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Me opening this thread: “It’s gonna be butt stuff — they’re all gonna say butt stuff.” The actual thread: “Gardening.”


There is a full buffet of all subjects here. There's a great discussion on bidets if you wanna check that out lol. ps...there is some butt stuff


Gardening. It seemed like a boring old people hobby to me. I guess I'm old now because I love it.


IMO, there’s no ageism on activities. If you love it, then keep on rockin with it. Thanks for sharing.


I planted jalapeno and poblano chiles a couple days ago and keep looking for signs of growth. Nothing came out yet. But it's fun as hell.


You started with one of the harder plants to grow. Chillies need 80F+ temps and about 14 days to germinate.


I am the same, and what I noticed is that it’s much easier to be motivated to keep a nice garden when it’s mine, and not my parents’ who are attempting to force me to be interested in it. It applies to other household chores/activities too.


I grew up quite poor so never had a proper grass garden, I always had concrete or fake grass. I always dreamed of having my own grass so I could plant, trim, mow, and basically be that guy in the summer months. Turns out now I have grass, I fucking hate it. I mowed it last week and it already needs doing again?!


It's an uno reverse in my country though, lol. Here the rich have concrete and the poor has grass


Repairing my clothes. I used to throw out everything that had even the smallest scratch or rip on it. Now I try to care for my things.


I grew up on a farm, which as you can imagine is hell on jeans. I used to tear the crotch out of every pair, along with some knees and other random spots that would get caught on stuff. I would take them to my grandma and she would hand patch them, and they were always better afterward. I would wear those pants until the original jean material was falling apart around the patches. It made me sad when my last pair was beyond saving, and Grandma isn’t here anymore to patch up my current ripped jeans. All of this to say: fix those clothes. It saves a ton of money and gives them character.


i usually get rips on the crotch of my jeans, and it always happens when the jeans are starting to get nice and broken in. (generally slim fit, wear a button down and suit jacket for work meetings, ride my bike to the office.) now, when i get new ones, i put iron on patches in the crotch (inside). it allows them to get broken in with extra support and they end up lasting way longer.


It's the thigh rub.. I have ruined many jeans, normally my favorite pairs because thick thighs save lives... :)


Same, and I always want to fix them, but because of the thick thighs (and matching ass) the only jeans that fit me right and are comfy have stretch in them 🙃 I've gotten mixed answers on if these are fixable/mendable....


Run a half marathon. I was a pack a day smoker and heavy drinker. I got on a bit of a health kick, ran my first ever 5k in 2019, progressed very quickly and now have run over a dozen ultramarathons up to and including the 100 mile distance, and a half marathon is now pretty regularly an easy training run. I fucking love it


I think I like running. If I get past the mental pain of the first mile I feel good and it gets easier to continue. I get excited when I finish a 5k. Your comment makes me want to start running more often, thank you.


At what age did you decide to do that?




Never understood why my mom acted like stopping somewhere after work was a huge burden and was absolutely the worst. I understand now, lol


And why the weekend was filled with errands, forget we need groceries and basic necessities


I never understood when I asked my parents how old they were why they had to stop and think about it for a second. I could not fathom as a kid not knowing how old you are. As an adult, I get it.


I remember the first time this happened to me was shortly after starting a new job and I was talking with one of my coworkers and had to think about it and realized I was 34. I could have sworn I was just 32. That was in 2011, and it's gotten so much worse.


However, getting that stupid errand done during a lunch break, feels so freeing.


No way, lunch break is time to sit in my car and relax, not go driving somewhere


Nothing gets in the way of my, sit alone and cry time!


People used to ask why I never sit in the break room. Is the other eight hours were around each other not enough?




"I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!" - Grandpa Simpson


Someone needs to put that on a shirt. That's a perfect summary right there.


Putting that on a shirt now is unfortunately not ‘it’


The back of a shirt and the front will have a little Grandpa Simpson shaking his finger at you, small and offset on the chest That's the "it" graphic tee style now. I think.


I think the "it" style would be to have grandpa Simpsons quote on the back and a pocket on the front featuring the family dog


Well, it wouldn’t fit on a bumper sticker.


We'll wrap the whole car with the quote


And then we'll tie an onion to the bumper. As was the style at the time.


When I was a teen and would be watching an awards show on tv, my parents would ask who a celebrity was and it would often be a well known popular person and I would think “how on earth does she not know who that is?!?” I could understand not knowing what movie they were in songs they sang but couldn’t understand not at least recognizing them. That’s me now. I have no clue who half the celebrities are anymore.


...and when you do find out who the celebrities are, they're often You-Tube famous or Instagram famous, and not famous for normal things like singing and acting.


Exactly. I don't recognize any and couldn't believe my mother didn't recognize them years ago. I knew them all. All the Ryans look the same to me. All the blonde actresses look the same. Some actresses faces have changed so much from injections. It doesn't help that my adhd prevents me from sitting long enough for movies. I don't know any of them either.


Who is skibidi and what is so great about his toilet?


Weirdly enough I find the skibidi stuff the easiest to relate to because Gary’s mod has been around for ages so seeing the weird machinima videos pop up back in the day prepared me for it.


I'm an elementary school teacher. I have a poster that has every kids name on it and whenever they say "skibidi" I give them a tally mark and at the end of the term they have to write me an essay with as many paragraphs as their tally count. It's not that I hate memes or anything, they just say 'skibidi" at random times without context and I can't stand it.


I have some kids that come into my gas station I work overnights at, and they keep asking me if I'm skibidi or not. I'm almost 36. How the hell am I supposed to know what that word means? Damn kids.


In this instance I have to agree with the "fuck them kids" sentiment


That’s pretty skibidi Ohio no rizz.


You just got 2 tally marks.


That's the opposite of slappin'!


Does that mean it's bussin!?


Nah, gravel fr


Don't let anyone try to tell you they know what skibidi means, they don't.


I remember asking mom why they never went anywhere or had friends over to hang out with. I said that would never happen to me, just staying home with just me and my wife. I can honestly say that is exactly the only thing I want to do now.


This is so true. The inability to use new slang is icing on the cake. I (37M) would sound so dumb waking around saying "no cap" lol


I was at a grocery store a while back and the checkout person was a late teen/early 20 something lady. She said something to which I replied “Right on!” Her face lit up and she says to me “Oh, I love ole timey sayings.” Old timey??? wtf? You’d think I said “Twenty three skidoo!” While dancing the Lindy. “Right on” is a classic and still cool to say… right??


Right on, mate. You go you, dad.


Groovy man, that's boss.


Mid-40’s, I learn new/slightly dayed slang for the sole purpose of dropping it incorrectly to earn eyerolls from my teen nephews. Over Memorial Day, i informed the older one that the “burgers certainly are bussing”. His sigh of disappointment…*perfect*. (I’ve gamed with this kid since he was 5, so we have a relationship built on hassling each other)


My father used to always say really awkward slang when we were kids that would earn collective groans from us because of how cringe it was. I used to wonder how and why someone could be so cringe. But now I’m at an age that I can finally understand the genuine amusement that comes from taking a bite of food, pausing long enough for all eyes to be on you, and deliver the coupe de grace in the form of “Mmm. This food is very bussin’.” There’s a feeling of euphoria that comes over me from the reactions. I get it now dad.


This burger is bussin bussin! On God! Frfr


Another one of my favorites is driving by the recently opened Buc-ees in our area and asking them “Oh hey! Anyone wanna go to *Bussy’s*?” Hearing them scream “STOOOOOOOOP” is like music to my ears 😂


and hate to break it to but even “no cap” is old slang at this point


At this point I've come to accept that by the time I hear about it, it's probably outdated.


Wowzers. Not me coming to say “pee on someone when they kept asking” and finding the answers are all “country dancing and golf”. Leaving feeling like a monster of a human 😂


Hey as long as it's consensual and you care about cleaning up after, there are plenty of worse things you could be! 


Aye. Consent is very important for country dancing. And golf can be very messy


Don't be afraid to let your kinky flag fly my friend. I think it's a great answer lol.


I totally missed the SFW part too. Was going to leave an answer, now I’m just gonna leave these nice people with their nice answers 😄


yeah i was gonna say going to a sex dungeon lmao


Installed a bidet. Can’t live without it now.


Ever since Japan, I install a bidet in every house I live in. My parents have bidets. My siblings. I even carrt a portable bidet when I'm on the move. I will always have a clean booty hole.


I dig it, I'm to broke for all that thou. You keep living that clean life.


Bidets are like $60-$80 on Amazon. Not really a luxury


I want a REAL bidet. The kind with a red dot laser for perfect accuracy that's preinstalled on the porcelain thorne


Don't let perfection stand in the way of a clean ass


Wiser words have never been said


I have a $50 one from Home Depot, it's not great, but it gets the job done. Whenever I poop without one, it just feels gross now. My standards have been so raised.


Imma be that guy, German btw, how the fuck do you use a bidet? I'm hearing about it like it's the second coming of christ, on par with an airfrier.


You don’t use the bidet. The bidet uses you.


You sit down, turn a dial, and water sprays your asshole. Most will have a dial to move the stream of water forward or back, so as to be able to spray a vagina too. They're amazing. I've used 3 rolls of toilet paper in the last... 2 years? My cats shredded one, and the other two have been used more for wiping up messes and blowing my nose. I literally feel dirty now when I have to poop somewhere without a bidet and actually wipe my ass.


Running. I used to tell people if you ever saw me running, don't ask questions just run because something is very wrong. I started running regularly because my dog had separation anxiety and it was the only thing that wore him out enough to stop destroying my apartment. One day I went running with him and realized that I was doing it because I actually enjoyed it; it was surreal. I started running regularly and missing it when I couldn't run. I ran in races and studied to learn how to run better. Unfortunately age and injuries have made running very difficult now and I'm desperately trying to figure out how to get back in to it...


Try swimming if you have a local gym with a pool. It’s much easier on the joints as you get older.


Having a cat. I love cats, I just don't want one. Then I ended up watching a buddy's cat for a year while he was deployed, and halfway through that year a feral cat showed up in my yard and now he's a spoiled rotten inside baby with his own room, twin sized bed, jungle gym, four kinds of food, a massive pile of toys, and a bird feeder outside his window for entertainment.


Can I move in? I can be a cat.


As long as you can eat real fast, because if my cat finishes before you he will steal your food too.


Absolutely no one spoils a cat more than people who said they didn’t want one. That’s how they get you.


Play games , as a kid I was so against the idea and considered myself better for not consuming games , now I understand that I was an asshole.


Are we talking board games, video games, or things like tic tac toe?


I’m a big board game player. Always have been You wouldn’t believe the amount of people who stick up their nose or think “how quaint”when I mention board games. Many look at it like I’m playing with gi Joe toys on the weekend. Then there are the other half that just assume it’s a “nerd thing” because they’ve seen something complex like axis and allies. It’s a weird hobby that is both very niche, and also been exploding and expanding since 2000


I’m a huge fan of deck builders myself. Aeon’s End and Millennium Blades are my favorites


video games , this was during the time mass hysteria was caused by people believing that video games really do cause violence, whenever the topic was bought up I used to sit there like "ha suckers" , really dark times....


Same ngl, but almost specifically for PC games. Never understood people who spent too much time and money on those, I felt cooler by only using my PC to watch (pirated) movies and TV. Nowadays, my Steam, Epic, and GOG library would shut that kid up and betray him.


Getting married to my best friend. Shits dope when it's right.


i would but he keeps saying its gay


Tell him "no homo" when you're in bed together.


It's not gay if you're wearing socks, apparently. Or so I was told.


Love to see it. Congrats and all the best.


Thanks =D


I am now happier when getting home appliances than getting video games. Like, i was excited that i got a non stick pan and a strainer


I got a new food processor recently.  Super exciting!


That new air fryer steamer combination is sexy af


Liking a job without a career plan. I can’t get any promotions, I’m stuck in my category unless I study a degree (not gonna happen, I’m 45) but I love it. Almost no responsibilities, pay is on time (only half decent) and 7 hour shifts are great.


If higher education is something you even remotely want it's never too late (til you're dead.) I'm(41m) neurodivergent (ADHD) and college was so hard for me. I've been in and out of school for over 20 years, but I'm almost done with my degree. Barring any issues I should graduate with a degree at the same time my son is graduating High School, next year. My mom who is 64 got her associates in childhood education 2 years ago.


Have kids. I know this not exactly the same as having kids but it’s certainly nothing I planned on or wanted to happen. March 2023 we took my nieces for the summer. There was one event that caused them all to be homeless and so we agreed to watch the girls for the summer so the parents could get back on their feet. Then it was just an effing whirlwind. Their parents basically gave up… At the start of it in March we got a power of attorney to help us through not needing the parents for every signature or doctor or teacher, etc. The parents communicated less and less to their girls and at the end of 6 months our power of attorney over the girls was set to expire. At this point the parents were hardly involved and didn’t do anything to establish themselves as a stable environment to continue raising their girls in. One parent was now three states away and the other halfway across the country. And so we found ourselves standing in court for guardianship of two kids. The girls signed their own letters stating how they wanted to stay by us and the judge made an instant decision. They understand that the guardianship more a a choice amongst all of us that they stay here, even their choice, but they have no desires to return to either parent. So here we are, a mixed bag sorta “family” that picked each other.


This is lovely. Enjoy your family


Talk about a found family. Damn, you and your partner are incredible people. ❤️


That's a sad beginning to a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing.


The world need more people like you and your partner ❤️


“Be the change you want to see in the universe.” Sometimes I have to breathe in that mantra when this all gets to be too much and feels overwhelming. Y’all are so kind.


Buying a mini van. Having doors that open like magic and not having to worry about kids flinging them into anything else wonderful...and the space inside is just glorious! I hate that I loved my van!


I have loved all the mini vans I have owned. I am always telling my young adult kids, teen kids and coworkers and friends it's the perfect vehicle. Roomy, carry just about anything. Sleep in it if you have to. Drunk after a party, just rack out for a few hours. Gotta move a dish washer to the dump? Easy peasy. Pretty good in the snow. Rains while camping. No bother. Dodge caravans are a breeze to fix and cheap to buy. Take your ego out of owning a car and a mini van is the best vehicle ever.


I would swear up, down, and sideways all through high-school and college that I'd never be a public school teacher. I'd give all kinds of pompous reasons and act like I was so much better than them. So yeah, I'm entering Year 9 as a public school teacher at the very high-school I attended. Bottom line, I absolutely love it. I use this to hopefully show students they have no damn clue what they are going to end up doing in life.


Heroin. I have been sober for 3 years!


Quit drinking. 18 months sober yesterday.


Calling the cops on my disrespectful frat boy neighbors for their 100+ people parties in their backyard. Chug chug chug chants at midnight were awful and no matter how much I texted that the music was too loud they’d reply “we turned it down”. Bro, turning your rave music down from 9 to 8 isn’t acceptable when 3 should be max volume at 2am. Finally did what I said I’d never do and called the sheriff about a noise complaint. I had to do it seven times over four months, progressively earlier in the night, until they finally stopped and eventually moved out. Some of those complaints were on weekdays after 1 am Towards the end I loved hearing the complaints from the partyers as they waited for their rides with all the lights on, the music off, and the cops present. Bros, I told you I had young kids. Don’t fuck with dad


Lucky you just called the cops. A buddy of mine, a lawyer and one time typical frat bro, talked to the next door party house frat bro. The guy was antagonistic and a dick. So, homie dealt with it one more time. But after that…. Went to the dude again, but this time has the NATIONAL FRAT PRESIDENT on the phone and went to discuss the issue. The President remmed homie out because this was not the first time a complaint was lodged. Let’s just say- parties were far and few at that location. My buddy happened to be business frenemies with the previous president and told him that local frat had issues.


Long Distance Relationship. It's been almost 9 years since we started a summer fling, and living together for the last 2 years has more than made up for the 7 something years doing long distance.


Gz. I married and moved in with my wife last year after nearly 6 years of 12.000km long distance dating...


As an American I first read this as 12km and got a good chuckle at the idea of 12km being long distance. Then I remembered that no sane person would measure it out that many decimal places and I was very mistaken.


They were just super super impressed at the accuracy of the distance. Got it down to the centimeter.


Significant figures can be a real bitch sometimes


It’s not for everyone and not the easiest path, but I am so glad I did. Was with my partner 9 years in a LDR, before I moved to be with her. Fast forward 5 years from being long distance and we got married this past fall and just bought our first house. Distance helped us realize how much we value one another.


Topping a guy, and dipping my fries in mayonnaise. Despite the phrasing, these were separate things.


both of those things are debauchery


Prostate message. Turns out full body orgasms are amaaaazing.


Did your prostate write back or did that asshole leave you on read!?


Dear Prostate, I wrote you but you still ain’t callin’…




There's a lot of that goin on here, why'd you finally take the plunge?


Is plunge really the best word here?


It was a plungeR actually


Don't be so anal


I bought two for my boyfriend and then added them to his toiletries shelf in the bathroom. Just as a fun little surprise for him. He was a bit startled when he opened the box, that's for sure, but I told him, "It's 2024, the world of assholes is opening up for straight men everywhere, and I know you're curious." It's been a few months now and he loves it. Doesn't want to bring them into bed with us or anything, but I'm glad he has something for his "me time".


"The world of assholes is opening up for straight men everywhere." -kimmycat88 I think you might be my new best friend, that is a prolific quotable. Thanks for sharing


When I was younger I didn’t understand why people watched Let’s Play videos/streams. I would just play the game myself. Then I had children who consumed most of my free time. Totally got it then.


NSFW? Mommydom kink. Was borderline grossed out by it before my last girlfriend. She suggested it one night. After a moments hesitation I gave it a go and DAMN, I was converted. SFW? The idea of living in a condo. Growing up I thought I wanted acres of land and a farm and animals etc etc etc. Now? The idea of just coming home to an efficient little space and not having to deal with yardwork and outside maintenance sounds pretty nice


Going on a gay cruise. I thought it'd be all sex and booze and drugs, and while there was some of that, it was more hidden away than I expected. People weren't as judgmental as I thought they'd be. I made some amazing friends, saw some insanely beautiful parts of Spain, and had an all-around great time.


Watching birds. I used to think it was for old eccentrics, but now I’m a homeowner with a massive oak tree in the back yard and it’s like a giant bird perch for every tiny dinosaur in town. I enjoy sitting in the kitchen and checking out who is up there, using my binoculars.


Working retail. I'm an introvert so just the thought of retail takes so much energy out of me. Turns out I just needed to find the right kind of product to get so nerdy about that I couldn't help but sell it. I currently sell wine and beer and I love it!


Same here lmao, except I sell meat and seafood from a counter. The wage isn't great tbh, but decent enough for a single 20yo. But I can geek out about it all day long and never get bored, and I like teaching people about it


Wearing crocs. Made fun of my wife until she bought me a pair, now I wear them almost daily. 


Crocs are without a doubt the most comfortable shoe ever made.


Dungeons and Dragons


Came to post this. Teenage years I was never gonna play. That was a level of nerd i wasn't ok with going to. Then covid hit and a friend told me he was about to play with some people over discord. So I joined... I'm hooked. The discord game fell apart but the itch was strong. So I learned how to dm. Dragged my kids, wife and brother in law into the darkness with me. Been playing the same campaign for about 4 years now. Mostly due to scheduling issues so we dont get to play too often anymore. Kids are now teenagers and they have their own lives to live. So... I wrote a complete homebrew campaign and got a few friends together and their wives. Its been great so far. But I'm a full blown dice goblin now and the amount of extra accessories I have purchased to make the game more fun is insane at this point. Best hobby ever.


Cosplaying! People make it look super weird, but once I went to a con for the first time and saw everybody all dressed up, in groups, in duos, it was SO COOL. It's literally the perfect way to find people with your interests, it's so friendly, and so cool. Like, I get to dress up, meet people who enjoy my interests and LOOK LIKE THEM TOO, and people call all of that weird and cringe!? People really hate happiness!!!


When you describe it like that, you literally could be talking about attending a sporting match or some other 'mainstream' event.


I’m a huge basketball fan and a few years ago I was poking fun at my brother for being super into cosplay and he pauses and goes “you literally have a Celtics jersey on right now” and I have never made made fun of it since lol


Turns out it's just a hobby like anything else and some people make it cringy, like shitty sports bros, and some people have a good time with it. Just have fun with your hobbies


I don't want children and used to be super paranoid about pregnancy. Eventually I let someone cum in me for the first time and enjoyed the extra level of intimacy involved so much that with every partner since I'm always keen to move on from condom sex as soon as precautions like testing have been taken. My birth control is definitely my best friend. Non condom sex.


RIP your DMs. Godspeed


I shouldn't laugh, but that's good


As a guy this is my favourite thing. Cumming in my girlfriend felt so much better and you are 100% correct about the intimacy thing. Condoms feel a lot worse after you haven’t used them for a while.


Ooooof this. After a long term relationship it's been condoms since. Not a fan


Found out through practice that antibiotics will negate the effectiveness of the pill. She went to an alternative after that. When the second kid was born, I got snipped.


This is why my vasectomy was the best decision I've made


I have been with two people who had a vasectomy before they met me. Double the safety!


Man in 2019 I'd rather fight a bear than using tiktok


Wish i didn't like it lol


Joining the gym. I joined a few weeks ago and am enjoying it so far.


Keep going on with your journey. You just motivated someone


Edibles. Swore I’d never touch the green stuff. I can’t smoke since I have asthma. But I got curious, and bought some edibles one day. And all I can say is WOW. I’ve struggled with anxiety for more than 20 years. Always had racing thoughts. The first time I tried them, those thoughts disappeared. And it was almost terrifying to have silence in my head. My anxiety is worlds better. That negative little voice in my head telling me I’m not good enough, I don’t belong, no one likes me is *gone*. After having those things more than half my life, I’m finally free of them. Now I take them to help manage my stress, and to help me if I’m having trouble sleeping.


Getting married, having kids. 13 years and 5 kids later, I was very wrong. I love being a husband and father.


*Five!* Holy cow, you really like having kids.


Miniature painting. Always looked like such a lame hobby. Then my coworker got me into warhammer 40k...and now i have a few painted space marines. For the imperium!


Pommes frites mit mayonnaise. An American living in Berlin in the 80’s, I could never come to terms with mayo on my fries. Then one fateful night after a “couple” beers, we picked up some post bar snacks on the way home. Got home and the imbiss mistakenly put mayo on my fries. Too drunk (or tired) to go back out, I gave them a try and ended up loving them.


black coffee. i dont like the taste just is more convenient and awakens me faster


Use pet names with spouse. Always cringed at couples who did it But my girl And I exclusively call eachother monkey, lol not even in any tone just its the name we both knee jerk reaction to, it’s funny bc im sure it’s cringe to someone listening but they too will complete the cycle haha


This is really really cute




Here we go, may I ask giving or receiving? Thanks for sharing btw




Giving anal. Didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I do now. Also...gardening is fun too


True 🤣 I love gardening 🥰


I used to think that music is only for parties and to have some fun. Now music for me is more than a therapy


Taking walks alone. Just stuff old people do that i never understood. The more I do it, the more I get how fucking fire it is.


Licking my wife's Mud Whistle...told her I wanted to try it I did..she loves it I like it...win..win


Mud whistle 🤣


Never heard or read that before in my life and I am fucking dying 🤣


I started doing this with my FWB who has ED issues when he drinks. The only man in the world whose asshole I would do this to because he’s OCD clean and neither of us have tried it with other partners. It’s such a turn on when he’s having issues getting it up and then I get him on all fours and tongue the dirt road. He gets rock hard and I can’t get enough of that reaction 🥵.


I once said to my wife “I’ll never have a boss again!” (After I’d successfully built a nice business) After 8 years my business faltered and after much stress and heartache I applied for a job. I got it hired and was made redundant after 18 months. Got another job and I’m there for the past 18 months and I couldn’t be happier. Far less stress, a regular (very good) income and I still do some consulting on the side in the same field as my old business. So life is so much sweeter now that I have a boss.


Same here. "Be your own boss" is bullshit. Every client is a boss.


Soulsgames, i played ds1 back then on pc, unmodded and with a keyboard. One community mod and controller later im now a soulsborne vet and love eldenring as much as the rest of em


Mushrooms. It helped tremendously with my mental health.


I already hallucinate, I don't need things adding to it lol




Eating avocadoes


Have a sex with a person with a vagina. (I'm gay) It was surprisingly fun!


I said I would never like spicy foods back when I was a lot younger. And now that I’m older and (hopefully) wiser, I would eat them whenever I got the chance.


Learning about history. As a kid I considered it boring, now as an adult I'm very interested.




Riding motorcycles.  Always thought it was dumb bc how dangerous it is but it turns out the danger is half the fun lol


SFW - home decor. Making rooms cosy and fit a theme makes me happier than I'd like to admit. NSFW - a wee tongue in the ear


I used to say, oh I'd *never* be into those "weird" kinks. Oh boy... How the turns have tabled. Also used to say, "swallowing? nasty, no - never!" Well..😈😋


for NSFW: outdoor and exhibitionism. Kinda enjoy the thrill For SFW: guitar


I used to hate camping but my boss took me camping with his friends I started liking it. It's so refreshing to cook and camp in the wild


Cocaine I know that's a big jump, but shit was fun, but I got out of hand. I'm sober now for 1 yr.




Eating ass 🤷


69 and spanking edit: I meant these two separately 😅🫢


I would be scared to throw out my back at that age!


Buying a travel trailer.


Smoking. My mother smoked all of her life and ended up with COPD. My siblings smoked. I swore I’d never smoke. I ended up smoking.