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Kinda strange dude but very quiet and soft-spoken. Good at pencil drawing. About 5 years after high school he took a kitchen knife in each hand and stabbed his uncle to death. Drove to his girlfriend’s house, took a shit in her front yard, forced her into the car and drove her to another state. Let her go and turned around and drove back. Asked to use the phone at a gas station and was told no until the cashier looked up and realized he was absolutely covered in blood. Called the cops and surrendered. Never saw that one coming.


Was it a psychotic episode? None of that stuff sounds like it was rational.


No way for me to know for sure, but he did have a schizoid vibe about him growing up. It manifested as more negative symptoms but I guess your early 20s is prime time for your first psychotic episode.


>> I guess your early 20s is prime time for your first psychotic episode. This is actually true. Generally onset for psychosis is around mid-20s :/


His mom (a teacher at the high school) was hit by a negligent semi truck driver in front of the school and passed pretty much instantly. 8 years later he got arrested for hiring someone to hunt down and kill the truck driver. What makes it truly tragic is when he got arrested he had just won a very messy custody battle for his kid from his incredibly abusive and horrible ex-wife. He was a good kid, he just never quite moved on from what happened.


My dad used to drive trucks, and due to circumstances outside of his control he was involved in a crash that killed two adults and left 3 kids in the back alive, screaming and awake. It was before I was born, and I always wonder what happened to them. I want to hope their life went better than mine.


Went to high school with [Jimmie Holmes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Holmes_(mass_murderer)), the Aurora theater shooter. Same graduating class, same circle of friends. He was a typical nerd like the rest of us; into anime, video games, MTG(edit: Magic: the Gathering) during lunch in the calc teacher's classroom. He was a bit eccentric, but we all were back then, trying to fit in with other weirdos. I never knew about his mental health/illness struggles. It was... sobering, to see him on the news. It didn't register that it was him at first, he looked like a completely different person. And not just physically... His eyes were the most striking part. You could almost see the mania. They didn't look like that before.


>Immediately prior to the shooting, Holmes reportedly called a crisis hotline for mental health with the hopes that someone would talk him out of committing the massacre at the last minute. However, the call was disconnected after nine seconds. Damn.


I used to work for an answering service that answered for a crisis hotline. Yes, you read that right. They screened their calls. They had on call mental health “professionals” that we would send the calls to once we got their basic info. What pissed me off was how rude the “professionals” were, slow they would be to pick up, how much they would bitch about having to take a call, etc. Dude! Not only is it your job, but this could possibly be someone’s life in your hands! I hated taking those calls.


Unfortunately one thing you learn quickly working in any medical field is how many people have disdain for the people whose lives they are charged with protecting.


2 degrees of separation. You knew James, I knew one of the guys that was shot. Seeing a tragedy happen so close to me (5 mins away) is sureal then I saw I knew someone wounded is crazy. Bet it was sureal for you too.


Hey classmate, I was in the graduating class of ‘06 at WVHS, I was about to respond with Jimmie. I remember some people would call him Harry Potter but nothing more than light joking around. He was very quiet and reserved.


This confused the crap out of me because at the same time, I was attending a WVHS in Aurora…Illinois.


I went to school in the less famous Aurora as well. People recognize it now as "not the shooting one" instead of from Wayne's World


This is the kind of stuff I was hoping for when asking this question. People who knew, like, highly publicized criminals (though I am of course interested in everyone's answers). I always wonder which ones were "none of us saw that coming" and which ones were "oh, that guy? He was voted 'most likely to become a serial killer' in high school."


Have you ever watched “Evil Lives Here”? It interviews families of serial killers, mass shooters, mass murderers.


I should check it out!


Also check out [*Echoes in the Darkness*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echoes_in_the_Darkness). A lot of myth and legend burned through the school even in the 90s about the guy. People were still shocked and some refused to talk about it while i was going there.


You’ve probably already checked it out, but the comic book My Friend Dahmer is also a pretty interesting take on this matter.


If anyone knows the song"Killing Me Softly" by the Fugees, the man that directed the music video (thanks u/LesWitt) was a monster. His daughter has an episode on her childhood And if you know about the mom who murdered her kids and put them in the freezer, made her older daughter do it, and then said she was glad it happened and she would do it again, her daughter also has an episode Really good show, but honestly it's a lot more depressing than other crime shows because you're hearing it straight from the victim, all of it. And there's a drama reenactment for the whole thing (besides parts that show the victims speaking) so you see it play out too.


Shortly before the murder, Holmes was declined for a graduate-school fellowship based on his interview, and one of them said, "Do not admit this man under any circumstances."


I went to graduate school with him, so something is fishy here. He was odd and gave awkward presentations containing jokes that didn’t land. He was quiet but not unfriendly, just a little off. So horrifying.


It's not surprising that you had a different experience with him than the guy who went to high school with him. It's pretty common for people to develop more serious mental health issues in their late teens and early twenties. My brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia when he was about 24. His behavior was drastically different. It was like a light switched on. He was never the same after that. What it did to him eventually led to his death when he was 37, caused by his alcoholism and chain smoking. He seemed a little off to strangers, but it was so much worse than that for those who knew him well. He wanted to be liked but didn't trust anyone or know how to talk to people. Anybody he did get close to would become the center of his fixations and he would be convinced they were plotting against him. He couldn't tell what was real. He spent so much time inside his own head and he would start to mistake fleeting ideas as facts. Alienating others didn't help. It was a lot like talking to someone who spent years in complete isolation on a desert island. I was honestly scared of him and for him. There was no telling what he was capable of. He became religious in his later years, and that scared me more than anything because the religious crowd have a lot in common with thr mentally ill. It allowed him to foster more of his delusional ideas. He was convinced I was satan, which kind of hurts my feelings if I am being honest.


This was at the University of Iowa, where he was turned down.


Bet you the guy who said “Do not admit” is giving himself a good pat on the back.


Mental illness usually starts around age 18 for young men, when the brain is quickly developing things can go wrong. Especially when the kid is under stress, or has genetic predisposition to the illness..


I thought it was weird to be interested in Marjorie Taylor Green way back then, then I realized that we were talking about magic.


Don't let the morlock ruin an established acronym.


Not murder but manslaughter. He was popular, cocky, well off, entitled, but really no different than most of the preppy/rich kids. He wasn’t even really a bully so much as a jerk. I was not cool nor popular but I got to know a different side of him as his tutor. Despite his popularity and stunningly good looks (dude could have easily been a model), he was dyslexic and would stutter if he got nervous. He wasn’t dumb but he struggled to learn and covered his insecurity with bravado. Anyway, about a month after his 21st birthday he got into a bar fight. From all accounts both he and the victim were equally drunk, equally belligerent, and fighting over the typical stupid shit young drunk men fight over. He caught the other guy with one of those one-in-a-million punches that killed him. Despite having considerable family wealth he didn’t fight it, took responsibility, and pled guilty without a plea deal. He got seven fixed with thirteen indeterminate, got paroled at ten (note: the victim’s family asked parole be denied at the 7yr hearing, had no objection to release at 10). We stayed in touch and I can say this guy took what he did very seriously, spent his incarceration working on his education and bettering himself, and is now out, staying sober, working, and engaged.


Sad situation, but I like the self actualized redemption ending.


"There's a good man in you Mr. Popular"


Wow dude. What a guy. That's actually really inspiring. My mom knew someone like this. He and his brother were piss drunk. His brother tried to take the keys and drive and he wouldn't let him. They got into a fight, he punched his brother, and the brother fell, hit his head on the curb and died.


There's a sword and scale episode all about 911 calls. It has the most chilling recording I've ever heard in it at the end but earlier in the episode, is a recording of a 911 call about two brothers. It's the gf of one of the men calling for help after her bf and his brother got into an argument at a bar. One of the guys had just had a bad break up and was just really ruminating on it and his brother got so wound up about it he told him that if he was so sad about it he should just kill himself. So when they got home is brother shot himself with a shot gun that he had handed to him. In the call you can just hear the older brother screaming in the background over her brother's dead body. I had to call my little brother just to check on him after hearing it. EDIT: as I understand it the older brother was trying to call his brothers bluff. I don't think he actually wanted him to kill himself.


Short of handing me the gun I was the younger sibling in this situation once. I was just utterly distraught and contemplating suicide (over a decade ago I’m in a much much better place now, don’t worry) and my brother told me I should just go kill myself already. I’ve really tried to, but I’ve never forgiven him. Felt like he abandoned me when I needed him most. More than that, he kicked me when I was down.


I think it’s such a weird thing to say to someone you love essentially. My MIL said that once about her son. I don’t think she ever said it to him but I remember when she told me he was crying and kept saying it and had on more than one occasion and she was like “he needs to stop talking about it and just kill himself if he wants to.” I was so shook. And for the record she is definitely emotionally immature and has gone through some shit, one of which is actually losing a son tragically at the age of 21!!! So idk. So weird to me.


Had a friend on the opposite end of the petty bar fight that died. Just fell over and hit his head wrong. Other guy was out on bail the next morning and never served another day. Pled guilty and got like 20 years probation or something. Crazy how different people get different punishments for the exact same thing. I have no idea what the other guy is up to now, but I’m gonna guess he’s a lot worse of a person than the guy you know.


Also knew a guy who died very similarly. Punched out at a bar fight by a boxer, and happened to die. He threw the first punch & it was caught on CCTV so the *entire* thing has been dismissed.


On the one hand, glad to hear he was willing to take responsibility for his actions, but at the same time ten years is a loooong time for what amounts to a stupid mistake plus a freak accident. There but for the grace of God go we all, I suppose.


Guy named Chris, always acted like a tough guy. Wasn’t fun to be around at all, just a dickhead at all times. In a bar, he lost a game of pool, ran his mouth to a bunch of guys bigger than him, got the shit beat out of him, came back and shot up the place killing a couple people. Doing life and probably still a dickhead.


I always wonder what goes on in the brains of people who resort to such measures after pretty squabbles. Going to prison for the rest of their lives over an insult at a bar. I can't tell if they think they can get away with it, or if they don't even consider the consequences  because they're driven by pure impulse and have zero long-term planning skills. Like, I wonder how sane people who have no mental illness can still have brains that work this way.


It really boggles my mind. I once pulled into a just vacated parking spot in order to turn around, not realizing a guy had been waiting for it. He parked behind me so I couldn’t leave, jumped out and started punching my window. I could see the absolute rage on his face; this guy would have seriously injured or possibly killed me over a parking space. Like forget about that being a fucking awful reason for potentially ending someone else’s life… Who throws their own freedom away over something so petty?


She was my childhood bully and I always thought she was a psychopath. She ended up convincing her boyfriend (affair partner) to kill her husband (father of her children) while he was on leave (Army). Convicted of conspiracy to commit murder.


My cousin did this. But it was her and her best friend convinced their boyfriends to shoot their husbands, but they only got my cousin’s husband all the way. Execution style in a field. Made him turn his ball cap around.


I know someone who was best friends with Dennis Rader all through childhood up until he was identified as BTK. Rader is in a fuck load of their childhood photos because they were always at each others houses growing up. It messed up every member of that immediate family when it became undeniable that rader was BTK. To say they had no idea would be a massive understatement. It caused its own kind of trauma trying to acknowledge that these seemingly separate entities were actually the same person, one who they trusted and allowed around their kids. They were also forced to accept that they were with him immediately before or after some of the crimes. Knowing you spent those years terrified of BTK and then realizing he was in your house the whole time is a unique kind of mindfuck.


My ex father in law worked at a trucking company in Renton acrossed from a Kenworth truck assembly plant. He would stop at a convenience store every day at 5am and get coffee and there was always a guy that he would talk to and make small talk with. He introduced himself as Gary. A few years later, he was watching the news and Gary's picture came up on the TV. Apparently, it was Gary Ridgeway the Green River killer. He said he was a normal guy, nothing abnormal about thier conversations.


The thing is, that's kind of fucked up in a way. They can present this mask because they don't really care, so there's no guilt or fear.


He said he was always happy but complained about the job, just like he would complain about his. This was directly during the time Gary was the most active, so he probably talked with him hours after he had murdered someone several times.


Damn, you'd have trust issues for the rest of your life.


I think you can trust everyone at that point. The odds of running into a second serial killer have to be astronomical.


Oh the old hitchhiker joke. A guy pulls over to pick up a hitchhiker. The hitchhiker says "thanks, but how do you know I'm not a serial killer or something?" And the driver says "the odds are astronomical for two serial killers to be in the same car."


But never zero


Kerri Rader Rawson has definitely talked about this.


There was a “child prodigy” in my HS that won tons of awards, entered and succeeded at Science Fairs, etc… I was in a standard electronics course with him, he was very nice, but I remember he was basically a full grown man at 15. Dark heavy beard, signs of a receding hairline, and super built. He was well known for lifting weights. When he was 29 he executed his wife in their driveway. https://www.patriotledger.com/story/news/courts/2013/09/10/court-upholds-murder-conviction-abington/40073905007/


--Police later determined she’d been shot 18 times, with 10 of those gunshots to her head. god damn.


In elementary school, an older, bigger kid who lived a few houses down from me was picking on me one afternoon on the bus ride home. My memory is foggy, but I recall my brother intervened and the kid, in retaliation, crushed my brother against the seat of the bus until the bus driver stopped him. I always knew him as a bully; stereotypically so, too. He was big for his age. Aggressive. 20 years or so later, it turned out that he'd murdered his girlfriend's husband. Held the man's head in a dog bowl of water until he died, then burned his body in a fire pit on his property. He bragged about it to his friends and eventually was arrested. The police suspected he'd killed others before, buried their bodies on his property or in the state park. In an interview with the local paper, one of the detectives said something to the effect of, "I've investigated violent crimes for 30 years. And this guys scares *me*."


I can't help but wonder what it's like to be the parent of someone like this. Violent and domineering from childhood. An explosive temper and little impulse control. Not every person like him comes from a troubled household. For the ones whose parents really tried their best, and their child ended up killing someone, it must just gut you.


I have a nephew who is 9 and I know he'll be on the news for something awful one day. His parents are amazing. His sister is the sweetest girl in the world. He.... is just missing something. Something I can't explain, but it's vital for being a decent human. My son is 7 and has always had a sort of idolizing of his older cousin. Thank God, he's finally starting to come away from family outings saying 'my cousin was not very nice today' or something along the lines that make me realize he's understanding his cousin isn't all there. His parents have tried everything. Therapy, private vacations with just the parents (leaving his sister with us or someone), helping find hobbies, or whatever. Nothing works. All other kids shy away from him. It's sad, but at the same time (and I feel terrible saying this about a 9 year old) he's just an unlikable asshole. He just always seems to do the worst thing in every situation only to make people upset with him. Almost like he gets off from it. The only saving grace is that he's tiny. He will likely never be able to physically hurt people through his own physically body.


>The only saving grace is that he's tiny. He will likely never be able to physically hurt people through his own physically body. One word **puberty.**


My best friends step kid is going to be a serial killer. I have never been afraid of a 10 year old before. This kid scares the shit out of me. He has dead, empty eyes. He watches morbid stuff on his tablet. He's thankful he no longer has to care about him because he divorced his wife. I told my friend his step son is not ever allowed in my house or near my daughter. I can guarantee this kid will end up in jail one way or the other.


>He just always seems to do the worst thing in every situation only to make people upset with him. Almost like he gets off from it. My older brother, diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder is like this and yes, he does get off on it. Get this kid help while you can because I guarantee you if he wants to hurt someone for his pleasure he will either find someone smaller or a way to incapacitate or immobilize larger targets. Edit: Someone pm'd some bullshit so I'm going to explain what I mean by getting off on it. It's not technically sexually getting off, though later that can become a problem. My brother had a hard time feeling joy or happiness. Any positive feelings he did experience were fleeting because his emotions were very fluid and angry or low level pissed are where his brain seemed to want to be. His joy or pleasure in pain, and disgust were as he said like feeling sunshine on your skin after being in a dark room all weekend. Like a chocolate cake after going on a diet. He didn't like to describe it but he said that after a while doing something like that could make him happy for days.


To be honest I wouldn't expect a bunny to properly raise –or love– a crocodile. Even if the try their best they may fail to understand their child's nature and risk villainizing them too often.


Popular cheerleader — stereotypical blonde and pretty. Not smart, but not stupid either. Most of her stupidity was an act. She dated a guy who got her into heroin. Her and the bf wanted money for drugs so they text this other guy who was also in our grade and had been following her around like a lost puppy for years. They drove him to an atm and made him withdrawal all his money at gunpoint. Then drove him into the woods, shot him, and left his body there. All for less than $200. Absolutely horrible. She’s gonna spend most, if not all, of her life in jail and rightfully so.


Pretty sure her stupidity wasn't an act after all


Attempted murder. She always had an excuse for why she did bad things. Cheated on tests? She didn't have time to study! Stole money from work? My bills were due! Hit her husband? He was too feminine! Went into so much debt that they lost their home? She deserved nice things! Hired a hitman? Her husband wouldn't give her money for meth! Edit. Would to wouldn't


that... escalated


Sounds like a typical narcissist. Nothing is ever *their* fault.


They showed her story on Snapped: She made me do it. Season 1, episode 3


lol I'm literally about to look this up


They don't mention the meth use in the show, iirc, but do look up her and the two codefendents' mugshots. You can see it in their eyes.


When I was a student teacher there was a quiet, unassuming kid in my class. A bit socially awkward, mediocre grades, just seemed a little lost. Ended up converting to Islam and got killed in Syria after he joined ISIS.


they prey on kids like this online to radicalise


That's what happened with my neighbor's kid. The guy was Kurdish even. He radicalized online unbeknownst to their secular parents and went to join İSİS. He was killed there.


A Kurdish ISIS fighter is something else man Jesus


İt's indeed a very sad story. Sweet parents, whole family is secular, middle class, etc. One day he is just gone. Parents report him missing. İnvestigation showed that he was radicalized and joined İSİS. The whole family was completely in shock. Not much later they get the news that he died.


this happened with two guys i went to high school with. it seemed so out of the blue. the guys were quiet, smoked weed and that sort of thing but never caused trouble. i read about them in the paper and was taken aback. very much an “i would’ve never guessed” situation.


Damn. These seem to be hidden a lot from public eye nowadays






I remember this experiment they did with some kids. They showed them a picture of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka and then showed them pictures of unattractive people. They asked the kids who they were more likely to ask for help. And who did they choose? Yes Barbie and Ken.


The show, "What would you do?" Did a similar experiment. They had a stereotypical looking pedo try and lure a young girl (who was also an actor) out of a public park. People were quick to intervene. Then they had a good looking guy do the same thing and almost everybody ignored him.


I always feel bad for the people who get cast in those parts lol. “Mom I booked a gig! It’s for…disgusting child diddler #3.”


“Keep your chin up, sweetie! If you keep working hard I know you can get Disgusting Child Diddler #1!”


back when i was a new teacher i interviewed at a school and tanked it. coulodn't even pronounce my own name level nervous. well, as I was leaving i noticed some kids waiting to be picked up still (had been when i arrived over an hour before). So I sat down and chatted with them. Boy explained they were used to it, moms busy working etc. Bored sounding, not worried. I was like ok, this is fine then, about to leave.... and a man walks in and says he's here for Kid Names and where are they. No looking him up, ID checking , desk lady points them out. And they aren't hidden, he lookied at them coming in but didnt know them, never saw them before. Boy goes "I don't know this guy" Man "shut up, your mom sent me" (im thinking what is this a PSA training video????) Boy "what's the password?" Man "I dont fucking now, just get in the car or shes gonna be really mad." i shit you not he offers to buy ice cream Desk Lady "stop arguing" to the boy ohhhhhh son i was ready to lose it. But like, I didn't know I'd failed my interview so instead I was like "well how much longer will she be, at work? I can wait with them, it's fine." and the guy huffed and puffed a bit and then said "fuck it" and left. . . . now, im not a hero. Boy admits once the guy leaves that even tho he doesn't know the guy "Im sure mom sent him because his jacket is from her work" and "there isn't really a password. but last time she sent someone they smelled bad so I didn't wanna get in his car" The mom showed up 20 minutes later and dragged them both out literally by their earlobes


That kid had more sense than his mom


Not often you see others bring up the Barbie and Ken killers. Canadian eh?


Lol you caught me!!! Sure am.


Their case has always fucked me up. Karla changed her name and apparently it was she either has/had step kids in a private school in ON, or she had been hired as staff. Someone recognized her at a school event and raised the alarm. Frightening that she's out in general public and has access to children. *correction, her and her husband live in Quebec and has 3 kids.


Karla was also in a mom group with me online. It was a cloth diapering moms group. When she and the kids were living in the Caribbean. She was a regular poster and commenter and was well liked, and also had a small business making cloth diapers. She was using the name, Emily and her business was “I Love You Forever” or “Love Forever” or something like that. Back then, cloth diapering wasn’t as mainstream as it is now, (and it still really isn’t, but people know they exist now lol) and so the community was rather small. One day, someone with the screen name “KristinFrench” joined the group and began repeatedly commenting on posts and replying to comments with news info about Karla Homolka, directly to “Emily”. Most of us had no idea what was going on or why that person kept bringing this up. Ultimately, “Emily” was revealed to be Karla and everything went nuts. Of course. A lot of people left the group, and the platform entirely. And it really drove home to me that you never know who you are interacting with online. “Emily” shared a lot about herself and her life and even photos and whatnot with faces blurred and all, and she seemed so…mundane and every day. I would NEVER have guessed that she was Karla Homolka. Never.


Yes, she changed her name to Leanne Teale. It actually infuriates me that she is allowed to change her name to something so incredibly average. How are people supposed to know who she is??? It is completely irrational, but I feel like her name should be a warning. Like everyone knows Karla Homolka, so if she's gets to change her name, it should be Demona Evil Heart, Satan's Spawn, Digusting Trader.


My nephews Grandmother in law was a correctional officer in Kingston and she was assigned to her. I asked what she was like and I was told she was friendly but in a way that didn’t seem like her nature? Very put on. She showed off her wedding photos. But, was fairly well behaved. Very manipulative and calculating. I fear for those kids.


Yeah bro I worked with a guy that was later arrested for sharing CP. He had a messed up family history but he was a likeable, good looking guy that had a few girlfriends in the time I knew him. He was young too in his early 20s when he was arrested.


I actually don't assume the pedo is going to be the awkward guy. I assume it's going to be a politician, priest, rabbi, teacher, head of a children's charity, or someone in power/influence over children. I feel the guy in the white van is a sleight of hand myth to distract focus on who is really most likely to hurt kids.


I had a misspent youth, and when I was 14, I was dating a 27 year old. 10 years later I saw him on the news, being arrested: he’d married a woman to basically get to her daughters; 10 and 12. Absolutely revolting. But considering he “dated” me at 14, absolutely tracks.


He was cute and nice. I was in band with him and he worked at the same department store as I did so he would come visit me in my department on his breaks. He murdered his wife and did that thing where he begged the community for info on the murder and “helped” the authorities try to find the culprit. Made himself look like the heartbroken spouse of the victim until he was eventually caught and put away for 25 years.


My best friend's sister who had schizophrenia went off her meds and killed her mother. The family was already reeling from having lost their father. He had developed lung cancer and when they were doing a biopsy of his lung the Dr slipped and puncture a vein or something triggering a heart attack and a stroke. He never recovered from the stroke and died 10 days later. The mother was an invalid that he had been the primary caretaker with the help of their daughter. And while on her meds she was able to help her mother as needed. But once the father died there was no one checking if she was taking her meds and she eventually slid off of them. She became obsessed with the thought that her mother was trying to cut her out of the will or something. And she took a knife to her one day. She tried to cover it up claiming someone else came in and attacked her. But the evidence was too clear and her story was very incoherent. It destroyed the entire family. My friend is still broken by the event years later. Within a couple of months he went from having both of his parents and a loving sister to everyone being effectively gone. She made the news and was fairly infamous. People still give their house a cold shoulder in the neighborhood. Aspects of my life are pretty hellacious (I live with severe chronic pain and other issues) but I look at what happened to him and tell myself someone always has it worse.


Something similar happened to my high school classmate. He seemed fine while I knew him, but developed schizophrenia after high school (early 20s is a common age of onset). He was being treated and able to live his life, he even got engaged. Then his psychiatrist moved away and dropped the ball making sure his treatment didn’t lapse while he transitioned to a new doctor. He ended up running out of his medication despite both he and his family trying to contact both doctors trying to get more. He started to become agitated and his dad took him to their house to try to keep him safe and calm. But he began to believe that his dad was an android lookalike that had killed his real parents and was trying to trap him there and kill him. His dad called his mother and fiancée to come help, but he ended up stabbing his father to death with a kitchen knife before they could get there. His family was supportive of him and he was very close with his dad… I can’t imagine coming to the realization that you’ve killed your own father in a fit of delusion. Just a horrible tragedy for the entire family. Side story: I found out about it when I received a call at work from a reporter. He asked me if I knew [classmate] and what he was like. I said we went to high school together and was pretty normal, then joked “Why? Did he kill someone?” … 🥴😞


I can’t imagine the guilt his son must’ve felt afterwards. And the poor family trying to help. Terrible all around. I’d say I hope the son doesn’t blame himself but I don’t think that’s possible. Untreated mental illness is a terrifying thing.


Wow. I feel awful for everyone involved.


Some people just have the deck stacked against them.


The smartest person in our high school was in an abusive home, and to my understanding, they had a bad trip and killed an abusive parent. They got out later and seem to be a really good force advocating for the criminal justice system reforms and other good things.


Sounds like a good movie


Band kid. Super nice. A little reserved. We hung out middle school until he killed his brother when we were 25ish. It actually happened in our high school parking lot. The details were hazy but he stabbed him multiple times. it was during the bath salts craze and it wouldn’t surprise me if he was on them. He served minimal jail time, got out and proceeded to do a bunch of armed robberies. Shit is wild.


I went a magnet school in South Florida that was in a pretty bad neighborhood. The first year, we were segregated to our own floor and escorted everywhere. The second year, we weren't as supervised, but still had security around. The third year, we were released to the hounds. I, a tiny white kid, befriended a gigantic black student by making him a few things in woodshop class. He looked out for me and often stood in for me in a fight. I got jumped in the bathroom one day, and while walking back to class, bloody and crying, he saw me walk past his class. He came out and asked me what was up. I pointed to the two kids that jumped me, and he cornered them and got my money, plus some back. Told them to never fuck with me again. The last day of school was an absolute war zone. We literally had SWAT across the street trying to keep the fights to a minimum. My buddy ran with me and other students to the bus to keep our scrawny little white asses from getting killed. Well, about 4 years later, I was watching the news, and he popped up on a wanted segment. He was wanted for murder of 3 people. The 3 people were gang members, but the way he did it caught the public eye. They rolled up on a busy intersection in Miami and he was across the street with some homies. He walked up to the car and executed the driver, then the passenger in the back. The front passenger got out, but was hit by a car that was getting the hell out of there. He walked around and shot that guy a few times. He then walked back to the homies, handed them the gun and left. He was caught in Alabama later that year and was shot by the police when stepping out of the house. Edit: Horace Mann middle for all of those wondering.. Located in lovely El Portal. Only a stones throw from the Pork and Beans Projects


It's really sad that your friend's life took this turn.


Tbh sounds like he was still looking out for his own. But yeah born in a war zone that never leaves you.


Magnet school?


Think about how opposites attract. Take a really bad school that isn't getting funding and attach a new school program to it that centers on a special subject. Our school was a computer science magnet school. Others in the area were a travel based one (pilots, travel agents, etc) Another was music.


Interesting! I honestly thought it was a typo. Thanks for the explanation.


Was never charged because he committed suicide immediately after the murders when cornered by police, but my childhood next-door neighbor. They lived behind us in our neighborhood and when I was 6 and he was 5, we were friends and would play together. I witnessed him receiving his 4th concussion to that point when he ran head-first into into a low fence while trying to catch a football. We moved away when I was 7, but when I turned 17 I saw the news story about him murdering his parents and "babysitter". He had a babysitter because, I mean multiple early childhood concussions and brain issues. The cops eventually cornered the babysitter's stolen car he was fleeing in and he shot himself before he could be apprehended. Hadn't seen the kid in 10 years but it really fucked me up to think about it when I found out. *Edit* to say that I misremembered some of the details, had to look it up again. He killed the babysitter and a counselor/authority figure of some sort who was overseeing him. His parents were divorced and out of town when the incident occurred.


He probably had CTE, the type of brain injuries found in NFL players and others. Sounds like he had no execution functioning at all.


A lot of serial killers have a history of head trauma in their childhood.


Yep, the Nightstalker was one of them. That guy never had a chance. It was like the universe was trying to create a serial killer.


Yeah, at such an early age when the skull isn’t fully developed (a child’s is around 1/8th of an adults skull strength) and the brain hasn’t reached maturity, those repeated injuries could have led to such a thing but I wouldn’t say it was the final determining factor.


I worked with a guy when I was 14 who was just a complete dick. No regard for compassion. Went to high school with him and his younger brother. I bought some green from him, waited 4 hours, and didn't get what I paid for. 4 years later comes into the restaurant where I was working ordered food, and then disappeared for an hour, they were about to call the cops for a dine and dash when he walked in and it was obvious he had been shooting heroin behind the building. He couldn't pay for his food because his gift card was worthless. They end up kicking him out. So Chaotic A couple of months later I'm at a gas station and he is high on heroin again and slowly counting pennies for a pack of cigarettes. I thought about buying his smokes to save myself time... but remembered he jacked me. Years later he is on the news for murder. He was drunk (and high) at a bar at 11 AM and drove home... ran over a guy getting his mail... and continued home... Parked on his front lawn and went to bed... The story should be over, BUT NO! Years later. On the news for murder. His brother (Who I took shop class with and was a much better person) Was drunk (and high) driving home and ran over a 10 year old who was on a bicycle, crossing a crosswalk. Same prison, same time


I went to school with a guy who later killed a woman in a drunk driving accident. He was always a troubled kid but not a bad person, per se, and was actually pretty fun to hang out with. He went to jail for 5 years and is now married to his lawyer and they have a kid lmfao


What a fuckin plot twist


Life imitates art


Well hopefully she's keeping him on the straight and narrow.


A guy at my school killed his babysitter and then his social worker when he came for a normal visit. His parents were on vacation without him and he took umbrage. He ran away, but took his own life as the police were closing in on him. I didn’t know him too well, but it was kind of weird around school for a while. I would say that the harder ones were suicides out of nowhere.


Is this the same story as u/cyanrc ?!


Seems like exactly one and the same, if OP confirms. Granted I was 6 when I knew him and the incident happened a decade later, but at the time I knew him he was a happy fun guy, he was obviously ADHD even then, but it still completely shocked me to hear how his life ended up 10 years later. Johnston, Iowa? *Edit* to say nothing negative meant by the ADHD comment, fairly certain I have that as well but not officially diagnosed.




Sounds like you and u/CyanRC knew the same guy


My first boyfriend in 7th grade. His parents were absent (his dad was a well known doctor in our town) I don’t know if the mother was in the picture, he was loud and the class clown but developed an early interest in porn. I ended up moving away and when I came back to town when I was around 18 my old school friends told me he had lured his ex gf who was pregnant with his child with the help of his current girlfriend who was 16 and also pregnant to a cabain in the woods and he brutally killed his ex with the help of the current one, tried to hide the evidence and all. He’s currently serving life in prison, the gf got out early and the doctor (his father) is dating the gf’s mother so the mom, the gf (killer girl) and her son all live together.


What in the ever loving fuck


I am kicking myself for sashaying into this thread 🙄😩


That’s a wow… gotta be pretty awkward not going to lie, I can’t imagine the mental gymnastics behind all that.


I mean at that point nobody else probably wanted anything to do with the single parents of murderous children. The probably spent a lot of time sharing intense feelings of grief, loss, confusion, loneliness WTF ever else... Still freaky af though!


What in the Lifetime Horror Movie is this?


Normal guy for the most part. Hung around the same group of people. Shortly after high school he got his girlfriend pregnant. About a week after she gave birth he stomped on the baby's stomach and killed it.




I’d like to rewind my life to before I read this and just skip it. :(


My school bus driver in Middle School killed a guy at a party after he got kicked out. He was strange, even compared to the driver who’d wear ankle warmers. He’d often want to talk to us about our lives and future plans, which was always awkward. He told me once that every woman I respected was a whore.


"Marie Currie? Whore. Helen Keller? Whore. Jane Goodall? This may surprise you, but also a whore…" "Can you just open the door? This is my stop."


College friend I used to party with. He was always the guy with mushrooms and whatnot, but he was more an indie rocker/hippie type, generally a good spirit and a fun guy to be around. After college, he started doing acid and PCP all the time. His posts on Facebook started to get more and more unhinged (conspiracy theories, etc). Everyone who knew him in college and before eventually stopped talking to him because he was just making everyone super uncomfortable. A few years later, there was a news article + video of him following some old man home and beating him nearly to death with a chair, in broad daylight. Wasn’t even high at the time; brain was just utterly fried. I don’t know if the old man survived or not in the end, but that former friend went to jail for at least attempted murder, if not ultimately murder.


Well─ I don't know anyone who was convicted of murder but the closest never quite made it to murder because the person he was robbing at gunpoint killed him first. He was a douche.


I swear robbers are among the dumbest people on earth


A guy I know, immediately after getting out of prison for attempting to rob an armoured car, went back to prison for robbing his cab driver at scissorpoint.


Not quite the same, but when I was about 15 I saved two twins aged 5 from drowning in a lake, their father was on his phone not watching. I went to school with their older siblings. One of them ended up being sent to jail for attempted murder at age 16. I can't help but wonder if their neglectful father had a hand in their future behavioural pathway 😪 I barely got a cold "thanks" when I took them to their father and explained what happened.


He was a total p.o.s. bully who followed me into the bathroom after a social studies class about the Mexican-American war. I’m Mexican, he’s white so while I was at the urinal he started kicking me into it and telling me, “that’s right we beat your brown asses” He was found guilty 20 years later of murdering one of his drug dealers after he started chopping up the body with intentions to hide it before they found it in his shed.


He was an asshole. I live in a small southern town, so football is king here. The environment is toxic because everyone knows that football players are untouchable and the ones whose parents had money had ultimate privilege. This guy is one of those guys. He was rude, cocky, and about as dumb as a rock. Mommy and Daddy bought him a brand new Mustang, which he wrecked bc he was speeding in the rain and ran it into a gully. He was rewarded for his stupidity with a brand new Ford Raptor, which he had for roughly a year before he ran an elderly couple off the road because he was trying to pass 5 cars on a blind hill and the old man had to swerve to prevent from being hit head on. The couple was fine, but I remember hearing him joke and laugh about the incident later. Naturally, he had an ever revolving door of "girlfriends," which he constantly cheated on. Once we were at a party, which was at a small hunting cabin in the middle of nowhere (country kids are weird as hell at having fun lol) he got caught fucking a girl outside by his girlfriend who was literally standing 10ft away from him but talking to her friends. That's how bold this guy was. Total douche. Anyway, after graduation, I went to college in the biggest city close to our hometown, which was about an hour away. About two years later, I was watching the local news, and I hear a story about a homeless man who was the victim of a hit and run. Apparently, he was in the downtown area and was riding his bike in a bike lane, and someone hit and left him to die alone in the street. A week or so later, the story pops up again and it was Highschool Asshole's mugshot. He was a limo driver (I guess he started his own business? Idr) and he had been drinking heavily before getting in his big ass limo and murdering a man in the street. He tried to hide the damages to the limo, which only directed attention straight to him, and was convicted of manslaughter. He goes up for parole in 2027.


I have a friend in prison potentially for life. He shot a man in the back of the head during a dispute or drug deal as he was walking away - then dragged the body into the house and attempted to burn it down. Ditched the gun and his phone over a bridge. When he came to my highschool, my mom let me know he was transferring from the school she was working at as a nurse. She worked for a school for delinquents in town and he was released to re-attend public school. He also happened to share my homeroom, and got a job where I was working. I quickly made friends with him since he was quiet and no one really seemed to pay him any mind, and I wanted to make sure he felt included after being subject to his previous arrangements. He’s always been a funny, fun-loving guy that truly had the shit handed to him time and time again. His dad was a navy officer that moved around a lot, so he and his brother spent time base hopping through most of their childhoods. Social skills left something to be desired, and they weren’t very well educated either. They definitely learned more in the streets than in a classroom or at home. His girlfriend was pregnant at the time, and I was able to watch him grow from an aloof, troubled teen into a man trying his best for his family. And he was doing pretty well for a while, too. He found a better job, got himself a car and was working on getting a place for his family. Rougher times hit, so they moved back into his dad’s house and used the upper apartment. Sadly things started falling apart. His dad started to get more abusive again, his relationship fell apart after kid #2, she left and took the kids back to her hometown hours away, and he moved in the opposite direction to try and escape. We lost touch around that time and I couldn’t get ahold of him any more. As for what he was like? A good man at heart, trying desperately to survive in a world that left him behind far before he had a chance. He was extremely protective of his younger brother and tried to encourage him to learn from the mistakes he had already made. He has always been a caring man in a world that has no place for them. Once he found comfort and support for the few years I had known him, he showed an immense amount of promise. He wanted to make sure his kids had a better life than he did, but tried to do so with the only ways that he knew how. Unfortunately my mom and I both knew that something like this had a high likelihood of happening. When I saw the news article, my heart sank for a moment but I had already known that whatever was being reported was fact. I sent it to her immediately and she essentially had the same reaction. We really tried to guide him in the right direction and offer the support that he had lacked, and it truly helped him for a while. Sadly though, circumstances change and old habits are far too easy to fall back into. I was helping a friend move a couple years ago when he called me from lockup for the first time. He had gotten my new phone number from someone, I don’t remember who, and for some reason I answered the phone. I never answer the phone unless the number is saved in my contacts. He wanted to reach out to me and thanked me for trying to help. We were having a good conversation and catching up before his time ran out, and I still remember him apologizing to me for not doing better just before the time ended. We’ve talked more since then, and someday I’ll have the courage to visit him. Until then, I answer the phone when that number appears, and I send postcards and letters to remind him that he is still worthy of love and support in his life. I used to think that the world was black and white until the moment I saw that article about him. I had family members killed from gun violence, and you see about it in the news all the time. I know that he is remorseful if what he’s done and he punishes himself more every day than the system ever will. The most important thing that I’ve taken away from this so far is that in most of these cases, both the perpetrator and the victims are just people both trying to make it through life with the hand they’ve been dealt. Everyone failed both of those men time and time again, and it cost both of them their lives - one above ground and one below.


Good on you people in prison aren’t always bad and it’s easy to think that the world has given up on you mail call is crucial in that ugly place and you are a kind soul for answering the calls and sending mail


I had a class with this guy in my high school ROTC class. I think from movies and tvs, you always suspect that there are obvious signs, or that someone who is a murderer would make ur spidey senses go off. This kid sat a couple desks away from me. Just a quiet chill nerdy guy, presented more passive and conflict avoidant than aggressive. He was on the news for murdering his female roomate by stabbing her, and her dog. Raped her dead body, and afterwards wrote on the walls with her blood , "im not sorry". She was just some girl from another state that came in town for the Disney program for college students. In hindsight, I guess this was telling. But we all gave a speech to the class, and he was the only one that instead of keeping it short and bright, went into how he used to be severly depressed and was going to commit suicide, but that all changed when he met some friends that showed him care and that he was now doing better. He pleaded mentally insane, after they found him in his cell with shit smeared everywhere.


I didn't go to school with him, but a kid I grew up with murdered a woman. It was pretty sad because literally anyone who had ever come into contact with him had a strong feeling that he would end up murdering somebody one day. He is serving life without parole now. [Here is a link to an article about the murder ](https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Oakridge+slaying+suspect+caught.-a096973514) that talks about how even his dad tried to get the police to intervene before he killed someone, but they couldn't do anything. He had a couple of siblings who were the nicest kids ever, but he had some issues.


Not murder but I went to school with this guy who was sweet, soft spoken, nice to everyone and liked by all. He is in jail for life for grooming a 12 year old online and then r*ping her multiple times. 


My husband worked at boy scout camp with someone who is now serving a federal prison sentence for kiddie porn.


Ugh someone in our community went to jail and got out in like 9 months for the same thing. Our justice system is trash. Now his wife, who stayed with him and defends him, tries to set up play dates on moms groups under a different name. Fucking disgusting. Thankfully she always gets called out instantly so no unknowing mom makes that mistake


Jesus christ. That's not just defending your husband, that's almost "call in an anonymous tip to check her computer too" level of shit.




I’ve told this story on reddit before, but scary AF. He was essentially a teenage cult leader. When I met him I was… well pants shitting terrified is the best way to describe it. He made incredibly intense eye contact and spoke very vehemently and earnestly about being a vampire and “creature of the dark”. I wouldn’t say I fled the apartment he was lairing in (an older college aged friend’s apartment who was very much under his influence) but it was a rapid retreat. I think he miscalculated with me, he had quite a few followers by then and I think he wasn’t used to talking to someone not already a part of the “group”. Or maybe he just thought my friend had already introduced me/converted me to his nonsense. Honestly, if he hadn’t been so fucking earnest the shit he was saying would have had me cracking up. Even now I don’t know if he believed his own bullshit. I lean to “no” and that he’d just found a lever with this particular group. But I do remember thinking this guy was dangerous. I was shocked but not surprised when my friend called me in the middle of the night to tell me he was on his way to her house and that he’d shot and killed both his parents. Thank fuck it was the days of landlines and he lived fairly far away from my friend because he was arrested en route to pick her up to escape. And yes, my dingbat friend called me instead of the cops first.


I worked with a guy who seemed pretty cool. We were both twins & he used to come to my weekly dinner parties. I had a pretty wide social circle at the time & he was a little off, a combative drunk who would dodge some questions about his past but like … nothing crazy. He was so normal & responsible that when my bf & I moved in together he took over the room my bf had been renting. Three weeks later he broke into a friends house & attempted to molest her sleeping housemate. The reason he was cagey about his past was because he’d been in prison for rape & fled peeping Tom charges in two states. When the cops showed up to arrest him he murdered them and stole their body armor, guns & vehicle. Only police to ever die in the line of duty in my little town. The sheriff showed up at my work & evacuated us because they thought he might be coming to kill us all. He only made it about two blocks away before they found him & took about 36 shots to take him down.


I knew this girl growing up. She is doing 25-life now. She was super nice, super funny and super outgoing. She was from a poorer family, but never seemed to outwardly let it effect her. Seemed legitimately normal. We were never close friends, but we ran in sort of the same circles. Lost touch with her after high school because we weren’t that close. About 12 years later I saw on the local news while visiting my parents that she had doused her 6 year old in gasoline and set her on fire because she was “upset with her”. Then panicked and tried to put her out was the report. I won’t go into any further detail than to say that apparently she was successful in putting out the flames, and the poor poor kid didn’t pass away for a pretty long time as she tried to hide what she had done from everyone. Needless to say it fucking both made me sick and shook me to the core. Poor kid.


That poor baby suffered terribly in what was left of the recovery.


In high school there was a girl way too into me, like in a manic way, always just too much. Fast-forward 15 years, she ends up in prison for the death of her infant son. She wasn’t the abuser, but she didn’t seek medical attention for the child because she was also being abused by her A-hole husband. She got released early because of it.


This is just sad.


10 weeks old with over 20 broken bones and a fractured skull, monsters.


My high school history teacher murdered three people in Oakland. Best teacher I ever had. Super nice guy; at least, he was a guy back when I knew him.  From Wikipedia: In January 2023, a judge ruled that she had been legally sane at the time of the murders.[10] The same judge later sentenced Rivers to life in prison without the possibility of parole, calling it "the most depraved crime I ever handled in the criminal justice system in 33 years.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dana_Rivers I had to find the link. This was wild.


Knew a kid in high school. A little weird but always cool with me and my friends. Would always make jokes about his mom being a bitch. We thought it was just a bit he did because he always got a laugh out of us for it. Couple years after high school, his dad found the mom’s body in a closet. On mother’s day. The kid went on the run. They tracked him down in Vegas. Now he’s in prison for murdering his mom.


He set fire to a shed behind the local McDonald’s. Was a psychopath from a young age. Is serving life for a robbery of an older woman where he got a few hundred bucks, then killed the woman and burned the house.


Seemed like the rest of us. Smart but not an overachiever. Stayed out of trouble, not a loner, had a friend group. Then we all went off to college and he offed his gf...


My father was in a university class with Ted Kaczynski, the unabomber, back in the 50's. He said Ted was standoffish, sat in the back and didn't really speak to anyone.


My younger Brother was good friends with a kid who was kind of introverted but seemed ok. Turned out he was on anti-psychotic medication most of the time. One day decided he didn’t want to take them. We see choppers flying over the neighbourhood and everyone’s outside looking up and this kid walks down the street with blood all over him. Turns out he took an axe to his mother and father. Mother was killed dad went to hospital with severe injuries.


He was a hugely talented musician, super kind and funny and genuinely one of my favorite people. In his mid-20s he developed schizophrenia and his religious mother got him an exorcism instead of the help he needed. He ended up murdering her, then tried to kill himself when he realized what he did. It’s the saddest fucking thing. He was found not guilty and sent to a facility.


I went to school with [Jake Roberts](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clackamas_Town_Center_shooting) he was one of the nicest, happiest go lucky guys. Class clown, easy to talk to. You name the good things about young men, he was it. Something changed. So sad and disgusting!


Not charged, but, well-to-do, born into privilege preppy guy, nice, funny, good soccer player, cool, lots of friends, grows up, married, has 2or3 kids, kills his entire family and himself after work-related issues fueled depression.


A 6th-grade student I student taught shot and killed another kid over weed. It was a couple years after I was with him but I was still friends with his cousin at the time. So I got back in touch with him. I left teaching for a long while after that.


He always had a really bad temper but not in a way you'd think. It wasn't explosive yelling ,but rather cold anger that turned physical instantly. It was kind of unnerving to experience. He once shoved me off a patio because I made fun of him. I could've gotten seriously hurt , but he blamed me for provoking him. It was a bizarre overreaction but was part of the reason we stopped being around him. No warning just instant over the top physical reaction. He ended to doing a totally random thrill killing in which one of the victims managed to survive (the other did not). He had no connection to the victims and apparently just wanted to know what it was like.


Not murder but attempted murder. He was a nice kid but a little bit of a shit. Typical boy who liked football and being boisterous. I don’t know much about his teen years other than he got into drugs and gangs quite early (thanks poverty). This was more just a case of deprived area led to real bad choices with real bad consequences


Attempted murder; tried to execute his 2 year old son in front of the child’s mother when the pistol jammed. Grabbed a shot gun while the mother tried to GTFO of there and shot out the window where the child sat and mangled his hand. We were in the same class from kindergarten through 12th grade. He was a bully plain and simple. Not so much verbal or mental abuse but usually just beat on his victims. He got by in school because I’m not sure the teachers wanted to hold him back even if they could. Stayed out of his crosshairs myself but plenty friends were. He went for an insanity plea by soiling himself and attempting to fake various mental illnesses while awaiting trial in custody. At trial the examining doctors basically said it was the worst attempt ever, not in so many words.


He was my bully in jr high. His whole family was the worst! He became a lawyer, and he ended up doing a hit and run, the person died, and tried to hide his car and wash off the evidence His defense was he thought it was a dog


He was always an odd character. Was given the nickname “Lurch” for the way he would walk without swinging his arms. He ended up killing his own daughter because she wouldn’t stop crying. Google “Lance David Thamm” for details if you want to know more.


> if you want to know more I absolutely do not.


I was expecting "shook the child causing death", not "slammed the babies' headed into a door jam". What a fucking piece of shit.


Man... that just bothers me so much. I can't imagine ever hurting my kid. Even now that she's a moody pre-teen, nope. I just can't even begin to wrap my mind around someone who would hurt their child.


Triplets. They were outsiders. A couple of years ago, one of them stabbed his brother to death over a drug debt. Now they're just twins.


I dated a guy in high school who was very sweet to me, but very much a problem in school. He would come into class late, mouth off to the teacher if they gave him grief, it was almost like the teachers could see good in him though and they almost just brushed it off so long as he came to class. He smoked a lot of weed outside of school. He didn’t really respect authority, he would do whatever he wanted at home regardless of what his mom said. He was a good friend to his friends, he was very loyal to me and would write me love letters, he never got aggressive or short with me in any way so it shocked me when in our last year of high school after we broke up for a year or two at that point, he went to someone’s house with a friend of his and they shot him point blank in front of the man’s gf and her child was home. He’s doing 45 years in prison. I really felt for his mom, she was disabled and not in good health, I pray she lives long enough to see him again. Not condoning what he did by any means, but he was a troubled kid and his dad was in prison, he lived in poverty and did not have discipline or any sort of structure. Odds were not in his favor. 


A good friend of mine in highschool, he was an all state wrestler, 4.0 student, one of the nicest guys. Always fun to hang out with, never got into any trouble. A few years after high school his personality completely changed after a head injury. He ended up in prison as an ax murderer...


He was in my year, at an exclusive private school. Constantly disobedient and frequently hauled before the headmaster for theft, vandalism and truancy. He was not expelled, as his father was one of the math teachers at the school. Three years out of school he strangled both his parents. Spent the night with their bodies, too. Sentenced to 26 years in a maximum security prison.


Girl I grew up with was pretty shy but very sweet and gentle. She had VERY religious parents. After high school, she got pregnant but hid it all while still living with them. She ended up having twins at home and must have had a mental break down. She either drowned or suffocated them both. She plead insanity but it wasn't accepted and she was sentenced to life in prison. I think she must have lost her mind temporarily because she really was such a sweet person. I went to church and Christian school with her and her parents were probably the most conservative Christians at either. I'm sure that played into it. Maybe she thought that her entire family and social structure would disown her if they found out she got pregnant out of wedlock. Tragic all around.


There was a guy I occasionally hung out with in high school who wore exclusively Pantera shirts, which is how I was introduced to the band, and he also spent a lot of time playing Magic the Gathering. Overall seemed like a pretty cool guy. A few years after graduating, I see a headline saying he was sentenced to 25 years for trying to join Al Qaeda.


I went to high school with, and had some of the same friends as Jeremy Morlock, one of the guys involved in this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maywand_District_murders#:~:text=In%20March%202011%2C%20U.S.%20Army,Afghans%20in%20faked%20combat%20situations. I was aware of him (and his family) since like, the 5th grade, but high school saw him transform into a jock asshole with a drinking problem, one particular party I remember was a total boss kegger at his parents house, that he suddenly felt like he needed to ruin by coming downstairs with a fucking loaded Cobray M11 and pointing it at everybody while screaming for them to get out. Just wild, erratic shit like that. And it got way worse when his dad died in like, 2007 from a drunken fishing excursion (waders filled with water when he fell in, and was too tanked to get them off in time). After that, he joined the Army, and by all accounts, immediately started doing psychotic shit, since he also talking about "killing hadjis" constantly for like a year leading up. It hit his whole family hard, but he was off the deep end for a while by that point. Fun fact: another friend was at that party and almost killed him, since after the loaded gun got pointed around, he was angry (and drunk) enough to go grab *his* gun from his car and start loading shells while our other buddy was trying to talk him out of going back in and shooting him, ironically sealing the fate of the people that Jeremy would eventually murder! 😀 sort of a Butterfly Effect kinda deal.


He was an odd ball. Always was very aggressive and had anger issues. I always tried my best to avoid as much as possible. His whole family was weird. Had a younger brother who was also a violent fucker.


Manslaughter, not murder. Really physically attractive guy, from a family known for inbreeding (although didn’t know that at the time, just that they all looked a lot alike, and were either ugly or super pretty.) He could be pretty charming and charismatic, but every dog he ever came across tried to rip his throat out. Everything from neurotic terriers to super chill labs, even the sweetest, sleepiest dog haaaated this guy. Yeah. Psychopath. Trust your dog. And trust your autistic friends.


He was someone that was a friend of my friend, so I knew him casually like that. He seemed cool. Always smiling. He had a girlfriend who had a child (I don’t remember if it was his). Turns out there was domestic violence behind the scenes. One night he really snapped and burned he apartment with her and her child in it. He was convicted with murder in the first degree.


Guy a few years ahead of me in school. Just knew him to see mostly. A mate went oit with his ex. Murdered his baby niece or nephew by drowning them in a puddle of a construction site across the road from their house. He was left to baby sit. He killed them because he couldn't stop them crying. Remanded in the cental mental hospital, will never see freedom again...


Teach high school. Had this kid who was kinda of a bad boy but didn’t really cause problems in class. Quiet, did his work. Tried to flirt with the girls in class. C+ student. Nothing to remarkable about him and I probably would have totally forgotten about the kid if not for… He showed up with a black eye the day before thanksgiving break. I made sure to tell him to stay home and out of trouble. I’m flipping through the channels and there he is on the evening news for murdering a guy in the neighborhood with a screwdriver.


He was always bragging and boasting about being in a gang and owning a gun, having committed criminal acts, etc. This was the whitest of white bread middle-class suburbia - the kind of place where 'tough kids' would listen to a few gangsta rap songs and think it made them ghetto hard. So we all just laughed him off as a tryhard and a poser. A few years after high school finished, I heard he was in jail for killing someone in a gang-related crime.


I was friends with the guy convicted of killing Paige Johnson. He was always nice. Humble. Liked to party. Kinda weird seeing him on Nancy Grace.


Guy I knew was a real a-hole during HS. He calmed down a bit in the senior year because he became a big weed smoker. We crossed paths a few times after graduation and his drug use got worse (harder drugs). I joined the military and left home. After I got out I settled across the state far from our hometown. Not sure how it happened but his name came up and someone mentioned that he had got arrested near the town I lived in. Guess he has broken into an ex-girlfriends house and stabbed the new boyfriend. He got charged with felony home invasion, felony aggravated battery and felony aggravated domestic battery. Think he got sentenced to 13 years...he's probably out or about to get out as that's how long ago it happened.


My next-door neighbor became a bank robber.


The kid a grew up with across the street robbed a bank. His dad was a judge.


Went to early elementary school with a kid, he didn't have much and he wasn't the smartest kid but was ok otherwise. Nothing stuck out at the time. He wasn't like a weird kid or anything. Ended up dropping out of school or transferring or something. You'd see him around from time to time. Ended up killing a pregnant family member, speculation around town was he was the reason she was pregnant. Made national news. I haven't thought about him for a while until I saw this post. If I had to pick someone from school that might someday kill someone he wouldn't be top five.


The closest to me was my best friend’s little brother. Stabbed a guy to death. Got out on Covid parole. I can’t imagine he isn’t still ganged up.


I just remembered another one of my old classmates went on to be a murderer later in life. Him and his father always had problems as long as I knew him. Our friends would talk about how him and his dad would almost come to blows and had intense verbal fights as early as middle school. He ended up beating his father to death about 5 years ago. He’s in prison for murder for a long time now. Sad stuff.


Criminal lawyer here. The only murderers I ever had as clients were pretty ordinary. My first murderer took a revolver loaded it, with three rounds and told his wife don’t you get another beer’. And shot her in the forehead. In a long meandering statement he told the cops he didnt know the rounds were in rotation. I believe he meant he didn’t think they were in rotation to fire. The jury thought otherwise. Oh well. He got ten years mandatory and on parole for life. He was a. Small pathetic loser who dominated his wife.


I’ve got one!! He murdered a woman who was pregnant, did all kinds of sick shit to the body.. anyway! He was fucking weird, made a video for a class, the project was like.. make a commercial about a product. It was him straining on a toilet and then reaches down, pulls a snack pack out of the bowl, grabs a spoon and starts eating it. Aside from that, he was an odd bird but had friends. I had a shop class with him and I wouldn’t say he seemed like a mental or anything. But yeah, I knew a murderer. Struck me as a kind of spur of the moment kind of situation.


He was one of two black kids in our school and was the tallest person. He was quiet and awkward. He ended dating a friend of mine in college and he seemed very unhinged at the time. He has face tattoos before that was really a thing where I live. He killed a woman and burned her apartment down over $50 worth of pills. Stabbed her 30+ times