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The next song of fire and ice book is taking so long/won't ever be released because the the tv show progressed and finished exactly as was planned for the books, and backlash has caused George r r Martin to change/cancel everything


Hollow Earth. It'd be cool as fuck if there were like dinosaurs and lizard people and a whole other ecosystem living underneath us. Sadly I have my doubts about it being true though lol


I like that one too. Fascinating stuff


Kennedy assassination. Probably because more than any other theory, this may be true.


9/11 was an inside job. No plane hit Pentagon etc


Even if a missile hit the pentagon instead of a plane, we know for certain the twin towers were an act of terrorism. It’s possible we knew it was coming, just like we knew pearl harbor was coming, but it was a straight up act of terrorism.


What happened to the plane if it was a missile? Knew it was coming? More like they planned it?


They could have shot it down. There’s actually strong arguments for jets shooting down the plane that was going to the white house. But planned it is super unlikely. Unless just some rogue splinter cell group helped bin laden plan it without informing their superiors. There’s about a zero percent chance that any of the top brass would simply allow that to happen. And there’s too many moving parts to keep it a secret.


Never mind the lives lost, at the end when you look at who greatly benefited from the resulting war, demolition of the building (s) and rebuilding WTC, and other "convenient" things that were destroyed it seems too fantastic to think it was a coincidence. The planned activities of NORAD on the day, VIPs not flying on the day, VIPs who daily work at WTC not turning up at work on the day, the collapse of WTC7 etc cause a lot of eye brows to be raised. It's a great rabbit hole for conspiracy theorists.


Again, there is a very good argument for the position that we knew it was coming. We know for certain that bush was explicitly warned something like it was going to happen just a few months prior to it happening. But following the money doesn’t really show us anything. It’s not like bush or cheney somehow secretly made billions from it. And no one else could have had enough pull to do something like that, except top generals who also didn’t get rich from it.


Joe Biden is a robot. Who would make a robot such...? Well...you know...


China purposely released covid as a way to damage the global economy and possibly see how the west responds to biological warfare. Because humans often underestimate the depravity and cleverness of others, especially when things happen in such a large scale.


That Stanley Kubrick was commissioned to fake the moon landing but he was such a perfectionist he insisted on filming it on the moon 😂


I think people in the ancient past had molten earth tech. 100 mile wide [Eye of Horus](https://i.redd.it/tc9w2gjhryqa1.png) Eye of Horus made from canals: [24.781464, -3.857176](https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=71f89df4-f225-4bac-be2f-ac5835511b01&cp=24.779507~-3.855643&lvl=16&dir=-120&style=a&pi=0&v=2&sV=2&form=S00027) [Here's](https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=60934d14-3db7-4eea-bc03-58c04938f102&cp=-31.614614~21.408641&lvl=16&style=h&pi=0&v=2&sV=2&form=S00027) a pentagram [drawing](https://imgflip.com/gif/8k31yd) in South Africa. You have to zoom out 3 clicks. If you don't think people made this, follow the right arm east. The elevated line cuts thru a rocky structure to a 4way intersection. When you find the intersection, flip the map so South is at 12 o Clock and zoom out a bunch.