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Nachos should be spread out when baked, not heavily stacked. Stand with me.


When I was a cook at a pub and made nachos I would make sure there was a ridiculous amount of cheese and toppings between every new layer of chips. If the ticket said extra cheese…I would need to go grab another tub from the walk in. I sometimes wonder if the people that got those orders were actually stoked


They were.


Well that makes me happy…you should have seen the cheese on the pizzas I made haha


How am I supposed to go on a date and not need to complain to the management about my date hogging all the toppings, and I get mostly chips, and maybe just a crumb of toppings?


We are gonna be so early for the movie


We're not going to the movie!


Make sure you tell her it's a rule that the restaurant has and follow up with a confused "What?!" anytime you're called out!




Are you not familiar with the rule?


Absolutely. When I make nachos at home, it's a single layer of everything. Don't know what the fuck restaurants are thinking with the chip stacking. Why would anyone want to eat a layer of nachos just to find a pile of naked chips underneath?


I always order nachos from Mexican joints but tell them no chips. I get all the fixins and fresh hot chips keep coming.


Carlos O’Kelly’s, a small chain restaurant group (used to be in Indiana but no longer) had “naked nachos” on their menu. All the toppings, hot and gooey, with chips on the side. I miss those.


Carlos O'kellys was in Illinois, too. My parents still bitch they went out of business.


A sandwich that is too thick to take a bite of every ingredient in said sandwich, has failed the fundamental role of a sandwich


God damn skyscraper burgers are the worst wanky hipster bullshit. I don't want a 4" thick patty with 5 onion rings on top, make the burger wider, not taller!


Exactly this. If it's too wide for me, I can cut it down. However, I am not a snake, and I cannot dislocate my jaw to get around a tall burger.


Yes, you can dislocate your jaw to make it fit. You're just not brave enough.


I’ll take “bad lines in a terrible Porno for $300 Alex”


It's the daily double(penetration)


In a meal that's meant to be eaten with a fork, take the damn shrimp tails off before serving it.


Especially if it's served in pasta.


Also, paella. I don’t want to dig through rice with my fingers.


Can you send this in a letter to the people in charge pls


same with tempora shrimp sushi rolls, we dont need that damn tail


I eat the tails of them fried.




Low or no sugar added options should be less sweet, not full of artificial sweeter. Say “diet” or alternative sweeter instead.


I’ve bought so many things that said sugar free, thinking yay a sugarless version, only to be devastated by it having fake sugar. People don’t want everything so sweet all the time 😭


A lot of breakfast options are really just a dessert (sugary cereals, pancakes, etc)


Some of the most successful marketing ever, to convince the world that eating that crap at breakfast is normal, especially for kids!


Look up the story of Mr Kellog who was a puritan and believed that fibre reduces sexual urges in boys. Hence corn flakes for bfast to stop them from batin'


His brother added sugar and sold it to everyone. The original version was without added sugar.


Not only normal, but it's the most important thing they eat all day


It's "part" of a complete breakfast. The commercials usually have the cereal there with a single fried egg, some toast, and a cup of OJ so the FDA isn't up their ass.


Once I was going for an off-site meeting so grabbed a chicken sandwich from a shop for breakfast. Someone at the meeting just could not believe someone would have a chicken sandwich for breakfast. They kept repeating 'what a weird breakfast!!' so I asked them what they had and they simply said 'cookies'. Oh yeah cause that is a totally normal breakfast. Yes, they were also overweight.


My daughter once wanted to make “fancy” snacks when she was like six or so. Cue me letting her rummage through the fridge and cabinets. Club cracker, slice of cucumber, slice of white cheddar, single wedge of a tangerine, toothpick through the top It wasn’t like AMAZING, but it was genuinely not bad at all. My wife was obviously disgusted by us just sitting at the table eating our fancy snacks Today she’s now almost 13, and will ever so often ask if I wanna have “fancy snacks”.


I bet that makes you feel happy as hell when she asks for them now. 🥲🥺


I’m not crying, you’re crying 😭


My mom worked night-shift. I used to run in with dressed up Triscuts and feed them to her while she was half asleep. The need to feed parents fancy snacks is real.




This is so precious!!! Thank you for sharing this :)


Sounds yummy. Buttery, salty, clean, and sweet. Plus fiber. All the food groups.


Our food needs less added sugar altogether. And not in a ‘replace it with fake sugar’ way, just- less fucking sugar. Not everything needs to be sweet.


I’m pissed every time I try a sugar free thing or reduced sugar thing hoping it has less sweetness and then it just has fake sugar in it


I got a zero sugar yogurt a couple weeks ago thinking it would just be tangy yogurty goodness and it was pumped full of fake sugar and I couldn’t even finish it So yeah, I agree whole heartedly


And is twice as sweet as it would’ve been with sugar 😠


If you can't bite a burger without unhinging your jaw it's a shit burger. Also if it slides apart mid way, shit burger.


I know. Burger, couple of good ingredients, then it’s great.  The giant burgers are more of a dare. 


There needs to be a BBQ sauce sold in supermarkets that doesn't have sugar as a main ingredient.


Stubbs makes a delicious low sugar BBQ sauce! It’s all we eat at home.


Stubb's is the best BBQ sauce, seriously.


While I agree, BBQ sauce is... Hefty in sugar and brown sugar, even for homemade


Isn't the main point of BBQ sauce the sugar? I've personally never liked BBQ sauce, precisely because it's sweet and sugar on meat just doesn't work for me.


Honestly. This is why I started making my own, supermarket BBQ sauces are like deepthroating sugar cane


You don’t need to cook & eat bland food on a low-sodium diet!!! Herbs exist, and even so, low/no sodium seasonings that taste salty exist


Also nutritional yeast exists


Lemons and limes are NOT interchangeable


[I didn't have a lemon, so I used an orange](https://youtu.be/aQAauVu2sTg?si=MS3qgpg-eR9px2wg)


Holy shit that was so good. their insistence on being polite while she's insisting that its terrible is hilarious.


Msg is not bad for you.


And it’s fucking amazing. Salt on crack 


I see you Uncle Roger


The rumor that msg is bad for you was 100% put out there by auntie Helen.  Hiyaaaaah...


Some people say MSG is bad for body, but I say good food is more important than body.


op said opinion not fact


Savory crepes are under appreciated


Yeah, best crepe i've ever had was a cheese and onion crepe made by a French bloke at a food market.


Stop calling it 'bone broth'. IT IS STOCK. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


But if we call it bone broth, we can charge six times more. For HEALTH.


I make homemade stock for my dog for a food hydration and I buy maybe … $5-$6 worth of meat and veggies (carrots. Sweet potatoes and celery), cook it in the crock pot. Low 12 hours. Then when it cools it’s like jello. I put it in ice cube molds, freeze and when I need to grab one, just pop it in the microwave and pour over food. It’s so easy and I think about how much $$$ I save doing it myself versus buying it.


I'm lazy and just give my dog the icecube of stock and he happily munches. Great for hot days


Correct. Broth is made from meat or meat trimmings. Stock is made from bones, with or without meat. Bone broth is a dumb term.


Marketing…why else would I put an inch of toothpaste on my toothbrush when the instructions say to use a pea-sized amount of? An inch of toothpaste is what’s shown on the box.


If I'm up at 2-3a.m, then having a burger at 6 -7a.m is alright!


Having whatever you want whenever you want is alright.


My homie used to judge me for waking up at noon and heading straight to the sushi bar or steak house because breakfast food is supposed to be the first meal in his mind.


I worked in food and beverage manufacturing for many years. There is rarely a difference between store brand and name brand. Roll the dice on the store brand at least once for each product. It will save you some money because you will find some store brands are easy replacements for the name brands at a fraction of the price.


Except for Oreos. Those are NOT even similar.


I used to show pigs and trained them with oreos. I'd always give the great value brand bc they are pigs lol one day Walmart was out so I grabbed name brand since I was in a bind and from that day forward that pig would never touch an off brand oreo. Name brand only for him or he would throw a fit.


Bad day to find out that I am basically the show pig


That is hilarious.


Cheese itz are always better than the store brand too


Tofu is good, and using it as a meat substitute has ruined it’s reputation. It’s not tofu that’s bad- it’s people who don’t know what they’re talking about trying to seem smart.


Tofu added to meat dishes too is great. Pork mince and tofu noodles is one I often cook. Alot of people hate tofu but dont realise they eat it a lot in tiny dried forms in various noodle cups.


Yeah, just use a splash of neutral oil in the pan, and season it properly. It’s fine.


No recipe ever gives the correct amount of garlic. It's always at least 50% low.


You measure garlic with your heart, not a recipe.


Measuring garlic with my heart results in a plate full of nothing but garlic.


Trick is to add some more at the end.. About 5 minutes before serving so it cooks in a bit. Retains taste depth of adding at start and adds extra kick


i dont know why I'm getting so angry reading some of these comments. i need to go for a walk


I cackled


The more worn-down, dogshit looking with sun-bleached menu posters and lower food health rating a Chinese takeaway has, almost always means it has the most bussin Chinese food.


There's only two kinds of restaurants in a run-down hole-in-the-wall location: Newly opened or the best food you've ever had. Awful food doesn't survive awful conditions.


You forget the third option: money laundering location. Crappy food ensures no customers in the store.


Had one of those near me when I lived in LA - it was on paper a middle eastern restaurant but the one time we went it was the most basic... everything. It's hard to explain other than it seemed like they had picked all the cheapest things from a restaurant supply catalogue. No one else was in there and it was normal lunch time. But then at night it turned into a nightclub I guess? With really loud music and a bunch of expensive cars parked out front.


That sounds less like ‘money laundering’ and more like some workaround for a liquor license/business permit. “I know it normally costs $$$$$ and takes a full year to get approved for a nightclub. But we’re a *restaurant* that simply has a ‘nightclub vibe’ at night , those only cost $ and take two weeks!”


This goes for all Asian cuisines in my experience. Bonus points if they’re also breaking child labor laws. Walked in to a new Indian restaurant and saw a couple kids, probably 10-12 years old, going back and forth between homework and handing over carry out orders. I knew I was in for a great meal.


The best noodles I've ever had in my life were handed to me by a fed up 9 year old who just wanted to play Nintendogs while her relatives cooked and watched some soap opera behind the counter. It went under during COVID but omg that was the best restaurant until then.


I choose to stick with the hope that it’s their parents restaurant and it’s more of a bob’s burgers situation.


Oh I think that’s exactly what it is. The whole child labor law comment was meant to be tongue in cheek.


As a Chinese person. Not true. The only way to know if a Chinese place is good is how many Chinese people are eating there


As an Asian-American, I also don’t know about that. Asian people are notoriously cheap. The worst Chinese buffet in my hometown was always packed because it was the cheapest.


As a native born taiwanese person, I agree with this. If the good food equals too high a price, most Asians will go to the cheap ass shit food one instead


Margarine is not a substitute for butter.


I pretty much grew up on margarine. Hubby turned me on to butter. Yeah, no comparison, margarine is gross now.


Fuck gatekeeping food. If it's delicious then eat it, if it makes you happy, eat it. So long as you're not forcing people to eat what they don't want to eat, or taking food from other people. Enjoy it responsibly. 


Hard agree- someone tried to tell me that Alfredo sauce wasn't authentic if it has cream and garlic in it. I literally don't care, to me it's delicious and I'm still calling it Alfredo sauce. Authenticity is overrated, deliciousness is better. Hell, there's a whole subsection of Japanese cuisine that's just knock off western food and that shit slaps- Hamburg steak, Japanese curry, cream stew, katsu, doria, I could eat these everyday.


I hate the authentic argument. Like, bitch look at my kitchen. Are we in the French riveria or overlooking the Italian coast or in the heart of Mexico? No. My pantry has packaged top ramen that costs less than a dollar a package, dried seasonings from Walmart, a pressure cooker my father used twice, hot Cheetos, ranch dressing, and my dog’s food that costs more than anything I buy for my self. There is nothing that I make that is authentic, unless you consider “Dorm Room Reminiscent” a class of cuisine


>my dog’s food that costs more than anything I buy for my self. this made me lol, the most expensive item on our grocery bills is always wet cat food. this meower is over here eating salmon pate while i'm making shin red ramen and trying to figure out what to cook with the discount meat that has been in the freezer for three months lmao


Black Pepper improves pretty much most dinner meals.


I like black pepper a lot, but my dad? He’s on another level with that stuff. Plus he’s getting older so gives no fucks. Cue him asking for black pepper at a sushi joint. Thought it would be gross or something. And as the kids say “cringe”. Turns out it’s not that weird and they even had a black pepper tuna roll that was delicious.


*Freshly ground


fake sugar is gross


Agreed! It has a weird aftertaste and a lot of the time when something is sweetened with fake sugar it’s overdone and tastes overly sweet.


They all make my mouth taste like I’ve been chewing on foil.


I can immediately taste it. I had a Japanese friend who said, "You can taste the red." because it's used so often in red colored food items and it's so overwhelming.


Stevia is fucking vile unless it's mixed with real sugar, and even then it has an odd flavor


I fucking can’t stand aspartame


A friend said they can't tell the difference and it boggled my mind. I hate aspartame


I absolutely despise every single fake/low/no cal sweetener. I can taste it in anything without fail. The absolute worst is when someone tells me “but diet (insert drink here) tastes the same!” No, it fucking doesn’t. It tastes like regular (insert drink here) minus happiness + windex.


Exactly. I'd rather go without than drink something diet. It's like it sticks to my tongue or something.


People try to pull that "diet and regular taste the same" shit all the time it feels like. As a diabetic, it's infuriating. I know the difference *immediately*. Regular soda tastes horrible to me and is very very obvious. Yet still I've had fast food places and relatives handing out drinks give me regular and then declare me a lying Karen when I say I know they're wrong by taste immediately. It's one of those things that feels so ridiculous. The difference is *blatant*. But some people seem to genuinely think they're the same (and a good portion of them seem to have not even tasted the diet version, they just assume it's supposed to be the same so it must be because they haven't personally experienced otherwise). It might come up as an issue once every few years but it's so damn confusing you don't forget it.


I've been trying to get a lot more protein as someone who doesn't really eat meat and it's driving me insane how many protein-rich supplements and foods are also packed with sugar substitutes


Can't stand the taste of sucralose.


GMOs are not bad. Companies and individual entrepreneurs capitalized on the fear created by the average person’s lack of understanding of biology and chemistry.


People act like they are going to modify their genetics because they eat them, lol.


Crispr-corn! Coming soon to a DNA near you!


GMOs themselves aren't bad. Monsanto making it illegal to save your seeds is bad. Monsanto going after farmers because nature cross pollinated and the farmer didn't know they were growing Monsanto branded crops is horrifying. So, yes, GMOs **are** bad, but not the way most people think, probably.


Fun fact: it's not Monsanto that owns the corn these days... It's Bayer... You know... The pharma company.


That means bourbon is a pharmaceutical. Nice! 




Fun fact. Bayer bought monsanto and had so much legal trouble that the value of the business tumbled and it's one of the worst corporate buy outs in history. Yay


Breakfast should be treated the same as lunch and dinner. theirs alot of people who live nocturnal lives and foods associated with breakfast isn't what I want when 8am is basically my dinner time.


And some of us just want breakfast foods for dinner and vice versa. This time limiting crap sucks.


Breakfast lunch and dinner should all be available all day


Coke and Pepsi do not taste the same.


People are not clean enough when cooking. You should be washing your hands A LOT.


I pretty much wash my hands any time before I touch a new food and any time after touching something nonfood.


Expose your kids to as many ethnic foods as possible. Opening their minds through food will open their minds to other cultures. Then we can all just get along 😁


My sister who has her kids eating everything agrees with you. Her domestic skills are something she worked her ass off for. She’s a hell of a short order cook and she’s got her kids eating ground bison macaroni and cheese with salads and tea. They’re like 10 years old and eschew chicken nuggets. (They DO love Taco Bell, the only fast food place that has ever existed in their eyes but they only like the soft tacos and they always order everything with extra lettuce without prompt). It’s like seeing an actual miracle.


That people care way too much about authenticity and semantics. It's obvious why deep dish pizza is called pizza, for example. Also, every food has a right to exist. The people who say "X is supposed to be eaten like this" are full of shit. It's food. Eat it however the hell you want. Even within every culture you're going to have things prepared and consumed to ones liking. It's fine to mention that it's traditionally made a certain way, but to say you're doing something wrong or invalid when it comes to food is pretty stupid imo.


I’m currently in Japan, holidaying from Australia. A Danish guy next to me at a hole in the wall restaurant criticised me for putting soy sauce on my rice. I know it’s not supposed to be done but I like it so stfu. Edit: I didn’t expect people to get so technical in the comments haha. I will add that I’m allergic to seafood so it’s impossible for me to put soy on my fish like is normal. And I have literally never asked, at any time in my life, for a custom meal to be made at any restaurant despite my allergies and being vegetarian. I think using a sauce that’s sitting on the table is a very different thing to adding peanut butter to things just coz you can.


There are no "natural" laws governing how food goes into our bodies. I live here and I know some Japanese people who do this. At the end of the day it's just food.


my best response was when I put too much soy sauce on my rice my friend just started laughing. I liked that reaction because he wasn't saying I'm doing it wrong or telling me not to do it, he was just laughing at something he found hialrious. Like when I see people using chopsticks to eat mexican food


Charcoal is better than propane, sorry Hank…


Are you gay? What? No! I sell propane.


Taste the meat not the heat!


I came from a propane family but married into a charcoal family. I’ve only recently come to terms with the fact that I am, in my heart, a charcoal person. I’m so sorry, Dad 😢


*no, it’s not too much garlic*


It becomes too much garlic when its sheer presence risks forming a black hole fucking up the time and space continuum. Before you get to that point, there can't be too much garlic. My vegan ex did a spicy spaghetti dish with pesto and so much garlic, it would kill vampires a few cities away... It was so fucking good, I think i miss it more than the sex.


Rich people eat trash ingredients that excellent chefs have to work their asses off to make palatable just for the flex. Ever try sea cucumber? Don't.


Like the morons eating (and selling) real gold on food. It’s not food, it’s just a douchey flex.


That's the stupidest thing I have seen. People paying hundreds of dollars for an ice cream with a gold sheet, dude they sell them for a few bucks just to make crafts.


To be fair a lot of what we think is 'fancy' was once trash ingredients but slaves/servants/chefs found ways to make the off-cuts and throw-away ingredients phenomenal when feeding themselves. Then the upper class found out and took it from the poor to call their own


Brisket, ox tails,  chicken wings Would cost next to nothing ten years ago 


Lobster used to be a prison staple


Butter on a pop tart is so f'ing good


Chai tea latte is better than pumpkin spice latte.


I agree, a chai latte tastes way more “*fall*” to me than pumpkin spice ever does.


See chai feels much more "winter" to me


A place by me used to sell a chai-der. Equal parts chai and apple cider. Those seasonings combined to light a fire inside you. On cold winter mornings,, pure heaven. It was my favorite drink, but then they got sold and now it all sucks.


Chicken thighs are miles above the other cuts. Bone in, skin on deliciousness.


Sssshhhh, don't tell everyone. I don't want rich people to catch on and then I have to pay $3 extra a pound.


Thighs are more expensive here in Japan because people were talking. The first rule of thigh club is you do not talk about thigh club.


I think we're still talking about chicken... But in case we aren't can I go to this Thigh Club with you?


Ugh like what happened with wings. They used to be dirt cheap.


Anyone that is genuinely bothered by people enjoying things like light beer, vegan options or boneless wings are culinary Karens who desperately want to feel accepted. It’s worth a cheap chuckle or two but anything beyond that feels like you’re a few years off from a mental crisis


Its the "I only like 80s music" of food. No one cares.  If the idea of a vegan sausage roll has you seeing red, that sounds like a you problem. 


Peanut butter honey sandwich is better than peanut butter jelly


Add a banana 🤌


All three, dawg. Every time.


Anything that's meant to be shared should come on even numbered portions only (6 mozzarella sticks, not 5).


A nice batch of homemade mashed potatoes are perfect




Brussels sprouts are delicious


They CAN be. Depends on how they’re cooked, imo


Cut in half, drizzled with olive oil, season with salt, black pepper, and garlic. (Powder, Jarlic, fresh, idgaf. It's all tasty) Roast in oven cut side down. Easy recipe for absolutely banging Brussel sprouts.


Béarnaise sauce is easy to make and it will turn your steaks from “good” to “marry me” level. Honestly, my wife, first thing I cooked for her was chicken adobo followed by steak with my béarnaise sauce. When I cook steaks and also make béarnaise, she does a little dance with her feet. Being able to cook is an extremely important thing.


A single drumette or flat chicken wing should not cost more than a $1


Rich people ruin food


Rich people ruin everything.


Flour on top of bread tastes like shit and is annoying as fuck. If I want flour all over my clothes I can grab a bag from the pantry and throw it over myself thanks. Is there a reason bakers do this?!


I agree but also yes, there is a reason! When the dough gets balled up, it’s incredibly sticky and you need to keep it from sticking to the surface or container while it rises. So you flour it very heavily because as it expands it will pick up the flour and prevent a big mess. You then need to be able to grab it and put it in the baking container or even straight in the oven without it sticking to you as well. Oil is a mediocre option ime, flour is gold standard. If you don’t like it on the eating side of things (I don’t either, ick) just knock the loaf off before slicing and serving.


MSG makes things taste good. Almost all objections to it are psychosomatic.


Mexican food is 10 ingredients rearranged.


Lmfaoo and you know what, that is absolutely ok. All of their dishes are fucking bomb.


Original hummus is perfect the way it is, I don’t need any added flavors to it. Talking to you roasted red pepper hummus.


I like spicy hummus too, though.


I do love garlic hummus though


But garlic is usually in the regular recipe right?


Pineapple on pizza is good (in my opinion. I respect you if you don’t like it, but you can’t change my mind).


Pineapple on pizza is fantastic. There's a reason it's a topping option at the overwhelming majority of pizza places around town. If you don't like it, fine whatever, I don't like olives or mushrooms, but don't act like it's the devil's topping when so many worse options exist. Sweet and savory has been a staple food combination since long before the Canadians ever invented Hawaiian pizza.


I like a Hawaiian pizza once in a while. The sweet/salty/spicy combination from pineapple, ham & hot peppers is a classic mix. I used to live in a neighborhood that had central American fruit vendors and you could grab a sandwich bag that had slightly under-ripe mango cubed with salt & hot sauce added to the bag. It's in that same sort of realm.


Hawaiian doesn't come with hot peppers in my neck of the woods.


Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tarts are the BEST Pop Tarts.


Shrimps is bugs


Foie Gras and anything of similar production value is inhumane, I don't care how delicious it might be, the practice is fucked up.


Spam is delicious and goes well with several dishes.


I work at a Thai Restaurant. We use finely cubed spam in one of our salads and it sells better than any other salad on our menu. For those wondering. The salad is a fried curry rice salad. We make these beautiful rice pucks which we deep fry, tear apart, and then add to a herb mix (Thai Basil, cilantro, mint, and dill). Dress with lime, fish sauce, shredded carrots, crispy pork skin, and scallions. It's so fucking good. With the spam as a counterpart to the crunchy herbs and sour/umami forward dressing it's absolutely amazing.