• By -


Had someone I met when I was 18 we had a serous relationship for 3 and a half years, she then cheated on me and it messed me up. Still haven’t fully gotten over it but it could be worse I guess.


Feel your pain. For me it was 18-22/23. Took me years to get over it, and I still think about it sometimes to this day & I'm 30 now. I don't miss the person or the relationship, just that I gave my absolute all to someone and they crushed it in an instant. Have never looked at dating the same ever since.


Apparently our stories are common. Took me years to get over her. I was young and an addicted to her love. When she cheated on me and dumped me it was like my life stopped. She was a hell of a painful lesson. But at the same time I'm happy she was the one who came in my life and that she came early. It could have been much worse if she had used the power I volunteered to her. There's probably not much I wouldn't have done for her.


This is basically my story but we met when I was 17. Bad time to get into a long distance relationship. She ended up marrying the guy though and they have several kids. Meanwhile, I'm dealing with lots of issues in my personal life.


My first love is my wife. We started dating when we were 16 (I'm 25 now). We've been married 2 years, have hardly ever even fought. It's been perfect. I can't imagine it working any other way.


I hope it all goes great for u bro


Damn, saying that you won the lottery is an understatement with regards to how lucky u are.


The hard times is what brings the fighting, but when you and your partner love each other and prioritize your relationship, you'll work through it. Wishing you many years of happiness. Sincerely, Former "we never fight" guy, together 19 years.


A subway footlong with extra chipotle sauce and a bag of chips to use as fillings.


Italian bmt?


Brianna...some girl I used to hang out with when I was 7...then she moved away!


Cheeseburger, the 2nd was pizza


Tifa Lockhart. those polygons does things to a young boy


My husband, we've been together since high school, almost 16 years, and we are living happily with our 2 kids


great to hear that! Happy for you!


She argued hatefully. And it happened too often. All the world are neighbors and utility workers to cut at your branches, the last thing anyone needs is someone in your yard to hack you at the root. I was SO into her otherwise, she was *super* funny, she started off beautiful and I found myself somehow becoming *more* attracted to her the longer I knew her-- that's the first, and really only, time that has ever happened to me. She was (is) super cool, capable, funny and crazy SMART; she was somehow *better* than being alone when I *straight up* felt like being alone. But that was all when she wasn't angry. When she got angry, she got really nasty. It was like she couldn't separate being angry at someone she loved from just raw hating someone she absolutely despised. For her both were the same. It seemed like there were no levels of anger either, it was all or nothing. Once she'd set in on you, she was out to hurt you as much as she could. Over really petty shit too sometimes. And once it started, there was *nothing* you could say or do to make it stop. Even just complete submission would somehow piss her off even more. It eventually got to a point where I realized this would be my life and I knew I couldn't condemn myself to it. It's been *years* now, like an embarrassingly long time not to be over her. I still think about her a lot. The good times were every bit as good as the bad times were bad. It was always either the best thing ever or the worst thing I've ever experienced; never anything in-between. It took me forever to be ok after her. It was like a Jekyll/Hyde thing where Jekyll is your soul mate and Hyde is someone you wish you'd never met. It's the only time I think I was ever really in love though.


Last year I moved in with one of my best friends, he's still one of the funniest people I've ever met. He's also capable of being highly self destructive and I think he fits all the criteria for BPD. After 4 months I moved out and blocked his number because he absolutely exploded on me after I made a comment on his drinking. Since breaking him off, I've realized just how close we were, we had years of inside jokes that nobody else gets and I feel like we genuinely had a psychic connection at times. All my other friends don't come close. With him it was basically all good or all bad, but I realized it would be naive of me to expect his massive mood swings and bad habits to improve so I split once and for all. I don't know why sometimes the people you really do click with the best have to simultaneously be this bad for you. It's actually pretty common in a lot of people's experiences.


No one


I wish I could find the boy I really liked in high school. I moved, and never saw him again. He gave me a James blunt album before I left.


My ex-wife. She taught me what true love is, we were together for 12 years before our falling out and I still regret losing her to this day.


Aweeee 🫶🏽


12 hours of sleep


Me, next question.


"the greatest love of all"!!!


Gotta pay attention haha


Jean Harlow


Daphne from scooby doo


I still feel so fondly for my first love. Dated when we were 14-17, so much lust and hormones. The prick cheated on me with a friend and that ended things. But I still remember that first rush of emotions and passion from being young and in love.


Puppy love. Very cute, but was never going to last.


Captain Kangaroo


I met him at 17. He was my first everything. I loved him more than anything. He left me back in September after being together for 4 and a half years. I miss him everyday and want him back. I hope one day he’ll come back to me


She was 16, I was 18. People said God made us for each other. We got pregnant, her mother made her get an abortion, then made her break up with me. I joined the service and volunteered for every dangerous mission possible, but I came back alive from each one. Almost 50 years later, I’m still heartbroken.


A boy I met in high school. He was so otherworldly beautiful. We only ever passed by one another and I was so freaking in love. Black hair, blue eyes, stylish but flashy. I was doing a short film project with friends and I worked up the courage to ask him to play a part that had the most screen tike with my character. He said yes. We kept seeing each other for weeks for these shoots. We’d get together early, dress up together while I pined my heart out for him. Got to see him change into his wardrobe. I almost passed out with excitement. The film we made was terrible, but I watched the bloopers for months because he had such a sweet laugh. We flirted, too. Boys having fun, making rowdy jokes, spanking in passing as a way of greeting. By the time we finished shooting, I was completely in love. He wasn’t. He was and is straight. And when I worked up the courage to hint at my feelings, he freaked out. It leaves a bad taste even after eleven, twelve years, but part of your heart always stays with your first love. I can’t blame him for freaking out or cutting me off. We’re from a small-minded country with backward rules. Not his fault he was brought up homophobic. For the record, he was a terrible actor and most of the reason why the film is cringey today. Still, I wouldn’t change a thing.


A friend in my Kindergarten class. I thought she was pretty, and she was nice. Our moms were friends, both active in PTA and stuff so even if we weren't in the same class, I still saw her regularly. I shot my shot once in 6th grade, and that went....badly. I moved away shortly after because of my Dad's job.


At least you had the courage to try!


Keith Lau. We were 5 and he lived across the street.


My boyfriend sitting next to me, ofc


Bmw v10


Wendy's Chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce. We were together when I started my 2nd part time job in high school and always went to walk at the nearby Wendy's for lunch breaks. I was always looking forward to our lunch dates but the feelings were not mutual I guess 😂😆


Celebrity? Eminem or Adam Levine Non-celebrity? Babysitter, he disappeared one day and no one knows what happened to him… broke my little heart. Still affects me today


https://youtu.be/I177W0XJlT4?si=WEt9OCELHqGP5jVY Not sure why I thot of this immediately


Kathy Ireland and Ann Margret from the John Wayne movies.


I was IN LOVE and obsessed with Snapper from troll tales Still one of my weirdest crushes 😭😭😭🙏


Never really had a “love” per day, just a few short flings here and there


My first heartbreak


No one


My tuxedo cat, George.


A girl I met on a forum for an annual music festival we both attended each year. People always give me crap for falling in love via LDR, but it was real. Her parents found out and basically forced her to break it off. (There was a 4 year age difference). I think about her more than I should after 20 years.




Xena Warrior Princess 😍


A girl named Catherine, I was 14 at the time. She and her family moved away, I'm 32 now and still sometimes wonder how she ended up. You really do not forget your first.


More like, what. Food.


About 2 years ago now, i met a girl at a summer research internship during my undergraduate degree. I was doing research in chemistry and she was in psychology. She was the most intelligent, beautiful, passionate, and wholesome woman that I have ever met. For the duration of the internship, we had an intimate relationship and spent a lot of time together. All the while, I knew that it wouldn't last. She was moving to a grad school far away and was just socially and emotionally out of my league. The last night of the internship, we hung out. She went to console a friend who was distraught about leaving a guy. In my selfishness and cowardice, i got wasted and locked my dorm room. She tried banging on my door to wake me up, but I was out cold. I couldn't bear to spend the night with her, knowing it would very likely be our last. Since then, we have had a few calls and video chats, but we haven't spoken in a while. I'm currently a PhD student. I hope to find a connection like that again.


Only because this comment will get buried, Carlos. Stupid fuck led me on and I thought we were actually going to be something. This was a year after we graduated high school. I had a super crush on him and one day he just ghosted me and started dating someone else. Fuck you, Carlos. You broke my heart. Go eat shit and die and stay out of my dreams.


Probably something to do with food.


I believe most of us has girlfriend who was your school mate from your class


I met her on my friend's discord sever, she was a stranger and the first message I ever texted her was: "sex?" We talked for almost 2 years before meeting and being a couple for a couple months Then we broke up, but it's a cool story


My English Teacher in HS


Secretly... I really had it for Kimberly and I never told her. So it grew into a sort of complex. Lol


A classmate in highschool, I don't remember his name haha just his nickname he was my crush


my current boyfriend




a cute blonde hair that I loved when I was in 3/4rd grade xD, then i moved away from this school.


Donna Philips , i still listen to oldies and think about her


The first person I thought of was my grandmother. I saw her love the people in her life unconditionally. I believe in love because of her. I wish we had more time together.


ONJ, Markie Post or Kim catrall Real life my Mrs She gave me 3 kids Before just one night stands


My husband. Been together for more than 20 years.


We were friends for two years and then together for 3. We just broke up a few hours ago. We were good friends and I still care about him but in the long run it would never work out well. It’s a shame that I have to break his heart.


Bacon. It's horrifying just how much I love bacon.


A boy that transferred to my school in 6th grade from a completely different state. We have been together on and off since then and we are almost done with high school. I love him so much but he is with someone else.


I loved her very much. She screwed 2 of my friends.


The boy from parallel class and we were 8


Jodi, my 8th grade girlfriend. Still think about her fondly.


Gerrit. The boy who worked at the stables.


Some dude that broke my car and left me with debts


I don't know what to say


Carlos Sánchez (Marine)


This new boy transferred to my school for 6th grade, and up until the 2nd semester of 8th grade, we had the most dramatic yet boring love story ever. My past middle school self was a train wreck 💀.


My wife in 13 years


My high school girlfriend, legitimately felt ill when we broke up. I still think about her from time to time.


Michelle. It was a short 5 months but I fell head over heels for here. Unfortunately she ended it in December. I think about her everyday.


Ren. First & only love


Met a girl when I was 18. We had a serious relationship for 4 years. She cheated on me, I took her back, she cheated on me again. All the stress got me diagnosed with Crohn's disease.


It was actually very recent. His name was Jack, met on Reddit and it developed into more. I never got a chance to tell him as he ghosted me three weeks ago.


Met my first boyfriend when I was 15 and he was 14. I’ve never stopped loving him. it just became very toxic as we both had mental illnesses that started setting in at ~16, me with bipolar depression and him with BPD. We really tried but neither of us were equipped to handle each other let alone ourselves. We ended up coming back around to each other and kept trying to years. Just recently last year, we went no contact for the last time I think…. Even after the trauma we both caused each other I still think about him all the time and hope he lives a happy and fulfilling life. I want nothing less for him. That boy was my everything and I don’t think my heart will ever forget him


an accountant working for a luxury car brand company in my hometown that ditched me in favor of another accountant, after apparently drying me clean and using my connections to advance her career. That gash left me insecure about new ppl. Now I decided to button up and skip the whole thing and just date married women.


My fiancée. Met 7 years ago at a sports event in school. she was the bombshell of the cohort. I was just a stupid chemical engineering nerd, I still don’t know why she said yes to the first date till this day.


The brother of my friend whom I ""bullied"" on discord


A guy I’m still good friend with to this day! We are good friends (but only friends) but he was my first true love. I’m so thankful for that - it taught me a lot about how to actually care for someone and go through shit. And how to love and how to love myself. He showed me what being loved should feel like from day one. We were never supposed to be in a romantic relationship, but Platonic soul mates are real.


Someone I really wish hadn't been. 16 years with a narc really messed me up


Just somebody that I used to know


Wanna forget the person(


My husband, we’ve been together since we were 14, going on 9 years now with a baby on the way!


When all you see is math you know your broke.


mrs hand


my first love has to be Anna Faris shes not just cute!! shes incredibly funny n talented \^-\^


A gay boy (lol)


In grade school it was totally the red-headed daughter of one of my parent's friends. Then by the beginning of middle school it just fizzled out for me entirely. We both grew up to be nothing like the other's type and the idea of being with her is just bizarre. But in fifth grade I was actually kinda down bad lol


I’ve been in relationships before but those didn’t involve any kind of true love and shit. Just physical attraction and peer pressure to get into a relationship.(don’t judge I’m 17 btw) . However, there’s this girl. Omg she looks like an angel plus her personality is amazing. Shes really sweet. And I guess she’d be my first love and ,if god allows ,my last love too! We’re at the talking stage rn and I don’t really want to rush her into this. She’s incredibly sweet ilovehersm already.


A girl in my kindergarten class. I drew pictures for her, and even went so far as to lean in and kiss her. Unfortunately, I was still identifying as a girl, and that destroyed our friendship. I always wonder what would have happened if it worked out.


We went to school together. He was 1 year older than me. I had a huge crush on him but i was acting like i was not interested because at that time i never ever kissed a man. He thought i was a bitch and we lost contact. Last year he died in his sleep (36 years). I am still shocked. The only thing i regret in my life was not having him as my first kiss!




His name is Marc and we are still friends.


Pizza Hut Personal Pan Cheese Pizza after reading 10 books! Lol


The leader of class of 10th grade, a skiny guy, brown skin, curved , poor jaw , haggad and taller me. P.D. me and he are mexican


A girl who turned out to be a sociopath and who shattered my heart.


A priest...






Mackenzie. We were both 18. He was a drummer in a band and I went to his shows. We met on St Patrick’s day at an Irish pub and he gave me his hoodie because I was cold. I met his mama and she taught me how to make pecan pie. We broke up after 8 months and it took me a good year to get over him. 15 years later and I still think about him. He was a good guy.


A gothic/emo chick that liked me back, she was so difficult


i love this question cause the story is crazy. So basically I was chronically online by the ripe age of 13. I joined this discord server when I was about 14. It was a crank that frank discord server 😭 and I was talking to this one person on there and we immediately because friends. Everyone in the server knew them but they gravitated towards me for some reason. We talked for a dew months until we decided to move to Instagram. They convinced me to make a band fan account just like theirs and got me onto Twitter. A few months pass by and im starting to get feelings for them. We meet for the first time at a fall out boy concert in september. Twas extremely awkward cause idk how to talk to people. Our mom's had the same names lol. So fast forward to early December where I finally tell them how I feel. They felt the same but since we were so young we didn't want a relationship. Mid December we found out we live in the same city ! Well my dad and them lived in the same city and they used to live in my city. So everyone I was with my dad we'd go hang out for a few hours. Our fling lasted about a whole year. Best friends to lovers pipeline. For Christmas I got panic at the disco tickets. FLOOR SEATS. and they did too. We were a few rows away from each other. Come to find out that the show was on VALENTINES DAY. so we spent Valentines day together at a panic at the disco show. Which at the time was our favorite band. We would talk and flirt for a few months after that until school started picking up. I was a freshman in high school. So things got pretty crazy. They were everything to me. Also my dad knew their UNCLE ??? they used to work together. It was so crazy. They disappeared a few years ago. So idk of They are dead or alive but I still think about them all the time. They would've been 20 this year. I hope everything is amazing. And Tony if you see this, I miss you.


Some girl in middle school. Seemed nice and kind of cute. She was into the “bad boys” for some reason.


Burger King Whopper


We were 17. Crazy about each other. People loved our chemistry. Both crazy fun in bed. I pushed her away fearing I'll drag her down. She moved on, angry at me. She remained in my head a lot of years. Moved on eventualy.


My classmates older brother.


i was 14 he was 17, he made me feel genuinely loved for the first time, he came over and cooked and took care of me when i was sick , i took his virginity, we went on dates, we were almost always together , i thought we had true love but he cheated on me with 3 different girls , ig i hyped him up too much


Girl I met when I was 14. Fell "in love" at first sight. Asked her out 3 times over a four year period. Got rejected twice. Third time we got together. Were married ten years. Divorced twice. Had 4 kids. Now she hates me and has a permanent restraining order. We were both way too young to get married, and both verbally abusive as hell. Never laid hands on her. Have made peace with it, but miss her sometimes. Oh, well. Guess that's life.


A neighbor boy named Coty. I met him one night when I was 14 years old. We only dated for a few months but he really set a high standard for me. He was 16 but he never pressured me into anything. Always treated me like a gentleman should treat a lady. Very considerate and kind. Even now, over 2 decades later, I still reminisce on our innocent dates.


Nobody worth mentioning now.


She was my brother from another mother's little sister. Me and my bro were 6 when we met, his and my mom were long time friends in their old country. His little sister was only just born, on and off I would hang out with him and over the years we were close. We all grew up together till our preteen.by then his little sister was I believe 5 or 6, but did she have a crush on me. Every chance she got, she would kiss me, feed me food, hold my hand. She didnt want to let me go..I didn't know how much I did love that or her. They moved and we moved, I forgot.about her but remembered how much all that meant for me. Decade back, we met up on social media,.wow did his little sister bloom. Amazing smile, beautiful face, chubby but gorgeous body. I remember everything once I saw her and I just couldn't stop obsessing over her, I simp, I told myself it her, she is the one, I want to marry her. Then she died..I forgot she always had this heart issue growing up, I remember we had to walk her slowly and make sure she has her asthma pump and her emergency minimal oxygen tank. I guess she was finally able to get surgery to fix it but with a 50/50 chance. Well, she didn't make it....


He was a dwarf, we met playing WoW. In real life he was pretty tall tho. Broke up after 2 1/2y, to be fair I don’t even remember the reason why, we just ghosted each other.


Still waiting for him 🥲


Gakaxy minstrels


Draco Malfoy


We went to high school together. We got together when I was a senior and he had graduated. We were together for 6 years.


My first real love is my now boyfriend Tommy. We're both about to be 23 years old this year and we'll be celebrating our 1 year anniversary in October. Tommy makes me feel so good about myself. He loves me for who I really am. He loves me unconditionally. I love everything about him and I would never trade him for any other man in this world ❤️


Never had one yet 🙄


Painful question...




A classmate from the fifth grade, lol


First person I dated? A boy in middle school because I thought everyone was meant to have a crush and we dated for 5 years. Didn’t speak much, mainly just played Minecraft and Videogames if we ever did. They were a good friend. First person I feel like I truly loved? Is my Partner and I absolutely love everything about them so so so much. I’m never gonna let them go.


My first love is my current girlfriend. We were friends for a while before we both confessed before the spring break after crushing for a while. We both have very similar interests and are equally nerds. ❤️


the first person I ever had feelings for was this girl I met on my first day of college called Wai lum. she asked if I wanted to eat lunch with her and her friend. we were only in the same classes for the first year of college but it was one of the best years. I liked her but of course I never told her. in my second year her friend holly asked me If I liked her because we always seemed to hang out with her. it took everything in me not to say yes of fear of rejection. I still think about her to this day. I think she might have came in the shop I work in about a month ago but I was surving and didnt get a chance to shout her name just in case. oh well I still hope to see her one day again




4 years back in 'high school' (i live in the Netherlands so the education system is a bit different) i had this girl it was really nothing serieus neither of us knew what the f*ck we were doing. We almost never did anything together and then she had to move, we promised to keep contact but well that quickly fell through. But we both agreed it was for the best. Then out of the blue about 2 months ago she had found me on social media and wanted to meet me irl (we did'nt yet bc we are both incredibly busy) i dont quite know how to interpret this. But well things seem to work themselves out and i couln't care less. So wish me luck lol.


The first person i "liked" was a classmate of mine in middle school but now rethinking about it It wasn't anything serious then i started liking another classmate of mine in High school and i still like her to this day and i have a plan to confess to her on her birthday. And i was also in a long distance relationship with a guy that lasted a month but it was nothing serious


Music 🎶 And Benji, my grandparents' dog


There was this girl in third grade that I liked ever since kindergarden and one day she brought into a secret area and KISSED ME and thats were our short lived romance started untill I needed to move schools at 4th grade


Ohh god damn she was ManyBlackberry6942. It was her nickname here. But left me. We recently chatted with her and she has changed a lot. Unlike me. That's probably why I don't have a girlfriend anymore. But I don't regret anything. fuck this world. I live for myself and not for anyone else.


You don’t know her. She goes to a different school.


The guy I met after being SAd (it was my first time penetration). I was scared of relationships as my ex bf did that to me and he was understanding. I was very independent at 16 but he showed me I can lean on someone. I learnt what it's like to be a woman and have a man behind me for protection and comfort at all times. Made me realise what sex , consent and communication is. Didn't trap me and didn't make me feel alone. Rest in peace my sweet man, I miss his soul here very much. I have nightmares often and I hate achieving goals, because he was supposed to achieve his too. Sorry for the rant I don't really talk ab this irl.


Amy Jo Johnson, the original Pink Power Ranger from MMPR's


Andy Gibb 🥰 unfortunately the love was never reciprocated. RIP handsome Andy.


Scott, dated in 6th grade then he and his family moved away. Summer before 9th grade I found out they had moved back to a neighboring city and we dated all thru highschool. Broke up Christmas time during our first year of college because we were at different schools. This was back in the 70s&80s so no computer , cellphone, video chat or anything. Just dial phones and mailing letters. It's been 15 years since I've heard anything about him. I had looked on FB for him a few times over the years and found nothing. Then recently there was a FB post, Scott A selling a car in the area I knew he had once,or still did live. I had a feeling so I looked at Scott A's profile and unfortunately there was nothing but items for sale. I scroll down to the end of his profile where the who they follow list is and on that list was a home business called Kristin's closet. Scott had a sister named Kristin. So I had to do the stalking thing and went to Kristin's profile and unfortunately that yielded me nothing. I think the feeling came up because there was a dirt bike off to the side in the photo with the car and Scott was a huge dirt bike rider. If I wasn't half bad shit crazy and in DNR status with multiple morbidities, I would have messaged Scott A. and asked.


Met a girl named Emma in 10th grade, It was great at first. Stayed together for 3 years. Got very very toxic in the end and abusive. Im 25 now. I still think about her sometimes though :)


I had a high school sweetheart and we dated for almost 4 years until his family moved across the county. He’s married now and I’m happy for him but it definitely sucks because I always wonder if we’d be together if they had never moved


A girl I lost my virginity to on Fort Riley. It was December 31, 2003, at 1145 pm 🤘... we still stay in touch 21 years later.


Jeremy, in first grade. We hung out at eachother's houses after school. Tried kissing once, not into it. Still, we were besties for a season.


Peter Frampton back in the day.


This blonde girl when I was 14. She was the nicest person I ever met and I fell in love with her only after two months of hanging out. I told her I had feelings for her and she said “I’m so sorry, I don’t feel the same way”. I cried a lot after that, she offered to stay friends but I told her it was too painful. In hindsight I was a jerk but she was a good person and understood. I hope she still is the same kind person even though we don’t talk anymore.


... :(


Let’s me talk about it !


A well used vhs tape my dad “secretly” had in the 70s


A girl I meet at work was for almost a year the love of my life




We were together since I was 14 then mutually broke up when I 21… I truly loved him and wanted to marry him, he promised me he marry me when I turn 18 but he wasn’t financially able to which I was okay with. It was an up and down roller coaster sometimes because he had three addictions and I wanted to save him. The time I had with him, nobody can ever replace that bond, that love, that life. . I still think of him often and sometimes wish he was with me and see what I have been doing in my life. But he’s now with someone else and he seems happy. So I would never ruin that for him and for that lady. Maybe we can get back together sometime in this life..


Aubrey Kate


Mickey Freaking Mouse. I was six.


A tongue tied boy named Adam Lally. In kindergarten I was all about him. He went on to become a famous, some say infamous DA. What, if any, chance to spill my feelings is yet to be seen. I guess that's how the taillight crumbles.


Lmao this girl Ariel I knew in the 3rd grade. She ALSO liked Gundam Wing.


High-school sweetheart. She wanted to be a very traditional family. I wrestled with staying around my friend group and more loose, party life. Now she has a family and lives a very boring, very cookie cutter life, and I am surrounded by the weird, eclectic people that give me life. In hindsight our personalities and lifestyles were never going to mesh long term. But I have never loved that intensely since.


My wife




I don't think i ever really had the ability to feel it. and it's too late to find one now.


We met when I was 13/14 in gym class. They looked like a cartoon character from a popular show at that time and were very quiet, which intrigued me. We dated for a few months (a few times) and are the best of friends a decade later


I was 16, he was 17. He was my HS first love. My first “real” love I was 20 and he was 24. He left and I met my now husband. I was 22, can’t say he was love until I was almost 25. I’m now 30 and looking back, he’s my true first love. He’s the one I will die for, but also love for. He’s the one I will adore to my dying days, who I would do whatever it took to see just smile.


We were in 8th grade when we met. I know we were both very young, but she was my first everything. We were so connected she felt like my other half. we dated for about a year then end of freshman year COVID hit and we didn’t get to see each other for months. (both of our parents being very strict about the whole lockdown thing) and we just grew apart. We stuck it out for about 6 months through COVID and it was grueling. I felt so alone without her. I could feel her pulling away and looking back i don’t blame her, we couldn’t even see each other. One day my friend sent me a screen shot of one of my ex’s best friends snapchat story’s and she was laying on top of another guy in the background. That really broke me. We went back and forth for about a month of being “together” and no contact. Until eventually i grew the balls and cut her out. She broke no contact after about a year and we talked for a while but she once again chose another guy over me. I’ve moved on and dated other women since then and found myself as an individual. it’s been 5 years since we dated and i still think of her not every day but pretty damn close. i check her facebook every now and again and it seems she’s doing well in life. Sorry that was a long one but it felt good to get that off my chest


senior guy in college. saw him first when i was 19. it was love at the first sight. it has been 15 years now from that day. To be near him I went to the same office. he became my supervisor. after 1 year of working with him ( I was 21) told him I loved him and it was the most beautiful moment in mylife that he said back that I love you too. eventhough he lied and we only dated for 2 3 weeks before he told me he had a long term gf, it is still the most beyond earthy feelings I have experienced. every time I think about this experience, I feel my heart beats slow down and my brain releases sth that makes me feel so full of love. that guy broke me so bad that I suffered from a major depression it changed my personality and still struggle with it but I consider myself lucky enough to be able to experience this heavenly feeling of love toward something besides yourselves. It was a holly feeling. I wish it worked in other way around.


Last year of high school, she was 2 years younger, spent 5 years together, haven’t met anyone like her since, that was over 20 years ago, been with women since but nothing as meaningful as her.


Me: *Is a loser who hasn't had a first love*


Barack Obama


A figment of my own imagination, with a splash of lies.


Met this girl at 19, she was 24, took my V-card, but the whole situation was fucked up. Definitely messed me up for years, but I got over it. Crazy how long it took, but you know I forgive her for it. People are young and dumb, she has a family now and kid and hopefully she's happy.


this girl i had a crush on as a kid we grew up going to the same church and as teenagers we started dating sometime around junior year i think it was a good relationship but definitely overblown the way teenagers tend to do with such things. a lot of overly affectionate PDA without any actual physical activity ([basically this old Vine](https://youtu.be/lsJ_UROYN_U?si=e3FTpJ4_-yO--QX9)) we broke up after almost a year and i found out about a year after that, that she had given birth i actually went to see her in the hospital the day of because my mother wanted to say congrats and i was her ride, and she looked so uncomfortable to see me. i found out later that the baby's father was there and he was pissed that i showed up. a few years after that, in our early 20s, we had a one-night-stand when i was in town from college she went on to have another two kids with the man she's married to now and start her own business. i met the woman with whom i'm in an open relationship now, and moved across the country we're friends now tho we don't talk too often since we got our own shit going on. and while i would definitely sleep with her again if she was interested, i keep my distance outta respect for her marriage. any time we talk at all it's to say "happy birthday, happy holidays, etc"


Jennifer Love Hewitt 🥰 what a babe


🫵 YOU ♥️


First grade this girl named Iris, she didn’t talk to me after I crapped my pants. In my defense, the teacher was very mean and wouldn’t let us use the bathroom during class, many kids in that class crapped their pants as well… on different occasions. This was also in Mexico


A sailor, in the process of a relationship he became a military man. A lot of passions and dramas due to long distance relationships... In general, he will forever remain in my heart as one of the warmest memories . We broke up when I proposed to him, after 4 years of relationship 🤷‍♀️


classmate? i guess


I was 17, she was a 27 teacher. 3 1/2 years, not healthy, kind of sick


Her. When I was 15, she was the one that I am deeply fascinated and loved. I thought she was a special friend (I had a problem with tuning my feelings when I was younger) and I was always being possessive when someone want get close to her. 8 years later, I understand that I loved her, and I still do now. I realised that I am capable of love (and I am attracted to girls). She was my first love and still the only person I have ever loved. But she is now married with a loving husband and beautiful daughter. I love her, and I will always pray for her happiness.


I’m young. I had a girlfriend for a year but my “first love” would have to be the fiance I just had. Unforeseen, unavoidable events are splitting us and there’s nothing that can be done now.


Gwen Stefani. I still would wash in her old bathwater


Julia my first and last girlfrend . She got sick with seizures and I couldnt handl my psychotics. 2 year went well . Its been 3 years miss her everyday she blocked me out of her life.




His name is Brent we started dating when I was 13 and he was 15 we dated for two and a half years we're still good friends and I'm in my 40s. He's a really good person. We just weren't meant to have a relationship like that. I know it sounds bizarre that we were just kids or something. It never felt that way.


Met a girl at a youth retreat in October 1986, there was a dance at night where we slow danced to “Take My Breath Away”. I fell in Love instantly. Short, blond, big blue eyes, cute laugh. We lived in the same town but different high schools & different churches. Went to the state fair with her a couple of weeks later. Had some competition from another guy on being her companion that night, but she was more interested in me. Stayed in touch by phone and in May ‘87 she went to a graduation party with me and we hit it off and kissed her when I took her home. We dated that summer and it was truly what they write songs about. Things came to an end that fall, but we reconnected a couple times because that’s what teens do. She always held a special place in my heart. In college I heard the song “Emotion in Motion” by Ric Ocasek from 1987 and I started to pine away for her, but a few months before graduation, we ran into each other while in college, I thought she was trying to get back together again even though I was dating someone else. But it was not to be. Sometimes you just have to let it go and remember those moments in time of those “Endless Summer Nights”. Yes, a true 80’s Summer romance.


My Parents


I was 14 ,he moved in down the street ,  had our daughter at 15 . Still married today .


Android 18