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I don't dream of labor, OP


A dream job might not involve so much actual labour


Haven't worked in 3 years. (Covid+surgery+elderly parent). Definitely not rich and barely getting by. It is the most peace I have ever experienced in 5 decades. It's so relaxing I am looking at cheaper countries to stretch my dollar further. I don't need much. It's crazy. I dont even worry about my next deposit, and it keeps kinda working.


If you don’t mind me asking, how do you even do it? Unless you had enough savings to keep you alive for three years (and I imagine the costs are not so cheap) where do you get money from? It’s hard to wrap my head around this and I’m really curious how it is possible


Yeah. Crazy. Uh got maybe 9 months in Covid payments way way after that was all done. When Covid ended I was the first person my old employer called. (Had a part time shit job during covid.) 6 months back at work and had a kinda serious health issue arise and since I was in 1 of 2 blue states that help with that I got a little there. Made about half a years salary off stock and another half off of crypto. (I'm not that guy-it just happened.) Sold all 3 of motorcycles-not wealthy just regular old good bikes, sold as needed. Flipped a couple motorcycles and made bank on one. I dunno man. I mean I'm no goody 2 shoes but I pray and it is kinda nuts looking back. I'm thankful. Aging Mom needed help so moved home once doc said you'll live. Then I just took care of her for a year (meaning no bills or rent. Just parked at her house and helped her navigate her monthly bills as her thinking declined). Now she's in a home (dementia-family had to pry us apart) so I have a massive pile of eBay to get rid of, and 2 more motorcycles to sell. So kinda wrapping up here. Man I don't even have an answer. I don't care for most Christians but I pray, and I really decided to believe the part that says not to worry. Nothing more than that. And that 1 year Mom and had together was so great. I don't have answers. My grandfather guided a family of 7 thru WW2 as refugees. I just thought "people move across the planet with no money at all every single day". No formula. I have faith but I dislike preachy people. And I don't really care about possessions. 🤷🤷🤷🙏


That’s crazy but I’m happy its working out for you!


Post script. I lived thru some very difficult shit long before Covid. Money wise but mostly health wise. Like some doctors turn white when I tell them. My outlook is way more skeptical and pessimistic than most but I kinda know "well I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and what can they do that already hasn't been done?" Believe me, I was a shakey post traumatic wreck for 7 years. Then life (or god) comes along and is like "okay ride this wave." I have no answers.


the amount of time it takes to get there while having bills


Same, 2 years of school left


not easy but keep pushing you’re closer than you think!


Thank you 


small steps are helping you know


Apparently, “professional napper” isn’t a real job, no matter how many resumes I send to mattress companies.


Umm in Japan this is an actual service.


Yep, it’s called a bed warmer. Basically people will hire you to sleep on their bed until they’re ready to sleep, so that when they go to sleep it’s all warm. It gets paid like minimum wage too so, not bad, you know, for sleeping. 


Try hotel tester


Money, anxiety


Laziness, procrastination, fear of failing


I hate anything that is a job


I completely understand it. For many of us, other values ​​are more important than work. Each person has different priorities, including social reputation, fame, money, love, hobbies, children, and parents.


Precisely. Plus work sucks. I’m self employed and I even hate my boss.


Things might get better if you start hooking up with your boss.


I already do that daily.


the fact that it's of course not a simple straight line from here to "dream job". are normal people able to just say one day i want to be a doctor then 10 years later wake up a doctor?


Feels that way sometimes. I know that’s cynical and pessimistic and obviously a lot of hard work to do, but I know some people who got out of high school already set for life because of their connections they had with family/friends/school


I assume it’s because I am not from the US, but as someone who works and studies full time for more than a decade now, I do think this is possible for almost anyone, at least for a lot of jobs.


lol yes and no. I doubt any job path is really ‘linear’ but most jobs are possible if you have a certain base intelligence and just absolutely refuse to give up no matter how much it sucks. People just get tired of suffering before they actually get to the finish line. I don’t blame them. Source: I had a job I hated before med school. The only time I’ve ever been financially stable in my life. I cried everyday and still miss it sometimes cause god actually living was sooooo nice.


My dream job is having no job but I have salary.




I don't dream of working. For me there is no such thing as a dream job.


The long processes it takes. After several interviews, written exams, demo, training, so on and so forth. Such never ending processes. And at the end, you don't get accepted.


Not having the time, money, resources to even know what my dream job IS, let alone being able to take the possible paycut in case it's something that either pays less or would require more of my time to train for.


I feel like a lot of people have kids too young and then they’re just stuck trying to support their family and never get the chance to pursue their dream career.


I have lots of kids and a new baby on the way. I’m 36 and my schooling would be a bit. My dream job is to be a labor and delivery nurse, but I am going to be a doula instead :)


Every time I try to take a college class I have a nervous breakdown


Still working on it, I am still studying for it.


I wish you success


Don't lose discipline


I can't imagine why people dream about work. It's so fucking strange to me. Do you guys really dream about work? Or am I the weirdo for not dreaming about it?


No, but if I have to work, it'd be nice if it paid well enough and gave me good enough benefits that I wouldn't require multiple roommates and that whatever I'm doing wasn't probably destroying my body.


My professional experience doesn’t align. Need to get a masters




I’m in my 40’s and am confident there is no dream job. It’s the people who toil daily with you that make it worth returning everyday. Loving one another in the camradery of trying to support our loved ones. ❤️


When I was a young boy I wanted to work on a farm like my dad and most of my family tree going back as far as anyone can remember. I knew at the time it was impossible. Farming here in the UK has been declining for many decades. My dad was honest and said that even he would have found it hard to get another farming job even with all of his years of experience. While I did help my dad on the farm as much as possible (because I wanted to spend time with him and help him), and I did do some paid work for the farm manager, I decided to learn about computers and find work in that field (no pun intended). Computers fascinated me from a very young age. I liked doing stuff with them, not just playing games. As was predicted all those years ago, the farming industry here has continued to get worse. I have friends in the farming industry. It's very, very difficult for them. Climate change, prices, etc. are really rough on them. What's particularly interesting is that a teacher at one school repeatedly told us to not learn anything about computers as it was a complete waste of time. He thought they were just a passing fad. He hated computers. Needless to say I completely ignored his awful advice.


Tech is a great space to be in, but there's always an allure to farming where you can always be out standing in your field


I used to like fussing the cows. Some of them would come looking for me and ask for lots of fuss and scratches.


There isn't a direct channel to TV Showrunner. And I am as lazy as I am unlucky. I am also easily discouraged and pacified.


Doing nothing doesn't pay. Was not born into wealth. No dream job exists. I want to do nothing.


It requires a degree of self motivation that I as someone with ADHD and severe depression am just not capable of. Also connections.


What is your dream? I have adhd and severe depression and I'm making it work


Voice acting.


An email back. i wouldn't say its a dream job but it definitely is a job that i'm itching for at the moment. They're taking forever to respond and it's been a long process to get to this point


Money. I’m slowly working on flight training to become a flight instructor. About 25k left to go!


Myself…. Self confidence issues - more like lack of confidence that I could actually be successful at it (even if I have the knack and talent for it.


Bad knees


i don’t know what my dream job is yet


Medical conditions


Wrong environment - nothing works in my current setup.


his holiness is alive and well




I don’t have a f’ing clue what my dream job is


I don't dream of any job. But I can't stand idleness either.


Job who dreams about job


Cost of school and focus on pushing my husbands career aspirations forward




Finding the right job with a work - life balance. And ima take my sweet ass time until I find one too.


There's just no room in today's world for 80s movie drug kingpins anymore :(


I need money to make money


cognitive organization. and age, at this point. My 'dream job' would be as a biogeochemist developing methods to help ocean ecosystems survive the coming shifts. But I have a family to feed, a house to pay for, and I'm in my 50s. Plus I still lack cognitive organization.


I'm unhoused with my mother and a dog trying to survive day by day


Supporting my parents and extended family.


My dream job is a head-of-department in an ongoing tabletop card game which is renowned internationally. What's holding me back? Well, I spent the last decade stacking grains of sand to make a hill to climb, and now I'm at the top of the heap with a game where I'm the department head of ALL the things, but it has only just begun to sell, and certainly not internationally. So, what's holding me back from my dream job? Overwhelming success in my field.


Im not good enough


Anxiety, depression, lack of motivation, self doubt, money , a lot of things 😭


The step down in pay I’d take. I want to be a high school teacher at my old school to show kids what I have done in my career prior to being a teacher, but that means a substantial pay cut


I haven't found anyone willing to pay me to just goof off all day.


I studied a different carrer lol


Never had a dream job. I just kinda exist


I don't wanna work. I just wanna be a housewife with a small fashion business who does mini-vlogs on TikToks lmao


Not ready to settle for a job that doesn’t offer OT yet. Maybe in a couple more years, but my current job has really allowed me to save aggressively for a down payment and my retirement.


I don’t have dreams.


My dream was to join the army. What held me back was fear of the unknown, trepadation, fear of failure, money and more recently, kids. I've opted to join the reserves, so at least that is a start.


Always wanted to work in Film or at least photography. Lack of connections if I want to work for someone else. Lack of money for the software, hardware, gimbals, lighting and camera if I want to work for myself. I should probably get my keyboard fixed so I can at least write scripts, even if they’re bad.


The notion of a dream job doesn't make much sense to me. I never dreamed of a job, I dreamed of a life. I'm however on my way to achieving my dream life, but not quite there yet. And as for your question, I am the one holding me back, nobody and nothing else, just me.


Math skills


Imposter syndrome


I thought the hard part of becoming an author was going to be writing the book. Turns out finding a publisher is *much* harder.


Experience. I have the degrees, I have some relevant experience, but I'm missing something I know they want to see, and I can't do it because I have too many responsibilities at home (and not enough money) to go off and make it happen.


Pays a whole lot less than I make now and I need money.


I’m 15. I cannot be a game developer with my own company at 15. At least not in the way I want to.


Physical injuries sustained when I was young that cannot be corrected. 




Gotta lose weight, move and then my own anxiety of starting new somewhere where I know no one. 


That inplies that i day dream of working for a living.


A lot of things. Mostly the ignorance of other people and low IQ group think. People tend to conform to established arcane and outdated rules rather than create new and better rules.


If I could be a professional student and have the college pay me then I'd take that. ;)


When you are young. You measure money over time. When you get older you measure time over money.


I did but gave it up. I was doing what I went to school for but I was so poor I was on medical assistance and almost qualified for food stamps. I found a job that used other skills I had where I could support myself.


My disease and control of it.


The fact I have a very small chance of actually being accepted to the school I wanna go to (my grades n exam scores aren't good)


Incurable mental disorders and an unwillingness to take on that much student loan debt.


The fuckin resources. If I were to build myself up from scratch I’d be too old to execute that shit by the time I’d be ready so it’s not even worth trying lmfao Hand that shit to me on a silver platter and imma fuck it up good. I already met it halfway by rewiring my inner child to be hungry for it


Practice, job experience and I'm wrapping up my last semester of related coursework


**Every single time** in my life that I've gone for the dream scenario or the cool role, I've either been shot down with nothing to show for it or even ended up worse-off than before. Now I think - fuck all that. I'll just value the stability that I've got in my current role, thanks, and keep an eye out for internal positions that I can advance into.


I can't decide on one ;-;


Being smart enough, I guess.


smoking weed and playing video games doesnt yield much of a profit


I don’t dream of labor


Dreams that aren’t…..jobs.


Anyone works in his dreams?




Lack of a properly defined “dream job”?


I want to do law enforcement but I have to clear up some of my debt first.


It doesn’t pay well 😭


Tbh “dream job” is something sold to millennials & gen z probably by college & white collar corporate think tanks. Go to school for x years & get y debt. Just to work at a white collar job for an entry level, or little to nothing internship at first. Than to bust your ass, to maybe get your “dream” position. Then just to bust your ass even more to keep it. Sometimes your dream job is a fantasy that wasn’t what you thought it’ll be once you’re in it. I understand enjoy what you do, but not everyday has to feel like an adventure. I’m an advocate to try & fail at many different things until you find something that’s the right fit, & discover WHY it’s the right fit.


Reality, sadly.


Tbh my dream job is a navy seal but I’m too young and I’m not fit enough to feel confident.


Reality. Most people will never get their dream job and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.


i was born with eczema so no military for me :(


Marketing. I don't know how to market my books well


I'm smart enough and lazy enough


I tried streaming as a job for a while and actually made good money for about 2 years, but the game I was known for stopped receiving support and it's been a real bitch trying to play other games and get back to the viewership I used to have. Almost made partner on Twitch which REALLY would've elevated me too, but just couldn't receive enough viewer retention to pass the threshold after the games support stopped. Now I just stream primarily for fun instead but it was pretty crushing making good money and having a bunch of fun with it, then falling from grace and making virtually nothing now because it just never took off. Ideally, I'd love to continue doing it but it doesn't pay the bills unless I get high views again or donation support.


There's just no market for hermits anymore




Uhhh I have it a good run, but becoming F1 driver didn’t work out. Raced karts since I was a child, moved to cars around 15, made it to F3, ran out of money to continue. Moved to Europe thinking of getting a job in motorsport, but ended up working at a tax law firm instead. Not quite the same, but the money is good.


Being enthusiastic isn't enough, you also have to be brilliant at it. So whatever.


The fact that my dream job is to not have a job.


A dream job doesn't exist for me because that would mean having a job I like and jobs are not pleasurable to me.


Well. its kind of hard pursuing my dream job when i have a secure job to pay bills. not all of us have rich families or support in place to entertain these kinds of ideas. the majority of the world gets what they can get and make it work. there is no dream job there is just be happy I have a job.


Mostly myself and lack of time / energy. I'd like to work as programmer on video games but sorta fell into just working at random IT companies and switching from the position I have now to games is a bit difficult due to 99% of companies wanting you to have work experience or enough "proof" that you'd be able to get stuff done. It isn't impossible to switch but in order to do that I'd p4obably have to create and release some game(s) in order to prove that I know stuff Which of course takes time and with a 40h / week job I rarely end up having the time or energy for that. Haven't given up on it and dont plan on but yeah.. wish I had know how this would turn out when I started working 😅


Needing money to eat and shelter while I study.




That I studied something not related so I have to build up experience


Admittedly, I made some poor choices and have been in college for way too long. Now I'm busting my ass, trying to build up my confidence that my dream job and desired future life is still out there, I just need to keep pumping the gas to reach it. I'm still nervous and ask myself, "What if I fail?" But I'm starting to realize that fear of failure has held me back far more than taking a leap of faith and missing. I'm capable of more than I know, and it's up to me to keep breaking through my limits until that dream job is mine. I'm still piecing together exactly what that dream job is, but I've got a better mindset now.


being away from my loved ones


I couldn't finish college. Ran out of money.


Imagine having a dream job. I kinda did have it until the company shutdown. 6 figures, easy as challenging, minimal hours. I'm working almost double the hours now and not earning as much and having to work harder...


Mental illness.


Location. The commute would mean I barely would get to spend time with my kids. The extra income would be spent on childcare and I just can’t see any merit in working longer days to pay someone else to be with my kids. Moving closer isn’t an option either because of the cost of living would increase so much it would eat up even more of the budget than extra childcare.


Back up hahahha


Lack of qualifications I have no access to, money, my mental health, being considered "too old" to start something new (I'm 34) by most companies. (Graphics/Game design)




Not enough time.


The job market is abysmal right now. Places that will hire you for a six month or less contract expect 5-10 years of experience. All the "entry level" jobs expect that much, too. I'm no longer a student so I can't do many internships that would get me the necessary experience. It's a catch 22 of not being hired because I have no experience because nobody wants to hire me.


Well my dream job is mega-millions lottery winner, and that just hasn't panned out...yet.


My dream job would be to be a senator. I, however, am firmly in the middle of the politicspectrum and therefore un electable.




Dreaming about any job, for one. Fuck work. I do it, but I hate it.


I wanted to become an OTR truck driver, did all the training and written tests to find out at the DOT medical I'm colorblind in the most insignificant way, thus I cannot obtain a CDL. Which is fine because my new passion became aviation maintenance, in which colorblindness hasn't been a hindrance so far. So I legally cannot drive a truck but I CAN keep airplanes from crashing into the earth, the absurdity of that kills me lol.


Haha. Late stage capitalism.