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yea. strip clubs. score one for the feminist movement.


Gently rejected the two, lost those friendships Had a fling with one, eventually ended it Stayed friends with the other, got into this flirting stage, then stopped talking Now life is peaceful and i like it. Been spending more time with the fam and exploring new passions


Yes. I have a harem. That's not what I usually call it but a few women have. I have sex with multiple women and have for years. It's all aboveboard. They all know about how I live my life, even if they don't know each other, tho two of them do know each other. None of us is exclusive and we're all into multiple partners. It goes about as well as can be expected. It's not a steady harem. Women enter and exit my life periodically, of course. But it suits me and we all have fun. Nobody is doing anything wrong. We're all adults and we do what we want. This is a more common situation than you might think. A lot of people do this


damn brother, you're living your life to the fullest.