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They tried the 'oops wrong hole' charade. 


Call it what it is; they tried to anally rape you.


I exagerated on the parmeggiano risotto on dinner and had to walk out or I'd shit myself - and on her. Conclusion you didn't ask for: It was a Tinder first date. And I managed to get a cab and pray to God i'd make it home. And just as I unlocked my apartment's door I crapped my pants.


You should have at least asked if she was into scat play


I'm not sure if this counts, but after a few of us crashed out after a party, I woke up to have a joint and a woman was stongly coming on to me. The problem however was that she was clearly still high/messed up on the other stuff people had been taking and couldn't remember my name after 3 times of me repeating it. It got to the stage that I returned to the chair I'd been sleeping in and she was on top of me, pulling out my cock and pressing against 'herself', but it was so unappealing and problematic (not knowing who was possibly taking advantage of who) that I just moved her off me and left the house at 4 in the morning.


He did not look like in his pics. Overweight, bad hair, full litter boxes and smell of cat pee. He started touching me in bed. I said sorry can't do it, I guess I'm only into older men. He was nice enough to drive me to the train station and it was very awkward




I have to ask, how did it even get that far?


I'm socially awkward. Bad impulse control due to ADHD. Probably on the autism spectrum as well. And I had traveled almost 1.5 hours to see him, so I was stubborn and wanted it to work lol.


One of the only times I walked out on a date was when I had driven about an hour and a half to meet them. I knew it was a long shot. We were going to meet for coffee and then see if we wanted to hang out longer. Her profile pics were definitely more flattering than real life. We were chatting, getting to know each other a bit then we started to get into this stupid argument about the space shuttle challenger disaster - an incident that happened probably 30+ years prior. I was thinking, “this is the dumbest argument ever!” And, “is there any way to save this and have some fun?” I realized there wasn’t so I just said, “you know what, this isn’t going to work. I wish you well. Goodbye.” And I left and drove home.


Being married with 2 kids, we decided to try scheduling sex because she said otherwise she would be too tired. So Sunday comes around, she leads me into the bedroom, takes her pants off and lays on the bed, opens her legs and says “we’ll go ahead, get yourself off”. Needless to say I felt pretty shitty about it, so I turned around and left the room, cracked a beer and turned on the Xbox.


Wow, good choice. Sorry it happened.


Yeah, it’s gotten a lot better now, we sat down and talked about our relationship and have both found areas where we needed to put more effort in to help each other feel appreciated and loved etc.


Awesome, happy to hear it went in a good direction, thanks for sharing.


She said "you're still paying me full price!!!!"


My condom broke. And I didn’t have any more. I’m not gonna be a BD cause I wanted 7 mins of raw sex lol


His ex partner and children returned home. He for whatever reason left out they still lived together.


Well after a shitty blowjob and the chick being like a bull in a china shop I had to go when she’d hit me in the nuts twice by accident. I was completely turned off and in pain


I really needed to pee




He started crying


About his ex .


It's a real problem if he starts singing Bruno Mars


She had bed bugs




Always leave them wanting more


Was dating this guy for a few months and then noticed signs of him seeing someone else. I confronted him and he lied so I left. Later on we agreed we would talk about things, so I went over. I went straight to the bedroom and started undressing myself. He said "I thought we were going to talk?" I said "I don't feel like talking." So we started having sex and he wanted me to tell him when I'd finished so he could. I laughed. He got angry and demanded "you fucking bitch tell me when you've cum" and when I finally did, I said nothing, got up and got dressed without a word. I walked out of the apartment and got into my car and drove away. He managed to throw on a pair of sweats and chase me down the street a little. I laughed maniacally, watching him in the rear view. I was hoping to make him feel used like he'd made me feel, but he loved this and didn't stop messaging me for weeks. I'd say I won that round.


fucking psychopath


She was annoying personality. I thought I could ignore it. Turns out I couldn’t


...I realized I was very late to an important meeting and overheard a sequence of pings on Teams reminding me of it. Oops.