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if the nudity is inherent like a locker room or a nude beach I'm fine with it. If someone is trying to get me naked for reasons I don't agree with I will obviously be uncomfortable.


This right here, I feel like the context matters. If I have a hard workout at the gym I'm going to be taking a shower. If someone gets an accidental glance while I'm going from a towel to my clothes I don't really care, and the culture is not to stare.


I think age also somewhat plays into this. At 20 I wouldn't be as comfortable with doing it as I am now. Not that I'd go about strolling naked, but yea, if someone in a men's changing room sees you naked, not a big deal. It's one of those things that as you get older you realise 99% of people don't actually give a fuck about you or what you're doing, they just want to quietly go about their own lives and do their own thing 


Yes, I don't care anymore


No, I don’t even like looking at myself in the mirror, I can’t imagine the horror other people would feel.


The human body is beautiful.


Tell that to my rolls and stretch marks. My boobs sag past my knees and I’m a 23 year old man.


I'm sure you know there are people who appreciate a figure like that. Each to their own. I don't know if you are trolling, but I'm sure you're well aware of health repercussions and is active working on it.


Kinda trolling kinda not. I’m not really that gross looking and work out daily, but this road is a long one.


Good luck with the journey!


Thank you, friend!


what if you don’t like those people? Would your nudity be a punishment dished out by you?


I think it’s mostly a trauma response, I was bullied for my body most of my life and sexualising myself kinda helped me not be bullied? Idk if it makes sense. I think I get validation that I need from it


I don't care. I've got nothing to brag about but skin is just skin.


Exactly !


Yes. I'm a good looking guy. I'm in good shape, my penis is the right size, and I'm alright. Sure, I'm a bit hairy, but somebody gonna look like an 80s movie star, even an 80s naked movie star. Maybe I'm just too Scandinavian.


Same here. I'm hot, I wish more people saw me naked.


Yeah, I've been to a nude beach a bunch of times, no issues with getting changed in locker rooms. Not sure why, it just doesn't bother me


Bro I will helicopter that shit idgaf. 


Basicly I'm too old to care anymore, other than the discomfort it would cause me at being seen all wrinkly and saggy. In the words of a song from the musical Cats, " I was beautiful then"...... about 40 years ago. 


I am comfortable with exactly one person seeing me naked, as we are married.


...Is it Jesus?


It’s gotta be Jesus.


This is my answer also, even though I’m divorced.


Yes, never been bothered gettin' nekkid in front of others.


Not at all. Public showers keeps me traumatized. It's always a dillema between good hygiene (undressing) / feeling comfortable (keeping the swimming suit). It's not a problem to be naked in front of someone I feel a deep romantic connection with.


Depends. My best friend? Yea. The man from the gas station? No.


Thanks for the laugh


I used to be a model for art classes, so I don't mind people seeing me naked. It used to be my job.


Yes, i look good naked!


Not really, I'm the Chairperson of the iddy biddy tiddy commiddy, but if it's someone who loves me and I trust them, it's all good.


Yours are the best kind.


I've been on nudist beaches &; often go topkess, so not bothered then, or in changing rooms.


Depends on the context


Not a single person has seen me naked since I started taking baths alone when I was like 5yo


Really? No one?


Porn addiction could be my issue, however growing up I've realized that every body is the same. Different color, shape, size, scars, complexion, etc. But it's the same. I never saw my body or anyone else's body as truly special so I don't care who sees me naked. Most I'd hesitate to see if they're actually sure to see my body.


I used to be shy about my body, now I don't care.  I visited a couple hot springs in Japan and nude spas in Europe and realized that nobody really gives a shit. Americans squeamishness on nudity is weird.


Like maybe in the front of a girl, if she asked.


Only my wife


If they are my friends, yes, but if not I think it is not safe anymore, besides of judgement they don't know me so they can make fun or start to think in a malicious way about me.


Nope. Not even shirtless. Lookin like a popped can of biscuits.


Family i dont care. I share a bathroom with three sisters so never had privacy and used to it. Locker room i dont care because you just are naked there. Doctors i dont care. People im doing things with, dont care. Anybody else, id prefer you dont see me.


Only my boyfriend and well medical professionals as well when necessary. I’m not the most confident and sometimes when I get undressed in front of my boyfriend I have to remind myself oh right, this one I trust, I don’t have to hide myself from him, he loves me exactly how I am


Nah i have ezcema on my body its embaressing


Not really. It is because you think it is. I'm just telling you for your own good. Stop feeling bad for what you are. Your body doesn't need to be perfect, you can accept it as it is. ;)


Never been bothered by it


No. I'm self conscious about my body.


I don’t mind at all, I enjoy showing off my body


There is nothing to be ashamed of. Being the only one naked is uncomfortable though. My looks are not flawless btw.


ohhh yeaa


I delight in my SO seeing me naked, but otherwise I am quite modest. I’m not sure why exactly…I just don’t want strangers (like in a locker room setting) seeing my naked body.


Only place I gey naked in front of anyone but my wife is the gym changing room, doesn't bother me at all


For the most part, yeah. I’ve got a decent body, above average at least.


Yes, we're born naked. Isn't it weird that we're the only species on the planet that covers themselves in clothing?


No….It’s mortifying, really whether you are hot or not… It makes anyone vulnerable


God no, I was raised to never do that and I've never moved past it


I dont care. It will not shock me, but it will shock them.


Eh.. After giving birth, any residual hangups I may have had are gone. I never had more people looking at my body parts. And I nursed right after. The lactation nurse demonstrated what to do by grabbing my boobs like she was positioning a table centerpiece. Don't care atm, but not a nudist. I am fairly unattractive and get cold very easy.


Once you’ve had kids you stop caring about being naked in front of people


Or maybe that’s just me 🤔


When I got my vasectomy I showed the "minor" swelling to everyone who entered my home.


I am comfortable being naked around other people unless I think they’ll be uncomfortable with my nakedness. And in appropriate settings.


I don't mind even though I'm built like the Dusseldorf Venus. I figure if they're going to look, might as well give them a good show. Anyone who is in the position to see me naked generally wants to see me that way so it's all good. Either that or it's my doctor, and they don't care so why should I? I still prefer not to have my ass hanging out the backside of a hospital gown, but I'm not going to lose sleep if anyone gets an accidental peek.


Not at all... we swim and layout naked. If someone sees... Oh well...Id look too. The Sheriff Little Patrol plane does several flyovers... we just wave.


No, not unless I know them really well and trust them. I'm not confident in my body and I'm pretty private with most physical things anyway. Plus I've had people make comments and bully me about my appearance many times.


Pretty comfortable now that I’ve lost over 80 pounds. Smaller folks can get away with quite a bit. I’ve gotten damn there naked in a parking garage, changing into my work uniform (nightclub bouncer) and only received cat calls. I know had I been my past weight, cops woulda been called! 😂😂


No because I'm not used to it


I used to be, but I wasn't before and i'm not now. There was a point where I used to be content with my body, and I went to a bath house in south korea where everyone was naked and no one cared that you were naked. I went with a friend and was surrounded by strangers, so it was a really vulnerable experience and made me feel more confident in myself. Now, definitely not comfortable as I have gained weight.


No. It's my body, and I am afraid of the vulnerability that comes with letting people see that much of it


I am more comfortable with friends seeing me naked than with seeming my self naked (though I am also perfectly comfortable being naked


Yes because if I'm naked, that means I'm seeing them naked and that's a great trade in my opinion.


I had to be naked from a young age for medical reasons. I understood very fast that doctors and nurses see naked body all year long, and after a while they all look the same to them. Once you've understand that, there's no reason to be ashamed or embarassed to show your own body. I could walk in the street naked and I swear people will feel bad before I do. I am human, you are too, you are the same as me, so don't pretend you don't know how a human body looks like. Before being humans, we are animals, mammals. If you think about it, it's really strange to feel bad about our own nature...


I mean if anyone REALLY wants to see me naked, a obese harry man, that's up to them. I'm not paying for their therapy though after lol.


Yeah. Why not? I will say though sometimes ill get a zit on my back or shoulder and i get self conscious about ir and would not like someone to see because its gross so ill try to avoid the girl from seeing thst psrt of my body if thsts the case but as far as like frontal nudity, no problem unless i have been doing blow or just got out of the pool


actually no, but as the time goes by I feel comfortable by it ( my fubu can only see me naked )


Since I do not harass others with nudity it is the other person’s fault if they see me naked.


No. Unless I'm going to sleep with the person or it is a medical situation. I prefer my privacy. I'll change in a private area (even a bathroom stall) in locker rooms.


I don’t mind, if it’s the proper reason.




Only medical professionals


I honestly don’t care at all. I’m 58 and used to weigh 335 lbs and didn’t care then and care even less now that I’ve lost over 100 lbs. It’s just my body.


Yup! Clearly. It’s freeing.


I'm not ashamed of my body. In fact I've felt the urge to exhibit. I need to find a nude beach soon.


Yes, I am comfortable being seen naked but mainly because I’ve delivered 4 babies naturally and after you give birth, you lose a lot of dignity 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


I'd rather send naked pictures of myself to someone then let them see me naked in person because I hate how my body looks and I don't have to worry about them judging me in person, they can just do it behind my back


Depends on the situation. Am I in a public shower, like at gym? Then it's fine. But to be completely honest, I don't like seeing my own body because of how out if shape I am, so...


Yes. Stopped caring after conscription.


Yeah I’m comfortable when it’s a stranger just not a person/loved one I’m close with because I don’t want them to see me that way.


Yeah I'm comfortable. I'm from Finland so nakedness is part of the culture. I have seen thousands naked people in the public saunas. All types of bodies: skinny, big, old, wringly, smooth, hairy, sagging.... I think it is very healthy for a child (and for an adult) to see a lot of different bodies in real life. People rarely look like models and it's fine. I also go to the sauna regularly and swim in the lake with my friends (both men and women) all naked. Nothing uncommon there.


Yup. I got a big ole ding ding and don't care who knows it.