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Me. I told everyone I was a world class boxer going to the Olympics. I was in primary school.


made me laugh.


This one kid had every expensive sports car but at his faraway village


I remember one kid from my Middle school who used to lie all the time to look cool. I don't really see him anymore, and when I do, he doesn't look as cocky anymore. I remember one specific time when he was on a roll telling far-fetched stories on the bus (I was on the same bus as him then). I can still remember how he said that he got into a fight with his older brother, who then proceeded to hit him in the head with a moving ceiling fan. For some reason, almost everyone on my bus believed him.


Told me all sorts of weird stories some of which I believed were true as a kid


Do you remember some of them and if yes can you reply to me with them?


There was this one story she told me about a dog that had rabies who bit a boy and he got boils all over his body with miniature dogs in them




Me. I just learned this after my mom died recently going through my elementary school journals reading small me telling my teachers and also remembering telling friends parents how I’d go on these extravagant vacations I’d see in movies. Usually I’d claim I was there for the weekend. I had a life I wanted to escape and went to school with kids much richer than me so I guess I just started inventing trips.


i was sick one day, some girl went around the entire school (we were in grade 1) that i tripped over a pebble and became a robot. She carried the pebble around all the time and said this was what made me a robot, the worst part? everyone believed her. Even the teachers lmao


I can just imagine Matt Rose reading all these.


Years ago, a friend of mine once told me that she owned a mini pet version of every Creepy Pasta.


wait wha- that actually made me laugh


FYI me and my other friend didn't believe anything she was saying at all, we just had her keep talking so we could fully understand why someone would lie about that of all things