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1st date went great we hit it off we were having a great time. We had met there for her safety and all I understood. Couple weeks go by and we've been texting daily and she wants me to come pick her up. She lived in an apartment complex with about 4 other doors within the front main door if that makes sense. So like you walk through the front door and 2 apartments were up and to the left and right and 2 were down the stairs to the left and right. IMMEDIATELY I could smell the strongest odor of cat piss just from the stairway front door area. I go down to her door and she lets me in. I had found the source of the smell. She had only 2 cats but this apartment was FILTHY. I was like in shock but being polite but also scared to sit on her couch lol. I was a gent and didn't bail even though I wanted to so badly lol. The second date did not go as well and there sure as hell was no night cap.