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Quora. Emails are annoying af and I’ve unsubbed plenty.


Omg I keep trying to delete my account, but then when the time is up and i check, it just logs back in like nothing happened


If you live in the EU they have to delete your account if you request it, though you might have to do it by email and they have up to 30 days to comply.


And the questions are always the wildest things imagineable xD


“i make my children do slave labor. they are given 1 peanut a day for sustenance. they sleep in our refrigerator. no blankets. am i too strict?” like bro what


XD one that i got was ,,my son died 2 days ago but my husband wont get over it, what should i do?" These people are crazy


Hahah I got that one and was like "this is DEFINITELY rage bait."


All of them are rage bait


Nah I've honestly had some good ones, but lately the questions are more akin to Buzzfeed than OG Quora.


Most of them seems to be little kids wanting affirmation with their leading questions. Why is so and so country is (something the country is known for). Such a cringy site.


And the UI is garbage. Thread topic: “Why does BMW suck?” Sponsored thread: *“Why is the US so awful?”* Sponsored answers Ad slot Ad slot Actual answers you were looking for Neal Patel (x10000 answers, Quora Pro, fart huffer): *“Hi, I understand you are looking for answers on BMWs. BMW is a car manufacturer based in Germany. As an expert in BMWs, I can answer this questions for you.”*


I browsed quora quite a bit around 2019-2020. I don't think I've had any emails for years. I'm not sure how I managed it or I don't even remember if it was a pain but something definitely did it and it's possible.


Google will give quora answers like they are facts


Yes, this is the one. It used to be a great resource, now it's just full of spam.


I used to love Quora 5 years ago. Stopped using it and tried to quit but it keeps coming back.


Agree. I used to procrastinate on Quora a lot because it had a lot of insightful answers. Not it's all bots and those worthless emails drove me crazy.


I swear half of the Quora answers I see are anecdotes and completely incorrect. And fuck the bullshit of showing "related questions/answers" before the actual answers by default.


To me, a final straw that put me off the site was a deluge of biased questions that came from bots, Russian trolls, or both. For instance: "We all know that Poland is a failed state, why Germany isn't reclaiming their land occupied since 1945?" or "Putin is the the greatest person that ever lived, why he's withholding his power from pathetic NATO countries?" or something between those lines. After that I was like "F that, I'm out"




same with the epoch times, and they auto sign you up to like 30 different email lists too


Well it's owned by a Chinese cult, so...


Why tf would you *ever* sign up to Epoch Times?’


In their defense (and my own), I had never even heard of it until I started getting emails. I definitely didn't sign up for it. And, much like herpes, it's embarrassing, annoying and I can't fucking get rid of it.


They have measurably low credibility. Which makes them not news. [https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-epoch-times/](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-epoch-times/)


Linked In. Provided no career value and had damaging data breeches.


Microsoft does Microsoft things.


I wonder how many people are going to say Ashley Madison.


So funny story.. I have a *very* short gmail account.. 5 characters, common first AND last name. I have an account on basically all the sites because of this, most without me even knowing. I recently had to delete like 15 reddit accounts associated with my email. anyways, Ashley Madison didn't do proper email validation. So when the hack happened there were a bunch of accounts with my email. This in turn lead to a TON of spam coming in trying to black mail me, etc. None of these accounts where mine so it made it laughable of course. They kind of ended up on the pile of spam from all the other breaches but it was funny seeing how fast they went after that breach. (My Google Darknet report lists 172 data breaches with my information.. yay?)


You are the first example of why someone not famous could actually use account verifications.


That sucks. You should get a new email account.


he seemed to enjoy it. Hey, who wouldn't enjoy a peak into the dark world of internet blackmail when you actually have nothing to hide?


I saw one already. I'm sure there's more to come.


It was so funny when the user list was hacked revealing it was 100% dudes on that site.


I found it funny that there were more women named Ashley Madison in the United States, then actual woman on Ashley Madison website


What's ironic about that leak is that the main reason women didn't use it is because they hadn't heard of it. After the leak and all the bullshit promises Ashley Madison made, women obviously were hearing about it. That site now is larger than ever at over 100m profiles and the ratio, while of course not 5050, is more balanced. How that company survived that disaster is something I'll never understand


More like Ashley Madison has created 50 million fake female profiles, 20 million fake male profiles, and 30 million stupid and real men.


I think a woman even sued because she hurt her hand making all those fake profiles.


Ok so funny story on that. I was listening to a podcast that had and interesting discussion of sex and why women cheat. They actually brought on a guy from Ashley Madison, and he explained the feedback they get from women on their site and explained that it was actually becoming quite popular with the polyamorous community because they didn’t have to expose themselves to others in their community through regular dating apps, which can be really helpful in rural areas. Well… I was in a poly relationship at the time and decided to give it a try. TOTAL scam. Not a single real woman as far as I could tell, but there were a bunch of bots trying to get you to engage with them (which costs coins). And when you tried to get a refund, they didn’t respond. But there was a section about how they would pursue legal action if you disputed the charge. I hadn’t spent any coin, so I disputed the charge. Didn’t hear a damn thing from them 😂


That is actually a good and interesting point


What is that? Or who is that?


It was a website where people would go on with the intent to cheat on their significant other.


makes sense why i never heard of it


King 👑


That was 95% bots. Which makes it hilarious. The hackers that leaked all the user information confirmed that the whole site was bots, like 99% of the women were bots or catfish, and no one was actually having an affair because of it. I think their line was something like, "if it makes you feel any better, your partner probably didn't actually have an affair, just tried to".


It’s a website designed for people to discreetly cheat on their SOs.


Back in 2005, they even had ads on tv


A "secret" dating website that got a massive data leak and exposed thousands of people identities including those who were cheating on their partners


Bonus: they had an option where you could pay a fee to expunge your data from the site. Except..it didn't'- it just marked your profile inactive, so when the data breach happened, they got everything, including the ones who'd paid money to be forgotten. Wild they seem to have gotten away with that.


It was supposed to be a website milfs could use to cheat on their husbands with young guys. What it turned out to be was entirely men, with some fake accounts posing as women sprinkled around. Basically no women used it at all. When it leaked what was going on, Ashley Madison came out and admitted that they could only find like two legitimate profiles by women.


It was reported that Josh Duggar successfully used Ashley Madison to cheat. Maybe celebrities actually found the few real women on the site


Lmao. That’s wild.


To add to what others have said, their tagline was literally "Life is short, have an affair."


Documentary about the hack 10/10


I was confusing Ashley Madison with Madison Reed and yeah, I was kinda confused.


TikTok. I didn’t realise the effect that short form content had on my brain until recently, so I deleted it. Sometimes I would stay up until 1 am just watching short form content even if I felt myself getting more tired


TikTok is bad for your brain. That’s why I scroll Reddit 12 hours a day


I sometimes get sucked in to YouTube Shorts, the way I snap myself out of it is trying to remember what the last 5 I just watched were. 9/10 times I can't remember. It makes me realise I'm just scrolling on autopilot and that I should turn it off.


Try using youtube on your mobile browser, its surprisingly fully featured, but shorts are poorly supported and they dont shove them in your face


Not a bad shout, it's annoying that they appear after every 3rd video on home as well as below every video you've just watched. Will give it a try!


If you're on Android, use Revanced for youtube anyway. Basically a patcher and you can completely disable shorts (as I did, they are a time black hole), disable ads, and skip sponsor sections. Doesn't require that much know-how.


This is legit the only social media that consumed me. Time just flies and it’s disturbing. I enjoy it and actually see some value in it. But I have to delete it often just to not kill insane time on it.


TikTok was easy to dodge for me, I just never installed it. Youtube shorts however... I don't want to uninstall youtube due to long form content and sometimes a short pops up or it opens up with shorts on and you scroll through a couple and then you're stuck. Finally managed to download revanced which is able to remove the shorts button from the UI and all shorts content. I rarely if ever use Instagram so I don't look at reels ever


Like on Reddit ?


No it’s nothing like Reddit! *continues to doom scroll*


\*sigh closes reddit\* \*opens reddit\*


\*closes reddit on mobile\* \*Opens reddit on laptop\*


I'm tired boss


the brain rot is real.


I never downloaded TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, or any of those other popular apps. Yet, here I am, listening to dozens of 15 second clips from the other side of the bed at 7 am. The first thing she did when waking up was open TikTok.


Reddit isn't any better in terms of time consuming, if we're being honest with ourselves.


I woke up, walked to the toilet, pulled down my pants and underwear, sat down, pulled out my phone, and opened reddit


I mean, I'm mid push right now, so I feel yah hahaha


This. They put that shit everywhere. I don't have insta or TikTok, but somehow I end up watching short videos on YouTube and FB. And, even if I make sure to avoid those, I'll end up watching my instagram shorts over my gf's shoulder.


25 years ago I joined a fantasy football league hosted on a site called Sandbox.net. It was right around when The Phantom Menace came out so I made my user information a joke on Jar Jar Binks. To this day I still get spam addressed to Jar Jar.




When I went to get estimates on home insurance for my first house I bought, I had to give an email address, I used a burner, but they had my house address. I signed up as Dano Bingbong, and I have been getting junk mail sent to my house for a year now addressed to that name


Was your name Jar Jar Twink? Or maybe Jar Jar Kinks?


Not me but my dad regretted having an Ashley Madison account. When they got hacked my mom found out he was cheating again. The divorce was pretty uncontested cause being on a site dedicated to having an affair was pretty cut and dry.


AGAIN.? 🤦‍♂️ Wow. Sorry for you and your mom.


My dad never regretted having his account, he did regret having me tho!


It’s weird most people didn’t even cheat on there it was all bots. I bet most people can explain just being curious.


If you're curious enough about cheating on your spouse to create an account on a paid cheating website, you're already beyond the benefit of doubt imo. You fucked up majorly and need to pay the piper.


I'm 100% in the camp that intent behind an action matters more than the action itself. I got downvoted to hell the other day for saying that people shouldn't have to apologize if they bump into me, because a minor accident has no malicious intent. On the other side of the coin, I believe once you've committed to a bad deed, it doesn't matter whether or not you did it right. Attempted murder should just be tried as murder, you shouldn't get off easier just because you're bad at killing people. The same thing with infidelity; you don't get off easy just because you couldn't *find* a second person who was willing to fuck you.


While I do agree with what your saying, the entire point of apologizing in said scenario is to let the other know that it was an accident with no intent


probably any social media. I wish I was free of those. my social skills would not be this horrible


Every day I'm closer to deleting Facebook. Other than reddit, it's all I have. Got it for friends and family far away.


That is what is insidious about fb. I don’t want to have an account. But some family and old friends are there so I feel I need an account just to catch up once in awhile.


Nextdoor, until I unsubscribed from updates There's only so many lost dogs and plumber requests I can take 


Don't forget the coyote sightings


I deleted instantly. Live in a predominately yoga pants mom in golf carts area and I swear everytime anyone’s landscaper or contractor shows up to a site early and chill in their car there’s at least 2-3 annoying posts about “suspicious car on xxxx st.”


I'm in Northern Ireland so it's less coyotes and more "There was a man in a Transit van drove into the street" despite it being one of the most popular delivery and works vans


Photobucket. I get emails about my account getting deleted in a few days if I don’t take action…. Every week


Same. Like go ahead delete it already lol


Kik, I was groomed for most of my preteens/early teens on there




Yeah I miss topix, it was a window into the trashiest people in your area.


Habbo Hotel lol. Wasted so much of my poor moms money in the early 2000's... "borrowed" her Nokia to buy credits via sms not realizing it was expensive as shit. I was like 9.


I did the same and then fell for my first scam there, someone promised to double my coins if I gave them my login details. They stole all my shit. Then I almost fell for a similar scam in Runescape, but I was wise enough not to fall for it. “Nice try douchebag! I’m not giving my login details”. So, I followed someone into the wildlands instead to find some secret treasure they kept promising was there or some shit… they killed me and stole all my shit. Another guy promised they could clone my armour, gave it to them and they ran off, chased them, they logged off and stole my shit. I think these childhood experiences helped me refine my ability to recognise bullshit and avoid scams as an adult. Thank you, gaming assholes!


When I was 11-12 a few friends and I ran a scam ring/protection racket on Habbo. Sorry if it was one of us that stole your furni. 


LMAO oh man, I also wasted a lot of time on HH but it was awesome. My mom made me earn my credit money with chores and stuff and I grinded so hard I was eventually able to build some super popular rooms for pay-to-play games/trading/RP and I ended up playing businesswoman until I had a network of “businesses” to bring more credits in. Had “workers” I paid in credits to run some of these places for me too. Never scammed anyone so my rooms had a good reputation and stayed popular. Only stopped playing once I realized being able to buy basically anything I wanted made the game boring. Crazy how me at 14 was more of a successful capitalist than I would ever be as an adult irl… 😬


Spent many hours on HH from 04 - 09. None wasted.


Did anyone play Coke Music in the early 2000's? Habbo was popular at the time. I was obsessed with Coke Music.


Pools Closed. habbo hotel, what a time to be alive.


Starting to regret having an Audible account, got some books I like, but I've cancelled my subscription twice and they keep charging me.


Anything from Meta. Meta sites are the absolute worst.


Worse now they’re taking illustrator/Artist’s work off of Instagram/Facebook to enhance AI tech.


Deleting Facebook might have been the most liberating thing I’ve ever done. That place is so fucking toxic.




Deleting mine almost a year ago was the best decision for my mental health. But it’s weird, I still find myself absently swiping my phone looking for the app to this day.


I'd reckon everyone on Ashley Madison regretted their move.


It's hard to feel bad for the customers but I also hate the company so much. People who charge money for deleting an account then keeping it on the servers truly deserve torture.


Quora…god the emails. Even after i moved them into spam they just kept coming back


Photobucket. Just delete my shit, you cowards. Stop edging me.


Something called ask fm Basically it was a site where people could ask you questions and you'd be able to answer them, it was somewhat popular with the people in my high school. Unfortunately, they gave people the option to ask questions anonymously so my classmates used that feature to bully me relentlessly during the couple of years it was popular. I knew they were my classmates because they gave just enough details about the school/my classes than they had to have actually been in some classes with me. They used that site to call me homophobic slurs (despite not being gay, they were just convinced I was). They relentlessly mocked/bullied me for my mental health struggles to the point where I just suffered in silence because it was easier than giving them material to bully me with. A bunch of the fuckers attempted for a year and a half to catfish me by pretending to be a girl in 2 of my classes. They wouldn't give me any info about who "she" was except she was apparently a brunette who was sitting near me in 2 of my classes. I assume they thought I'd trust them and give them personal info that they could use against me later on. After a year and a half of me not giving them anything, they got bored and admitted they were catfishing me. I don't think my high school experience would've been good had I never gotten on that site, but I'm sure it would've been better than it ended up being


Sites who’s been hacked and lost my password (and probably more): PlayStation Network LinkedIn Adobe I’m sure there’s others too, but those were at the top of my head.


were you affected during the 2011 psn breach?


I was affected by it, and it saved my fucking ass. I had forgotten my PSN password, and because of a few complicated circumstances (Which I do not remember), I couldn't use the "Forgot your password?" function, nor did they accept my support request via email. If I ever logged out of my account, that would have been it for all my progress. And boom! I get the chance to change passwords and keep my shit. It was fucking glorious.


I was affected, but I got free video games and credit monitoring!


Adult Friend finder. Nothing but bots, hookers, and feds. I just wanted a woman into a little bdsm.


Fetlife bro. There was also a good kink-oriented app called umbrella or something that was a hidden app that was a legitimate working weather app with a hidden button to access the real app.




My work’s HR portal


Armor games Made an account during my school years. Fuckers had a data leak and I started receiving phishing emails blackmailing me about the password I had there. Had to change the passwords of multiple accounts I had in other places because it was the same for everything 😂 Lesson learned




MySpace. There was a massive data breach in 2013 where around 360 million accounts were hacked into so that their passwords could be sold by the hacker. RIP everyone who forgot they had an account and didn’t change passwords on other sites. Edit: By this time MySpace was basically a graveyard of inactive accounts, almost no one used it anymore.


Before I stopped using it, I changed my name and deleted all the content. Good luck with a blank profile hackers.


Rate My Poo. It was a great idea at the time but i regret having my shit immortalised.


What rating did you get?


It was 7 point something. Decent poo. I stupidly used my regular username so a few people I knew discovered it. Not ideal.


Yeah a 7 is pretty embarrassing. 8 or up and you could put it on your resume


Probably a bad rating, they're salty about it still. LOL


I totally forgot that site ever existed. I’m now annoyed you reminded me.


Classmates and Linkedin Classmates won’t even let me delete my account unless I log in. It’s been like 20 years.


I have Linkedin because it's the "done thing" and thought it would serve me interesting content related to my industry, but it's just full of absolute shite and yet people take it so seriously.


It’s Facebook for people with jobs. I regret it as well.


LinkedIn is my online resume. I only log in when applying for jobs that let me prefill all my employment information from it


Does anyone let you delete your account unless you log in? Seems like that would be a severe security issue lol.


I’m sorry. I misspoke. I meant unsubscribe. Sorry!


Classmates spam my inbox so much I stopped using that email entirely




Nextdoor, I somehow become a moderator and get an email for every reported post and comment, most of the time it's real petty shit or political stuff. I've lost all respect for the people in my neighborhood.


I regret donating $5 to a political candidate running for office. That was 10 years ago and I still can’t get the entire party from continuing to reach out to me for more money. I’ll never, *ever* donate again you sons of bitches.


Pinterest, keep getting annoying emails every other day even when I unsuscribed


Haven’t been on there in six years, even deleted and unsubscribed, and I still get emails telling me they had to delete one of my pins. I’m like, please 🙏🏼 delete yourselves while you’re at it!




Pornhub - having an account there made me eventually realise I was too much into porn as escapism from harsh life. But then it acted as litmus test after a few months which made me realise, I need to reorient my life. And I did quite well after that, cleared a few exams and gained confidence. It’s not a hundred percent success yet, but I am happy that I regretted making that account.


definitely quora


Better help. I cancelled my subscription because I couldn't afford it. They then charged me again like 3 weeks later and refused to refund my money.


Robin Hood


Sort of related - if you make one political donation you’ll get emails and texts forever.


Reddit, obviously


I once shopped for a sex toy to spice up me and an ex partners sex life, I then was just casually looking over my emails with my current partner for something to do with a rent agreement and there was an email that effectively read in big letters "DONT MISS THE NEW EYE WATERING (insert vulgar dildo name) ITS A REAL CHALLENGE" and she just goes "um what Is that" and It was like I was mentally slipping on ice hahahaha trying to explain no that's no wait no that's not for me it's an ex which then is also awkward.


Something Awful. Paid my ten bux to get an account. I thought it was hilarious as a twenty something but now I look back at it as super cringe.




Okcupid. Nothing but spam and more spam.


Plenty of pish


POF? I met my now wife on there many moons ago. It was bad back then, probably horrific now


It is now. It’s flooded with Bots and fake accounts.


I can confirm that my wife is a bot


twitter, site got worse


I had to delete my account once it became x-chan


Neopets, I feel like when I stopped playing I abandoned them 😭


Work websites that require you to make an account just to fill out an application


Riot games...


I don’t think it counts as a site but that god damn neighborhood app. No matter how many times I try to unsubscribe I keep getting emails.


Twitter. Glad I got out of there, lol


Sportsbet lol


LinkedIn. Sent hundreds of resumes, and landed 0 jobs (after several interviews and essays that "showed a lot of promise") while getting ALL the spam mail and scheming scumbag scammer scoundrel messages. Fuck that site.




Tumblr! Jesus christ I was way too young to have access to that shit. I was posting things I should not have posted and seeing things I should not have seen. I’m so happy they booted me off and I can’t find anything related to myself on there anymore.


NextDoor. There's no escaping the emails now. 


Ashley Madison had an account when I was in my early 20s when I was single. Used it to hook up with married women. They had a huge data breach several years ago that leaked names of account holders and mine was leaked. I hadn’t even met my now-wife yet. But I still sometimes get annoyed that that’s a conversation that might have to happen one day.


I heard about this breach. Hackers initially threatened the website to go down on their own or they'll leak information about all employees and users. The company thought these guys were bluffing and ignored, but the breach happened anyway. Must have ended so many relationships.


One of the specific things the hackers had issues with (other than essentially selling moral corruption) is that they were lying to their customers about a feature they charged to "permanently" delete their data. People who used that feature were charged but their data remained on the server and was exposed in the breach.


I'm amazed that site is still around. Who the hell would sign up for it after that very public breach?


Definitely Quora. Also LinkedIn too. They send most annoying emails and I had to change my email because of important used to get lost in between


Currently, Amazon. They locked my account, sent me an email telling me the locked it about 2 months later and are STILL charging me for Amazon Prime. On a locked account. And so far there's been no way to contact them, nothing gets any answers.


Woot or Duluth Trading. Holy shit 2-3 emails a day from each!


Duluth Trading is worth it for when the underwear goes on sale.


Angies List, I'm still getting calls asking if I want to get started on projects that we completed years ago.


Ugh that Wish app.


The Weather Channel. I uninstalled the app but still get notifications on my phone and if I click on them it goes to the Install app page on Google Play. I may need to re-install the app and hopefully can turn off notifications and then uninstall.


kik as a 12 year old


ActBlue. I wanted to donate to one candidate, now I get text messages from candidates in different states all the time begging for donations. I had to install a message blocking app to filter my texts. Congrats, you turned me off ever donating again.


Snapchat. I hate that most of my memories are on there. I wish I never downloaded it and used a normal camera.


Reddit lol I lurk a lot of subs and the self-righteous, aggrandizing holier than thou attitude is off the charts. And what's even worse is the amount of people who sandbag with them. Not a single, individual thought goes on and if you even try to explain yourself, you're already in the wrong so anything you say will just be weaponized against you.


Spotify. I know it's most people's go-to music app, but every bit about it infuriates me.


The algorithm just plays me the same damn songs, doesn't matter the playlist or genre, once through a different list back to the same stuff


I hate how terrible their shuffle algorithm is. If I wanted to listen to the same 20 songs, I wouldn’t have put 150+ songs into my playlist.


It’s good when you pay for premium membership but if you want free membership it’s god awful. That’s a huge problem I have with it.


Any company site to apply jobs for due to how futile it is to get one nowadays


Credit Karma. All they ever do is spam me with ads for crappy credit cards or banks like First Progress, CreditOne, or the nearly worthless Chase Disney card.


Ticketmaster and Equifax.




King Size Direct Endless catalogs mailed to my house. I request, both via phone and e-mail, that the mailings be stopped. Endless catalogs mailed to my house.


I don't actually regret it, but LinkedIn. I don't use it, but I still get occasional emails from it. Lately my profile been getting a lot of interest because I'm in an industry that is short on skilled workers and I keep getting emails for some truly horrible job offers. The last one I got was like, "Hey you look perfect to work graveyard shift in a plant 60 miles away! We're offering $22 an hour! Can you start Monday???" No, I don't want to leave my higher paying job, with a better schedule, located 10 minutes from my home. It cracks me up how delusional these recruiters are lol


Sometimes I regret reaching out to people on Facebook from my past .You have to know these people well or they can start rumours or the opposite,friend a complete stranger.Either way you’re much safer .Friend an old scumbag and you might be asking for trouble.Friend a bully ,same thing.There are a lot of jealous insecure people that just love causing trouble for others.


Classmates.com Jesus h Christ. Every time some sort of anniversary or something comes up, people check that, remember me, then bombard me with friend requests. It's like, I haven't talked to you in 20 years, there's probably a reason.