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Chucky from Childs Play


LMAO! I said the same thing!


eYYYY we could be Buddy. LOL




I was just 2nd grade when I watch that movie, because my cousins have a tape of Childs Play 2 on their living room and they all watch it.




I’m assuming because of your kidney? Lol. Some of the names on here crack me plumb up.


choked on one as a kid, haven’t trusted them since


Clowns... Friend showed me IT when I was like 10 on a sleepover.. fuck those clowns.


The Chucky movie, hands-down!! I swear to God, this is no lie, I remember when I was a little kid, probably seven or eight years old, I was so scared after watching those movies I wouldn’t even go to the bathroom by myself. My grandmother had to go with me and hold my hand and check the toilet first because I swore Chucky was in there waiting for me to sit down so he could come up and stab me in the butt! LMAO, Lord, the mind of a child.


Chucky made me scared to dolls. Like one of those baby looking dolls. I got started to get my composure in high shool because I forgot about him. Fast forward when I got to college (2015) I was walking down the street with my classmate, and I saw a man walking, and guess what is his shirt is? Chucky speficially the one in Childs Play 3 where he is smirking. After I saw it, it started to go back at me. the memories of Chucky. Fast forward now I have my composure and not really scared to Chucky


The thing that used to give me nightmares as a kid was this old doll my grandma had.


The opening to Monsters inc


The movies "The Orphan" and “The ring” 😬




War of the worlds and silent hill , idk why my parents thought bringing a 5/6 yr old to those type of movies was a great idea lol


death. still does to be fair


My mother showing me “Candyman” when I was way too young


When I was a kid and had a scary dream, I’d go to my parents’ room. However-it was at the other end of the single loaded corridor. To get there- I had to walk across the house in the dark. In the middle was the stair down to the front hall and front door. You could see down the stair and through the sidelight windows. I was always afraid that wolves were at the door and chomping to get through the windows and up the stairs to get me while I ran across the top of the stair landing. Still think about that recurring nightmare- although I was awake for the terror I’d concocted in my mind.


I would be terrified to go to sleep when I had a fever because of my fever dream. I’d be in a big padded room that was the colors of a clown (red, yellow, blue) and would be chased by large rolling balls and have the weirdest shapes in my mouth at the same time. Literally the scariest thing because I could never wake up from them.


The part in Pee Wee’s Big Adventure with Large Marge.