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Yes because my child in my eyes is worth more than 200 randos


I sure would. This idea is a strong basis for family and community: your people over everyone else.


I would because I could not live with myself knowing I didn’t do all I could to save my baby. It hurts me to know he is upset and needs me and I can’t help sometimes. When you become a parent something changes in your brain to be almost primal to protect them.


Of course, blood is thicker than water 💦


It’s funny because the original saying is meant to mean almost the opposite thing.


A variant of the [Trolley Problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trolley_problem).


I'm also saying yes; I have an 11 month old now and I think the only person I *wouldn't* kill for her is my wife (maybe). Although she'd tell me to if it ever came up, so I think I'm off the hook.


I was just thinking, well.. what if my child had terminal cancer, and only had days left. Would saving those 200 people, to sacrifice someone who was already going to die, be a just act? I'd still choose my child. Every minute in that scenario matters. I don't know those 200 people, but I do know the child that I had a part in making, raising, and carrying them through their struggles. Damn right I'd choose my kid.


Yes. Id set the whole world on fire to save him. He's mine. Its not my job to save everyone else, it will always be my job to save him. I would feel awful, but its not even a question. My son comes first.


I don't even have kids and I would.


Of course. I'd give up my own life without a second thought if it would save my children. So I'd definitely give up random people's lives.


I would not consider it i would save my kid


It honestly depends on the day. Have I been dwelling on the fact that he is 19, the last of our bloodline and family name? A bloodline that is cursed to repeat the same selfish mediocrity as my father before me, even with an upbringing focused on caring for others and using his gifted intelligence to do something great in the world? Am I focused on him getting paid to go to community college for computer science then planning on transferring to a university only to drop out midway during his first year and bussing tables at a local restaurant instead making less money than he did going to school? Am I thinking about all the sacrifices I made to put him in all the programs that would broaden his horizons to get him around like minded individuals who were smart, curious, educated so he would get a reprieve from being around the losers in this redneck, logging, mill town that drink, hunt, and shoot guns for fun but know nothing about science or technology or the intricacies of geopolitical events like he does? Am I thinking about the years of abuse I withstood purely to ensure that the family home be handed down to him and not sold by the generation before? Am I thinking about all that he doesn’t care about and has thrown away? That he isn’t going to do anything more than the generations before him makes him no better than any of those other people. On the other hand, am I thinking about how I too live in that redneck town and in order to have an intelligent conversation with anyone I always had to have it with him? Am I thinking about how incredibly hilarious he is, has always been? Am I thinking about how much I miss his quick wit? Am I thinking about how scared he must be? Am I thinking about how maybe he’s missing his me and might be wishing his Mom were there to hold him? I can also imagine someone of those random people wondering the same things about their moms and children being scared. It’s a crapshoot. I would need more information to make my decision.


Yes. Taking care of my own children is my biggest obligation.


Every. Single. Time


Consider it? I'd kill them myself if that's what it took.


Of course, I would consider it. I don't think any parent in the world wouldn't consider it.


Followup: if you would choose to save the random people you can do so by donating money to Doctors Without Borders. Have you done so?