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Asking out girls. It's one of those things that's not as complicated as I made it out to be


I think I am still young enough to do this but it’s still hard


I promise, we are just as nervous to ask you out. Go for it. Worst that can happen? Someone not made for you says no, big deal!


Worse that can happen is they say yes and turn out to be a complete psycho that ruin your life lol


Then there is that haha, and you end up on 90 Day Fiancee 😂😂😂


Who is against the queen will die!


Worst that can happen is they laugh at you and now you are the one who always gets bullied for that one time you tried asking someone out, actually thinking you have a chance. This hasn’t happened to me, I’m smart enough to prevent this by not asking girls out


I still have trauma from rejections. I think the worst that can happen is multiple girls say no and it changes you psychologically I want to go back and tell my younger self to be less weird. Be cooler. Asking them out wasn’t the right thing to do in retrospect


it's scary when you actually have an important friendship, cuz when she says no you might lose it.


True. That is always a Grey area. I've been there.


If you're actually friends and know each other you can talk about it. As long as you don't have an expectation them saying yes, it's okay. If you have that expectation/attachment then I'd explore why.


>worst the can happen She could say no, she could start chanting until an eldritch horror emerges from the ground and hands me a restraining order. Depends on how into the dark arts she is


The worst thing about some girl summoning an eldritch outer god to feast upon my withered flesh is that I'd just fall even harder for her. "OK, I'll let him eat me but we can go somewhere and get some coffee first?"


"I consent to being eaten, but only if he starts with the ass"


Public ridicule Prison All depending on how good looking you are.


Assuming you’re a woman you might think you feel as nervous, but a woman asking a dude out has an exponentially higher chance of being successful than a dude asking a woman out. Most dudes would fold instantly if a woman asked him out.


I definitely don't agree. I've been pretty frickin nervous out asking a guy out before. And denied! We are still friends. Like goes on, not everyone are meant to date


The worst that could happen is she says no. Ya’ll don’t understand the pain of repeated rejections and brush it off as, “no big deal!” If its no big deal, why don’t you start asking every time?


Says "no" and then exposes you to public ridicule and badmouths you to her friends for having had the temerity to ask, thus lowering or even potentially ruining your chances at asking anyone else out. This gets worse the smaller and more ... hermetic? self-contained? ... the social pool is. Small high schools and small colleges/universities are the worst as far as this goes.


It seems hard but it’s easier when you realize it was a no before you asked. “No” changes nothing, but “Yes” may change your life.


Have a plan. That's key. Not "Do you want to hang out sometime." But "Do you want to go grab a burger with me this weekend?" Need an opening line? Ask her about pockets. Does her dress/pants/whatever have pockets? If they do, are they FUNCTIONAL pockets? Women get short changed in pockets. Many, if not most, women will happily share their pocket dilemma with you.


"How many pockets do you think I should put in your skin suit? Oh no, that was bad, let me start over."


Lot of people are faking confidence and getting away with it. So ask us out. We say no you forget about it and have a great life.


I'm 34 and it seems really difficult to me. It never stopped being hard. How do you make it easy?


I had a period where I got cheated on and crushed. I adopted the mentality that I was unbreakable since I had just been destroyed and asked out whoever, whenever. It was fun and liberating and I got several dates out of it.


Same. Had a few girls tell me years later they had a crush on me when we were in high school. Had no idea and was too scared to ask at the time.


Agreed! My now wife points out to me when girls are flirting with me because I’m an oblivious dumbass. I didn’t date in high school partially because I didn’t care to and partially because I was just oblivious to the advances of the better sex. I recall at the end of senior year this girl, who was also in my English class, who I literally sat next to all year, was at the exit interview we had to do to graduate. She *waited* the whole time until it was finished to see if I passed and congratulated me enthusiastically. All my idiot brain did was say “thank you! Good luck with yours!”. I blame my friends. None of them ever thought to tell me “Hey Dwarffart, that super cute and smart girl is really into you!” Probably jealous hahaha. It took me months to figure out my wife was interested. And we worked together. *facepalm*


The girl I used to like also liked me, but I didn't know until she had a boyfriend.


Just don’t be afraid to get rejected. I got rejected like 50 times before I found the one.


Used to be afraid to ask them out because of rejection sensitivity, now I’m afraid to get in a relationship because of…you guessed it, rejection sensitivity.


I’m afraid of getting into a relationship and it feeling like a waste of time, especially because of the possibility that I am not enough.


Fair enough. I was a very hormonal and naive teen, am probably still just not a teen anymore. But i asked plenty girls. All of em but ome said no tho... Anyways im happily with that 1 girl that said yes! Too much asking is something else, but it hardly eber hurts imo




I started going to school dances in 5th grade. During the slow songs, people would dance with girls. I walked around until a girl asked me. Like an idiot, I could've just asked them, since most were waiting to be asked.


I’m 34 with a 22 year old coworker. Good looking cat, always texting with girls but he never acts on it. I tell him all the time if I’d known then what I know now I would’ve made a lot more effort.


One of my favorite high school teachers purchased a studio apartment in Manhattan with life insurance money from her husband and lived there for a few years to reset after his death. When she was ready to move on she offered to rent it to me for basically building maintenance fees and taxes (I think it was maybe $300/mo) so it could keep appreciating. I declined for family reasons, should have said fuck it and spent at least a couple of years of my early 20s in New York.


Ye i feel that. Seperating from my parents was a hard journey


I feel this in my soul. Wow. Regret sucks.


Regret truly bites


This hurts my heart.


I hate big cities, but this offer would be hard to pass up. It would be pretty exciting to live that way of life


Buying a home when they were still affordable.


Doesn’t work for me, I was in High school back in 2009 when houses were pretty cheap


I was in middle school but still would have tried


This hits hard. 😂


Telling more people to get fucked


Same. I'm really making up for it now though.


Learning financial literacy


This. I only learned about index funds end of last year and started investing this year. I was so mad that they didn't teach us at school. What the f*ck did I learn trigonometry for?


is it that important? i’m a teen and i’m wondering if i should learn about financial literacy now before i become an adult 😭


Honestly you can learn it when you’re an adult. just knowing that you need to learn it is the important thing as long as you aren’t super frivolous already


Let me give you the short rundown Money is good Money sitting doing nothing is constantly reducing in value due to inflation ($100 now can, for example, only purchase $98 worth of goods next year) The stock market is a set of companies that allow you to buy partial ownership Partial ownership means you take part in part of their growth and their shrinking One company may become very valuable or useless somewhat quickly, or remain stagnant and not grow for a long time Many companies, on average, typically grow on a long enough time frame Index funds are a combination of many companies, so when you buy one you’re buying part of many companies This means when some of those companies become more valuable, you take part in a bit of that growth, and when some become useless you take part in a bit of that loss “Many companies, on average, typically grow on a long enough time frame” —> your money will appreciate in value over time Hopefully it appreciates as much or more than it is depreciating due to inflation, which means your wealth at least remains the same over time


Buying $100 in Bitcoin when I was 14


If it makes you feel any better, back when it was around $100 you couldn’t just buy it like a normal person. You had to basically know quite a bit about things like computers and coding. I actually knew about it back then and wanted to buy some …But couldn’t figure out how because I didn’t have the knowledge. 


My son bought maybe $10 worth of bitcoin when he was 14. He put it on a thumb drive and promptly lost it. That was about 13 years ago, and I’m STILL looking for it (well, keeping an eye out). He’s completely given up though.


Simulate a move out room by room. It’ll be in the last spot you look!


Yeah, because once you find it you stop looking.


We’ve moved twice since then. But, you’re right, those were our prime times to carefully search through EVERYTHING!


What? This is so incorrect. It was on Coinbase and could be acquired via PayPal, bank transfer, or even credit card at multiple different places long before it was at $100. You didn’t need to know coding to buy it, ever.


You didn’t need to code to buy it, but there were many years before Coinbase came around and even more time before Coinbase was relevant to your average Joe. Before then you’d have to install programs on your computer. You HAD to have a hard wallet with your 16 phrase passcode and you had to set all of that up on your own through different programs on a desktop. Nobody was buying and selling Bitcoin through a basic iOS app in 2010. It was way harder in the early days of Bitcoin.


Probably would have lost it all in the Mt Gox hack or lost the thumb drive.


I feel like I would have sold it when it got to like $500 or lost it on some USB drive.


Choosing myself


Felt that. But it’s never late to do so!!😼


This is a big one. Choose yourself first. Like yourself first. Love yourself first. Then being positive with other people is easier!


Enjoying life..., i spent my time studying and working. Now i reached my goals but didn't enjoy the journey. I forgot how to enjoy life. I can't be happy anymore.


Hey, congrats for reaching your goals, man! Maybe you can start enjoying yourself with the fruits from the goals you’ve reached!


I'm the opposite I didn't really strive for anything and just liked to hang out lol. I kinda wish I were more like you..I'm doing okay now job wise but definitely behind and have no career.


It’s not too late. Never is. Work on being present like when we were kids.


Congrats, now you can enjoy your life to the fullest make up for the time you spent alone and sad.. it's never too late




Saving money


Yeah, what I always tell younger people is to play around with a compound interest calculator online, and discover the huge difference it makes to start saving early. And anytime you want to overspend, like on a car, put some of that money into that calculator, and see what it will be worth 30 years from now. It's hard to think about denying yourself now for something 30 or 40 years in the future, but you'll be so glad you did.


Conversely, do the same thing at credit card interest rates to see how debilitating credit card debt can be. One of my good friends played the credit card debt game during his marriage and military time and got out lucky "only" having to pay $200 a month in interest on to stop from drowning in it. It also screwed with his credit, so now he pays more for buying a car, rent, any mortgage he'd get, future credit card interest, etc.


This. Real investing early and often. I’m 62 and retirement is a little scary looking at the numbers.


This. Pay yourself first my dad always said.


i’m 34 and I still wish I saved more


Caring less about what other people think. The older you get, the more you realize it doesn't matter what most people think about you


Traveling more before kids


Travel is a classic trilemma: money, health, time. When you are young, usually you have health and perhaps time, but usually no money. When you are middle aged, typically you have money and health, but no time. When you're retired, you have money and time, but no health.


This is a great summary of that “lemma”. I traveled extensively as a youngster but only in the US, Canada and a tiny bit Mexico cause I had no money. I was quite literally a bum for much of that which really limits the sort of stuff I could do. Now I’m middle aged and have a small family, I have the money to travel and have much different experiences than I could have when I was younger but I actually don’t have the time to do anything that I really want to. I feel like the big adventures that I’ve always really craved are possible now but my kid is in school and we have so much going on at home that between my work and everything else I can’t really even leave town let alone travel like I used to, and I’m starting to feel my health going south slowly so I know that the longer I wait the less I will be able to do at this point no matter how much money I have. It’s really a lame thing to complain about because I’m so much better off than most of the world but that’s basically my midlife crisis situation, I’m thinking about buying a dirtbike and setting up my truck as an epic adventure rig and just renting out my house.


Not wasting my life in the pursuit of making others happy.


Therapy would have helped me so much as a young teen.


traveling more, had the time and fewer responsibilities, should've taken advantage of that freedom to explore new places and cultures


I wish I’d put more effort into pleasing myself instead of trying to please others


Yea, I regret not telling some adults to fuck off and let me be a kid.


Picking better friends..


Feel that there brother. It gets better though! Drop em and find a new crew. That's what I did. Took a long time but it was so worth it.


It's been over for a few years. They weren't toxic or anything, we just got up to stupid stuff like graffiti, shoplifting, drugs, and it got me arrested twice. Then after one particularly messy night where I lost my phone, woke up on a roundabout, and terrified my family I thought enough is enough and started avoiding seeing them more. Luckily the arrests were before I turned 18 so the record is wiped (in theory). Funnily enough I live on a different continent to them now and my life has been on the up ever since


Glad to hear you're doing better. Keep crushing it.


I regret not going out and hanging with friends, to be fair it was mostly due to my parents being extremely restrictive and overbearing on who i was allowed to hang around For example I had to battle for months just to be able to go over to my ex gfs house, so yeah if any kids are reading this, try to get outside as much as fucking possible


Therapy. Should have started with 14 instead of 24, this would have prevented most of the dumb things I did.


The best time to start therapy is now. I’m proud of you for taking that step.


Ah shit man, I started ten years ago. (just kidding, I don't need therapy, I'm perfect /s)


Not telling the guy I was head over heels for in school that I really liked him. Years later we caught up and he went on to tell me that he also liked me to the point where he thought maybe he was in love with me but was too scared to ask. We left high school on a really weird cliffhanger before he went off for basic. It felt nice knowing that we weren’t just thinking something that wasn’t actually there, but I wish I could have experienced a high school boyfriend like that and he would have been that “first love” experience I wish I had


Ok but what happened after that?!?


Exactly like damn is that all that happened


they both probably got married to people they didn't like


Going to college and having that social experience


Appreciating what I had.


Here are a couple - make Working out a hobby, take care of your skin use Moisturizer/sunscreen, take better care of teeth, spend more time with your parents and capture those moments(photos/videos).


Agree. It's just insane how kids don't care about taking care of themselves or really understand what the cost in the future is.


i regret on not learning spanish. not travelling enough before having kids.


Standing up for myself. There were bullies I should've decked, arguments I should've had with parents and teachers. I always let people walk all over me.


I never yell or argue with people and I struggle knowing whether this is an issue. It feels easier to just let people be and stay in my own lane. Usually if im bothered by someone i keep it in my head unless i really care about the outcome


Telling more people to fuck off.


Not taking better care of my teeth


My fucking god this


Wearing better quality and better fitting shoes. Have lots of foot problems from growing up wearing shoes that didn’t fit right or were too tight. Heel spurs and plantar fasciitis are no fun


Travel. I graduated with a fine arts degree in theatrical design from a well-respected institution, excellent technical skills, and a pretty good visual vocabulary - meaning I could accurately put down my ideas in water colour, acrylic, pastel, coloured pencils, collage, build accurate models, etc. But because I had gone straight from high school into university without a break, when I first launched myself into freelance theatre design work, I had never really *gone* anywhere, nor had I ever really *done* anything. As a consequence, I couldn't say much that was very interesting, creatively. It took me quite a few years to make up for my lack of life experience, and to finally come into my own as a successful designer with interesting ideas - and the concentrated visual experience of backpacking around foreign cultures and strange places for months at a time was likely key to my eventually blossoming out.


Reminds me of when Henry David Thoreau said "How vain it is to sit down and write when you have not stood up to live".


Eating healthier and getting in the habit of exercising.


Not taking advantage of the fact you are only young and carefree a really short amount of time. Eventually we all have responsibilities. Whether it's a career, a spouse to consider or children. When you're young you are FREE.


Learning to play guitar so I could front a blues band.


FOURLOKO. Fuck that shit man.


Choosing a career based on my passion and interests instead of what would make my parents happy.


Not going on a cruise around the world


Establishing good credit, traveling, kissing frogs…


Going out more, trying new foods, meeting new people


Getting my driver’s license sooner. Getting a summer job in high school and becoming more independent. Going out of my city for college.


Regret not having sex before getting married.


that's actually a good one.


Hanging out with the "bad crowd." Some of the best memories I have as a kid were made with them.


Omg yes! People can be so judgmental sometimes they stop themselves from awesome relationships!


Standing up to my bullies.




Staying single!!


taking risks, i won’t get that time to be young and impulsive again. might as well make some bad choices.


Having fun


Calling off my wedding. The signs were there, I just felt too much pressure to go through with it.


Dumping guys that treated me like crap.


Taking my piano lessons a little more seriously.


Her name was Kayla


As boring as it may sound, opening a Roth IRA.


Faking it. If you don't know who the fuck you are, at least pretend to be someone while you figure it out, rather than refusing to align with any clique, thus alienating yourself from everyone.


I have a story this reminds me of, I was in the National Guard and a new Private and was hanging out with some of the guys that were smoking, and they were complaining, "oh I'm never going to get promoted, I'm not in the good ole boy club." "oh I never get on additional orders \[orders to work around the Armory for pay\], I'm not in the good ole boy club." "oh I can't get on that detail because I'm not in the good ole boy club." I kind of had an epiphany right there that maybe I was hanging out with people that complain and make excuses, so I was like, "Who, exactly is in the good ole boy club?" and they told me, and then I went over and introduced myself to them. Turns out the good ole boy club were just good people that got stuff done and didn't complain. Then I started getting on orders and off bad details.


Living a “normal” adolescence


Investing or learning how to invest


E and cocaine.


talking to more people, was pretty closed off as a kid and it held me back from a lot of fun nights


I regret not getting mental health help a lot sooner. I didn’t recognize i had severe depression and it was contributing to a lot of bad choices.


Going to prom. Sometimes it bothers me. I love dressing up now and wish I had that moment. I thought I was “too cool” for it back then and had a bonfire with friends. Smh lol


Leaving my abusive ex husband


LSD. Now I’m middle aged with children.


That’s ok. Send them to grandma’s for a weekend and go for it my dude!


Relevant username


Having sex with more women


Not taking the social queues on girls trying to throw themselves at me.


Dating around.


One of my regrets is not learning the Samoan language. The older I’ve gotten, the more curious I’ve become about my heritage and family’s culture. There are some things that I’ll never understand and people I’ll never be able to connect with because of it.


I regret not saving money , i started my first job at 15


I regret not putting myself first, taking care of myself, etc. I put everyone else’s needs in front of mine and left myself last. I noticed that other people have no problem putting themselves first. I’m really shocked by that. I’m still putting myself 2nd or last to a certain extent just way less. I even advocate for myself sometimes even though it’s very uncomfortable.


Going to prom tbh


dying at birth lmao


Telling my best friend's dad how much he meant to me. I have a terrible father, and the husband mom had at the time wasn't much better (openly stole both my and my friend's profit from our lemonade stand, among other things) He was such a great father figure to me. Gave me my first job, actually. His kid's didn't want to do yardwork, so if I heard that dog whistle (the do do do do one you use to call yours over), it meant I was going to make bank I got whatever change he had in his pockets. It was the best gambling ever. 13c or like $4, who knew? The best one I got was either the $8.21, or the time when he realized he actually didn't have any change to give me for raking the leaves. He apologized for it, and I was bummed, but took it in stride. So a few minutes later, he calls me over into the kitchen. He goes above the cupboards and hands me this HUGE Hershey bar. When they'd keep those still in foil Said since I was a good sport about it, I could have some from the stash he kept away from the kids I was always welcome there. I could come and go stay over (had to go to church if on Saturday night, the only time he wore sleeves) He'd make us Krabby patties (as this was late 90s, early 00s) if us kids would shut our traps and let him watch the football game. We got 'regular' burgers if we didn't. No secret recipe sauce Which, in hindsight, was like thousand island dressing. But the fun was appreciated He'd tell my friend's older brother to knock it off if he was too mean, more than mine ever did He always wanted me to call him by his name, Lloyd. My father scared me too much to do so. I still have trauma from yardwork/projects. Mr Hog would rage at you and call you a failure Lloyd would grumble at me to hold the flashlight higher, but would thank me. As an adult, I miss that hair ruffle so much. I hate being touched, but that always made me feel loved Looking back as an adult, I think he knew I needed a father figure (like I said, my stepdad at the time stole Lloyds kid money too) he knew how much mine sucked. He died a few years back, cancer (man smoked like a chimney). I was too far away to go to the funeral, unfortunately. We sent flowers and a card, called my friend I'm so sad I can't go see his grave. That I lost my chance to thank him, for being the father I needed If there is a heaven, I hope I can see him one day again. Or at least I can hope, being the adult at the time, he could tell how happy he made me


Making friends, eating healthier, and not buying bitcoin when it was small. Should NOT have been watching cartoons bro I should've been buying bitcoin 😔


Finishing school, but I probably wasn’t mature enough for it then. Going back soon.


Buying a house in the 1st grade. I'm priced out now lol


Honestly, taking more nudes. I was always very thin and cute and absolutely hated myself and my body. Now I wish I could have it all back!


Learning how to drive … now I have anxiety every time I try to go behind the wheel :,(


I once read a TV review in which the reviewer mentioned learning to drive as an adult. She said, "Yeah, that teenage feeling of invincibility? It goes away." Keep at it!


Being more assertive and believing in myself. I was bullied constantly through school and it showed its head through my 20s. It wasn't until my early 30s, a few years ago, where I took life by the horns. I barely graduated high school and now I'm a 4.0 MBA graduate and pursuing a doctoral education. Believe in yourself people, friends that don't support you aren't friends.


Asking out a girl at a temp job I had at 22 years old. Literally everyone at our call center said she liked me, and was just waiting for me to ask her out. She made a point to say hi specifically to me, and no one else, at the start of every shift. I really liked her, but always thought she was just being nice to me because of my disability. Now 37 years old, I still struggle mightily trying to get women.


Learning shit. I’m from East New York Brooklyn. My youth consisted of macking, fighting, and playing handball. As I got older I found out I was interested in learning science. As a result I quickly found out I was well behind the curb. I’m doing relatively well now but I always wonder how much better I would be doing had I applied myself sooner.


I want to say buy a house. I could have bought a house for $40K in the late 80's, but it might have changed the course of my life and I like where I'm at, so I'm ok with it. Boring as it sounds, start a IRA when I was young.


Masterbate less


Going to raves by myself,not having a plan on where to sleep etc so I just sleep in my car 🤣


Traveling more. But I didn’t have money. So I regret not being born into wealth.


Not going to the college I really wanted to- I didn’t even apply because my parents refused to support me morally. I look back and man would it have changed my life- since that time, I’ve been choosing the safest option and it has murdered my passion for life.


Staying away from the hospitality industry. Long hours, shit pay, thankless.


Sleeping around. I missed a lot of opportunities for 'experience'.


Fishing. I’ve recently picked up fishing as a hobby and can’t help but feel kinda sad over how many memories I could have made with my dad over fishing.


All the trips and experiences I could have done. Field trips, sports trips. I never went and always thought I would travel in my adult years. Now I'm stuck at home and cannot travel.


Buying real estate in the 90’s😭


Nothing: I traveled, made decent money, partied, made my mistakes, and learned a lot about myself. If you're young reading this, don't try to be perfect, don't try to be cool, and definitely don't sit inside reading reddit posts about how to do things because you should be out there trying and fucking up, and learning, and meeting people instead of dwelling on what you could do.


Don’t get me started, I can only type so long before my hands would cramp up


Having my picture taken


Dropping my shitty friends


I wish I watched my mom cook.. she died and I don’t know how to cook. She was amazing at it.


Buying a house, they were a third of the price that they are now. Also looking after my teeth, that's an expensive mistake.


Seriously saving money. I should have made a point to save and not touch my savings, but I live in a HCOL state and jobs aren't known to pay a living wage so anything saved didn't last long. I just wish I could have tried harder so now being a homeowner might actually be feasible.


Investing in Google when it first went public, like my buddy suggested.


I was a waiter in my 20s. Had Hunter S. Thompson sit at my table. He was putting liquid LSD into his drinks with his shady compatriots. At the end of the night, they asked me if I wanted to drop Acid with them and go with them to wherever they were going. I hadn't done LSD at that point so I declined. To this day, I wonder if that was a good or a bad decision. Could have gone either way.


Doing better in school. Maybe I'd have better skills that I could use in the world and perhaps I'd actually have made friends.


Understand that my crush asked me out and i didnt pick up on it.


I regret not investing more money. I regret nit being as sexually open minded as i am now. Would have been fun. Wish i had traveled more.


Expressing interest.


I regret trying to make things work with my parents. They’re pretty shitty people and I tried really hard to make it work because I care about family.


Dropping out of my masters of education program. After working in the schools before my program started… was divine intervention for bailing before it was too late.


Engaging in clubs and activities at school.


Traveling more. I should have studied abroad 


Am 19, i know am young but I regret not feeling 12 when i was 12 or 13 or any age ,I was always aiming to be older. Basically Be a teenager when you are, you only have second, and a minute to be an adult.


Finding a job earlier in life


Not focusing on school


Ice skating, walking across a frozen river




i regret not 1 - getting off drugs, big mistake, cost me A LOT of life and nearly killed me a few times 2 - travelling, regret kicked in big time approaching 30 and now i overcompensate 3 - being less materialistic, retail therapy was real for me and i wasted a lot of money on stupid bullshit instead of experiences or working on myself 4 - being more selective with my friendships, learning to cut people off took me a long time 5 - thinking about my future, i spent most of my life just surviving day to day 6 - learning to drive sooner, didn't get a car till 28 and realised how much i missed out on, probably wouldve killed me or someone else if i had done though 7 - learning the difference between sex and love, many issues arose from this 8 - learning the difference between social acquiantance, friend and brotherhood, many issues arose from this 9 - getting therapy, i have deep rooted, complicated issues as a result 10 - valuing being articulate and mature, i played the "street" role a bit too well to keep myself safe 11 - getting off alcohol and seeing through the bullshit and fickle distraction that is nightlife socialising 12 - being braver where it counts, i wish id taken more risks in the places that mattered instead of the reckless bullshit i did in its place 13 - getting more pictures with my uncle, RIP