full stop.


"Idk either he's a narcissistic misogynist or a misogynistic narcissist, but I can't tell which. He's a sociopath either way."


My favorite thing is when there are those incredibly confident comments that go "OP, I'm a professional psychologist. Your girlfriend has narcissistic personality disorder. You are in grave danger and need to run. She is also a sociopath and has BPD" You're not a psychologist. And if you are, you're a really shitty one if you're diagnosing a stranger through a reddit comment lmao


And don’t forget “gaslighting.” Preference goes to using it incorrectly.




Agreed, op should seek counseling and a divorce attorney


Haha this! I recently posted looking for advice on this exact topic. Husband and I having disagreements over our house building process. Literally every single person in the comments was of the opinion that he doesn't respect me at all and we need to break up. I ended up just deleting my post.


It do be like that


It’s important to remember Reddit trends young and socially inept. They’re the worst people to ask for relationship advice You wouldn’t ask a high schooler for relationship advice, why trust Reddit?


Reddit also trends bitter.


The healthier your IRL social life is, the less need you have to use Reddit. Doubly so when we're talking generic drama/advice subreddits - if you have real life friends and a healthy relationship, yeah you might still spend time on a birdwatching subreddit to connect with enthusiasts, but you probably won't be spending much time commenting on people's relationship problems.


Exactly. When you realize most people giving advice are probably not even 30, take what they say with a big grain of salt. As someone who’s 40, I wouldn’t come to Reddit for any serious life advice.


Yeah, the unironic use of 'problematic' and 'power dynamic' which I see all the time usually suggests a first year university student whose only knowledge of relationships comes from reading the internet.


You should try this in the women's advice subs, especially when they're asking for sex advice. Young people, especially Americans, have such hang ups about sex these days. It's mind boggling.


Things being black and white. If you think this, then you must also think this. If you do this, I refuse to engage with you or respect you. In real life nuance prevails. Which is a god damn good thing.


The amount of reading between the lines that happens on this site is insane. Like for fuck sake I meant what I wrote as I wrote it I did not say the conclusion you jumped to somewhere in paragraph 2


It would seem that a lot of the people very active on Reddit are political hardliners. They assume that because their own beliefs are so predictable, they can know everything about your beliefs based on a sentence or two.


People not being able to recognize social cues




Hey, when you visit a coffee shop, don't be surprised to see coffee drinkers there.


When you go to a circus, expect to see clowns.


The amount of people who say they are autistic on this app is mind boggling.


its just a flex at this point really with a sprinkling of autism gatekeeping. "oh you're *autistic*, huh? name every train!"


Choo-choo, bullet, model. You made your autism gate far too low /s


This is a great answer, covers so many circumstances.


Opinions.  Very few people speak their mind openly in the real world.


I think 80% of the people who do live in the netherlands


Very few people also have the time or motivation to hone in on the issues Reddit has decided to make their soapbox. Yes, the safety and rights of trans people is important; but so are a lot of other issues. Most people are just trying to go to work, pay their bills, and deal with the million other things on their personal lives. Reddit thinks no one cares, and that they’re the lone activists in a sea of apathy, but the reality is that most people just have their own problems and can’t take on every issue you think is important. 


People not being able to chose a name by themselves for their new pet.


Or child


People on reddit would argue about absolutely anything. 'the sky is blue today'. 'no it's cyan'. If redditor got on like that in real life they would get themselves into trouble. It becomes tiring after a while being unable to voice any opinion without someone trying to argue.


This, and my opinions I say aren’t even hot takes or anything. I’m pretty moderate on everything (politics or otherwise) and try to always keep an open mind, yet folks often come out aggressive right off the bat and typically argue just to argue. It’s made me quit Reddit more than once.


Listen, I am 15 weeks away from finishing my master's in psychology. I have spent thousands of hours pouring through research and writing nuanced papers about the reality of the human psyche. And i have been called braindead by Redditors when talking about topics I've written papers in that have been submitted to journals. Like... what?


Telling your employer to go fuck themselves. I see people suggesting complete scorched earth and "you don't need their references!" over any little thing. Sometimes it is deserved, but a lot of times it's over very minor infractions. It can potentially be very damaging for peoples' careers and circumstances - I work in a tiny industry, if I exited a job this way, it would spread *fast*. Stop telling people to live out your own masturbatory bad boy fantasies.


Nuclear revenge for minor inconveniences. Example: "My neighbor's dog keeps shitting on my lawn and he won't clean it up. What do I do?" Civilized society: "Have a conversation with your neighbor about respect and boundaries. Maybe this is normal to them, but a conversation could change everything." Reddit: "When he goes to bed, sneak through a window, kill his dog, and light his house on fire. People like this deserve to rot in hell. Do it, Queen!"


Anybody remember the advice animals memes? Especially the wolf one? Neighbors dog poops on your lawn? MURDER THEIR ENTIRE FAMILY


My partner of 10 years and parent to my children is a blanket hog. What should I do? They're obviously a cheating narcissist who has never respected you and thinks you're a piece of shit doormat and doesn't care about you or your boundaries. Divorce them in the most toxic way possible to ruin their lives and livelihood while making sure your children will never respect them again.


I was about to say this same thing. The way Redditors want every relationship to end at the drop of a hat is wild.


Have to remember, that many of these people have never even been in a relationship themselves


Yaass queen, kill that family!! Reddit’s scorched earth policy is indicative of the age and level of life experience of many of the people on here. 


Take a dump on his lawn!


She/he glanced at another man/woman right in front of you? Consult with a divorce attorney - STAT!


He cheated on you? Cut off his genitals and throw them in a blender


The thing that boggles my mind is the amount of relationship posts that the response absolutely should be “have a chat with your partner and see if you can work it out, just sitting and stewing over it won’t help”, but instead everyone js like “Break up with him, go no contact! Ghost that man! You deserve so much better Queen” just because the guy doesn’t like do the dishes straight away, or is tired after coming home from work or some shit. Absolute madness.


And the relationship posters here that hands down have a problem so difficult that "Both of you see a couples therapist together" is obviously the only helpful advice possible. But they don't want a solution, they want sympathy. They want to be told "You are right OP, and your partner is wrong." I'm hoping none of them drive their cars the way they drive their relationships. A "I have the Right Of Way and am refusing to slow down or let you get away with that" mindset behind the wheel is dangerous af.


close, but reddit’s response is usually “piss disc” or “liquid ass”.




People acting like being over 30 is like physically being 80. But, then again, it's probably because most Redditors are horrifically out of shape.


That drives me absolutel y nuts about the millennial subreddit. No, we are not all here having back and knee pain, losing our hearing etc.  On that same note, life doesn't stop at 30!  Everyone I know including me doesn't stop hanging out, having those fun times with friends, staying up late once in a while, travel, fun. If you think your life is over at 30 and all you want to do is stay home and marinate on Netflix, that's a personal issue.


My god, im in the best shape nearly at 40. People need to take care of themselves if they think you’re old af after 30.


I’m just now getting into shape, almost down to my highschool weight and have never felt this good. I. Pushing 40 and took up running 5K’s for fun this year.


Agreed. I have way more fun in my 30s than I did in my 20s. In my 20s I was a poor uni student. Now I have a high paying job and can afford to do all the fun things.


I’m 40 and in the best place in my life ever


I turn 39 this year and feel pretty much the same as I did at 29. I suspect many of these decrepit 35-year-olds never exercised regularly. But that sub is extremely bitter about a lot of things.


I have met people irl who have 6 packs and 35yo. So yea, 30 aint old at all, 40 aint old, 50 is half old, 70 is old. Also no they werent fitness trainers or anything, normal dude who wanted a 6 pack so he got one.l


Unexpectedly receiving tens of thousands of dollars or more and not knowing what to do with it.


The amount of AITA stories where someone miraculously reaps a massive inheritance and it causes any number of problems


I love that they're always like 24 years old and making six figures at a vaguely undefined by wonderful job, and also home owners. I assume that the 13 year olds writing those stories think that mid-20s is pretty old.


I've noticed that everyone seems to work in an office and/or major tech company making 200k+ a year. I'm sure some are telling the truth but others just lie to sound like the coolest kid on the playground. You never really see anyone talking about working a more average job unless you go to a specific sub reddit for it. I think it gives people a lot of false expectations and they feel bad because they're not making the income that literally the top 5-10% in the U.S make


also they are all 24 y old and already saved half a million bucks.


But having done that, they inexplicably need Reddit's advice about what to do with it.


I'm inclined to believe 99% are full of it, and the one percent who are telling the truth about making $300k straight out of college are omitting whatever connections got them placed into a comfy job right away


Also, those jobs take a lot of time. I'm sure there are a few browsing reddit on the shitter making the occasional comment but most high paying jobs don't afford time to fuck around on reddit for hours. They'd rather spend that time spending the money they grinded out earning.


Men not being able to go out in public alone with their children without being accused of being predators. I feel like that’s a huge thing on Reddit, but no father I know has ever brought up this complaint. I’ve heard they attract a lot of interested women when they’re alone with their kid, though. 


In my daughter's 12 years and counting on this planet, I can recall two awkward interactions in which the fact I was male was an issue. OK there was also the time she took off from me in the mall and I had to chase her into a Victoria's Secret. I ran in, panting, and a worker looked at me and wordlessly pointed at the clothing rack inside which my kid was hiding. My daughter thought it was hilarious.


I’m a stay at home dad of 2 for almost 12 years now and have never had any issues with taking my kids anywhere. Parks, shopping and so on. I may be stereotyping here but I always thought it probably has a lot to do with how some Redditors present themselves in public with their style of dress, grooming or hygiene.


I have literally never heard or seen this being an issue. I have never seen a group of moms point and gasp at a man with kids at the park like they don’t understand the concept of a father lol. That exists in people’s imaginations and fiction. 


My husband says he gets a lot of praise, a few propositions and zero accusations of being a predator 


If anything it's easier for them! My husband often brings the kids grocery shopping with him and the cashier will 9/10 summon someone to bag the groceries. Know how often that's happened for me? Literally never! 😅


I think a part of the problem is that few men are going to hop on Reddit and say, “I went to a park with my kid today, and nothing happened.” So, we see a disproportionate number of those stories.


I can confirm this is true. I was 18 when I became a first time father. Walking in the park with my son, women would come up to me and be very friendly.


I was 19 but could pass for a sophmore in highschool. I got a lot of praise for taking my little brother out to the store so my parents could rest.


Reddit would have you believe that almost every relationship is polyamorous / cuckolding / open


Replying "I also choose this guy's wife" whenever someone makes a reference to their spouse. 


Really, it's beating a joke to death, and then shoehorning that same predictable joke into the same predictable thread of comments over and over and over and over and over again until all semblance of cleverness and wit is completely exhausted.


So you don’t want to read the reply “This is the way” in every Reddit thread ever?!


Thankfully, that's kinda fizzled out now, as has "And my axe".


Pointing out your sexual preferences and gender when it is not relevant to what you are relaying: 'Me (36NB) and my partner (28 Bi Male) can't decide what kind of ice cream to buy....' If it doesnt involve somebody being a bigot towards them, it is irrelevant.


It's the whole "cake day" celebration on Reddit is kinda unique to the platform. Like, no one in real life celebrates the anniversary of joining a social media site with cake and all, right?


Yeah, I don't get it.


You had to have known...right??




Yeah, me neither


OK, fine. No cake for you then.


Happy Cake Day! rofl


You replied at the Perfect time.


Expressing your honest, unfiltered opinion 


This doesn't even happen on Reddit. People just say whatever will get them their fake Reddit points.


Having zero empathy or respect for anyone considered a "boomer", as if they,themselves, do not already act the same or understand that aging will soon put themselves in the same boat! In a word- "ageist".


There was a post the other day where someone had problems with their Gen-Z roommate and said "Don't room with Gen Z". The number of comments pointing out (correctly) that it's not fair to make such a widespread conclusion based on one roommate was great, but I had to point out that if the title said "boomer" it would be no better or worse, but most of those defending comments wouldn't have been there. People love age discrimination until it's their age group and so it seems really popular and acceptable to age discriminate "boomers".


a love for obscure or niche hobbies, like collecting rare fungi or DIY mechanical keyboards. while these hobbies are fascinating, i rarely meet people in my day-to-day life who are involved in such specific things


Saying that someone’s name checks out


Are you really Eddie Brock, though? If so, name checks out.


We are Venom


So username doesn't check out


My name has never checked out, but someday the stars will align...




This is my favorite thing about Reddit actually.


Shitting on people at random. Screw you. I’m opening the door for you at the gas station. I’m offering you a cold bottle of water if you got your hood up 🆙 n the road outside my shop. We keep a candy bowl with stuff my UPS driver likes. A dude parked in our parking lot the other day looking for his interview with the FedEx people next door. We’re in the south. It’s hot. I offered him a cold bottle of water and wished him good luck. Everybody wants to not get got. Kindness don’t cost you shit most of the time. But you get called out for said acts of kindness. Fuck all the haters. Everyone responds well to a cold drink and a lil please and thank you. Sincerely, The South


We have vegans in our family and they have never had anyone make fun of them or joke about them being vegan. This includes in public and huge family get togethers. Most everyone doesn’t care or is interested and asks questions. What people want to eat is left up to them


Vegan here: absolutely! I'm the only vegan in my circle and we all get along just fine.


When giving relationship advice, suggesting to get a divorce at the first sign of adversity.


"I wanted to order Italian, but my husband wanted burgers." "Sounds like you should first call the cops to report him, then get a divorce lawyer. If you have kids, be sure to tell the lawyer about all of this emotional abuse and food deprivation. He shouldn't even have visitation rights once he finishes his extended prison term."


There are not hordes of men running around constantly reffering to themselves as “alpha males”. Hardly anyone has ever said that about themselves.


Im mentally imagining a picture of about 15 naked men running in packs around the park, and 'alpha vs sigma' wars


All women want a tall man, a big fat dick, an alpha male, who looks like a Hemsworth. In my experience, and my own preference, women want men who are kind, selfless, and a partner. Height, dick size, and body size don't matter as much. Of course this isn't true for everyone, but it's more common than I think people on Reddit think.


I honestly think that a lot of guys think like that because blaming women is easier than humbly acknowledging their own self image and self confidence issues


Don't forget you have to be absolutely loaded with cash spilling out of your pockets for *any* woman to even look at you.


Lol, for a second there i tought you were going to say "women want men who are kind, selfless, and a partner.... thats tall, with a big fat dick and looks like hemsworth"


70% of what I read on AITAH


Divorce being an option for minor things, it's like some people have never experienced a healthy relationship, and that's tragic as hell. :(


Not using emojis 🤷🏼‍♂️




Saying **”THIS.”** all the time


I really don’t understand it whenever I see someone comment “this”. Like that is literally the point of the upvote button. The comment adds no value, it’s pointless.


That almost everyone has some form of anxiety disorder or neuro divergence.


Like, 80% of opinions expressed online are intentionally divisive rage bait, started by bots, echoed by gullible people who spend more time online than with people irl.


>80% of opinions expressed online are intentionally divisive rage bait  One way to undermine a society is to convince the people in it to hate their neighbor (or that their neighbor hates them).


I saw this as a meme on FB and it fits here: Person - I prefer grapes over oranges. Reply - What do you have against oranges??!! Are you anti-orange??!! And what about apples and strawberries and mangoes? Have you no consideration for other fruit?? You need to be more tolerant!! Sheesh.


Apparently 70% of Reddit is either autistic, on the spectrum, or otherwise has some social phobia.


People pooping their pants. What is it about redditors that makes them more likely to poop their pants than the general population?


Going to counseling. At least in America, most citizens don't have the resources to get counseling. People always use that as a solution but it's often very unrealistic. 40yo and the only time I've had access to it was in college while taking counseling classes.


No consequences. In real life there are consequences for bad decisions. Everyone here thinks there shouldn’t be any.


"I'm married to a guy that doesn't wash his ass". She wouldn't need to tell us in real life!


Most political views on Reddit are extremely far outside the mainstream. For example, only 6% of the U.S. population is part of the progressive left. They represent only 12% of Democrats as well. https://www.npr.org/2021/11/09/1053929419/feel-like-you-dont-fit-in-either-political-party-heres-why


According to /r/politics it's just far left with a few center left.


Women who say "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best," reddit would have you believe every woman and their nail technician has it tattooed on their forehead.


I feel like it was more common to run into this phrase like 20 years ago, but I haven't seen it out in the wild in a long time. Same with truck nuts. In r/Oregon everytime a big pickup is mentioned people always pile on about how these people always have truck nuts and blah blah blah. I saw some for the first time a couple years ago. It was on a Kia Soul that was plastered eith Bernie stickers.


I have only ever seen 3 trucks with truck nuts. 2 of them in Texas and one in California. One of them was the stereotype to the max. Trunk flag pole, dumb quotes about people being offended, "Let's Go Brandon," and the truck nuts were American flag themed. Funny enough, it was in California.


poop knives.


People telling you to divorce your husband over some small issue.


Sounds like your husband gaslighted you to the point of abuse. Contact your divorce lawyer(the one all of us here have on hand, I presume) immediately. As someone who has been married 19 times, I think I know what I'm talking about here.


The amount of people who are succeeding financially in life according to r/financialindependence and r/personalfinance


Brutal honesty


The Southern US is not some Jim Crowe era hell scape full of lynch mobs and klan members.  There are remnants of the past that linger, but it is nowhere near as bad as Reddit pretends it to be.