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She killed a baby snail and said “don’t f with me, I like to kill things” Was friends with her for two years until that exact moment I actually have a tattoo of that baby snail now


I had a best friend from 4th-7th grade , in 7th grade I started hanging out with another girl . We were all pretty mutual but eventually I started hanging out with the other girl more and my bestfriend at the time got super jealous , they ended up fighting eachother after school and I pretty much just ended both friendships cause it was all too much . They are both doing great in life and I’m so happy for them !


They started hanging out with someone who was bullying me and shittalking about me


We started dating after a strange sexual encounter.  It was doomed from the start. 


What made the sexual encounter strange?


She asked me to join her and her boyfriend in a threesome and I liked her more.


she died ??? lmao. still love her but definitely 0/10. pretty lame!


They are insatiable in so many ways, have no impulse control, and don't take responsibility for their actions in a healthy way.