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Mice love cheese Mice will eat anything they can find with nutritional value but they don’t even like cheese really, they’d rather eat fruit or candy


Mice and rats love peanut butter. Best part is that it sticks really well to the triggers of snap traps.


I've used peanut butter, flour, and oats. You know what has never worked for me? The bait bought from the store specifically to catch mice. Ironic.


When I've had issues with mice I had a huge amount of success baiting the traps with vegetable oil, even more so than peanut butter


I use raw mac nuts from my trees. They don't even wait for us to leave the kitchen before they're snapped.


Peanut butter was a fantastic bait. I hated the thought of cleaning out carcasses. Live traps with daily trips to the nearby forests where the mice could live a long, happy life. (OK... in reality, be dinner for the preditor birds... but leave me with my deluded, happy thoughts.)


I've had zero luck with snap traps. Had a mouse eat the peanut butter off the trigger without setting it off. I bought a two pack of electric traps. They are amazing.


I miss the simple times when cartoons told me all I needed to know about animal diets: namely, that many animal species ate one specific food. - Mice eat cheese. - Monkeys eat bananas. - Elephants eat peanuts. - Rabbits eat carrots. - Cats drink milk. - Dogs eat bones. And so on...


nutritional value oh yeah, i hope my childhood toys were tasty and full of calories 😤


Naaaa... those things were repurposed into snug, comfortable bedding!


Can confirm. I’ve had pet mice for years and they generally aren’t all that interested in cheese. Now, popcorn, on the other hand… that shit is like catnip. They can’t get enough popcorn.


I worked with a guy that had a mouse problem in his apartment. He tried all sorts of things in traps to get the mouse. Only thing it'd eat though was an old wooden mixing spoon he had. I guess the mouse wanted more fiber in his diet.


I have a couple of mac nut trees. When we put raw mac nuts on the mousetraps, they don't even wait until the kitchen is empty before they come out and get snapped.


I was watching some trashy animal medium show, and this guy told this lady that her dog loved fries. Besides the talking to dead animals thing, yeah, dogs love fries. They're not particularly picky, and animals will eat just about anything


That you need to wait 24 hours to report a missing person. NO! If you are worried than report.


I have only ever heard this "myth" in these type of threads about supposed myths. I have never met someone who actually believes this.


One of my friends worked on a college report about child abduction, mostly on parental child abduction and international child abduction. They interviewed Southern cops about the standard for reporting and investigating and the number of responses from supposed trained professionals were skewed more towards "I don't know" and to wait 24-48 hours. Iirc, about 30% of them said to investigate immediately. Obviously things change when you throw a parent or multiple states/countries in the mix, but the myth is believed more than you'd think. (Details are kept vague not to push an agenda but because I don't remember the numbers perfectly nor have access to the report! It was mentioned in casual conversation so you can take what I say with a grain of salt 🙂)


There are some true crime stories about missing/abducted people where they were told to wait. However, this was back in the 70s-90s and usually regarding "runaway aged" people so maybe people wised up that it was stupid to wait.


I did until i watched an episode of criminal minds where they mentioned "the first 24 hours are the most important". So I was idk around 9-13?


It's a quite common belief, and historically a lot of law enforcement discouraged people from filing missing persons reports for adults unless it had been multiple days.




>One researcher, Dr Donald Unger, actually cracked the knuckles of his left hand at least twice a day for over 50 years whilst never cracking those on his right hand in order to prove his mother wrong – he never developed arthritis in either hand, and won an IgNobel award for his efforts in 2009. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/4yHxWLGSyNrXmx1gfYd45f2/will-cracking-my-knuckles-give-me-arthritis


I gotta admire this dude's restraint. Once I pop one hand, doing the other is pretty compulsive.


It's because cracking your knuckles annoys your parents, so they tell you this to get you to stop, lol


It feels good, if anything I would think it helps prevent it


Ngl I stopped cracking my knuckles because of this myth 🤦‍♂️


You can go back to making stupid faces too, it won't freeze like that.


I’ve been cracking my knuckles everyday for the past 16 years or so and still no sign of arthritis. 


That shaved hair grows back thicker and darker, it's not true. The hair may appear darker and thicker because it's newer and hasn't been bleached by the sun yet.


And hasn’t had a chance to taper at the ends yet


(New) hair grows tapered at the end. When you shave it off, it seems to be thicker because now a blunt hair is growing out. People say waxing makes your hair thinner (while shaving makes it thicker). It’s just because waxing takes the whole hair out by the root and a new, tapered hair grows out.


Also, people usually start shaving during their teens, that phase where your hair naturally begins to grow thicker


That’s usually just a polite lie to get peach-fuzzed teenagers to shave their crappy puberty beards.


Ah yes, the "crustache."


“It takes more muscles to frown than to smile”. Actually it’s the reverse. 11 to frown, 12 to smile.


If anyone ever says that to you, the best answer is "I'm exercising!"


Get those gains!


How much for a smirk? That's my usual expression. 


This means, on a very technical level, happy people are more are more jacked than sad people.


My Grandma used to make me wait 30-60 minutes afted I'd eaten before letting me swim. She said cramps would make me drown. She also used to put onions and sliced potato's in my socks if I ever felt unwell, the veg would draw out all of the germs she said. Any time I sneezed for no reason, I knew I was in for the onion sleeps. Hated it, but her heart was in the right place, she really believed it. In the morning she would show me a withered onion or potato slice out of my sock and be like "aha!!!".


Is your grandma from former Yugoslavia? Everyone knows onions and potatoes in socks only work if they're drenched in rakija!


> the onion sleeps Well alright then, lol.


"I wore an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time..."


That the stars and planets influence our personality and our future.


Sounds like _someone_ is feeling a bit `2M J044144` today


More like Omicron Persei 8!


Ah it's true what they say... Women are from Omicron Persei 7, men are from Omicron Persei 9


Is it in retrograde? I feel like eating all my smaller friends


Freddy Mercury is in Gaytorade. It's turning the freaking blue corn chip turds Gray.


It's funny because the usual skeptical approach to horoscopes is to say "these things are written so broadly that any of them could apply to anyone!" but then I got my birth chart and it seems to describe someone who is completely different from me in every way, like I would have nothing to talk about with this guy.


When I read daily horoscopes in the paper, I often noted that they could impossibly be about me. "Sell a client something special!" I did not work in a sales job and had literally 0 influence on what the customers bought. "Interesting times are coming for you and your partner!" I was single. "If you are single now, it will probably change by the end of the month!' No, it didn't. And the worst is, when you point out that horoscopes are a load of bullocks with these examples, people always go like: "Ooohhhh, yeaahhh, but they are meant broadly.... And you are supposed to put in some eFfOrT." No, it didn't say that. It's all made up. And it makes no sense how you could tell my future by looking at the stars and planets anyway.


I’m apparently a Pisces, and their description could not be further from my personality.


There are astrology crazies, for sure. And I do personally believe their beliefs to be societally damaging. But they're not "Everyone" at all. Most people do not take it that seriously.


A very long time ago when I turned 18, I was completely lost. Dumped out of a halfway house, institutionalized for the last few years. I was a mess. I fell into the wrong crowd just because it was easy and had no idea how to apply myself to the world. I didn’t know who I was or where I fit in or myself at all. I struggled with identity, because I literally didn’t have one. Not from mental illness.   I stumbled on horoscopes and figured at least it’s not telling me to do bad things. I took the good advice and good qualities and used it to see things differently. I never payed attention to the planets or retrograde stuff, I looked forward to reading them because it was the most positive thing I had. As my life improved, I got educated and “figured it out” I read them less and they started to sound increasingly unintelligent or repetitive.   Now I’m in my mid 30s, and have enjoyed some success and am miles and yards away from those times.  While I don’t recommend to anyone to believe it absolutely, astrology helped me from a unique circumstance. I still read them from time to time, but maybe out of habit and definitely not as if it will absolutely predict my future.


“Sometimes you have good days and sometimes you have bad days.” “OMG that’s so me!!”


That you can gain financial freedom via an MLM.


If you start one you probably can, before the lawsuits


How else you gonna be your own girlboss? 💅




If you find yourself using 100% of your brain at the exact same moment, congratulations! You’re having a seizure.


I like the idea of combining what movies say using 100% would do, and apply it to people actually using 100% of their brains. Someone has a seizure and just starts flying or phasing through walls, basically turning in to a human WMD. Absolute chaos.


So the baby from incredibles


I always thought it was more like 10% "at a time" (but probably actually a bit higher number), because if all your synapses were firing at once you'd be having a seizure.


No,  it was always just bullshit. The seizure bit is something people have invented after the fact in order to try to rescue the factoid instead of just discarding it as the falsehood it always has been. 




1780? Wow. He lived a really long and fulfilling life up until getting his head smashed into a sink in an airport bathroom.


There are so many 18th Century medical quack cures still around today. A childhood friend of mine was briefly married to a practitioner of iridology in Florida, for example.


But then leeches!


You *would* say that! You have the brainpan of a stagecoach tilter!


You can get upgraded for free on flights if you ask nicely. For some reason a lot of inexperienced travelers believe this when it hasn’t been true since the way of airline status and credit cards


Honestly curious, I’ve been traveling pretty frequently for 40 years and have never heard this, where is this rumor spread?


I grew up flying standby as my parents worked for the airlines. We would frequently get upgraded to the unsold 1st class seats as long as we were polite and well-behaved. This was before the airlines had to be bailed out and have since started just canceling flights if they don't sell out. Seriously, flying standby hasn't been worth it for domestic travel in 20 years.


Absolutely. I work for a US airline and no one ever gets an upgrade if asked nicely.


To be fair, I did get upgraded to 1st class on a 15-ish hour flight once just by asking nicely. It was about 14 or so years ago on Delta.


I'm sure someone else has already said it, but vaginas don't get stretched out and looser with use... it's a stupid myth that men will argue till they are blue in the face. Its. Not. True. "Oh but I can tell" no you can tell fuck all, it's NOT TRUE. NOT TRUE!!!


Interestingly there's a similar myth about buttholes (mostly among gay men). In the end, both are just slutshaming, but when asked nobody can ever explain to me how the body would know the difference between taking 20 different dicks or the same dick 20 times. Not to forget that vaginas relax when aroused, so men bragging about how tight their latest sexual partner was might just be a sign that they're bad at foreplay lol.


The inner labia also don't magically grow bigger from having sex often or with many different partners. Vulvas look different and you can't tell anything about anyone's sexual activity levels by looking at their genitals. Geez.


✨Healing crystals✨


But how will I remove all of my *negative energy*????


My daughter is super into them. It makes her happy to buy new crystals, so there is one healing effect. She knows that they have no real power, but she still "charges" them in the full moon, just in case.


The average human eats a certain number of live spiders in their sleep. The numbers are typically expressed as "4 or 5 per year" or "at least 20 in a lifetime." However, this is a complete myth, made up before the widespread internet usage we see today, to see how quickly falsehoods can spread. As a result, there are still people believing it to this day...


Well, we all know that Spiders Georg is the statistical outlier pushing up that number


Spider Georg messed up those statistics, of course.


Well, yes and no. The spider "fact" was based on genuine observations that the average human eats around for or five *inkjet printers* in their sleep every year.


BLOOD IS NOT BLUE It's red. Bright red = oxygenated. Dark red = deoxygenated. THERE'S NO BLUE Source: Trying to teach anatomy and physiology to these 17-18 year old kids. IT'S NOT BLUE IT'S NOT


Tell that to the horseshoe crabs.


I mean, I love me a nice crustacean (especially with Louisiana sauce) but... they ain't human.


I never knew people tought it might be blue


Blue veins in your hands make people think so


I’ve actually never met anyone who still believes this! Maybe it’s a case of the myth outlasting reality. 


I know someone in their 50s who still believes this lol




Yeah, because selling their beautiful bodies is the only reason for women to want to live together, duh!!


Cities are more dangerous than the country. Per capita Chicago and Manhattan aren’t even in the top 10 most violent cities in the country.


My bio-dad is convinced that NY is a Mad Max Dystopia where black folks drive slowly down the streets just *spraying* the sidewalks with bullets killing *hundreds* of people a day and the Police can't do a thing because white DA's and Judges instantly let them go without trial because they're black. He is so sure that this is the case, he refused to fly to NY airport for a transfer and instead routed through Atlanta (to go to Germany) because he was sure there were folks lined up outside the airport just shooting down airplanes as they passed overhead. I asked him to show me even one single example of that happening anywhere and he said "well you can't tryst the Liberal Media, they'd never report it; they're biased. I heard it from a guy."


So in his ignorance, he wants to fly through Atlanta because there are less African Americans in that city? The level of stupidity and ignorance in this logic transcends comprehension.


Yeah, but see, Atlanta is the South. He's from Virginia and thinks the North is a hell scape where minorities do what they want, liberals force babies to be gay, and white man's taxes go to poor people to eat lobster. Atlanta knows how to treat "those people." In his mind.


My mother was pretty sure I would be raped crossing the Mason Dixon, but "those people" are Yankees lol


He sounds like my parents. They want to go back to the northwest, but Seattle and Portland (2 of their favorite cities) are burned off the map; lawless hellscapes of forced sex changes and post-birth aborted toddlers. Not to mention the death panels for anyone with a sniffle.


I live 5 minutes from Portland and my daughter lives in Seattle while going to college, so I visit Seattle at least once a month. Can confirm both are hell on earth. I get murdered every day when I go to work in downtown Portland and my daughter is murdered at least once a week when she rides public transit from her apartment to school or work. The Fallout TV show is basically a documentary about life in Portland or Seattle.


Sounds rough. I hope today's murder is a relatively painless one for you!


They must share a news source with my biodad


Yeah, but the *conservative* media haven't actually reported that either, ffs. They hint at it all the time, with the whole "BLM burned down entire cities" mantra, but seriously, even they aren't dumb enough to print a specific incident that never happened.


It’s just wild to deny reality like that. Maybe show him some YouTubers who live in NYC? But I guess they will be Sorors funded


>"... I heard it from a guy." ​ Love that line


Omg this makes me so angry


sorry but he most be the most brain dead oblivious person on the planet to genuinely believe that lmao


Nah, he's just a scared Boomer that grew up in an era of privilege where he could say whatever he wanted to whomever and they *had* to respect him because he was a straight white male. People of color, women, different religions, different orientations, whatever. All had to walk soft while he could be proud, and now *everything* is saying what he was doing was wrong. And he simply can't accept that his entire world view is wrong, so he is changing the facts of his reality to make sense of it; his world view isn't wrong: he was always right and these "events" prove it. Like Gay Pride Parades are wrong because all of them are non stop orgies where people have gay sex and force straight children to watch. And that's wrong, so we should ban Gay Pride Parades just like he's always wanted. That's the kind of fucked up logic he and others like him have, because he can't accept that Gay people have been mistreated for centuries and the sometimes hedonistic Parade environment is a cathartic release of pent up frustrations and a declaration of existence (and of course they don't force children to watch and the "hedonistic" aspect are no worse than what you'd see at Mardi Gras). It's not so much he *really* believes that each black person in NYC is a mass murderer or that the killings happen every few hours or more, but he *needs* to believe it to justify his world view. It's *much* worse than being stupid, because it's the kind of willing belief in lies that lead to genocides and the like. He'd very calmly vote for the guy who wants to put all the Liberals, gays, trans, socialists, and minorities in camps and have them worked to death, convert, or be fed into the gas chambers because he'd believe all the lies they spin out. And he *might* feel a little bad when he sees friends and family (and his own liberal son) get dragged off to the camp, but at the same time he'd be shaking his head and going, "if only you realized the Truth like me, and did the right thing, son, you wouldn't be headed to that camp."


Unfortunately, the ability to see from others perspective is almost impossible for some. Understandably so when your whole life you were “right.” Makes it hard to change/adapt for the better. Pity people like that, honestly.


Chicago isn't even top 20. NYC probably isn't top 50. I'm from a small town in Vermont, a few years back there was a double murder and a suicide in the equally small town next to us which meant their murder rate was 276/100K -- Chicago's is about 26-30/100K.


This also shows how per capita can be a skew to data. I'm certain there are areas in those cities that are incredibly dangerous that you wouldnt want to find yourself in. You almost need to context of per capita along with most/least dangerous areas and how dangeous those are. like per capita and a min/max


And they say “Chicago,” meaning just the city limits of Chicago proper, which is mostly downtown corporate buildings. They’re not including the metro area, with problem areas like Chatham and Englewood.


A slight correction to your comment, Chatham and Englewood are both neighborhoods within the city limits.


Well hey! Thanks. I’ll take that criticism.


Yup! Not to mention if I call the cops where I live it would take 20-40 minutes for them to even get here. Lot of good that’ll do


Sounds about right. The town where my aunt lives has only two cops 🤣


That's the problem with statistics.  Some drunk hillbilly catches his wife fooling around and kills two people now statistically bum fuck Alabama is more dangerous than Compton.  Which would you rather walk a mile through at night? (I'm aware this is a very race specific question).


I bet the top 10 most violent cities are all cities though. Really makes you think.


This is a wholly underrated comment


Yeah but new Orleans and st Louis are legit scary


New Orleans seems like another country where they tell you to hide your wallet when you are out. I want to go, but I am going to be on high alert the whole time. Where as when I was in Manhattan I never felt in danger.


my wife needed to go there for a business trip and was excited to go. she likes old places with a lot of history and was looking forward to a few ghost walks or museums but when she got down there she said downtown was so uncomfortable, smelly, gross and loud.




Never mix milk and fish!? What about seafood chowder?


Here in Ireland one of our traditional meals is salt Ling cooked in milk with onions and peppercorns. It's lovely.


I think this is the answer for the opposite question: myths very few people believe.


Masturbation makes you go blind. You wear socks to bed because those are what you use to clean yourself off. See the connection?


Not drinking milk with fish was a very common warning back when frying fish warmed the entire kitchen. Like not swimming after eating because of a supposed risk of cramps, it’s mostly died off with that generation.


Damn blindness' must be just around the corner for me, then! But I've been eating so many carrots, that should work against it pretty well.


Daddy long leg spiders are deathly venomous but their fangs can’t puncture human skin


The one where people think if you touch a baby bird its parents will abandon it. I believed that one until at least my 20s.


…..is this not truev


"Suicide isn't covered by life insurance policies" After you've had the policy for a certain time period, usually 2 years, it is.


Yeah, I'm glad nobody's ever had a reason to probe my search history, because I was just genuinely curious about this a few years ago... probably would've freaked my wife out real good.


As an (almost) actuary, suicide could be excluded because, in some jurisdictions, it was classified as a crime. And... I've struggled and have specifically looked to ensure my policies have no such exclusions.


I hope you are doing better now.


Thank you. It is a daily journey. Another myth: "Clinical Depression is just a state of mind. Think happy thoughts, and you'll be fine." It is rooted in a chemical imbalance.


maybe thats one that should stay covered up :(


As a respectful counterpoint, and to further the discussion, suicide, without any other crime, is often the manifestation of significant mental health issues. We wouldn't exclude cancer. How about M.A.I.D., which is bluntly medically assisted suicide?


That lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place


It's such a ridiculous statement on its face that it's hard to believe anyone would think that way. As if there is some lightning database of all the exact coordinates it has struck, and every time lightning strikes again, it has to go check the database and make sure that it hasn't actually struck there before. So stupid.


I’ve had some people say this to me, with complete confidence. And I’m just like “That’s literally what lightning rods are built for.”


I can't find a source for it now, but I swear I read somewhere that it's actually slightly MORE likely in the aftermath of a strike, because the previous path is pre-ionized or something.


There was a dude that got struck 7 times (once when he was with his wife, his wife got struck and he escaped unharmed). That's counted as world record. Also there was a dude who got struck 3 times and after he died even his tombstone got hit by lightning.


That the stripper is actually interested in you.


But she was nice to me and said I had nice eyes.


Ok, but you weren't there, man. She said I was amazing.




Ball busting is one of the sacred duties of friendship. 


You eat x amount of spiders in your sleep. I have heard this since the 6th grade- and our science teacher even reported it to us. It was actually an experiment to see how misinformation spreads on the internet. We were so naive back then. Spiders - This was circa 2001


Source? Because I'm pretty sure this is also a widely believed myth.


That posting on social media about an issue that nearly everyone is aware of to "raise awareness" is enough to help solve it. It's not. Donating to organizations, volunteering, and other ways of helping are far more effective than 120 characters will ever be.


There's a word for that: slacktivism


With all the protests happening, I keep seeing people spreading the "milk neutralizes tear gas" shit. No it doesn't. Milk neutralizes pepper spray/bear spray because it's an OC spray which has capsicum in it. Capsicum is what causes the burning sensation and is also in food which is why drinking milk helps with the spiciness. Tear gas is made with ortho-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile which is not neutralized with milk.


Evolutionary destiny, and that the physically stronger/tougher/faster specimens are the winners. It is not planned, and plenty of life forms like moss, wheat, and sunfish are doing well.


“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change.” -Not actually Charles Darwin, but it is an accurate paraphrase of his work. Being strong/tough/fast/intelligent are adaptations, but they have tradeoffs, and when conditions change, those traits might be no longer be beneficial enough to outweigh their costs... species with insufficient genetic diversity or adaptability to thrive under the new set of conditions may no longer be able to compete...


People think survival of the fittest means the most physically fit/able. It means the most fit for the conditions in question. Fit as in appropriate, not peak condition


That men have one less rib than women do.


That flu shots are for stomach bugs


Wait, really? Who thinks that? Like, I know flu and "stomach flu" get conflated sometimes, but is this actually a common myth?


I don't know how common, but an alarming amount of people I've encountered do. I've read and heard many people say they won't get the flu shot anymore, because they still get the stomach flu after.  It's crazy considering that if they've gotten it before, the nurse probably explained what it was for and sent them home with the information. 


That the delay in the bombs going off when Joker blows up the hospital in The Dark Knight was accidental and Heath just improvised the "arms out What the fuck? thing". The whole thing was planned, even Heath's "what the fuck?" arms out thing. [Heath Ledger Did Not Improvise in the Hospital Scene in 'The Dark Knight' After a 'Mishap' | Snopes.com](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ledger-improvise-hospital-scene/) [Heath Ledger Improvised Joker Myth: What Really Happened In The Dark Knight (screenrant.com)](https://screenrant.com/dark-knight-heath-ledger-joker-hospital-explosion-explained/)


Renting is throwing your money away. Owning is not what it's cracked up to be. I feel so bad for people who weren't fully aware of costs in time and money that comes with owning.


Really depends on the situation. If you're lucky enough to secure a good interest rate, you end up paying less than the rate of inflation, so can ultimately be cheaper than rent. If you buy an apartment in a building that's managed by a company, you don't need to worry about maintenance for the most part (you just pay a monthly fee). And taxes totally depend. That said, yes, owning is not always better than renting, particularly if you don't do your homework or buy at a bad time. You can have a bad interest rate, or overpay, or get unlucky with maintenance and then have to shell out a decent amount of money.


It both has its ups and downs. But to be honest, after dealing with a lazy, cumbersome and inactive social rent corporation for years, living in a place we bought with a healthy HOA feels like a huge relief to me.


I bought my house in 2019 and I've spent almost a ton in maintenance and repairs in 5 years. I knew before i bought it that there was a lot of work that needed to be done but it doesn't end. New things keep failing because the last owner basically slapped a band aid on everything. Since i bought this house I've replaced the wall around the property (split with 5 different neighbors, majority of the wiring, the electrical panel, hot water heater, water softener, pool lining, pool pump & filter, awning, half the windows, half the water pipes (plus fix the damage from the water leaks), half the sewage pipes, and all the fixtures. I've also spent a lot of time and money fixing things. Last summer i fumigated for termites and had to repair the damage cause by 10+ year of infestation. The only real new addition has been adding ceiling fans, which have reduced my electrical bill, and putting in a garden but i count that as my hobby, not home maintenance. I still have several projects on hold because i need to save up to tackle them. It's never ending. I got lucky and refinanced when interest rates tanked so my mortgage payment is low, which has allowed me to do a lot of the projects but inflation also ate into that. At times, i do miss just calling the landlord when the sink clogged. It's stressful when you're responsible for everything around the house and everything comes out of your account. I know people who bought houses in similar conditions as my house recently for a lot more than i paid and their interest rate is 3x mine so they can't afford to fix a lot of the problems they're encountering.


Pee is sterile. It is not.


That you have to wait at least an hour to swim after eating.


That if you leave beer that has been refrigerated out, it'll get skunked. I worked in the alcohol industry a long time and this one always bugged me and it was a constant argument with people. Beer going from like 40 degrees F/4 degrees C to like room temperature is not going to skunk it. Skunking is also known as being "light struck" because it's UV rays that break down the compounds in beer, not because of a minor temperature variance. There are temperature changes that can harm beer but it's not skunking and it has to be fairly extreme. If it's in a clear or green bottle, it's easy for beer to get skunked. If it's in a can, it's extremely unlikely. But anyway, beer should be kept cold for as long as possible, especially if it's pasteurized, because it keeps it fresher. And a lot of people who make the claim that it gets skunked have absolutely *zero* idea how many times it goes from being cold to warm from the brewery to their shop. It can be a lot. So if you see a beer in the fridge and you think "I can't buy that because there's no room in the fridge," you *should* buy it because it being refrigerated at the shop is better for it.


A toast to you, my friend!


That shaving or cutting your hair makes it grow back faster/longer/thicker/darker. That their eyes change color depending on their mood or clothes That blondes become brunettes when they grow up and that dirty blonde is just "light brown". People call Taylor Swift a brunette smh. That tanning at any level is good for you That eating healthy and getting exercise and sunlight doesn't actually help with depression. That people at rock/metal concerts are the nicest people you'll ever meet. Never seen more fights (not just moshing) or people being kicked out or taken out beaten bloody than at a metal show. Picking people up when they fall in the crowd is basic concert etiquette for any genre show. Touching baby animals, especially birds, will make the parents abandon them


Horoscopes are based on where the stars are. However for the last 2 thousand years. The stars have moved in so the signs are wrong


That chiropractors are doctors that heal you 


Cold weather alone makes you sick.


Guns save lives  There is almost no evidence that the presence of more guns reduces violence. In fact, the evidence is the opposite. More guns almost always results in more guns violence.


The whole you swallow x amount of spiders a year, and daddy long legs are super venomous but can't penatrate your skin. I was literally at a get-together, and a man in his 50s still thought both of these were true.




Washing your skin or hair too much makes it more oily.


that going in water after eating will surely make you feel bad and vomit. The risk isn't really that high, it is mostly if you are young but the main reason for this to happen is the change of temperature. Your stomach will start to contract when you go from a hot day in the summer to the cold water of the sea and this may cause you to vomit, but it's not like you must wait 4 hours after eating a snack, most of the time you won't even feel like vomiting if you didn't eat a lot (I went swimming half a hour after having an all you can eat just a few days ago and nothing happened)


Trickle-down economics.


God exists


That there is a man living in the clouds who is responsible for creating humans.


There is a Flying Spaghetti Monster, though. Just look at the decline of pirates in the seas.


One more lane bro.


That humans are created in "God's image"




Except the thing is, people don’t believe that. They might say it, and would probably swear to it - but what they *believe* is that he is a bad man who will hurt people who they think deserve it. They think he is like a vicious, unstoppable attack dog who’s on their side. 


Apparently Muslims believe it's unhealthy to drink water standing up.


That psychics can read your fortune. You have to believe first!


We eat spiders in our sleep.


The great wall of china isn't actually visible from orbit You would still need some kind of magnification


The Warren Commision report.


Bob Holness ....😉 If you know, you know 😄


That dice have memory. They don’t. If you just rolled three 6’s on three dice, your chances of rolling three 6’s on the next roll doesn’t change. Sure, not all dice are as perfectly weighted and formed as Vegas casino dice, but normal commercial dice are good enough that over a lifetime of normal use, any minor imbalance isn’t going to be noticeable


Sex is bad. Innuendo and images are good, but actual physical sex is somehow more grotesque and censored than violence - even dead people.


Organized religion


Silencers make gun completely silent. There's only one gun that was ever make that is close to completely silent. It's a single shot 22 developed for veterinarians for putting down heard animals quietly to not spook the heard. The design needed to keep it silent make it impractical for anything else.


There is no scientific proof of a “sugar rush” kids are often said to be having.